require 'json' require 'parseconfig' module OpenShift module Ops class AnsibleHelper MYDIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) attr_accessor :inventory, :extra_vars, :verbosity, :pipelining def initialize(extra_vars={}, inventory=nil) @extra_vars = extra_vars @verbosity = '-vvvv' @pipelining = true end def all_eof(files) files.find { |f| !f.eof }.nil? end def run_playbook(playbook) @inventory = 'inventory/hosts' if @inventory.nil? # This is used instead of passing in the json on the cli to avoid quoting problems tmpfile ='extra_vars') { |f| f.write(@extra_vars.to_json); f} cmds = [] #cmds << 'set -x' cmds << %Q[export ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS="#{Dir.pwd}/filter_plugins"] # We need this for launching instances, otherwise conflicting keys and what not kill it cmds << %q[export ANSIBLE_TRANSPORT="ssh"] cmds << %q[export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o ForwardAgent=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"] # We need pipelining off so that we can do sudo to enable the root account cmds << %Q[export ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING='#{@pipelining.to_s}'] cmds << %Q[time -p ansible-playbook -i #{@inventory} #{@verbosity} #{playbook} --extra-vars '@#{tmpfile.path}'] cmd = cmds.join(' ; ') pid = spawn(cmd, :out => $stdout, :err => $stderr, :close_others => true) _, state = Process.wait2(pid) if 0 != state.exitstatus raise %Q[Warning failed with exit code: #{state.exitstatus} #{cmd} extra_vars: #{@extra_vars.to_json} ] end ensure tmpfile.unlink if tmpfile end def merge_extra_vars_file(file) vars = YAML.load_file(file) @extra_vars.merge!(vars) end def self.for_gce ah = # GCE specific configs gce_ini = "#{MYDIR}/../inventory/gce/gce.ini" config = if config['gce']['gce_project_id'].to_s.empty? raise %Q['gce_project_id' not set in #{gce_ini}] end ah.extra_vars['gce_project_id'] = config['gce']['gce_project_id'] if config['gce']['gce_service_account_pem_file_path'].to_s.empty? raise %Q['gce_service_account_pem_file_path' not set in #{gce_ini}] end ah.extra_vars['gce_pem_file'] = config['gce']['gce_service_account_pem_file_path'] if config['gce']['gce_service_account_email_address'].to_s.empty? raise %Q['gce_service_account_email_address' not set in #{gce_ini}] end ah.extra_vars['gce_service_account_email'] = config['gce']['gce_service_account_email_address'] ah.inventory = 'inventory/gce/' return ah end def ignore_bug_6407 puts puts %q[ .---- Spurious warning "It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops" (ansible bug 6407) ----.] puts %q[ V V] end end end end