--- # Should this be run in a serial manner? - set_fact: l_etcd_service: "{{ 'etcd_container' if openshift.common.is_containerized else 'etcd' }}" - name: Migrate etcd data command: > etcdctl migrate --data-dir={{ etcd_data_dir }} environment: ETCDCTL_API: 3 register: l_etcdctl_migrate # TODO(jchaloup): If any of the members fails, we need to restore all members to v2 from the pre-migrate backup - name: Check the etcd v2 data are correctly migrated fail: msg: "Failed to migrate a member" when: "'finished transforming keys' not in l_etcdctl_migrate.stdout and 'no v2 keys to migrate' not in l_etcdctl_migrate.stdout" - name: Migration message debug: msg: "Etcd migration finished with: {{ l_etcdctl_migrate.stdout }}" - name: Set ETCD_FORCE_NEW_CLUSTER=true on first etcd host lineinfile: line: "ETCD_FORCE_NEW_CLUSTER=true" dest: /etc/etcd/etcd.conf - name: Start etcd systemd: name: "{{ l_etcd_service }}" state: started - name: Unset ETCD_FORCE_NEW_CLUSTER=true on first etcd host lineinfile: line: "ETCD_FORCE_NEW_CLUSTER=true" dest: /etc/etcd/etcd.conf state: absent - name: Restart first etcd host systemd: name: "{{ l_etcd_service }}" state: restarted - name: Wait for cluster to become healthy after bringing up first member command: > etcdctl --cert-file {{ etcd_peer_cert_file }} --key-file {{ etcd_peer_key_file }} --ca-file {{ etcd_peer_ca_file }} --endpoint https://{{ etcd_peer }}:{{ etcd_client_port }} cluster-health register: l_etcd_migrate_health until: l_etcd_migrate_health.rc == 0 retries: 3 delay: 30 - set_fact: r_etcd_migrate_success: true