--- - name: Generate Environment ID set_fact: env_random_id: "{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}" run_once: true delegate_to: localhost - name: Set default Environment ID set_fact: default_env_id: "openshift-{{ lookup('env','OS_USERNAME') }}-{{ env_random_id }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Setting Common Facts set_fact: env_id: "{{ env_id | default(default_env_id) }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Updating DNS domain to include env_id (if not empty) set_fact: full_dns_domain: "{{ (env_id|trim == '') | ternary(public_dns_domain, env_id + '.' + public_dns_domain) }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Set the APP domain for OpenShift use set_fact: openshift_app_domain: "{{ openshift_app_domain | default('apps') }}" delegate_to: localhost - name: Set the default app domain for routing purposes set_fact: openshift_master_default_subdomain: "{{ openshift_app_domain }}.{{ full_dns_domain }}" delegate_to: localhost when: - openshift_master_default_subdomain is undefined # Check that openshift_cluster_node_labels has regions defined for all groups # NOTE(kpilatov): if node labels are to be enabled for more groups, # this check needs to be modified as well - name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels if undefined (should not happen) set_fact: openshift_cluster_node_labels: {'app': {'region': 'primary'}, 'infra': {'region': 'infra'}} when: openshift_cluster_node_labels is not defined - name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels for the infra group set_fact: openshift_cluster_node_labels: "{{ openshift_cluster_node_labels | combine({'infra': {'region': 'infra'}}, recursive=True) }}" - name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels for the app group set_fact: openshift_cluster_node_labels: "{{ openshift_cluster_node_labels | combine({'app': {'region': 'primary'}}, recursive=True) }}" - name: Set openshift_cluster_node_labels for auto-scaling app nodes set_fact: openshift_cluster_node_labels: "{{ openshift_cluster_node_labels | combine({'app': {'autoscaling': 'app'}}, recursive=True) }}"