--- #example run: # ansible-playbook -e "cli_volume_size=1" \ # -e "cli_device_name=/dev/xvdf" \ # -e "cli_hosttype=master" \ # -e "cli_clusterid=ops" \ # create_pv.yaml # - name: Create a volume and attach it to master hosts: localhost connection: local become: no gather_facts: no vars: cli_volume_type: gp2 cli_volume_iops: '' oo_name: "{{ groups['tag_host-type_' ~ cli_hosttype] | intersect(groups['oo_clusterid_' ~ cli_clusterid]) | first }}" pre_tasks: - fail: msg: "This playbook requires {{item}} to be set." when: "{{ item }} is not defined or {{ item }} == ''" with_items: - cli_volume_size - cli_device_name - cli_hosttype - cli_clusterid - name: set oo_name fact set_fact: oo_name: "{{ oo_name }}" - name: Select a single master to run this on add_host: hostname: "{{ oo_name }}" ansible_ssh_host: "{{ hostvars[oo_name].ec2_public_dns_name }}" groups: oo_master - name: Create a volume and attach it ec2_vol: state: present instance: "{{ hostvars[oo_name]['ec2_id'] }}" region: "{{ hostvars[oo_name]['ec2_region'] }}" volume_size: "{{ cli_volume_size }}" volume_type: "{{ cli_volume_type }}" device_name: "{{ cli_device_name }}" iops: "{{ cli_volume_iops }}" register: vol - debug: var=vol - name: tag the vol with a name ec2_tag: region={{ hostvars[oo_name]['ec2_region'] }} resource={{vol.volume_id}} args: tags: Name: "pv-{{ hostvars[oo_name]['ec2_tag_Name'] }}" clusterid: "{{cli_clusterid}}" register: voltags - debug: var=voltags - name: Configure the drive gather_facts: no hosts: oo_master user: root connection: ssh vars: pv_tmpdir: /tmp/persistentvolumes post_tasks: - name: Setting facts for template set_fact: pv_name: "pv-{{cli_volume_size}}-{{ hostvars[hostvars.localhost.oo_name]['ec2_tag_Name'] }}-{{hostvars.localhost.vol.volume_id }}" vol_az: "{{ hostvars[hostvars.localhost.oo_name]['ec2_placement'] }}" vol_id: "{{ hostvars.localhost.vol.volume_id }}" vol_size: "{{ cli_volume_size }}" pv_mntdir: "{{ pv_tmpdir }}/mnt-{{ 1000 | random }}" - set_fact: pv_template: "{{ pv_tmpdir }}/{{ pv_name }}.yaml" - name: "Mkdir {{ pv_tmpdir }}" file: state: directory path: "{{ pv_tmpdir }}" mode: '0750' - name: "Mkdir {{ pv_mntdir }}" file: state: directory path: "{{ pv_mntdir }}" mode: '0750' - name: Create pv file from template template: src: ./pv-template.j2 dest: "{{ pv_template }}" owner: root mode: '0640' - name: mkfs filesystem: dev: "{{ cli_device_name }}" fstype: ext4 - name: Mount the dev mount: name: "{{ pv_mntdir }}" src: "{{ cli_device_name }}" fstype: ext4 state: mounted - name: chgrp g+rwXs file: path: "{{ pv_mntdir }}" mode: 'g+rwXs' recurse: yes seuser: system_u serole: object_r setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 - name: umount mount: name: "{{ pv_mntdir }}" src: "{{ cli_device_name }}" state: unmounted fstype: ext4 - name: remove from fstab mount: name: "{{ pv_mntdir }}" src: "{{ cli_device_name }}" state: absent fstype: ext4 - name: detach drive delegate_to: localhost ec2_vol: region: "{{ hostvars[hostvars.localhost.oo_name].ec2_region }}" id: "{{ hostvars.localhost.vol.volume_id }}" instance: None - name: "Remove {{ pv_mntdir }}" file: state: absent path: "{{ pv_mntdir }}" # We have to use the shell module because we can't set env vars with the command module. - name: "Place PV into oc" shell: "KUBECONFIG=/etc/openshift/master/admin.kubeconfig oc create -f {{ pv_template | quote }}" register: oc_output - debug: var=oc_output - fail: msg: "Failed to add {{ pv_template }} to master." when: oc_output.rc != 0