# This is an example of a bring your own (byo) host inventory for a cluster # with natively hosted, containerized GlusterFS storage. # # This inventory may be used with the byo/config.yml playbook to deploy a new # cluster with GlusterFS storage, which will use that storage to create a # volume that will provide backend storage for a hosted Docker registry. # # This inventory may also be used with byo/openshift-glusterfs/config.yml to # deploy GlusterFS storage on an existing cluster. With this playbook, the # registry backend volume will be created but the administrator must then # either deploy a hosted registry or change an existing hosted registry to use # that volume. # # There are additional configuration parameters that can be specified to # control the deployment and state of a GlusterFS cluster. Please see the # documentation in playbooks/byo/openshift-glusterfs/README.md and # roles/openshift_storage_glusterfs/README.md for additional details. [OSEv3:children] masters nodes # Specify there will be GlusterFS nodes glusterfs [OSEv3:vars] ansible_ssh_user=root openshift_deployment_type=origin # Specify that we want to use an external GlusterFS cluster openshift_storage_glusterfs_is_native=False # Specify the IP address or hostname of the external heketi service openshift_storage_glusterfs_heketi_url= [masters] master node=True storage=True master=True [nodes] master node=True storage=True master=True openshift_schedulable=False node0 node=True openshift_schedulable=True node1 node=True openshift_schedulable=True node2 node=True openshift_schedulable=True # Specify the glusterfs group, which contains the nodes of the external # GlusterFS cluster. At a minimum, each node must have "glusterfs_hostname" # and "glusterfs_devices" variables defined. # # The first variable indicates the hostname of the external GLusterFS node, # and must be reachable by the external heketi service. # # The second variable is a list of block devices the node will have access to # that are intended solely for use as GlusterFS storage. These block devices # must be bare (e.g. have no data, not be marked as LVM PVs), and will be # formatted. [glusterfs] node0.local glusterfs_ip='' glusterfs_devices='[ "/dev/vdb" ]' node1.local glusterfs_ip='' glusterfs_devices='[ "/dev/vdb", "/dev/vdc" ]' node2.local glusterfs_ip='' glusterfs_devices='[ "/dev/vdd" ]'