path: root/utils/src/ooinstall/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/src/ooinstall/')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/src/ooinstall/ b/utils/src/ooinstall/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04cccf89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/src/ooinstall/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# TODO: Temporarily disabled due to importing old code into openshift-ansible
+# repo. We will work on these over time.
+# pylint: disable=bad-continuation,missing-docstring,no-self-use,invalid-name,global-statement,global-variable-not-assigned
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import os
+import yaml
+from ooinstall.variants import find_variant
+CFG = None
+def set_config(cfg):
+ global CFG
+ CFG = cfg
+def generate_inventory(hosts):
+ global CFG
+ masters = [host for host in hosts if host.master]
+ nodes = [host for host in hosts if host.node]
+ new_nodes = [host for host in hosts if host.node and host.new_host]
+ proxy = determine_proxy_configuration(hosts)
+ storage = determine_storage_configuration(hosts)
+ multiple_masters = len(masters) > 1
+ scaleup = len(new_nodes) > 0
+ base_inventory_path = CFG.settings['ansible_inventory_path']
+ base_inventory = open(base_inventory_path, 'w')
+ write_inventory_children(base_inventory, multiple_masters, proxy, storage, scaleup)
+ write_inventory_vars(base_inventory, multiple_masters, proxy)
+ # Find the correct deployment type for ansible:
+ ver = find_variant(CFG.settings['variant'],
+ version=CFG.settings.get('variant_version', None))[1]
+ base_inventory.write('deployment_type={}\n'.format(ver.ansible_key))
+ base_inventory.write('cli_docker_additional_registries={}\n'
+ .format(os.environ['OO_INSTALL_ADDITIONAL_REGISTRIES']))
+ base_inventory.write('cli_docker_insecure_registries={}\n'
+ .format(os.environ['OO_INSTALL_INSECURE_REGISTRIES']))
+ if 'OO_INSTALL_PUDDLE_REPO' in os.environ:
+ # We have to double the '{' here for literals
+ base_inventory.write("openshift_additional_repos=[{{'id': 'ose-devel', "
+ "'name': 'ose-devel', "
+ "'baseurl': '{}', "
+ "'enabled': 1, 'gpgcheck': 0}}]\n".format(os.environ['OO_INSTALL_PUDDLE_REPO']))
+ base_inventory.write('\n[masters]\n')
+ for master in masters:
+ write_host(master, base_inventory)
+ if len(masters) > 1:
+ base_inventory.write('\n[etcd]\n')
+ for master in masters:
+ write_host(master, base_inventory)
+ base_inventory.write('\n[nodes]\n')
+ for node in nodes:
+ # Let the fact defaults decide if we're not a master:
+ schedulable = None
+ # If the node is also a master, we must explicitly set schedulablity:
+ if node.master:
+ schedulable = node.is_schedulable_node(hosts)
+ write_host(node, base_inventory, schedulable)
+ if not getattr(proxy, 'preconfigured', True):
+ base_inventory.write('\n[lb]\n')
+ write_host(proxy, base_inventory)
+ if scaleup:
+ base_inventory.write('\n[new_nodes]\n')
+ for node in new_nodes:
+ write_host(node, base_inventory)
+ if storage:
+ base_inventory.write('\n[nfs]\n')
+ write_host(storage, base_inventory)
+ base_inventory.close()
+ return base_inventory_path
+def determine_proxy_configuration(hosts):
+ proxy = next((host for host in hosts if host.master_lb), None)
+ if proxy:
+ if proxy.hostname == None:
+ proxy.hostname = proxy.connect_to
+ proxy.public_hostname = proxy.connect_to
+ return proxy
+def determine_storage_configuration(hosts):
+ storage = next((host for host in hosts if, None)
+ return storage
+def write_inventory_children(base_inventory, multiple_masters, proxy, storage, scaleup):
+ global CFG
+ base_inventory.write('\n[OSEv3:children]\n')
+ base_inventory.write('masters\n')
+ base_inventory.write('nodes\n')
+ if scaleup:
+ base_inventory.write('new_nodes\n')
+ if multiple_masters:
+ base_inventory.write('etcd\n')
+ if not getattr(proxy, 'preconfigured', True):
+ base_inventory.write('lb\n')
+ if storage:
+ base_inventory.write('nfs\n')
+def write_inventory_vars(base_inventory, multiple_masters, proxy):
+ global CFG
+ base_inventory.write('\n[OSEv3:vars]\n')
+ base_inventory.write('ansible_ssh_user={}\n'.format(CFG.settings['ansible_ssh_user']))
+ if CFG.settings['ansible_ssh_user'] != 'root':
+ base_inventory.write('ansible_become=true\n')
+ if multiple_masters and proxy is not None:
+ base_inventory.write('openshift_master_cluster_method=native\n')
+ base_inventory.write("openshift_master_cluster_hostname={}\n".format(proxy.hostname))
+ base_inventory.write(
+ "openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname={}\n".format(proxy.public_hostname))
+ if CFG.settings.get('master_routingconfig_subdomain', False):
+ base_inventory.write(
+ "openshift_master_default_subdomain={}\n".format(CFG.settings['master_routingconfig_subdomain']))
+def write_host(host, inventory, schedulable=None):
+ global CFG
+ facts = ''
+ if host.ip:
+ facts += ' openshift_ip={}'.format(host.ip)
+ if host.public_ip:
+ facts += ' openshift_public_ip={}'.format(host.public_ip)
+ if host.hostname:
+ facts += ' openshift_hostname={}'.format(host.hostname)
+ if host.public_hostname:
+ facts += ' openshift_public_hostname={}'.format(host.public_hostname)
+ if host.containerized:
+ facts += ' containerized={}'.format(host.containerized)
+ # TODO: For not write_host is handles both master and nodes.
+ # Technically only nodes will ever need this.
+ # Distinguish between three states, no schedulability specified (use default),
+ # explicitly set to True, or explicitly set to False:
+ if schedulable is None:
+ pass
+ elif schedulable:
+ facts += ' openshift_schedulable=True'
+ elif not schedulable:
+ facts += ' openshift_schedulable=False'
+ installer_host = socket.gethostname()
+ if installer_host in [host.connect_to, host.hostname, host.public_hostname]:
+ facts += ' ansible_connection=local'
+ if os.geteuid() != 0:
+ no_pwd_sudo =['sudo', '-n', 'echo', 'openshift'])
+ if no_pwd_sudo == 1:
+ print 'The atomic-openshift-installer requires sudo access without a password.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ facts += ' ansible_become=true'
+ inventory.write('{} {}\n'.format(host.connect_to, facts))
+def load_system_facts(inventory_file, os_facts_path, env_vars, verbose=False):
+ """
+ Retrieves system facts from the remote systems.
+ """
+ FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+ args = ['ansible-playbook', '-v'] if verbose \
+ else ['ansible-playbook']
+ args.extend([
+ '--inventory-file={}'.format(inventory_file),
+ os_facts_path])
+ status =, env=env_vars, stdout=FNULL)
+ if not status == 0:
+ return [], 1
+ with open(CFG.settings['ansible_callback_facts_yaml'], 'r') as callback_facts_file:
+ try:
+ callback_facts = yaml.safe_load(callback_facts_file)
+ except yaml.YAMLError, exc:
+ print "Error in {}".format(CFG.settings['ansible_callback_facts_yaml']), exc
+ print "Try deleting and rerunning the atomic-openshift-installer"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return callback_facts, 0
+def default_facts(hosts, verbose=False):
+ global CFG
+ inventory_file = generate_inventory(hosts)
+ os_facts_path = '{}/playbooks/byo/openshift_facts.yml'.format(CFG.ansible_playbook_directory)
+ facts_env = os.environ.copy()
+ facts_env["OO_INSTALL_CALLBACK_FACTS_YAML"] = CFG.settings['ansible_callback_facts_yaml']
+ facts_env["ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS"] = CFG.settings['ansible_plugins_directory']
+ facts_env["OPENSHIFT_MASTER_CLUSTER_METHOD"] = 'native'
+ if 'ansible_log_path' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env["ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH"] = CFG.settings['ansible_log_path']
+ if 'ansible_config' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_CONFIG'] = CFG.settings['ansible_config']
+ return load_system_facts(inventory_file, os_facts_path, facts_env, verbose)
+def run_main_playbook(hosts, hosts_to_run_on, verbose=False):
+ global CFG
+ inventory_file = generate_inventory(hosts_to_run_on)
+ if len(hosts_to_run_on) != len(hosts):
+ main_playbook_path = os.path.join(CFG.ansible_playbook_directory,
+ 'playbooks/byo/openshift-node/scaleup.yml')
+ else:
+ main_playbook_path = os.path.join(CFG.ansible_playbook_directory,
+ 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/config.yml')
+ facts_env = os.environ.copy()
+ if 'ansible_log_path' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH'] = CFG.settings['ansible_log_path']
+ if 'ansible_config' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_CONFIG'] = CFG.settings['ansible_config']
+ return run_ansible(main_playbook_path, inventory_file, facts_env, verbose)
+def run_ansible(playbook, inventory, env_vars, verbose=False):
+ args = ['ansible-playbook', '-v'] if verbose \
+ else ['ansible-playbook']
+ args.extend([
+ '--inventory-file={}'.format(inventory),
+ playbook])
+ return, env=env_vars)
+def run_uninstall_playbook(verbose=False):
+ playbook = os.path.join(CFG.settings['ansible_playbook_directory'],
+ 'playbooks/adhoc/uninstall.yml')
+ inventory_file = generate_inventory(CFG.hosts)
+ facts_env = os.environ.copy()
+ if 'ansible_log_path' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH'] = CFG.settings['ansible_log_path']
+ if 'ansible_config' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_CONFIG'] = CFG.settings['ansible_config']
+ return run_ansible(playbook, inventory_file, facts_env, verbose)
+def run_upgrade_playbook(old_version, new_version, verbose=False):
+ # TODO: do not hardcode the upgrade playbook, add ability to select the
+ # right playbook depending on the type of upgrade.
+ old_version = old_version.replace('.', '_')
+ new_version = old_version.replace('.', '_')
+ if old_version == new_version:
+ playbook = os.path.join(CFG.settings['ansible_playbook_directory'],
+ 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v{}_minor/upgrade.yml'.format(new_version))
+ else:
+ playbook = os.path.join(CFG.settings['ansible_playbook_directory'],
+ 'playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v{}_to_v{}/upgrade.yml'.format(old_version,
+ new_version))
+ # TODO: Upgrade inventory for upgrade?
+ inventory_file = generate_inventory(CFG.hosts)
+ facts_env = os.environ.copy()
+ if 'ansible_log_path' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH'] = CFG.settings['ansible_log_path']
+ if 'ansible_config' in CFG.settings:
+ facts_env['ANSIBLE_CONFIG'] = CFG.settings['ansible_config']
+ return run_ansible(playbook, inventory_file, facts_env, verbose)