--- # This playbook grows the docker VG on a node by: # * add a new volume # * add volume to the existing VG. # * pv move to the new volume. # * remove old volume # * detach volume # * mark old volume in AWS with "REMOVE ME" tag # * grow docker LVM to 90% of the VG # # To run: # 1. Source your AWS credentials (make sure it's the corresponding AWS account) into your environment # export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='XXXXX' # export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='XXXXXX' # # 2. run the playbook: # ansible-playbook -e 'cli_tag_name=' grow_docker_vg.yml # # Example: # ansible-playbook -e 'cli_tag_name=ops-compute-12345' grow_docker_vg.yml # # Notes: # * By default this will do a 55GB GP2 volume. The can be overidden with the "-e 'cli_volume_size=100'" variable # * This does a GP2 by default. Support for Provisioned IOPS has not been added # * This will assign the new volume to /dev/xvdc. This is not variablized, yet. # * This can be done with NO downtime on the host # * This playbook assumes that there is a Logical Volume that is installed and called "docker-pool". This is # the LV that gets created via the "docker-storage-setup" command # - name: Grow the docker volume group hosts: "tag_Name_{{ cli_tag_name }}" user: root connection: ssh gather_facts: no vars: cli_volume_type: gp2 cli_volume_size: 55 # cli_volume_iops: "{{ 30 * cli_volume_size }}" pre_tasks: - fail: msg: "This playbook requires {{item}} to be set." when: "{{ item }} is not defined or {{ item }} == ''" with_items: - cli_tag_name - cli_volume_size - debug: var: hosts - name: start docker service: name: docker state: started - name: Determine if Storage Driver (docker info) is devicemapper shell: docker info | grep 'Storage Driver:.*devicemapper' register: device_mapper_check ignore_errors: yes - debug: var: device_mapper_check - name: fail if we don't detect devicemapper fail: msg: The "Storage Driver" in "docker info" is not set to "devicemapper"! Please investigate manually. when: device_mapper_check.rc == 1 # docker-storage-setup creates a docker-pool as the lvm. I am using docker-pool lvm to test # and find the volume group. - name: Attempt to find the Volume Group that docker is using shell: lvs | grep docker-pool | awk '{print $2}' register: docker_vg_name ignore_errors: yes - debug: var: docker_vg_name - name: fail if we don't find a docker volume group fail: msg: Unable to find docker volume group. Please investigate manually. when: docker_vg_name.stdout_lines|length != 1 # docker-storage-setup creates a docker-pool as the lvm. I am using docker-pool lvm to test # and find the physical volume. - name: Attempt to find the Phyisical Volume that docker is using shell: "pvs | grep {{ docker_vg_name.stdout }} | awk '{print $1}'" register: docker_pv_name ignore_errors: yes - debug: var: docker_pv_name - name: fail if we don't find a docker physical volume fail: msg: Unable to find docker physical volume. Please investigate manually. when: docker_pv_name.stdout_lines|length != 1 - name: get list of volumes from AWS delegate_to: localhost ec2_vol: state: list instance: "{{ ec2_id }}" region: "{{ ec2_region }}" register: attached_volumes - debug: var=attached_volumes - name: get volume id of current docker volume set_fact: old_docker_volume_id: "{{ attached_volumes.volumes | translate_volume_name(docker_pv_name.stdout) }}" - debug: var=old_docker_volume_id - name: check to see if /dev/xvdc exists command: test -e /dev/xvdc register: xvdc_check ignore_errors: yes - debug: var=xvdc_check - name: fail if /dev/xvdc already exists fail: msg: /dev/xvdc already exists. Please investigate when: xvdc_check.rc == 0 - name: Create a volume and attach it delegate_to: localhost ec2_vol: state: present instance: "{{ ec2_id }}" region: "{{ ec2_region }}" volume_size: "{{ cli_volume_size | default(30, True)}}" volume_type: "{{ cli_volume_type }}" device_name: /dev/xvdc register: create_volume - debug: var=create_volume - name: Fail when problems creating volumes and attaching fail: msg: "Failed to create or attach volume msg: {{ create_volume.msg }}" when: create_volume.msg is defined - name: tag the vol with a name delegate_to: localhost ec2_tag: region={{ ec2_region }} resource={{ create_volume.volume_id }} args: tags: Name: "{{ ec2_tag_Name }}" env: "{{ ec2_tag_environment }}" register: voltags - name: check for attached drive command: test -b /dev/xvdc register: attachment_check until: attachment_check.rc == 0 retries: 30 delay: 2 - name: partition the new drive and make it lvm command: parted /dev/xvdc --script -- mklabel msdos mkpart primary 0% 100% set 1 lvm - name: pvcreate /dev/xvdc command: pvcreate /dev/xvdc1 - name: Extend the docker volume group command: vgextend "{{ docker_vg_name.stdout }}" /dev/xvdc1 - name: pvmove onto new volume command: "pvmove {{ docker_pv_name.stdout }} /dev/xvdc1" async: 3600 poll: 10 - name: Remove the old docker drive from the volume group command: "vgreduce {{ docker_vg_name.stdout }} {{ docker_pv_name.stdout }}" - name: Remove the pv from the old drive command: "pvremove {{ docker_pv_name.stdout }}" - name: Extend the docker lvm command: "lvextend -l '90%VG' /dev/{{ docker_vg_name.stdout }}/docker-pool" - name: detach old docker volume delegate_to: localhost ec2_vol: region: "{{ ec2_region }}" id: "{{ old_docker_volume_id }}" instance: None - name: tag the old vol valid label delegate_to: localhost ec2_tag: region={{ ec2_region }} resource={{old_docker_volume_id}} args: tags: Name: "{{ ec2_tag_Name }} REMOVE ME" register: voltags - name: Update the /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup with new device lineinfile: dest: /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup regexp: ^DEVS= line: DEVS=/dev/xvdc