--- # TODO: Update fluentd install and configuration when packaging is complete - name: download and install td-agent yum: name: 'http://packages.treasuredata.com/2/redhat/7/x86_64/td-agent-2.2.0-0.x86_64.rpm' state: present - name: Verify fluentd plugin installed command: '/opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/gem query -i fluent-plugin-kubernetes' register: _fluent_plugin_check failed_when: false changed_when: false - name: install Kubernetes fluentd plugin command: '/opt/td-agent/embedded/bin/gem install fluent-plugin-kubernetes' when: _fluent_plugin_check.rc == 1 - name: Creates directories file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory group: 'td-agent' owner: 'td-agent' mode: 0755 with_items: ['/etc/td-agent/config.d'] - name: Add include to td-agent configuration lineinfile: dest: '/etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf' regexp: '^@include config.d' line: '@include config.d/*.conf' state: present - name: install Kubernetes fluentd configuration file template: src: kubernetes.conf.j2 dest: /etc/td-agent/config.d/kubernetes.conf group: 'td-agent' owner: 'td-agent' mode: 0444 - name: wait for etcd to start up wait_for: port=4001 delay=10 when: embedded_etcd | bool - name: wait for etcd peer to start up wait_for: port=7001 delay=10 when: embedded_etcd | bool - name: ensure td-agent is running service: name: 'td-agent' state: started enabled: yes