--- # INPUT r_etcd_upgrade_version - name: Verify cluster is healthy pre-upgrade command: "{{ etcdctlv2 }} cluster-health" - name: Get current image shell: "grep 'ExecStart=' {{ etcd_service_file }} | awk '{print $NF}'" register: current_image - name: Set new_etcd_image set_fact: new_etcd_image: "{{ current_image.stdout | regex_replace('/etcd.*$','/etcd:' ~ r_etcd_upgrade_version ) }}" - name: Pull new etcd image command: "docker pull {{ new_etcd_image }}" - name: Update to latest etcd image replace: dest: "{{ etcd_service_file }}" regexp: "{{ current_image.stdout }}$" replace: "{{ new_etcd_image }}" - name: Restart etcd_container systemd: name: "{{ etcd_service }}" daemon_reload: yes state: restarted ## TODO: probably should just move this into the backup playbooks, also this ## will fail on atomic host. We need to revisit how to do etcd backups there as ## the container may be newer than etcdctl on the host. Assumes etcd3 obsoletes etcd (7.3.1) - name: Detecting Atomic Host Operating System stat: path: /run/ostree-booted register: l_ostree_booted - name: Upgrade etcd for etcdctl when not atomic package: name: etcd state: latest when: not l_ostree_booted.stat.exists | bool - name: Verify cluster is healthy command: "{{ etcdctlv2 }} cluster-health" register: etcdctl until: etcdctl.rc == 0 retries: 3 delay: 10 - name: Store new etcd_image # DEPENDENCY openshift_facts openshift_facts: role: etcd local_facts: etcd_image: "{{ new_etcd_image }}"