#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'thor' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'securerandom' require 'fileutils' require 'parseconfig' SCRIPT_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) module OpenShift module Ops # WARNING: we do not currently support environments with hyphens in the name SUPPORTED_ENVS = ['prod','stg','int','tint','kint','test'] class GceHelper def self.list_hosts() cmd = "#{SCRIPT_DIR}/inventory/gce/gce.py --list" hosts = %x[#{cmd} 2>&1] raise "Error: failed to list hosts\n#{hosts}" unless $?.exitstatus == 0 return JSON.parse(hosts) end def self.get_host_details(host) cmd = "#{SCRIPT_DIR}/inventory/gce/gce.py --host #{host}" details = %x[#{cmd} 2>&1] raise "Error: failed to get host details\n#{details}" unless $?.exitstatus == 0 retval = JSON.parse(details) # Convert OpenShift specific tags to entries retval['gce_tags'].each do |tag| if tag =~ /\Ahost-type-([\w\d-]+)\z/ retval['host-type'] = $1 end if tag =~ /\Aenv-([\w\d]+)\z/ retval['env'] = $1 end end return retval end def self.generate_env_tag(env) return "env-#{env}" end def self.generate_env_tag_name(env) return "tag_#{generate_env_tag(env)}" end def self.generate_host_type_tag(host_type) return "host-type-#{host_type}" end def self.generate_host_type_tag_name(host_type) return "tag_#{generate_host_type_tag(host_type)}" end def self.generate_env_host_type_tag(env, host_type) return "env-host-type-#{env}-#{host_type}" end def self.generate_env_host_type_tag_name(env, host_type) return "tag_#{generate_env_host_type_tag(env, host_type)}" end end class LaunchHelper def self.expand_name(name) return [name] unless name =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\{(\d+)-(\d+)\}$/ # Regex matched, so grab the values start_num = $2 end_num = $3 retval = [] start_num.upto(end_num) do |i| retval << "#{$1}#{i}" end return retval end def self.get_gce_host_types() return Dir.glob("#{SCRIPT_DIR}/playbooks/gce/*").map { |d| File.basename(d) } end end class AnsibleHelper attr_accessor :inventory, :extra_vars, :verbosity, :pipelining def initialize(extra_vars={}, inventory=nil) @extra_vars = extra_vars @verbosity = '-vvvv' @pipelining = true end def run_playbook(playbook) @inventory = 'inventory/hosts' if @inventory.nil? # This is used instead of passing in the json on the cli to avoid quoting problems tmpfile = Tempfile.new('extra_vars') tmpfile.write(@extra_vars.to_json) tmpfile.sync() tmpfile.close() cmds = [] #cmds << 'set -x' cmds << %Q[export ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS="#{Dir.pwd}/filter_plugins"] # We need this for launching instances, otherwise conflicting keys and what not kill it cmds << %q[export ANSIBLE_TRANSPORT="ssh"] cmds << %q[export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o ForwardAgent=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"] # We need pipelining off so that we can do sudo to enable the root account cmds << %Q[export ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING='#{@pipelining.to_s}'] ssh_key_arg = %q[--private-key=~/.ssh/mmcgrath_libra] if File.file?(ENV['HOME']+'/.ssh/mmcgrath_libra.pem') cmds << %Q[time -p ansible-playbook -i #{@inventory} #{@verbosity} #{playbook} #{ssh_key_arg} --extra-vars '@#{tmpfile.path}'] cmd = cmds.join(' ; ') unless system(cmd) puts %Q[Following command failed with exit code: #{$?.exitstatus}\n#{cmd}] puts %Q[extra_vars: #{@extra_vars.to_json}] end tmpfile.unlink end def merge_extra_vars_file(file) vars = YAML.load_file(file) @extra_vars.merge!(vars) end def self.for_gce ah = AnsibleHelper.new # GCE specific configs gce_ini = "#{SCRIPT_DIR}/inventory/gce/gce.ini" config = ParseConfig.new(gce_ini) if config['gce']['gce_project_id'].to_s.empty? raise %Q['gce_project_id' not set in #{gce_ini}] end ah.extra_vars['gce_project_id'] = config['gce']['gce_project_id'] if config['gce']['gce_service_account_pem_file_path'].to_s.empty? raise %Q['gce_service_account_pem_file_path' not set in #{gce_ini}] end ah.extra_vars['gce_pem_file'] = config['gce']['gce_service_account_pem_file_path'] if config['gce']['gce_service_account_email_address'].to_s.empty? raise %Q['gce_service_account_email_address' not set in #{gce_ini}] end ah.extra_vars['gce_service_account_email'] = config['gce']['gce_service_account_email_address'] ah.inventory = 'inventory/gce/gce.py' return ah end end class GceCommand < Thor option :type, :required => true, :enum => LaunchHelper.get_gce_host_types, :desc => 'The host type of the new instances.' option :env, :required => true, :aliases => '-e', :enum => OpenShift::Ops::SUPPORTED_ENVS, :desc => 'The environment of the new instances.' option :count, :default => 1, :aliases => '-c', :type => :numeric, :desc => 'The number of instances to create' option :tag, :type => :array, :desc => 'The tag(s) to add to the new instances. Allowed characters are letters, numbers, and hyphens.' desc "launch", "Launches instances." def launch() # Expand all of the instance names so that we have a complete array names = [] options[:count].times { names << "#{options[:env]}-#{options[:type]}-#{SecureRandom.hex(5)}" } ah = AnsibleHelper.for_gce() # GCE specific configs ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_names'] = names ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'] = options[:tag] ah.extra_vars['oo_env'] = options[:env] # Add a created by tag ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'] = [] if ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'].nil? ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'] << "created-by-#{ENV['USER']}" ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'] << GceHelper.generate_env_tag(options[:env]) ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'] << GceHelper.generate_host_type_tag(options[:type]) ah.extra_vars['oo_new_inst_tags'] << GceHelper.generate_env_host_type_tag(options[:env], options[:type]) puts puts 'Creating instance(s) in GCE...' puts puts %q[ .---- Spurious warning "It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops" (ansible bug 6407) ----.] puts %q[ V V] ah.run_playbook("playbooks/gce/#{options[:type]}/launch.yml") end option :name, :required => false, :type => :string, :desc => 'The name of the instance to configure.' option :env, :required => false, :aliases => '-e', :enum => OpenShift::Ops::SUPPORTED_ENVS, :desc => 'The environment of the new instances.' option :type, :required => false, :enum => LaunchHelper.get_gce_host_types, :desc => 'The type of the instances to configure.' desc "config", 'Configures instances.' def config() ah = AnsibleHelper.for_gce() abort 'Error: you can\'t specify both --name and --type' unless options[:type].nil? || options[:name].nil? abort 'Error: you can\'t specify both --name and --env' unless options[:env].nil? || options[:name].nil? host_type = nil if options[:name] details = GceHelper.get_host_details(options[:name]) ah.extra_vars['oo_host_group_exp'] = options[:name] ah.extra_vars['oo_env'] = details['env'] host_type = details['host-type'] elsif options[:type] && options[:env] oo_env_host_type_tag = GceHelper.generate_env_host_type_tag_name(options[:env], options[:type]) ah.extra_vars['oo_host_group_exp'] = "groups['#{oo_env_host_type_tag}']" ah.extra_vars['oo_env'] = options[:env] host_type = options[:type] else abort 'Error: you need to specify either --name or (--type and --env)' end puts puts "Configuring #{options[:type]} instance(s) in GCE..." puts puts " .---- Disregard this (ansible bug 6407) ----." puts " V V" ah.run_playbook("playbooks/gce/#{host_type}/config.yml") end desc "list", "Lists instances." def list() hosts = GceHelper.list_hosts() data = {} hosts.each do |key,value| value.each { |h| (data[h] ||= []) << key } end puts puts "Instances" puts "---------" data.keys.sort.each { |k| puts " #{k}" } puts end option :file, :required => true, :type => :string, :desc => 'The name of the file to copy.' option :dest, :required => false, :type => :string, :desc => 'A relative path where files are written to.' desc "scp_from", "scp files from an instance" def scp_from(*ssh_ops, host) if host =~ /^([\w\d_.-]+)@([\w\d-_.]+)$/ user = $1 host = $2 end path_to_file = options['file'] dest = options['dest'] details = GceHelper.get_host_details(host) abort "\nError: Instance [#{host}] is not RUNNING\n\n" unless details['gce_status'] == 'RUNNING' cmd = "scp #{ssh_ops.join(' ')}" if user.nil? cmd += " " else cmd += " #{user}@" end if dest.nil? download = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'download') FileUtils.mkdir_p(download) unless File.exists?(download) cmd += "#{details['gce_public_ip']}:#{path_to_file} download/" else cmd += "#{details['gce_public_ip']}:#{path_to_file} #{File.expand_path(dest)}" end exec(cmd) end desc "ssh", "Ssh to an instance" def ssh(*ssh_ops, host) puts host if host =~ /^([\w\d_.-]+)@([\w\d-_.]+)/ user = $1 host = $2 end puts "user=#{user}" puts "host=#{host}" details = GceHelper.get_host_details(host) abort "\nError: Instance [#{host}] is not RUNNING\n\n" unless details['gce_status'] == 'RUNNING' cmd = "ssh #{ssh_ops.join(' ')}" if user.nil? cmd += " " else cmd += " #{user}@" end cmd += "#{details['gce_public_ip']}" exec(cmd) end option :name, :required => true, :aliases => '-n', :type => :string, :desc => 'The name of the instance.' desc 'details', 'Displays details about an instance.' def details() name = options[:name] details = GceHelper.get_host_details(name) key_size = details.keys.max_by { |k| k.size }.size header = "Details for #{name}" puts puts header header.size.times { print '-' } puts details.each { |k,v| printf("%#{key_size + 2}s: %s\n", k, v) } puts end desc 'types', 'Displays instance types' def types() puts puts "Available Host Types" puts "--------------------" LaunchHelper.get_gce_host_types.each { |t| puts " #{t}" } puts end end class CloudCommand < Thor desc 'gce', 'Manages Google Compute Engine assets' subcommand "gce", GceCommand end end end if __FILE__ == $0 Dir.chdir(SCRIPT_DIR) do # Kick off thor OpenShift::Ops::CloudCommand.start(ARGV) end end