--- - name: Setup the vpc and the master node group hosts: localhost tasks: - name: get provisioning vars include_vars: vars.yml - name: create default vpc include_role: name: openshift_aws_vpc vars: r_openshift_aws_vpc_clusterid: "{{ provision.clusterid }}" r_openshift_aws_vpc_cidr: "{{ provision.vpc.cidr }}" r_openshift_aws_vpc_subnets: "{{ provision.vpc.subnets }}" r_openshift_aws_vpc_region: "{{ provision.region }}" r_openshift_aws_vpc_tags: "{{ provision.vpc.tags }}" r_openshift_aws_vpc_name: "{{ provision.vpc.name | default(provision.clusterid) }}" - name: bring iam_cert23 into scope include_role: name: lib_utils - name: upload certificates to AWS IAM iam_cert23: state: present name: "{{ provision.clusterid }}-master-external" cert: "{{ provision.iam_cert_ca.cert_path }}" key: "{{ provision.iam_cert_ca.key_path }}" cert_chain: "{{ provision.iam_cert_ca.chain_path | default(omit) }}" register: elb_cert_chain failed_when: - "'failed' in elb_cert_chain" - elb_cert_chain.failed - "'msg' in elb_cert_chain" - "'already exists' not in elb_cert_chain.msg" when: provision.iam_cert_ca is defined - debug: var=elb_cert_chain - name: create aws ssh keypair include_role: name: openshift_aws_ssh_keys vars: r_openshift_aws_ssh_keys_users: "{{ provision.instance_users }}" r_openshift_aws_ssh_keys_region: "{{ provision.region }}" - when: provision.openshift_registry_s3 | default(false) name: create s3 bucket for registry include_role: name: openshift_aws_s3 vars: r_openshift_aws_s3_clusterid: "{{ provision.clusterid }}-docker-registry" r_openshift_aws_s3_region: "{{ provision.region }}" r_openshift_aws_s3_mode: create - name: include scale group creation for master include: build_node_group.yml vars: openshift_build_node_type: master openshift_clusterid: "{{ provision.clusterid }}" openshift_region: "{{ provision.region }}" openshift_use_custom_ami: "{{ provision.use_custom_ami }}" openshift_ami_name: "{{ provision.build.ami_name }}" openshift_ami_tags: "{{ provision.build.ami_tags }}" openshift_node_group_config: "{{ provision.node_group_config }}" openshift_subnet_name: "{{ provision.vpc.subnets[provision.region][0].az }}" - name: fetch new master instances ec2_remote_facts: region: "{{ provision.region }}" filters: "tag:clusterid": "{{ provision.clusterid }}" "tag:host-type": master instance-state-name: running register: instancesout retries: 20 delay: 3 until: instancesout.instances|length > 0 - name: create our master external and internal load balancers include_role: name: openshift_aws_elb vars: r_openshift_aws_elb_clusterid: "{{ provision.clusterid }}" r_openshift_aws_elb_region: "{{ provision.region }}" r_openshift_aws_elb_instance_filter: "tag:clusterid": "{{ provision.clusterid }}" "tag:host-type": master instance-state-name: running r_openshift_aws_elb_type: master r_openshift_aws_elb_direction: "{{ elb_item }}" r_openshift_aws_elb_idle_timout: 400 r_openshift_aws_elb_scheme: internet-facing r_openshift_aws_elb_security_groups: - "{{ provision.clusterid }}" - "{{ provision.clusterid }}_master" r_openshift_aws_elb_subnet_name: "{{ provision.vpc.subnets[provision.region][0].az }}" r_openshift_aws_elb_name: "{{ provision.clusterid }}-master-{{ elb_item }}" r_openshift_aws_elb_cert_arn: "{{ elb_cert_chain.arn }}" with_items: - internal - external loop_control: loop_var: elb_item - name: add new master to masters group add_host: groups: "masters,etcd,nodes" name: "{{ item.public_ip_address }}" hostname: "{{ provision.clusterid }}-master-{{ item.id[:-5] }}" with_items: "{{ instancesout.instances }}" - name: set facts for group normalization set_fact: cluster_id: "{{ provision.clusterid }}" cluster_env: "{{ provision.node_group_config.tags.environment | default('dev') }}" - name: wait for ssh to become available wait_for: port: 22 host: "{{ item.public_ip_address }}" timeout: 300 search_regex: OpenSSH with_items: "{{ instancesout.instances }}" - name: set the master facts for hostname to elb hosts: masters gather_facts: no remote_user: root tasks: - name: include vars include_vars: vars.yml - name: fetch elbs ec2_elb_facts: region: "{{ provision.region }}" names: - "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ provision.clusterid }}-master-external" - "{{ provision.clusterid }}-master-internal" delegate_to: localhost register: elbs - debug: var=elbs - name: set fact set_fact: openshift_master_cluster_hostname: "{{ elbs.results[1].elbs[0].dns_name }}" osm_custom_cors_origins: - "{{ elbs.results[1].elbs[0].dns_name }}" - "console.{{ provision.clusterid }}.openshift.com" - "api.{{ provision.clusterid }}.openshift.com" with_items: "{{ groups['masters'] }}" - name: normalize groups include: ../../byo/openshift-cluster/initialize_groups.yml - name: run the std_include include: ../../common/openshift-cluster/std_include.yml - name: run the config include: ../../common/openshift-cluster/config.yml