# vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 """This module comprises Aws specific utility functions.""" import os import re # Buildbot does not have multi_inventory installed #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from openshift_ansible import multi_inventory class ArgumentError(Exception): """This class is raised when improper arguments are passed.""" def __init__(self, message): """Initialize an ArgumentError. Keyword arguments: message -- the exact error message being raised """ super(ArgumentError, self).__init__() self.message = message class AwsUtil(object): """This class contains the AWS utility functions.""" def __init__(self, host_type_aliases=None): """Initialize the AWS utility class. Keyword arguments: host_type_aliases -- a list of aliases to common host-types (e.g. ex-node) """ host_type_aliases = host_type_aliases or {} self.host_type_aliases = host_type_aliases self.file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) self.setup_host_type_alias_lookup() def setup_host_type_alias_lookup(self): """Sets up the alias to host-type lookup table.""" self.alias_lookup = {} for key, values in self.host_type_aliases.iteritems(): for value in values: self.alias_lookup[value] = key @staticmethod def get_inventory(args=None, cached=False): """Calls the inventory script and returns a dictionary containing the inventory." Keyword arguments: args -- optional arguments to pass to the inventory script """ minv = multi_inventory.MultiInventory(args) if cached: minv.get_inventory_from_cache() else: minv.run() return minv.result def get_clusters(self): """Searches for cluster tags in the inventory and returns all of the clusters found.""" pattern = re.compile(r'^oo_clusterid_(.*)') clusters = [] inv = self.get_inventory() for key in inv.keys(): matched = pattern.match(key) if matched: clusters.append(matched.group(1)) clusters.sort() return clusters def get_environments(self): """Searches for env tags in the inventory and returns all of the envs found.""" pattern = re.compile(r'^oo_environment_(.*)') envs = [] inv = self.get_inventory() for key in inv.keys(): matched = pattern.match(key) if matched: envs.append(matched.group(1)) envs.sort() return envs def get_host_types(self): """Searches for host-type tags in the inventory and returns all host-types found.""" pattern = re.compile(r'^oo_host-type_(.*)') host_types = [] inv = self.get_inventory() for key in inv.keys(): matched = pattern.match(key) if matched: host_types.append(matched.group(1)) host_types.sort() return host_types def get_security_groups(self): """Searches for security_groups in the inventory and returns all SGs found.""" pattern = re.compile(r'^security_group_(.*)') groups = [] inv = self.get_inventory() for key in inv.keys(): matched = pattern.match(key) if matched: groups.append(matched.group(1)) groups.sort() return groups def build_host_dict_by_env(self, args=None): """Searches the inventory for hosts in an env and returns their hostvars.""" args = args or [] inv = self.get_inventory(args) inst_by_env = {} for _, host in inv['_meta']['hostvars'].items(): # If you don't have an environment tag, we're going to ignore you if 'ec2_tag_environment' not in host: continue if host['ec2_tag_environment'] not in inst_by_env: inst_by_env[host['ec2_tag_environment']] = {} host_id = "%s:%s" % (host['ec2_tag_Name'], host['ec2_id']) inst_by_env[host['ec2_tag_environment']][host_id] = host return inst_by_env def print_host_types(self): """Gets the list of host types and aliases and outputs them in columns.""" host_types = self.get_host_types() ht_format_str = "%35s" alias_format_str = "%-20s" combined_format_str = ht_format_str + " " + alias_format_str print print combined_format_str % ('Host Types', 'Aliases') print combined_format_str % ('----------', '-------') for host_type in host_types: aliases = [] if host_type in self.host_type_aliases: aliases = self.host_type_aliases[host_type] print combined_format_str % (host_type, ", ".join(aliases)) else: print ht_format_str % host_type print def resolve_host_type(self, host_type): """Converts a host-type alias into a host-type. Keyword arguments: host_type -- The alias or host_type to look up. Example (depends on aliases defined in config file): host_type = ex-node returns: openshift-node """ if self.alias_lookup.has_key(host_type): return self.alias_lookup[host_type] return host_type @staticmethod def gen_version_tag(ver): """Generate the version tag """ return "oo_version_%s" % ver @staticmethod def gen_clusterid_tag(clu): """Generate the clusterid tag """ return "tag_clusterid_%s" % clu @staticmethod def gen_env_tag(env): """Generate the environment tag """ return "tag_environment_%s" % env def gen_host_type_tag(self, host_type): """Generate the host type tag """ host_type = self.resolve_host_type(host_type) return "tag_host-type_%s" % host_type # This function uses all of these params to perform a filters on our host inventory. # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def get_host_list(self, clusters=None, host_type=None, envs=None, version=None, cached=False): """Get the list of hosts from the inventory using host-type and environment """ retval = set([]) envs = envs or [] inv = self.get_inventory(cached=cached) retval.update(inv.get('all_hosts', [])) if clusters: cluster_hosts = set([]) if len(clusters) > 1: for cluster in clusters: clu_tag = AwsUtil.gen_clusterid_tag(cluster) cluster_hosts.update(inv.get(clu_tag, [])) else: cluster_hosts.update(inv.get(AwsUtil.gen_clusterid_tag(clusters[0]), [])) retval.intersection_update(cluster_hosts) if envs: env_hosts = set([]) if len(envs) > 1: for env in envs: env_tag = AwsUtil.gen_env_tag(env) env_hosts.update(inv.get(env_tag, [])) else: env_hosts.update(inv.get(AwsUtil.gen_env_tag(envs[0]), [])) retval.intersection_update(env_hosts) if host_type: retval.intersection_update(inv.get(self.gen_host_type_tag(host_type), [])) if version != 'all': retval.intersection_update(inv.get(AwsUtil.gen_version_tag(version), [])) return retval