From 3171c1c3a5a42a9cd68ef06db3a81c0ac1abe836 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Satoe Imaishi <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2017 09:01:39 -0500
Subject: Update CFME template to point to GA build

 .../v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template-beta.yaml    | 479 ---------------------
 .../v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template.yaml         | 479 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 479 insertions(+), 479 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template-beta.yaml
 create mode 100644 roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template.yaml

(limited to 'roles/openshift_examples')

diff --git a/roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template-beta.yaml b/roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template-beta.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e22547692..000000000
--- a/roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template-beta.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Template
-  template: cloudforms-beta
-  name: cloudforms-beta
-  annotations:
-    description: "CloudForms appliance with persistent storage"
-    tags: "instant-app,cloudforms,cfme"
-    iconClass: "icon-rails"
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: Service
-  metadata:
-    annotations:
-      description: "Exposes and load balances CloudForms pods"
- '[{"name":"${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}","namespace":"","kind":"Service"},{"name":"${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}","namespace":"","kind":"Service"}]'
-    name: ${NAME}
-  spec:
-    ports:
-    - name: http
-      port: 80
-      protocol: TCP
-      targetPort: 80
-    - name: https
-      port: 443
-      protocol: TCP
-      targetPort: 443
-    selector:
-      name: ${NAME}
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: Route
-  metadata:
-    name: ${NAME}
-  spec:
-    port:
-      targetPort: https
-    tls:
-      termination: passthrough
-    to:
-      kind: Service
-      name: ${NAME}
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
-  metadata:
-    name: cfme-openshift-app
-    annotations:
-      description: "Keeps track of changes in the CloudForms app image"
-  spec:
-    dockerImageRepository:
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-  metadata:
-  spec:
-    accessModes:
-      - ReadWriteOnce
-    resources:
-      requests:
-        storage: ${DATABASE_VOLUME_CAPACITY}
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-  metadata:
-    name: ${NAME}
-  spec:
-    accessModes:
-      - ReadWriteOnce
-    resources:
-      requests:
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: "DeploymentConfig"
-  metadata:
-    name: ${NAME}
-    annotations:
-      description: "Defines how to deploy the CloudForms appliance"
-  spec:
-    template:
-      metadata:
-        labels:
-          name: ${NAME}
-        name: ${NAME}
-      spec:
-        volumes:
-          -
-            name: "cfme-app-volume"
-            persistentVolumeClaim:
-              claimName: ${NAME}
-        containers:
-        - image: cloudforms/cfme-openshift-app:${APPLICATION_IMG_TAG}
-          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
-          name: cloudforms
-          livenessProbe:
-            httpGet:
-              path: /
-              port: 80
-            initialDelaySeconds: 480
-            timeoutSeconds: 3
-          readinessProbe:
-            httpGet:
-              path: /
-              port: 80
-            initialDelaySeconds: 200
-            timeoutSeconds: 3
-          ports:
-          - containerPort: 80
-            protocol: TCP
-          - containerPort: 443
-            protocol: TCP
-          securityContext:
-            privileged: true
-          volumeMounts:
-              -
-                name: "cfme-app-volume"
-                mountPath: "/persistent"
-          env:
-            -
-              name: "APPLICATION_INIT_DELAY"
-              value: "${APPLICATION_INIT_DELAY}"
-            -
-              name: "DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME"
-              value: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
-            -
-              name: "DATABASE_REGION"
-              value: "${DATABASE_REGION}"
-            -
-              name: "MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME"
-              value: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
-            -
-              name: "POSTGRESQL_USER"
-              value: "${DATABASE_USER}"
-            -
-              name: "POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD"
-              value: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
-            -
-              name: "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE"
-              value: "${DATABASE_NAME}"
-            -
-              name: "POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS"
-              value: "${POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
-            -
-              name: "POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS"
-              value: "${POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS}"
-          resources:
-            requests:
-              memory: "${MEMORY_APPLICATION_MIN}"
-          lifecycle:
-            preStop:
-              exec:
-                command:
-                  - /opt/rh/cfme-container-scripts/sync-pv-data
-    replicas: 1
-    selector:
-      name: ${NAME}
-    triggers:
-      - type: "ConfigChange"
-      - type: "ImageChange"
-        imageChangeParams:
-          automatic: false
-          containerNames:
-            - "cloudforms"
-          from:
-            kind: "ImageStreamTag"
-            name: "cfme-openshift-app:${APPLICATION_IMG_TAG}"
-    strategy:
-      type: "Recreate"
-      recreateParams:
-        timeoutSeconds: 1200
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: "Service"
-  metadata:
-    annotations:
-      description: "Exposes the memcached server"
-  spec:
-    ports:
-      -
-        name: "memcached"
-        port: 11211
-        targetPort: 11211
-    selector:
-      name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
-  metadata:
-    name: cfme-openshift-memcached
-    annotations:
-      description: "Keeps track of changes in the CloudForms memcached image"
-  spec:
-    dockerImageRepository:
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: "DeploymentConfig"
-  metadata:
-    annotations:
-      description: "Defines how to deploy memcached"
-  spec:
-    strategy:
-      type: "Recreate"
-    triggers:
-      -
-        type: "ImageChange"
-        imageChangeParams:
-          automatic: false
-          containerNames:
-            - "memcached"
-          from:
-            kind: "ImageStreamTag"
-            name: "cfme-openshift-memcached:${MEMCACHED_IMG_TAG}"
-      -
-        type: "ConfigChange"
-    replicas: 1
-    selector:
-      name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
-    template:
-      metadata:
-        name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
-        labels:
-          name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
-      spec:
-        volumes: []
-        containers:
-          -
-            name: "memcached"
-            image: "cloudforms/cfme-openshift-memcached:${MEMCACHED_IMG_TAG}"
-            ports:
-              -
-                containerPort: 11211
-            readinessProbe:
-              timeoutSeconds: 1
-              initialDelaySeconds: 5
-              tcpSocket:
-                port: 11211
-            livenessProbe:
-              timeoutSeconds: 1
-              initialDelaySeconds: 30
-              tcpSocket:
-                port: 11211
-            volumeMounts: []
-            env:
-              -
-                name: "MEMCACHED_MAX_MEMORY"
-                value: "${MEMCACHED_MAX_MEMORY}"
-              -
-                name: "MEMCACHED_MAX_CONNECTIONS"
-                value: "${MEMCACHED_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
-              -
-                name: "MEMCACHED_SLAB_PAGE_SIZE"
-                value: "${MEMCACHED_SLAB_PAGE_SIZE}"
-            resources:
-              limits:
-                memory: "${MEMORY_MEMCACHED_LIMIT}"
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: "Service"
-  metadata:
-    annotations:
-      description: "Exposes the database server"
-  spec:
-    ports:
-      -
-        name: "postgresql"
-        port: 5432
-        targetPort: 5432
-    selector:
-      name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
-  metadata:
-    name: cfme-openshift-postgresql
-    annotations:
-      description: "Keeps track of changes in the CloudForms postgresql image"
-  spec:
-    dockerImageRepository:
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: "DeploymentConfig"
-  metadata:
-    annotations:
-      description: "Defines how to deploy the database"
-  spec:
-    strategy:
-      type: "Recreate"
-    triggers:
-      -
-        type: "ImageChange"
-        imageChangeParams:
-          automatic: false
-          containerNames:
-            - "postgresql"
-          from:
-            kind: "ImageStreamTag"
-            name: "cfme-openshift-postgresql:${POSTGRESQL_IMG_TAG}"
-      -
-        type: "ConfigChange"
-    replicas: 1
-    selector:
-      name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
-    template:
-      metadata:
-        name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
-        labels:
-          name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
-      spec:
-        volumes:
-          -
-            name: "cfme-pgdb-volume"
-            persistentVolumeClaim:
-              claimName: ${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}
-        containers:
-          -
-            name: "postgresql"
-            image: "cloudforms/cfme-openshift-postgresql:${POSTGRESQL_IMG_TAG}"
-            ports:
-              -
-                containerPort: 5432
-            readinessProbe:
-              timeoutSeconds: 1
-              initialDelaySeconds: 15
-              exec:
-                command:
-                  - "/bin/sh"
-                  - "-i"
-                  - "-c"
-                  - "psql -h -U ${POSTGRESQL_USER} -q -d ${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE} -c 'SELECT 1'"
-            livenessProbe:
-              timeoutSeconds: 1
-              initialDelaySeconds: 60
-              tcpSocket:
-                port: 5432
-            volumeMounts:
-              -
-                name: "cfme-pgdb-volume"
-                mountPath: "/var/lib/pgsql/data"
-            env:
-              -
-                name: "POSTGRESQL_USER"
-                value: "${DATABASE_USER}"
-              -
-                name: "POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD"
-                value: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
-              -
-                name: "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE"
-                value: "${DATABASE_NAME}"
-              -
-                name: "POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS"
-                value: "${POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
-              -
-                name: "POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS"
-                value: "${POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS}"
-            resources:
-              limits:
-                memory: "${MEMORY_POSTGRESQL_LIMIT}"
-  -
-    name: "NAME"
-    displayName: Name
-    required: true
-    description: "The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template."
-    value: cloudforms
-  -
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Service Name"
-    required: true
-    description: "The name of the OpenShift Service exposed for the PostgreSQL container."
-    value: "postgresql"
-  -
-    name: "DATABASE_USER"
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL User"
-    required: true
-    description: "PostgreSQL user that will access the database."
-    value: "root"
-  -
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Password"
-    required: true
-    description: "Password for the PostgreSQL user."
-    value: "smartvm"
-  -
-    name: "DATABASE_NAME"
-    required: true
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Database Name"
-    description: "Name of the PostgreSQL database accessed."
-    value: "vmdb_production"
-  -
-    name: "DATABASE_REGION"
-    required: true
-    displayName: "Application Database Region"
-    description: "Database region that will be used for application."
-    value: "0"
-  -
-    required: true
-    displayName: "Memcached Service Name"
-    description: "The name of the OpenShift Service exposed for the Memcached container."
-    value: "memcached"
-  -
-    displayName: "Memcached Max Memory"
-    description: "Memcached maximum memory for memcached object storage in MB."
-    value: "64"
-  -
-    displayName: "Memcached Max Connections"
-    description: "Memcached maximum number of connections allowed."
-    value: "1024"
-  -
-    displayName: "Memcached Slab Page Size"
-    description: "Memcached size of each slab page."
-    value: "1m"
-  -
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Max Connections"
-    description: "PostgreSQL maximum number of database connections allowed."
-    value: "100"
-  -
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Shared Buffer Amount"
-    description: "Amount of memory dedicated for PostgreSQL shared memory buffers."
-    value: "64MB"
-  -
-    displayName: "Application Memory Minimum"
-    required: true
-    description: "Minimum amount of memory the Application container will need."
-    value: "4096Mi"
-  -
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Memory Limit"
-    required: true
-    description: "Maximum amount of memory the PostgreSQL container can use."
-    value: "2048Mi"
-  -
-    displayName: "Memcached Memory Limit"
-    required: true
-    description: "Maximum amount of memory the Memcached container can use."
-    value: "256Mi"
-  -
-    displayName: "PostgreSQL Image Tag"
-    description: "This is the PostgreSQL image tag/version requested to deploy."
-    value: "latest"
-  -
-    name: "MEMCACHED_IMG_TAG"
-    displayName: "Memcached Image Tag"
-    description: "This is the Memcached image tag/version requested to deploy."
-    value: "latest"
-  -
-    displayName: "Application Image Tag"
-    description: "This is the Application image tag/version requested to deploy."
-    value: "latest"
-  -
-    displayName: "Application Hostname"
-    description: "The exposed hostname that will route to the application service, if left blank a value will be defaulted."
-    value: ""
-  -
-    displayName: "Application Init Delay"
-    required: true
-    description: "Delay in seconds before we attempt to initialize the application."
-    value: "30"
-  -
-    displayName: "Application Volume Capacity"
-    required: true
-    description: "Volume space available for application data."
-    value: "1Gi"
-  -
-    displayName: "Database Volume Capacity"
-    required: true
-    description: "Volume space available for database."
-    value: "1Gi"
diff --git a/roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template.yaml b/roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e3d4083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_examples/files/examples/v1.4/cfme-templates/cfme-template.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Template
+  template: cloudforms
+  name: cloudforms
+  annotations:
+    description: "CloudForms appliance with persistent storage"
+    tags: "instant-app,cloudforms,cfme"
+    iconClass: "icon-rails"
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: Service
+  metadata:
+    annotations:
+      description: "Exposes and load balances CloudForms pods"
+ '[{"name":"${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}","namespace":"","kind":"Service"},{"name":"${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}","namespace":"","kind":"Service"}]'
+    name: ${NAME}
+  spec:
+    ports:
+    - name: http
+      port: 80
+      protocol: TCP
+      targetPort: 80
+    - name: https
+      port: 443
+      protocol: TCP
+      targetPort: 443
+    selector:
+      name: ${NAME}
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: Route
+  metadata:
+    name: ${NAME}
+  spec:
+    port:
+      targetPort: https
+    tls:
+      termination: passthrough
+    to:
+      kind: Service
+      name: ${NAME}
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: ImageStream
+  metadata:
+    name: cfme-openshift-app
+    annotations:
+      description: "Keeps track of changes in the CloudForms app image"
+  spec:
+    dockerImageRepository:
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
+  metadata:
+  spec:
+    accessModes:
+      - ReadWriteOnce
+    resources:
+      requests:
+        storage: ${DATABASE_VOLUME_CAPACITY}
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
+  metadata:
+    name: ${NAME}
+  spec:
+    accessModes:
+      - ReadWriteOnce
+    resources:
+      requests:
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: "DeploymentConfig"
+  metadata:
+    name: ${NAME}
+    annotations:
+      description: "Defines how to deploy the CloudForms appliance"
+  spec:
+    template:
+      metadata:
+        labels:
+          name: ${NAME}
+        name: ${NAME}
+      spec:
+        volumes:
+          -
+            name: "cfme-app-volume"
+            persistentVolumeClaim:
+              claimName: ${NAME}
+        containers:
+        - image: cloudforms/cfme-openshift-app:${APPLICATION_IMG_TAG}
+          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+          name: cloudforms
+          livenessProbe:
+            httpGet:
+              path: /
+              port: 80
+            initialDelaySeconds: 480
+            timeoutSeconds: 3
+          readinessProbe:
+            httpGet:
+              path: /
+              port: 80
+            initialDelaySeconds: 200
+            timeoutSeconds: 3
+          ports:
+          - containerPort: 80
+            protocol: TCP
+          - containerPort: 443
+            protocol: TCP
+          securityContext:
+            privileged: true
+          volumeMounts:
+              -
+                name: "cfme-app-volume"
+                mountPath: "/persistent"
+          env:
+            -
+              name: "APPLICATION_INIT_DELAY"
+              value: "${APPLICATION_INIT_DELAY}"
+            -
+              name: "DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME"
+              value: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
+            -
+              name: "DATABASE_REGION"
+              value: "${DATABASE_REGION}"
+            -
+              name: "MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME"
+              value: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
+            -
+              name: "POSTGRESQL_USER"
+              value: "${DATABASE_USER}"
+            -
+              name: "POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD"
+              value: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
+            -
+              name: "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE"
+              value: "${DATABASE_NAME}"
+            -
+              name: "POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS"
+              value: "${POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
+            -
+              name: "POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS"
+              value: "${POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS}"
+          resources:
+            requests:
+              memory: "${MEMORY_APPLICATION_MIN}"
+          lifecycle:
+            preStop:
+              exec:
+                command:
+                  - /opt/rh/cfme-container-scripts/sync-pv-data
+    replicas: 1
+    selector:
+      name: ${NAME}
+    triggers:
+      - type: "ConfigChange"
+      - type: "ImageChange"
+        imageChangeParams:
+          automatic: false
+          containerNames:
+            - "cloudforms"
+          from:
+            kind: "ImageStreamTag"
+            name: "cfme-openshift-app:${APPLICATION_IMG_TAG}"
+    strategy:
+      type: "Recreate"
+      recreateParams:
+        timeoutSeconds: 1200
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: "Service"
+  metadata:
+    annotations:
+      description: "Exposes the memcached server"
+  spec:
+    ports:
+      -
+        name: "memcached"
+        port: 11211
+        targetPort: 11211
+    selector:
+      name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: ImageStream
+  metadata:
+    name: cfme-openshift-memcached
+    annotations:
+      description: "Keeps track of changes in the CloudForms memcached image"
+  spec:
+    dockerImageRepository:
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: "DeploymentConfig"
+  metadata:
+    annotations:
+      description: "Defines how to deploy memcached"
+  spec:
+    strategy:
+      type: "Recreate"
+    triggers:
+      -
+        type: "ImageChange"
+        imageChangeParams:
+          automatic: false
+          containerNames:
+            - "memcached"
+          from:
+            kind: "ImageStreamTag"
+            name: "cfme-openshift-memcached:${MEMCACHED_IMG_TAG}"
+      -
+        type: "ConfigChange"
+    replicas: 1
+    selector:
+      name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
+    template:
+      metadata:
+        name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
+        labels:
+          name: "${MEMCACHED_SERVICE_NAME}"
+      spec:
+        volumes: []
+        containers:
+          -
+            name: "memcached"
+            image: "cloudforms/cfme-openshift-memcached:${MEMCACHED_IMG_TAG}"
+            ports:
+              -
+                containerPort: 11211
+            readinessProbe:
+              timeoutSeconds: 1
+              initialDelaySeconds: 5
+              tcpSocket:
+                port: 11211
+            livenessProbe:
+              timeoutSeconds: 1
+              initialDelaySeconds: 30
+              tcpSocket:
+                port: 11211
+            volumeMounts: []
+            env:
+              -
+                name: "MEMCACHED_MAX_MEMORY"
+                value: "${MEMCACHED_MAX_MEMORY}"
+              -
+                name: "MEMCACHED_MAX_CONNECTIONS"
+                value: "${MEMCACHED_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
+              -
+                name: "MEMCACHED_SLAB_PAGE_SIZE"
+                value: "${MEMCACHED_SLAB_PAGE_SIZE}"
+            resources:
+              limits:
+                memory: "${MEMORY_MEMCACHED_LIMIT}"
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: "Service"
+  metadata:
+    annotations:
+      description: "Exposes the database server"
+  spec:
+    ports:
+      -
+        name: "postgresql"
+        port: 5432
+        targetPort: 5432
+    selector:
+      name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: ImageStream
+  metadata:
+    name: cfme-openshift-postgresql
+    annotations:
+      description: "Keeps track of changes in the CloudForms postgresql image"
+  spec:
+    dockerImageRepository:
+- apiVersion: v1
+  kind: "DeploymentConfig"
+  metadata:
+    annotations:
+      description: "Defines how to deploy the database"
+  spec:
+    strategy:
+      type: "Recreate"
+    triggers:
+      -
+        type: "ImageChange"
+        imageChangeParams:
+          automatic: false
+          containerNames:
+            - "postgresql"
+          from:
+            kind: "ImageStreamTag"
+            name: "cfme-openshift-postgresql:${POSTGRESQL_IMG_TAG}"
+      -
+        type: "ConfigChange"
+    replicas: 1
+    selector:
+      name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
+    template:
+      metadata:
+        name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
+        labels:
+          name: "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}"
+      spec:
+        volumes:
+          -
+            name: "cfme-pgdb-volume"
+            persistentVolumeClaim:
+              claimName: ${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}
+        containers:
+          -
+            name: "postgresql"
+            image: "cloudforms/cfme-openshift-postgresql:${POSTGRESQL_IMG_TAG}"
+            ports:
+              -
+                containerPort: 5432
+            readinessProbe:
+              timeoutSeconds: 1
+              initialDelaySeconds: 15
+              exec:
+                command:
+                  - "/bin/sh"
+                  - "-i"
+                  - "-c"
+                  - "psql -h -U ${POSTGRESQL_USER} -q -d ${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE} -c 'SELECT 1'"
+            livenessProbe:
+              timeoutSeconds: 1
+              initialDelaySeconds: 60
+              tcpSocket:
+                port: 5432
+            volumeMounts:
+              -
+                name: "cfme-pgdb-volume"
+                mountPath: "/var/lib/pgsql/data"
+            env:
+              -
+                name: "POSTGRESQL_USER"
+                value: "${DATABASE_USER}"
+              -
+                name: "POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD"
+                value: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
+              -
+                name: "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE"
+                value: "${DATABASE_NAME}"
+              -
+                name: "POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS"
+                value: "${POSTGRESQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS}"
+              -
+                name: "POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS"
+                value: "${POSTGRESQL_SHARED_BUFFERS}"
+            resources:
+              limits:
+                memory: "${MEMORY_POSTGRESQL_LIMIT}"
+  -
+    name: "NAME"
+    displayName: Name
+    required: true
+    description: "The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template."
+    value: cloudforms
+  -
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Service Name"
+    required: true
+    description: "The name of the OpenShift Service exposed for the PostgreSQL container."
+    value: "postgresql"
+  -
+    name: "DATABASE_USER"
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL User"
+    required: true
+    description: "PostgreSQL user that will access the database."
+    value: "root"
+  -
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Password"
+    required: true
+    description: "Password for the PostgreSQL user."
+    value: "smartvm"
+  -
+    name: "DATABASE_NAME"
+    required: true
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Database Name"
+    description: "Name of the PostgreSQL database accessed."
+    value: "vmdb_production"
+  -
+    name: "DATABASE_REGION"
+    required: true
+    displayName: "Application Database Region"
+    description: "Database region that will be used for application."
+    value: "0"
+  -
+    required: true
+    displayName: "Memcached Service Name"
+    description: "The name of the OpenShift Service exposed for the Memcached container."
+    value: "memcached"
+  -
+    displayName: "Memcached Max Memory"
+    description: "Memcached maximum memory for memcached object storage in MB."
+    value: "64"
+  -
+    displayName: "Memcached Max Connections"
+    description: "Memcached maximum number of connections allowed."
+    value: "1024"
+  -
+    displayName: "Memcached Slab Page Size"
+    description: "Memcached size of each slab page."
+    value: "1m"
+  -
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Max Connections"
+    description: "PostgreSQL maximum number of database connections allowed."
+    value: "100"
+  -
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Shared Buffer Amount"
+    description: "Amount of memory dedicated for PostgreSQL shared memory buffers."
+    value: "64MB"
+  -
+    displayName: "Application Memory Minimum"
+    required: true
+    description: "Minimum amount of memory the Application container will need."
+    value: "4096Mi"
+  -
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Memory Limit"
+    required: true
+    description: "Maximum amount of memory the PostgreSQL container can use."
+    value: "2048Mi"
+  -
+    displayName: "Memcached Memory Limit"
+    required: true
+    description: "Maximum amount of memory the Memcached container can use."
+    value: "256Mi"
+  -
+    displayName: "PostgreSQL Image Tag"
+    description: "This is the PostgreSQL image tag/version requested to deploy."
+    value: "latest"
+  -
+    name: "MEMCACHED_IMG_TAG"
+    displayName: "Memcached Image Tag"
+    description: "This is the Memcached image tag/version requested to deploy."
+    value: "latest"
+  -
+    displayName: "Application Image Tag"
+    description: "This is the Application image tag/version requested to deploy."
+    value: "latest"
+  -
+    displayName: "Application Hostname"
+    description: "The exposed hostname that will route to the application service, if left blank a value will be defaulted."
+    value: ""
+  -
+    displayName: "Application Init Delay"
+    required: true
+    description: "Delay in seconds before we attempt to initialize the application."
+    value: "30"
+  -
+    displayName: "Application Volume Capacity"
+    required: true
+    description: "Volume space available for application data."
+    value: "1Gi"
+  -
+    displayName: "Database Volume Capacity"
+    required: true
+    description: "Volume space available for database."
+    value: "1Gi"
cgit v1.2.3