path: root/roles/openshift_storage_glusterfs/tasks/glusterfs_deploy.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_storage_glusterfs/tasks/glusterfs_deploy.yml')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_storage_glusterfs/tasks/glusterfs_deploy.yml b/roles/openshift_storage_glusterfs/tasks/glusterfs_deploy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..932d06038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_storage_glusterfs/tasks/glusterfs_deploy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+- assert:
+ that: "glusterfs_nodes | count >= 3"
+ msg: There must be at least three GlusterFS nodes specified
+- name: Delete pre-existing GlusterFS resources
+ oc_obj:
+ namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}"
+ kind: "{{ item.kind }}"
+ name: "{{ }}"
+ state: absent
+ with_items:
+ - kind: template
+ name: glusterfs
+ - kind: daemonset
+ name: "glusterfs-{{ glusterfs_name | default }}"
+ when: glusterfs_wipe
+- name: Unlabel any existing GlusterFS nodes
+ oc_label:
+ name: "{{ hostvars[item].openshift.node.nodename }}"
+ kind: node
+ state: absent
+ labels: "{{ glusterfs_nodeselector | oo_dict_to_list_of_dict }}"
+ with_items: "{{ groups.all }}"
+ when: glusterfs_wipe
+- name: Delete pre-existing GlusterFS config
+ file:
+ path: /var/lib/glusterd
+ state: absent
+ delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
+ with_items: "{{ glusterfs_nodes | default([]) }}"
+ when: glusterfs_wipe
+- name: Get GlusterFS storage devices state
+ command: "pvdisplay -C --noheadings -o pv_name,vg_name {% for device in hostvars[item].glusterfs_devices %}{{ device }} {% endfor %}"
+ register: devices_info
+ delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
+ with_items: "{{ glusterfs_nodes | default([]) }}"
+ failed_when: False
+ when: glusterfs_wipe
+ # Runs "lvremove -ff <vg>; vgremove -fy <vg>; pvremove -fy <pv>" for every device found to be a physical volume.
+- name: Clear GlusterFS storage device contents
+ shell: "{% for line in item.stdout_lines %}{% set fields = line.split() %}{% if fields | count > 1 %}lvremove -ff {{ fields[1] }}; vgremove -fy {{ fields[1] }}; {% endif %}pvremove -fy {{ fields[0] }}; {% endfor %}"
+ delegate_to: "{{ item.item }}"
+ with_items: "{{ devices_info.results }}"
+ register: clear_devices
+ until:
+ - "'contains a filesystem in use' not in clear_devices.stderr"
+ delay: 1
+ retries: 30
+ when:
+ - glusterfs_wipe
+ - item.stdout_lines | count > 0
+- name: Label GlusterFS nodes
+ oc_label:
+ name: "{{ hostvars[item].openshift.node.nodename }}"
+ kind: node
+ state: add
+ labels: "{{ glusterfs_nodeselector | oo_dict_to_list_of_dict }}"
+ with_items: "{{ glusterfs_nodes | default([]) }}"
+- name: Copy GlusterFS DaemonSet template
+ copy:
+ src: "{{ openshift.common.examples_content_version }}/glusterfs-template.yml"
+ dest: "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/glusterfs-template.yml"
+- name: Create GlusterFS template
+ oc_obj:
+ namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}"
+ kind: template
+ name: "glusterfs"
+ state: present
+ files:
+ - "{{ mktemp.stdout }}/glusterfs-template.yml"
+- name: Deploy GlusterFS pods
+ oc_process:
+ namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}"
+ template_name: "glusterfs"
+ create: True
+ params:
+ IMAGE_NAME: "{{ glusterfs_image }}"
+ IMAGE_VERSION: "{{ glusterfs_version }}"
+ NODE_LABELS: "{{ glusterfs_nodeselector }}"
+ CLUSTER_NAME: "{{ glusterfs_name }}"
+- name: Wait for GlusterFS pods
+ oc_obj:
+ namespace: "{{ glusterfs_namespace }}"
+ kind: pod
+ state: list
+ selector: "glusterfs={{ glusterfs_name }}-pod"
+ register: glusterfs_pods
+ until:
+ - "glusterfs_pods.results.results[0]['items'] | count > 0"
+ # There must be as many pods with 'Ready' staus True as there are nodes expecting those pods
+ - "glusterfs_pods.results.results[0]['items'] | oo_collect(attribute='status.conditions') | oo_collect(attribute='status', filters={'type': 'Ready'}) | map('bool') | select | list | count == glusterfs_nodes | count"
+ delay: 10
+ retries: "{{ (glusterfs_timeout | int / 10) | int }}"