--- - hosts: cluster_hosts name: Wait for the the nodes to come up become: False gather_facts: False tasks: - when: not openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool wait_for_connection: - when: openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool delegate_to: bastion wait_for_connection: - hosts: cluster_hosts gather_facts: True tasks: - name: Debug hostvar debug: msg: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname] }}" verbosity: 2 - name: OpenShift Pre-Requisites (part 1) include: pre-install.yml - name: Assign hostnames hosts: cluster_hosts gather_facts: False become: true roles: - role: hostnames - name: Subscribe DNS Host to allow for configuration below hosts: dns gather_facts: False become: true roles: - role: subscription-manager when: hostvars.localhost.rhsm_register|default(False) tags: 'subscription-manager' - name: Determine which DNS server(s) to use for our generated records hosts: localhost gather_facts: False become: False roles: - dns-server-detect - name: Build the DNS Server Views and Configure DNS Server(s) hosts: dns gather_facts: False become: true roles: - role: dns-views - role: infra-ansible/roles/dns-server - name: Build and process DNS Records hosts: localhost gather_facts: True become: False roles: - role: dns-records use_bastion: "{{ openstack_use_bastion|default(False)|bool }}" - role: infra-ansible/roles/dns - name: Switch the stack subnet to the configured private DNS server hosts: localhost gather_facts: False become: False vars_files: - stack_params.yaml tasks: - include_role: name: openstack-stack tasks_from: subnet_update_dns_servers - name: OpenShift Pre-Requisites (part 2) hosts: OSEv3 gather_facts: true become: true vars: interface: "{{ flannel_interface|default('eth1') }}" interface_file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ interface }} interface_config: DEVICE: "{{ interface }}" TYPE: Ethernet BOOTPROTO: dhcp ONBOOT: 'yes' DEFTROUTE: 'no' PEERDNS: 'no' pre_tasks: - name: "Include DNS configuration to ensure proper name resolution" lineinfile: state: present dest: /etc/sysconfig/network regexp: "IP4_NAMESERVERS={{ hostvars['localhost'].private_dns_server }}" line: "IP4_NAMESERVERS={{ hostvars['localhost'].private_dns_server }}" - name: "Configure the flannel interface options" when: openshift_use_flannel|default(False)|bool block: - file: dest: "{{ interface_file }}" state: touch mode: 0644 owner: root group: root - lineinfile: state: present dest: "{{ interface_file }}" regexp: "{{ item.key }}=" line: "{{ item.key }}={{ item.value }}" with_dict: "{{ interface_config }}" roles: - node-network-manager - include: prepare-and-format-cinder-volume.yaml when: > prepare_and_format_registry_volume|default(False) or (cinder_registry_volume is defined and cinder_registry_volume.changed|default(False))