#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=missing-docstring # ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ # / __| __| \| | __| _ \ /_\_ _| __| \ # | (_ | _|| .` | _|| / / _ \| | | _|| |) | # \___|___|_|\_|___|_|_\/_/_\_\_|_|___|___/_ _____ # | \ / _ \ | \| |/ _ \_ _| | __| \_ _|_ _| # | |) | (_) | | .` | (_) || | | _|| |) | | | | # |___/ \___/ |_|\_|\___/ |_| |___|___/___| |_| # # Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates # and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # -*- -*- -*- Begin included fragment: lib/import.py -*- -*- -*- # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position,unused-import from __future__ import print_function # noqa: F401 import copy # noqa: F401 import json # noqa: F401 import os # noqa: F401 import re # noqa: F401 import shutil # noqa: F401 try: import ruamel.yaml as yaml # noqa: F401 except ImportError: import yaml # noqa: F401 from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule # -*- -*- -*- End included fragment: lib/import.py -*- -*- -*- # -*- -*- -*- Begin included fragment: doc/yedit -*- -*- -*- DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: yedit short_description: Create, modify, and idempotently manage yaml files. description: - Modify yaml files programmatically. options: state: description: - State represents whether to create, modify, delete, or list yaml required: true default: present choices: ["present", "absent", "list"] aliases: [] debug: description: - Turn on debug information. required: false default: false aliases: [] src: description: - The file that is the target of the modifications. required: false default: None aliases: [] content: description: - Content represents the yaml content you desire to work with. This - could be the file contents to write or the inmemory data to modify. required: false default: None aliases: [] content_type: description: - The python type of the content parameter. required: false default: 'dict' aliases: [] key: description: - The path to the value you wish to modify. Emtpy string means the top of - the document. required: false default: '' aliases: [] value: description: - The incoming value of parameter 'key'. required: false default: aliases: [] value_type: description: - The python type of the incoming value. required: false default: '' aliases: [] update: description: - Whether the update should be performed on a dict/hash or list/array - object. required: false default: false aliases: [] append: description: - Whether to append to an array/list. When the key does not exist or is - null, a new array is created. When the key is of a non-list type, - nothing is done. required: false default: false aliases: [] index: description: - Used in conjunction with the update parameter. This will update a - specific index in an array/list. required: false default: false aliases: [] curr_value: description: - Used in conjunction with the update parameter. This is the current - value of 'key' in the yaml file. required: false default: false aliases: [] curr_value_format: description: - Format of the incoming current value. choices: ["yaml", "json", "str"] required: false default: false aliases: [] backup: description: - Whether to make a backup copy of the current file when performing an - edit. required: false default: true aliases: [] separator: description: - The separator being used when parsing strings. required: false default: '.' aliases: [] author: - "Kenny Woodson " extends_documentation_fragment: [] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Simple insert of key, value - name: insert simple key, value yedit: src: somefile.yml key: test value: somevalue state: present # Results: # test: somevalue # Multilevel insert of key, value - name: insert simple key, value yedit: src: somefile.yml key: a#b#c value: d state: present # Results: # a: # b: # c: d # # multiple edits at the same time - name: perform multiple edits yedit: src: somefile.yml edits: - key: a#b#c value: d - key: a#b#c#d value: e state: present # Results: # a: # b: # c: # d: e ''' # -*- -*- -*- End included fragment: doc/yedit -*- -*- -*- # -*- -*- -*- Begin included fragment: class/yedit.py -*- -*- -*- class YeditException(Exception): ''' Exception class for Yedit ''' pass # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods class Yedit(object): ''' Class to modify yaml files ''' re_valid_key = r"(((\[-?\d+\])|([0-9a-zA-Z%s/_-]+)).?)+$" re_key = r"(?:\[(-?\d+)\])|([0-9a-zA-Z{}/_-]+)" com_sep = set(['.', '#', '|', ':']) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, filename=None, content=None, content_type='yaml', separator='.', backup=False): self.content = content self._separator = separator self.filename = filename self.__yaml_dict = content self.content_type = content_type self.backup = backup self.load(content_type=self.content_type) if self.__yaml_dict is None: self.__yaml_dict = {} @property def separator(self): ''' getter method for separator ''' return self._separator @separator.setter def separator(self, inc_sep): ''' setter method for separator ''' self._separator = inc_sep @property def yaml_dict(self): ''' getter method for yaml_dict ''' return self.__yaml_dict @yaml_dict.setter def yaml_dict(self, value): ''' setter method for yaml_dict ''' self.__yaml_dict = value @staticmethod def parse_key(key, sep='.'): '''parse the key allowing the appropriate separator''' common_separators = list(Yedit.com_sep - set([sep])) return re.findall(Yedit.re_key.format(''.join(common_separators)), key) @staticmethod def valid_key(key, sep='.'): '''validate the incoming key''' common_separators = list(Yedit.com_sep - set([sep])) if not re.match(Yedit.re_valid_key.format(''.join(common_separators)), key): return False return True @staticmethod def remove_entry(data, key, sep='.'): ''' remove data at location key ''' if key == '' and isinstance(data, dict): data.clear() return True elif key == '' and isinstance(data, list): del data[:] return True if not (key and Yedit.valid_key(key, sep)) and \ isinstance(data, (list, dict)): return None key_indexes = Yedit.parse_key(key, sep) for arr_ind, dict_key in key_indexes[:-1]: if dict_key and isinstance(data, dict): data = data.get(dict_key) elif (arr_ind and isinstance(data, list) and int(arr_ind) <= len(data) - 1): data = data[int(arr_ind)] else: return None # process last index for remove # expected list entry if key_indexes[-1][0]: if isinstance(data, list) and int(key_indexes[-1][0]) <= len(data) - 1: # noqa: E501 del data[int(key_indexes[-1][0])] return True # expected dict entry elif key_indexes[-1][1]: if isinstance(data, dict): del data[key_indexes[-1][1]] return True @staticmethod def add_entry(data, key, item=None, sep='.'): ''' Get an item from a dictionary with key notation a.b.c d = {'a': {'b': 'c'}}} key = a#b return c ''' if key == '': pass elif (not (key and Yedit.valid_key(key, sep)) and isinstance(data, (list, dict))): return None key_indexes = Yedit.parse_key(key, sep) for arr_ind, dict_key in key_indexes[:-1]: if dict_key: if isinstance(data, dict) and dict_key in data and data[dict_key]: # noqa: E501 data = data[dict_key] continue elif data and not isinstance(data, dict): raise YeditException("Unexpected item type found while going through key " + "path: {} (at key: {})".format(key, dict_key)) data[dict_key] = {} data = data[dict_key] elif (arr_ind and isinstance(data, list) and int(arr_ind) <= len(data) - 1): data = data[int(arr_ind)] else: raise YeditException("Unexpected item type found while going through key path: {}".format(key)) if key == '': data = item # process last index for add # expected list entry elif key_indexes[-1][0] and isinstance(data, list) and int(key_indexes[-1][0]) <= len(data) - 1: # noqa: E501 data[int(key_indexes[-1][0])] = item # expected dict entry elif key_indexes[-1][1] and isinstance(data, dict): data[key_indexes[-1][1]] = item # didn't add/update to an existing list, nor add/update key to a dict # so we must have been provided some syntax like a.b.c[] = "data" for a # non-existent array else: raise YeditException("Error adding to object at path: {}".format(key)) return data @staticmethod def get_entry(data, key, sep='.'): ''' Get an item from a dictionary with key notation a.b.c d = {'a': {'b': 'c'}}} key = a.b return c ''' if key == '': pass elif (not (key and Yedit.valid_key(key, sep)) and isinstance(data, (list, dict))): return None key_indexes = Yedit.parse_key(key, sep) for arr_ind, dict_key in key_indexes: if dict_key and isinstance(data, dict): data = data.get(dict_key) elif (arr_ind and isinstance(data, list) and int(arr_ind) <= len(data) - 1): data = data[int(arr_ind)] else: return None return data @staticmethod def _write(filename, contents): ''' Actually write the file contents to disk. This helps with mocking. ''' tmp_filename = filename + '.yedit' with open(tmp_filename, 'w') as yfd: yfd.write(contents) os.rename(tmp_filename, filename) def write(self): ''' write to file ''' if not self.filename: raise YeditException('Please specify a filename.') if self.backup and self.file_exists(): shutil.copy(self.filename, self.filename + '.orig') # Try to set format attributes if supported try: self.yaml_dict.fa.set_block_style() except AttributeError: pass # Try to use RoundTripDumper if supported. try: Yedit._write(self.filename, yaml.dump(self.yaml_dict, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper)) except AttributeError: Yedit._write(self.filename, yaml.safe_dump(self.yaml_dict, default_flow_style=False)) return (True, self.yaml_dict) def read(self): ''' read from file ''' # check if it exists if self.filename is None or not self.file_exists(): return None contents = None with open(self.filename) as yfd: contents = yfd.read() return contents def file_exists(self): ''' return whether file exists ''' if os.path.exists(self.filename): return True return False def load(self, content_type='yaml'): ''' return yaml file ''' contents = self.read() if not contents and not self.content: return None if self.content: if isinstance(self.content, dict): self.yaml_dict = self.content return self.yaml_dict elif isinstance(self.content, str): contents = self.content # check if it is yaml try: if content_type == 'yaml' and contents: # Try to set format attributes if supported try: self.yaml_dict.fa.set_block_style() except AttributeError: pass # Try to use RoundTripLoader if supported. try: self.yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(contents, yaml.RoundTripLoader) except AttributeError: self.yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(contents) # Try to set format attributes if supported try: self.yaml_dict.fa.set_block_style() except AttributeError: pass elif content_type == 'json' and contents: self.yaml_dict = json.loads(contents) except yaml.YAMLError as err: # Error loading yaml or json raise YeditException('Problem with loading yaml file. {}'.format(err)) return self.yaml_dict def get(self, key): ''' get a specified key''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, key, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None return entry def pop(self, path, key_or_item): ''' remove a key, value pair from a dict or an item for a list''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None if entry is None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) if isinstance(entry, dict): # AUDIT:maybe-no-member makes sense due to fuzzy types # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member if key_or_item in entry: entry.pop(key_or_item) return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) elif isinstance(entry, list): # AUDIT:maybe-no-member makes sense due to fuzzy types # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member ind = None try: ind = entry.index(key_or_item) except ValueError: return (False, self.yaml_dict) entry.pop(ind) return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) def delete(self, path): ''' remove path from a dict''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None if entry is None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) result = Yedit.remove_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) if not result: return (False, self.yaml_dict) return (True, self.yaml_dict) def exists(self, path, value): ''' check if value exists at path''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None if isinstance(entry, list): if value in entry: return True return False elif isinstance(entry, dict): if isinstance(value, dict): rval = False for key, val in value.items(): if entry[key] != val: rval = False break else: rval = True return rval return value in entry return entry == value def append(self, path, value): '''append value to a list''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None if entry is None: self.put(path, []) entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) if not isinstance(entry, list): return (False, self.yaml_dict) # AUDIT:maybe-no-member makes sense due to loading data from # a serialized format. # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member entry.append(value) return (True, self.yaml_dict) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def update(self, path, value, index=None, curr_value=None): ''' put path, value into a dict ''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None if isinstance(entry, dict): # AUDIT:maybe-no-member makes sense due to fuzzy types # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member if not isinstance(value, dict): raise YeditException('Cannot replace key, value entry in dict with non-dict type. ' + 'value=[{}] type=[{}]'.format(value, type(value))) entry.update(value) return (True, self.yaml_dict) elif isinstance(entry, list): # AUDIT:maybe-no-member makes sense due to fuzzy types # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member ind = None if curr_value: try: ind = entry.index(curr_value) except ValueError: return (False, self.yaml_dict) elif index is not None: ind = index if ind is not None and entry[ind] != value: entry[ind] = value return (True, self.yaml_dict) # see if it exists in the list try: ind = entry.index(value) except ValueError: # doesn't exist, append it entry.append(value) return (True, self.yaml_dict) # already exists, return if ind is not None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) def put(self, path, value): ''' put path, value into a dict ''' try: entry = Yedit.get_entry(self.yaml_dict, path, self.separator) except KeyError: entry = None if entry == value: return (False, self.yaml_dict) # deepcopy didn't work # Try to use ruamel.yaml and fallback to pyyaml try: tmp_copy = yaml.load(yaml.round_trip_dump(self.yaml_dict, default_flow_style=False), yaml.RoundTripLoader) except AttributeError: tmp_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.yaml_dict) # set the format attributes if available try: tmp_copy.fa.set_block_style() except AttributeError: pass result = Yedit.add_entry(tmp_copy, path, value, self.separator) if result is None: return (False, self.yaml_dict) # When path equals "" it is a special case. # "" refers to the root of the document # Only update the root path (entire document) when its a list or dict if path == '': if isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, dict): self.yaml_dict = result return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) self.yaml_dict = tmp_copy return (True, self.yaml_dict) def create(self, path, value): ''' create a yaml file ''' if not self.file_exists(): # deepcopy didn't work # Try to use ruamel.yaml and fallback to pyyaml try: tmp_copy = yaml.load(yaml.round_trip_dump(self.yaml_dict, default_flow_style=False), yaml.RoundTripLoader) except AttributeError: tmp_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.yaml_dict) # set the format attributes if available try: tmp_copy.fa.set_block_style() except AttributeError: pass result = Yedit.add_entry(tmp_copy, path, value, self.separator) if result is not None: self.yaml_dict = tmp_copy return (True, self.yaml_dict) return (False, self.yaml_dict) @staticmethod def get_curr_value(invalue, val_type): '''return the current value''' if invalue is None: return None curr_value = invalue if val_type == 'yaml': curr_value = yaml.load(invalue) elif val_type == 'json': curr_value = json.loads(invalue) return curr_value @staticmethod def parse_value(inc_value, vtype=''): '''determine value type passed''' true_bools = ['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 'on', 'On', 'ON', ] false_bools = ['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', 'off', 'Off', 'OFF'] # It came in as a string but you didn't specify value_type as string # we will convert to bool if it matches any of the above cases if isinstance(inc_value, str) and 'bool' in vtype: if inc_value not in true_bools and inc_value not in false_bools: raise YeditException('Not a boolean type. str=[{}] vtype=[{}]'.format(inc_value, vtype)) elif isinstance(inc_value, bool) and 'str' in vtype: inc_value = str(inc_value) # There is a special case where '' will turn into None after yaml loading it so skip if isinstance(inc_value, str) and inc_value == '': pass # If vtype is not str then go ahead and attempt to yaml load it. elif isinstance(inc_value, str) and 'str' not in vtype: try: inc_value = yaml.safe_load(inc_value) except Exception: raise YeditException('Could not determine type of incoming value. ' + 'value=[{}] vtype=[{}]'.format(type(inc_value), vtype)) return inc_value @staticmethod def process_edits(edits, yamlfile): '''run through a list of edits and process them one-by-one''' results = [] for edit in edits: value = Yedit.parse_value(edit['value'], edit.get('value_type', '')) if edit.get('action') == 'update': # pylint: disable=line-too-long curr_value = Yedit.get_curr_value( Yedit.parse_value(edit.get('curr_value')), edit.get('curr_value_format')) rval = yamlfile.update(edit['key'], value, edit.get('index'), curr_value) elif edit.get('action') == 'append': rval = yamlfile.append(edit['key'], value) else: rval = yamlfile.put(edit['key'], value) if rval[0]: results.append({'key': edit['key'], 'edit': rval[1]}) return {'changed': len(results) > 0, 'results': results} # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches @staticmethod def run_ansible(params): '''perform the idempotent crud operations''' yamlfile = Yedit(filename=params['src'], backup=params['backup'], separator=params['separator']) state = params['state'] if params['src']: rval = yamlfile.load() if yamlfile.yaml_dict is None and state != 'present': return {'failed': True, 'msg': 'Error opening file [{}]. Verify that the '.format(params['src']) + 'file exists, that it is has correct permissions, and is valid yaml.'} if state == 'list': if params['content']: content = Yedit.parse_value(params['content'], params['content_type']) yamlfile.yaml_dict = content if params['key']: rval = yamlfile.get(params['key']) or {} return {'changed': False, 'result': rval, 'state': state} elif state == 'absent': if params['content']: content = Yedit.parse_value(params['content'], params['content_type']) yamlfile.yaml_dict = content if params['update']: rval = yamlfile.pop(params['key'], params['value']) else: rval = yamlfile.delete(params['key']) if rval[0] and params['src']: yamlfile.write() return {'changed': rval[0], 'result': rval[1], 'state': state} elif state == 'present': # check if content is different than what is in the file if params['content']: content = Yedit.parse_value(params['content'], params['content_type']) # We had no edits to make and the contents are the same if yamlfile.yaml_dict == content and \ params['value'] is None: return {'changed': False, 'result': yamlfile.yaml_dict, 'state': state} yamlfile.yaml_dict = content # If we were passed a key, value then # we enapsulate it in a list and process it # Key, Value passed to the module : Converted to Edits list # edits = [] _edit = {} if params['value'] is not None: _edit['value'] = params['value'] _edit['value_type'] = params['value_type'] _edit['key'] = params['key'] if params['update']: _edit['action'] = 'update' _edit['curr_value'] = params['curr_value'] _edit['curr_value_format'] = params['curr_value_format'] _edit['index'] = params['index'] elif params['append']: _edit['action'] = 'append' edits.append(_edit) elif params['edits'] is not None: edits = params['edits'] if edits: results = Yedit.process_edits(edits, yamlfile) # if there were changes and a src provided to us we need to write if results['changed'] and params['src']: yamlfile.write() return {'changed': results['changed'], 'result': results['results'], 'state': state} # no edits to make if params['src']: # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type rval = yamlfile.write() return {'changed': rval[0], 'result': rval[1], 'state': state} # We were passed content but no src, key or value, or edits. Return contents in memory return {'changed': False, 'result': yamlfile.yaml_dict, 'state': state} return {'failed': True, 'msg': 'Unkown state passed'} # -*- -*- -*- End included fragment: class/yedit.py -*- -*- -*- # -*- -*- -*- Begin included fragment: ansible/yedit.py -*- -*- -*- # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def main(): ''' ansible oc module for secrets ''' module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(default='present', type='str', choices=['present', 'absent', 'list']), debug=dict(default=False, type='bool'), src=dict(default=None, type='str'), content=dict(default=None), content_type=dict(default='dict', choices=['dict']), key=dict(default='', type='str'), value=dict(), value_type=dict(default='', type='str'), update=dict(default=False, type='bool'), append=dict(default=False, type='bool'), index=dict(default=None, type='int'), curr_value=dict(default=None, type='str'), curr_value_format=dict(default='yaml', choices=['yaml', 'json', 'str'], type='str'), backup=dict(default=True, type='bool'), separator=dict(default='.', type='str'), edits=dict(default=None, type='list'), ), mutually_exclusive=[["curr_value", "index"], ['update', "append"]], required_one_of=[["content", "src"]], ) # Verify we recieved either a valid key or edits with valid keys when receiving a src file. # A valid key being not None or not ''. if module.params['src'] is not None: key_error = False edit_error = False if module.params['key'] in [None, '']: key_error = True if module.params['edits'] in [None, []]: edit_error = True else: for edit in module.params['edits']: if edit.get('key') in [None, '']: edit_error = True break if key_error and edit_error: module.fail_json(failed=True, msg='Empty value for parameter key not allowed.') rval = Yedit.run_ansible(module.params) if 'failed' in rval and rval['failed']: module.fail_json(**rval) module.exit_json(**rval) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # -*- -*- -*- End included fragment: ansible/yedit.py -*- -*- -*-