path: root/roles/openshift_logging/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_logging/files')
2 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging/files/ b/roles/openshift_logging/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5ba7f9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set -ex
+function usage() {
+ echo Usage: `basename $0` cert_directory [logging_namespace] 1>&2
+function generate_JKS_chain() {
+ dir=${SCRATCH_DIR:-_output}
+ ADD_OID=$1
+ ks_pass=${KS_PASS:-kspass}
+ ts_pass=${TS_PASS:-tspass}
+ rm -rf $NODE_NAME
+ extension_names=""
+ for name in ${CERT_NAMES//,/ }; do
+ extension_names="${extension_names},dns:${name}"
+ done
+ if [ "$ADD_OID" = true ]; then
+ extension_names="${extension_names},oid:"
+ fi
+ echo Generating keystore and certificate for node $NODE_NAME
+ keytool -genkey \
+ -alias $NODE_NAME \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -keypass $ks_pass \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -keyalg RSA \
+ -keysize 2048 \
+ -validity 712 \
+ -dname "CN=$NODE_NAME, OU=OpenShift, O=Logging" \
+ -ext san=dns:localhost,ip:"${extension_names}"
+ echo Generating certificate signing request for node $NODE_NAME
+ keytool -certreq \
+ -alias $NODE_NAME \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -file $dir/$NODE_NAME.csr \
+ -keyalg rsa \
+ -dname "CN=$NODE_NAME, OU=OpenShift, O=Logging" \
+ -ext san=dns:localhost,ip:"${extension_names}"
+ echo Sign certificate request with CA
+ openssl ca \
+ -in $dir/$NODE_NAME.csr \
+ -notext \
+ -out $dir/$NODE_NAME.crt \
+ -config $dir/signing.conf \
+ -extensions v3_req \
+ -batch \
+ -extensions server_ext
+ echo "Import back to keystore (including CA chain)"
+ keytool \
+ -import \
+ -file $dir/ca.crt \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -noprompt -alias sig-ca
+ keytool \
+ -import \
+ -file $dir/$NODE_NAME.crt \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -noprompt \
+ -alias $NODE_NAME
+ echo All done for $NODE_NAME
+function generate_JKS_client_cert() {
+ NODE_NAME="$1"
+ ks_pass=${KS_PASS:-kspass}
+ ts_pass=${TS_PASS:-tspass}
+ dir=${SCRATCH_DIR:-_output} # for writing files to bundle into secrets
+ echo Generating keystore and certificate for node ${NODE_NAME}
+ keytool -genkey \
+ -alias $NODE_NAME \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -keyalg RSA \
+ -keysize 2048 \
+ -validity 712 \
+ -keypass $ks_pass \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -dname "CN=$NODE_NAME, OU=OpenShift, O=Logging"
+ echo Generating certificate signing request for node $NODE_NAME
+ keytool -certreq \
+ -alias $NODE_NAME \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -file $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks.csr \
+ -keyalg rsa \
+ -keypass $ks_pass \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -dname "CN=$NODE_NAME, OU=OpenShift, O=Logging"
+ echo Sign certificate request with CA
+ openssl ca \
+ -in "$dir/$NODE_NAME.jks.csr" \
+ -notext \
+ -out "$dir/$NODE_NAME.jks.crt" \
+ -config $dir/signing.conf \
+ -extensions v3_req \
+ -batch \
+ -extensions server_ext
+ echo "Import back to keystore (including CA chain)"
+ keytool \
+ -import \
+ -file $dir/ca.crt \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -noprompt -alias sig-ca
+ keytool \
+ -import \
+ -file $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks.crt \
+ -keystore $dir/$NODE_NAME.jks \
+ -storepass $ks_pass \
+ -noprompt \
+ -alias $NODE_NAME
+ echo All done for $NODE_NAME
+function join { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
+function createTruststore() {
+ echo "Import CA to truststore for validating client certs"
+ keytool \
+ -import \
+ -file $dir/ca.crt \
+ -keystore $dir/truststore.jks \
+ -storepass $ts_pass \
+ -noprompt -alias sig-ca
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+if [[ ! -f $dir/system.admin.jks || -z "$(keytool -list -keystore $dir/system.admin.jks -storepass kspass | grep sig-ca)" ]]; then
+ generate_JKS_client_cert "system.admin"
+if [[ ! -f $dir/elasticsearch.jks || -z "$(keytool -list -keystore $dir/elasticsearch.jks -storepass kspass | grep sig-ca)" ]]; then
+ generate_JKS_chain true elasticsearch "$(join , logging-es{,-ops})"
+if [[ ! -f $dir/logging-es.jks || -z "$(keytool -list -keystore $dir/logging-es.jks -storepass kspass | grep sig-ca)" ]]; then
+ generate_JKS_chain false logging-es "$(join , logging-es{,-ops}{,-cluster}{,.${PROJECT}.svc.cluster.local})"
+[ ! -f $dir/truststore.jks ] && createTruststore
+# necessary so that the job knows it completed successfully
+exit 0
diff --git a/roles/openshift_logging/files/server-tls.json b/roles/openshift_logging/files/server-tls.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86deb23e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_logging/files/server-tls.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// See for available options:
+tls_options = {
+ honorCipherOrder: true