--- - name: Fail if invalid r_etcd_migrate_action provided fail: msg: "etcd_migrate role can only be called with 'check', 'migrate', 'configure', 'add_ttls', or 'clean_data'" when: r_etcd_migrate_action not in ['check', 'migrate', 'configure', 'add_ttls', 'clean_data'] - name: Include main action task file include: "{{ r_etcd_migrate_action }}.yml" # 2. migrate v2 datadir into v3: # ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl migrate --data-dir=${data_dir} --no-ttl # backup the etcd datadir first # Provide a way for an operator to specify transformer # 3. re-configure OpenShift master at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yml # set storage-backend to “etcd3” # 4. we could leave the master restart to current logic (there is already the code ready (single vs. HA master)) # Run # etcdctl --cert-file /etc/etcd/peer.crt --key-file /etc/etcd/peer.key --ca-file /etc/etcd/ca.crt --endpoint cluster-health # to check the cluster health (from the etcdctl.sh aliases file) # Another assumption: # - in order to migrate all etcd v2 data into v3, we need to shut down the cluster (let's verify that on Wednesday meeting) # -