"""Ansible callback plugin to print a summary completion status of installation phases. """ from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase from ansible import constants as C DOCUMENTATION = ''' ''' EXAMPLES = ''' --------------------------------------------- Example display of a successful playbook run: PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* master01.example.com : ok=158 changed=16 unreachable=0 failed=0 node01.example.com : ok=469 changed=74 unreachable=0 failed=0 node02.example.com : ok=157 changed=17 unreachable=0 failed=0 localhost : ok=24 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 INSTALLER STATUS *************************************************************** Initialization : Complete etcd Install : Complete NFS Install : Not Started Load balancer Install : Not Started Master Install : Complete Master Additional Install : Complete Node Install : Complete GlusterFS Install : Not Started Hosted Install : Complete Metrics Install : Not Started Logging Install : Not Started Service Catalog Install : Not Started ----------------------------------------------------- Example display if a failure occurs during execution: INSTALLER STATUS *************************************************************** Initialization : Complete etcd Install : Complete NFS Install : Not Started Load balancer Install : Not Started Master Install : In Progress This phase can be restarted by running: playbooks/byo/openshift-master/config.yml Master Additional Install : Not Started Node Install : Not Started GlusterFS Install : Not Started Hosted Install : Not Started Metrics Install : Not Started Logging Install : Not Started Service Catalog Install : Not Started ''' class CallbackModule(CallbackBase): """This callback summarizes installation phase status.""" CALLBACK_VERSION = 2.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'aggregate' CALLBACK_NAME = 'installer_checkpoint' CALLBACK_NEEDS_WHITELIST = False def __init__(self): super(CallbackModule, self).__init__() def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats): # Set the order of the installer phases installer_phases = [ 'installer_phase_initialize', 'installer_phase_etcd', 'installer_phase_nfs', 'installer_phase_loadbalancer', 'installer_phase_master', 'installer_phase_master_additional', 'installer_phase_node', 'installer_phase_glusterfs', 'installer_phase_hosted', 'installer_phase_metrics', 'installer_phase_logging', 'installer_phase_servicecatalog', 'installer_phase_management', ] # Define the attributes of the installer phases phase_attributes = { 'installer_phase_initialize': { 'title': 'Initialization', 'playbook': '' }, 'installer_phase_etcd': { 'title': 'etcd Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-etcd/config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_nfs': { 'title': 'NFS Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-nfs/config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_loadbalancer': { 'title': 'Load balancer Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-loadbalancer/config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_master': { 'title': 'Master Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-master/config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_master_additional': { 'title': 'Master Additional Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-master/additional_config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_node': { 'title': 'Node Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-node/config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_glusterfs': { 'title': 'GlusterFS Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-glusterfs/config.yml' }, 'installer_phase_hosted': { 'title': 'Hosted Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/openshift-hosted.yml' }, 'installer_phase_metrics': { 'title': 'Metrics Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/openshift-metrics.yml' }, 'installer_phase_logging': { 'title': 'Logging Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/openshift-logging.yml' }, 'installer_phase_servicecatalog': { 'title': 'Service Catalog Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/service-catalog.yml' }, 'installer_phase_management': { 'title': 'Management Install', 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-management/config.yml' }, } # Find the longest phase title max_column = 0 for phase in phase_attributes: max_column = max(max_column, len(phase_attributes[phase]['title'])) if '_run' in stats.custom: self._display.banner('INSTALLER STATUS') for phase in installer_phases: phase_title = phase_attributes[phase]['title'] padding = max_column - len(phase_title) + 2 if phase in stats.custom['_run']: phase_status = stats.custom['_run'][phase] self._display.display( '{}{}: {}'.format(phase_title, ' ' * padding, phase_status), color=self.phase_color(phase_status)) if phase_status == 'In Progress' and phase != 'installer_phase_initialize': self._display.display( '\tThis phase can be restarted by running: {}'.format( phase_attributes[phase]['playbook'])) self._display.display("", screen_only=True) def phase_color(self, status): """ Return color code for installer phase""" valid_status = [ 'In Progress', 'Complete', ] if status not in valid_status: self._display.warning('Invalid phase status defined: {}'.format(status)) if status == 'Complete': phase_color = C.COLOR_OK elif status == 'In Progress': phase_color = C.COLOR_ERROR else: phase_color = C.COLOR_WARN return phase_color