--- - name: Verify OpenShift version is greater than or equal to 1.2 or 3.2 hosts: oo_first_master tasks: - fail: msg: "The current OpenShift version is less than 1.2/3.2 and does not support CA bundles." when: not openshift.common.version_gte_3_2_or_1_2 | bool - name: Check cert expirys hosts: oo_nodes_to_config:oo_masters_to_config:oo_etcd_to_config vars: openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all: yes roles: # Sets 'check_results' per host which contains health status for # etcd, master and node certificates. We will use 'check_results' # to determine if any certificates were expired prior to running # this playbook. Service restarts will be skipped if any # certificates were previously expired. - role: openshift_certificate_expiry # Update master config when ca-bundle not referenced. Services will be # restarted below after new CA certificate has been distributed. - name: Ensure ca-bundle.crt is referenced in master configuration hosts: oo_masters_to_config tasks: - slurp: src: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" register: g_master_config_output - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: kubeletClientInfo.ca yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).kubeletClientInfo.ca != 'ca-bundle.crt' - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: serviceAccountConfig.masterCA yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).serviceAccountConfig.masterCA != 'ca-bundle.crt' - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: oauthConfig.masterCA yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).oauthConfig.masterCA != 'ca-bundle.crt' - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: servingInfo.clientCA yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).servingInfo.clientCA != 'ca-bundle.crt' - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: etcdClientInfo.ca yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: - groups.oo_etcd_to_config | default([]) | length == 0 - (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).etcdClientInfo.ca != 'ca-bundle.crt' - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: etcdConfig.peerServingInfo.clientCA yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: - groups.oo_etcd_to_config | default([]) | length == 0 - (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).etcdConfig.peerServingInfo.clientCA != 'ca-bundle.crt' - modify_yaml: dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml" yaml_key: etcdConfig.servingInfo.clientCA yaml_value: ca-bundle.crt when: - groups.oo_etcd_to_config | default([]) | length == 0 - (g_master_config_output.content|b64decode|from_yaml).etcdConfig.servingInfo.clientCA != 'ca-bundle.crt' - name: Copy current OpenShift CA to legacy directory hosts: oo_masters_to_config pre_tasks: - name: Create legacy-ca directory file: path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/legacy-ca" state: directory mode: 0700 owner: root group: root - command: mktemp -u XXXXXX register: g_legacy_ca_mktemp changed_when: false # Copy CA certificate, key, serial and bundle to legacy-ca with a # prefix generated by mktemp, ie. XXXXXX-ca.crt. # # The following roles will pick up all CA certificates matching # /.*-ca.crt/ in the legacy-ca directory and ensure they are present # in the OpenShift CA bundle. # - openshift_ca # - openshift_master_certificates # - openshift_node_certificates - name: Copy current OpenShift CA to legacy directory copy: src: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/legacy-ca/{{ g_legacy_ca_mktemp.stdout }}-{{ item }}" remote_src: true # It is possible that redeploying failed and files may be missing. # Ignore errors in this case. Files should have been copied to # legacy-ca directory in previous run. ignore_errors: true with_items: - "ca.crt" - "ca.key" - "ca.serial.txt" - "ca-bundle.crt" - name: Create temporary directory for creating new CA certificate hosts: oo_first_master tasks: - name: Create temporary directory for creating new CA certificate command: > mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-ansible-XXXXXXX register: g_new_openshift_ca_mktemp changed_when: false - include: ../../openshift-master/ca.yml vars: # Set openshift_ca_config_dir to a temporary directory where CA # will be created. We'll replace the existing CA with the CA # created in the temporary directory. openshift_ca_config_dir: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].g_new_openshift_ca_mktemp.stdout }}" - name: Create temp directory for syncing certs hosts: localhost connection: local become: no gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Create local temp directory for syncing certs local_action: command mktemp -d /tmp/openshift-ansible-XXXXXXX register: g_master_mktemp changed_when: false - name: Retrieve OpenShift CA hosts: oo_first_master vars: openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}" tasks: - name: Retrieve CA certificate, key, bundle and serial fetch: src: "{{ hostvars[openshift_ca_host].g_new_openshift_ca_mktemp.stdout }}/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].g_master_mktemp.stdout }}/" flat: yes fail_on_missing: yes validate_checksum: yes with_items: - ca.crt - ca.key - ca-bundle.crt - ca.serial.txt delegate_to: "{{ openshift_ca_host }}" run_once: true changed_when: false - name: Distribute OpenShift CA to masters hosts: oo_masters_to_config vars: openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}" tasks: - name: Deploy CA certificate, key, bundle and serial copy: src: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].g_master_mktemp.stdout }}/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/" with_items: - ca.crt - ca.key - ca-bundle.crt - ca.serial.txt - name: Update master client kubeconfig CA data kubeclient_ca: client_path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/openshift-master.kubeconfig" ca_path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/ca-bundle.crt" - name: Update admin client kubeconfig CA data kubeclient_ca: client_path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/admin.kubeconfig" ca_path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/ca-bundle.crt" - name: Lookup default group for ansible_ssh_user command: "/usr/bin/id -g {{ ansible_ssh_user | quote }}" changed_when: false register: _ansible_ssh_user_gid - set_fact: client_users: "{{ [ansible_ssh_user, 'root'] | unique }}" - name: Create the client config dir(s) file: path: "~{{ item }}/.kube" state: directory mode: 0700 owner: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ 'root' if item == 'root' else _ansible_ssh_user_gid.stdout }}" with_items: "{{ client_users }}" - name: Copy the admin client config(s) copy: src: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/admin.kubeconfig" dest: "~{{ item }}/.kube/config" remote_src: yes with_items: "{{ client_users }}" - name: Update the permissions on the admin client config(s) file: path: "~{{ item }}/.kube/config" state: file mode: 0700 owner: "{{ item }}" group: "{{ 'root' if item == 'root' else _ansible_ssh_user_gid.stdout }}" with_items: "{{ client_users }}" - include: ../../openshift-master/restart.yml # Do not restart masters when master or etcd certificates were previously expired. when: # masters - ('expired' not in hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.ocp_certs') | oo_collect('health', {'path':hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.config_base ~ "/master/master.server.crt"})) - ('expired' not in hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.ocp_certs') | oo_collect('health', {'path':hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.config_base ~ "/master/ca-bundle.crt"})) # etcd - ('expired' not in (hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['etcd']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.etcd') | oo_collect('health'))) - name: Distribute OpenShift CA certificate to nodes hosts: oo_nodes_to_config vars: openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}" tasks: - copy: src: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].g_master_mktemp.stdout }}/ca-bundle.crt" dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node/ca.crt" - name: Copy OpenShift CA to system CA trust copy: src: "{{ item.cert }}" dest: "/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/{{ item.id }}-{{ item.cert | basename }}" remote_src: yes with_items: - id: openshift cert: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node/ca.crt" notify: - update ca trust - name: Update node client kubeconfig CA data kubeclient_ca: client_path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node/system:node:{{ openshift.common.hostname }}.kubeconfig" ca_path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node/ca.crt" handlers: # Normally this handler would restart docker after updating ca # trust. We'll do that when we restart nodes to avoid restarting # docker on all nodes in parallel. - name: update ca trust command: update-ca-trust - name: Delete temporary directory on CA host hosts: oo_first_master tasks: - file: path: "{{ g_new_openshift_ca_mktemp.stdout }}" state: absent - name: Delete temporary directory on localhost hosts: localhost connection: local become: no gather_facts: no tasks: - file: name: "{{ g_master_mktemp.stdout }}" state: absent changed_when: false - include: ../../openshift-node/restart.yml # Do not restart nodes when node, master or etcd certificates were previously expired. when: # nodes - ('expired' not in hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_nodes_to_config']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.ocp_certs') | oo_collect('health', {'path':hostvars[groups.oo_nodes_to_config.0].openshift.common.config_base ~ "/node/server.crt"})) - ('expired' not in hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_nodes_to_config']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.ocp_certs') | oo_collect('health', {'path':hostvars[groups.oo_nodes_to_config.0].openshift.common.config_base ~ "/node/ca.crt"})) # masters - ('expired' not in hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.ocp_certs') | oo_collect('health', {'path':hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.config_base ~ "/master/master.server.crt"})) - ('expired' not in hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.ocp_certs') | oo_collect('health', {'path':hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.config_base ~ "/master/ca-bundle.crt"})) # etcd - ('expired' not in (hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['etcd']) | oo_collect('check_results.check_results.etcd') | oo_collect('health')))