- name: Terminate instance(s) hosts: localhost become: no connection: local gather_facts: no vars_files: - vars.yml tasks: - add_host: name: "{{ item }}" groups: oo_hosts_to_terminate ansible_ssh_user: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].ssh_user }}" ansible_become: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].become }}" with_items: (groups['tag_environment_' ~ cluster_env]|default([])) | intersect(groups['tag_clusterid_' ~ cluster_id ]|default([])) - name: Unsubscribe VMs hosts: oo_hosts_to_terminate vars_files: - vars.yml roles: - role: rhel_unsubscribe when: deployment_type in ['atomic-enterprise', 'enterprise', 'openshift-enterprise'] and ansible_distribution == "RedHat" and lookup('oo_option', 'rhel_skip_subscription') | default(rhsub_skip, True) | default('no', True) | lower in ['no', 'false'] - hosts: localhost become: no connection: local gather_facts: no vars_files: - vars.yml tasks: - name: Delete the OpenStack Stack command: 'heat stack-delete openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack' register: stack_delete_result changed_when: stack_delete_result.rc == 0 failed_when: stack_delete_result.rc != 0 and 'could not be found' not in stack_delete_result.stdout - name: Wait for the completion of the OpenStack Stack deletion shell: 'heat stack-show openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack | awk ''$2 == "stack_status" {print $4}''' when: stack_delete_result.changed register: stack_show_result until: stack_show_result.stdout != 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS' retries: 60 delay: 5 failed_when: '"Stack not found" not in stack_show_result.stderr and stack_show_result.stdout != "DELETE_COMPLETE"'