--- openshift_openstack_clusterid: "openshift" openshift_openstack_public_dns_domain: "example.com" openshift_openstack_dns_nameservers: [] # # Used Hostnames # # - set custom hostnames for roles by uncommenting corresponding lines #openshift_openstack_master_hostname: "master" #openshift_openstack_infra_hostname: "infra-node" #openshift_openstack_node_hostname: "app-node" #openshift_openstack_lb_hostname: "lb" #openshift_openstack_etcd_hostname: "etcd" #openshift_openstack_dns_hostname: "dns" openshift_openstack_keypair_name: "openshift" openshift_openstack_external_network_name: "public" #openshift_openstack_private_network_name: "openshift-ansible-{{ openshift_openstack_stack_name }}-net" # # A dedicated Neutron network name for containers data network # # Configures the data network to be separated from openshift_openstack_private_network_name # # NOTE: this is only supported with Flannel SDN yet #openstack_private_data_network_name: "openshift-ansible-{{ openshift_openstack_stack_name }}-data-net" ## If you want to use a provider network, set its name here. ## NOTE: the `openshift_openstack_external_network_name` and ## `openshift_openstack_private_network_name` options will be ignored when using a ## provider network. #openshift_openstack_provider_network_name: "provider" # # Used Images # # - set specific images for roles by uncommenting corresponding lines # # - note: do not remove openshift_openstack_default_image_name definition #openshift_openstack_master_image_name: "centos7" #openshift_openstack_infra_image_name: "centos7" #openshift_openstack_node_image_name: "centos7" #openshift_openstack_lb_image_name: "centos7" #openshift_openstack_etcd_image_name: "centos7" #openshift_openstack_dns_image_name: "centos7" openshift_openstack_default_image_name: "centos7" openshift_openstack_num_masters: 1 openshift_openstack_num_infra: 1 openshift_openstack_num_nodes: 2 # # Used Flavors # # - set specific flavors for roles by uncommenting corresponding lines # # - note: do note remove openshift_openstack_default_flavor definition #openshift_openstack_master_flavor: "m1.medium" #openshift_openstack_infra_flavor: "m1.medium" #openshift_openstack_node_flavor: "m1.medium" #openshift_openstack_lb_flavor: "m1.medium" #openshift_openstack_etcd_flavor: "m1.medium" #openshift_openstack_dns_flavor: "m1.medium" openshift_openstack_default_flavor: "m1.medium" # # Numerical index of nodes to remove # openshift_openstack_nodes_to_remove: [] # # Docker volume size # # - set specific volume size for roles by uncommenting corresponding lines # # - note: do not remove docker_default_volume_size definition #openshift_openstack_docker_master_volume_size: "15" #openshift_openstack_docker_infra_volume_size: "15" #openshift_openstack_docker_node_volume_size: "15" #openshift_openstack_docker_etcd_volume_size: "2" #openshift_openstack_docker_dns_volume_size: "1" #openshift_openstack_docker_lb_volume_size: "5" openshift_openstack_docker_volume_size: "15" ## Specify server group policies for master and infra nodes. Nova must be configured to ## enable these policies. 'anti-affinity' will ensure that each VM is launched on a ## different physical host. #openshift_openstack_master_server_group_policies: [anti-affinity] #openshift_openstack_infra_server_group_policies: [anti-affinity] ## Create a Cinder volume and use it for the OpenShift registry. ## NOTE: the openstack credentials and hosted registry options must be set in OSEv3.yml! #openshift_openstack_cinder_hosted_registry_name: cinder-registry #openshift_openstack_cinder_hosted_registry_size_gb: 10 ## Set up a filesystem on the cinder volume specified in `OSEv3.yaml`. ## You need to specify the file system and volume ID in OSEv3 via ## `openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_filesystem` and ## `openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_volumeID`. ## WARNING: This will delete any data on the volume! #openshift_openstack_prepare_and_format_registry_volume: False openshift_openstack_subnet_prefix: "192.168.99" ## Red Hat subscription: #rhsub_user: '' #rhsub_pass: '' #rhsub_pool: '' # # Roll-your-own DNS #openshift_openstack_num_dns: 0 #openshift_openstack_external_nsupdate_keys: # public: # key_secret: 'SKqKNdpfk7llKxZ57bbxUnUDobaaJp9t8CjXLJPl+fRI5mPcSBuxTAyvJPa6Y9R7vUg9DwCy/6WTpgLNqnV4Hg==' # key_algorithm: 'hmac-md5' # server: '' # private: # key_secret: 'kVE2bVTgZjrdJipxPhID8BEZmbHD8cExlVPR+zbFpW6la8kL5wpXiwOh8q5AAosXQI5t95UXwq3Inx8QT58duw==' # key_algorithm: 'hmac-md5' # server: '' # # Customize DNS server security options #named_public_recursion: 'no' #named_private_recursion: 'yes' # NOTE(shadower): Do not change this value. The Ansible user is currently # hardcoded to `openshift`. ansible_user: openshift # # Use a single security group for a cluster (default: false) #openshift_openstack_flat_secgrp: false # If you want to use the VM storage instead of Cinder volumes, set this to `true`. # NOTE: this is for testing only! Your data will be gone once the VM disappears! # openshift_openstack_ephemeral_volumes: false # # OpenShift node labels # # - in order to customise node labels for app and/or infra group, set the # # openshift_openstack_cluster_node_labels variable #openshift_openstack_cluster_node_labels: # app: # region: primary # infra: # region: infra