# pylint: skip-file # flake8: noqa # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class OCLabel(OpenShiftCLI): ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools ''' # pylint allows 5 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, name, namespace, kind, kubeconfig, labels=None, selector=None, verbose=False): ''' Constructor for OCLabel ''' super(OCLabel, self).__init__(namespace, kubeconfig) self.name = name self.namespace = namespace self.kind = kind self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig self.labels = labels self._curr_labels = None self.selector = selector @property def current_labels(self): '''property for the current labels''' if self._curr_labels is None: results = self.get() self._curr_labels = results['labels'] return self._curr_labels @current_labels.setter def current_labels(self, data): '''property setter for current labels''' self._curr_labels = data def compare_labels(self, host_labels): ''' compare incoming labels against current labels''' for label in self.labels: if label['key'] not in host_labels or \ label['value'] != host_labels[label['key']]: return False return True def all_user_labels_exist(self): ''' return whether all the labels already exist ''' for current_host_labels in self.current_labels: rbool = self.compare_labels(current_host_labels) if rbool == False: return False return True def any_label_exists(self): ''' return whether any single label already exists ''' for current_host_labels in self.current_labels: for label in self.labels: if label['key'] in current_host_labels: return True return False def get_user_keys(self): ''' go through list of user key:values and return all keys ''' user_keys = [] for label in self.labels: user_keys.append(label['key']) return user_keys def get_current_label_keys(self): ''' collect all the current label keys ''' current_label_keys = [] for current_host_labels in self.current_labels: for key in current_host_labels.keys(): current_label_keys.append(key) return list(set(current_label_keys)) def get_extra_current_labels(self): ''' return list of labels that are currently stored, but aren't in user-provided list ''' extra_labels = [] user_label_keys = self.get_user_keys() current_label_keys = self.get_current_label_keys() for current_key in current_label_keys: if current_key not in user_label_keys: extra_labels.append(current_key) return extra_labels def extra_current_labels(self): ''' return whether there are labels currently stored that user hasn't directly provided ''' extra_labels = self.get_extra_current_labels() if len(extra_labels) > 0: return True else: return False def replace(self): ''' replace currently stored labels with user provided labels ''' cmd = self.cmd_template() # First delete any extra labels extra_labels = self.get_extra_current_labels() if len(extra_labels) > 0: for label in extra_labels: cmd.append("{}-".format(label)) # Now add/modify the user-provided label list if len(self.labels) > 0: for label in self.labels: cmd.append("{}={}".format(label['key'], label['value'])) # --overwrite for the case where we are updating existing labels cmd.append("--overwrite") return self.openshift_cmd(cmd) def get(self): '''return label information ''' result_dict = {} label_list = [] if self.name: result = self._get(resource=self.kind, rname=self.name, selector=self.selector) if 'labels' in result['results'][0]['metadata']: label_list.append(result['results'][0]['metadata']['labels']) else: label_list.append({}) else: result = self._get(resource=self.kind, selector=self.selector) for item in result['results'][0]['items']: if 'labels' in item['metadata']: label_list.append(item['metadata']['labels']) else: label_list.append({}) self.current_labels = label_list result_dict['labels'] = self.current_labels result_dict['item_count'] = len(self.current_labels) result['results'] = result_dict return result def cmd_template(self): ''' boilerplate oc command for modifying lables on this object ''' # let's build the cmd with what we have passed in cmd = ["label", self.kind] if self.selector: cmd.extend(["--selector", self.selector]) elif self.name: cmd.extend([self.name]) return cmd def add(self): ''' add labels ''' cmd = self.cmd_template() for label in self.labels: cmd.append("{}={}".format(label['key'], label['value'])) cmd.append("--overwrite") return self.openshift_cmd(cmd) def delete(self): '''delete the labels''' cmd = self.cmd_template() for label in self.labels: cmd.append("{}-".format(label['key'])) return self.openshift_cmd(cmd) @staticmethod def run_ansible(params, check_mode=False): ''' run the idempotent ansible code prams comes from the ansible portion of this module check_mode: does the module support check mode. (module.check_mode) ''' oc_label = OCLabel(params['name'], params['namespace'], params['kind'], params['kubeconfig'], params['labels'], params['selector'], verbose=params['debug']) state = params['state'] name = params['name'] selector = params['selector'] api_rval = oc_label.get() ##### # Get ##### if state == 'list': return {'changed': False, 'results': api_rval['results'], 'state': "list"} ####### # Add ####### if state == 'add': if not (name or selector): return {'failed': True, 'msg': "Param 'name' or 'selector' is required if state == 'add'"} if not oc_label.all_user_labels_exist(): if check_mode: return {'changed': False, 'msg': 'Would have performed an addition.'} api_rval = oc_label.add() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': True, 'results': api_rval, 'state': "add"} return {'changed': False, 'state': "add"} ######## # Delete ######## if state == 'absent': if not (name or selector): return {'failed': True, 'msg': "Param 'name' or 'selector' is required if state == 'absent'"} if oc_label.any_label_exists(): if check_mode: return {'changed': False, 'msg': 'Would have performed a delete.'} api_rval = oc_label.delete() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': True, 'results': api_rval, 'state': "absent"} return {'changed': False, 'state': "absent"} if state == 'present': ######## # Update ######## if not (name or selector): return {'failed': True, 'msg': "Param 'name' or 'selector' is required if state == 'present'"} # if all the labels passed in don't already exist # or if there are currently stored labels that haven't # been passed in if not oc_label.all_user_labels_exist() or \ oc_label.extra_current_labels(): if check_mode: return {'changed': False, 'msg': 'Would have made changes.'} api_rval = oc_label.replace() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} # return the created object api_rval = oc_label.get() if api_rval['returncode'] != 0: return {'failed': True, 'msg': api_rval} return {'changed': True, 'results': api_rval, 'state': "present"} return {'changed': False, 'results': api_rval, 'state': "present"} return {'failed': True, 'changed': False, 'results': 'Unknown state passed. %s' % state, 'state': "unknown"}