path: root/roles/openshift_logging/
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+## openshift_logging Role
+### Please note this role is still a work in progress
+This role is used for installing the Aggregated Logging stack. It should be run against
+a single host, it will create any missing certificates and API objects that the current
+[logging deployer]( does.
+This role requires that the control host it is run on has Java installed as part of keystore
+generation for Elasticsearch (it uses JKS) as well as openssl to sign certificates.
+As part of the installation, it is recommended that you add the Fluentd node selector label
+to the list of persisted [node labels](
+### Required vars:
+- `openshift_logging_install_logging`: When `True` the `openshift_logging` role will install Aggregated Logging.
+When `openshift_logging_install_logging` is set to `False` the `openshift_logging` role will uninstall Aggregated Logging.
+### Optional vars:
+- `openshift_logging_purge_logging`: When `openshift_logging_install_logging` is set to 'False' to trigger uninstalation and `openshift_logging_purge_logging` is set to 'True', it will completely and irreversibly remove all logging persistent data including PVC. Defaults to 'False'.
+- `openshift_logging_image_prefix`: The prefix for the logging images to use. Defaults to ''.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_image_prefix`: Setting the image prefix for Curator image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_prefix`.
+- `openshift_logging_elasticsearch_image_prefix`: Setting the image prefix for Elasticsearch image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_prefix`.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_image_prefix`: Setting the image prefix for Fluentd image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_prefix`.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_image_prefix`: Setting the image prefix for Kibana image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_prefix`.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_image_prefix`: Setting the image prefix for Kibana proxy image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_prefix`.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_image_prefix`: Setting the image prefix for Mux image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_prefix`.
+- `openshift_logging_image_version`: The image version for the logging images to use. Defaults to 'latest'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_image_version`: Setting the image version for Curator image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_version`.
+- `openshift_logging_elasticsearch_image_version`: Setting the image version for Elasticsearch image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_version`.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_image_version`: Setting the image version for Fluentd image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_version`.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_image_version`: Setting the image version for Kibana image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_version`.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_image_version`: Setting the image version for Kibana proxy image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_version`.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_image_version`: Setting the image version for Mux image. Defaults to `openshift_logging_image_version`.
+- `openshift_logging_use_ops`: If 'True', set up a second ES and Kibana cluster for infrastructure logs. Defaults to 'False'.
+- `openshift_logging_master_url`: The URL for the Kubernetes master, this does not need to be public facing but should be accessible from within the cluster. Defaults to 'https://kubernetes.default.svc.{{openshift.common.dns_domain}}'.
+- `openshift_logging_master_public_url`: The public facing URL for the Kubernetes master, this is used for Authentication redirection. Defaults to 'https://{{openshift.common.public_hostname}}:{{openshift.master.api_port}}'.
+- `openshift_logging_namespace`: The namespace that Aggregated Logging will be installed in. Defaults to 'logging'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_default_days`: The default minimum age (in days) Curator uses for deleting log records. Defaults to '30'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_run_hour`: The hour of the day that Curator will run at. Defaults to '0'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_run_minute`: The minute of the hour that Curator will run at. Defaults to '0'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_run_timezone`: The timezone that Curator uses for figuring out its run time. Defaults to 'UTC'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_script_log_level`: The script log level for Curator. Defaults to 'INFO'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_log_level`: The log level for the Curator process. Defaults to 'ERROR'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Curator. Default is '100m'.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Curator. Unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_curator_nodeselector`: A map of labels (e.g. {"node":"infra","region":"west"} to select the nodes where the curator pod will land.
+- `openshift_logging_image_pull_secret`: The name of an existing pull secret to link to the logging service accounts
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_hostname`: The Kibana hostname. Defaults to ''.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_debug`: When "True", set the Kibana Proxy log level to DEBUG. Defaults to 'false'.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_proxy_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_replica_count`: The number of replicas Kibana should be scaled up to. Defaults to 1.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_nodeselector`: A map of labels (e.g. {"node":"infra","region":"west"} to select the nodes where the pod will land.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_edge_term_policy`: Insecure Edge Termination Policy. Defaults to Redirect.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector`: The node selector that the Fluentd daemonset uses to determine where to deploy to. Defaults to '"logging-infra-fluentd": "true"'.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_cpu_limit`: The CPU limit for Fluentd pods. Defaults to '100m'.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_memory_limit`: The memory limit for Fluentd pods. Defaults to '512Mi'.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal`: *DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE* Fluentd will automatically detect whether or not Docker is using the journald log driver.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_journal_read_from_head`: If empty, Fluentd will use its internal default, which is false.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts`: List of nodes that should be labeled for Fluentd to be deployed to. Defaults to ['--all'].
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_buffer_queue_limit`: Buffer queue limit for Fluentd. Defaults to 1024.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_buffer_size_limit`: Buffer chunk limit for Fluentd. Defaults to 1m.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_file_buffer_limit`: Fluentd will set the value to the file buffer limit. Defaults to '1Gi' per destination.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_container_engine`: When `openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_container_engine` is set to `True`, the audit log of the container engine will be collected and stored in ES.
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_file`: Location of audit log file. The default is `/var/log/audit/audit.log`
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_audit_pos_file`: Location of fluentd in_tail position file for the audit log file. The default is `/var/log/audit/audit.log.pos`
+- `openshift_logging_es_host`: The name of the ES service Fluentd should send logs to. Defaults to 'logging-es'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_port`: The port for the ES service Fluentd should sent its logs to. Defaults to '9200'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_ca`: The location of the ca Fluentd uses to communicate with its openshift_logging_es_host. Defaults to '/etc/fluent/keys/ca'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_client_cert`: The location of the client certificate Fluentd uses for openshift_logging_es_host. Defaults to '/etc/fluent/keys/cert'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_client_key`: The location of the client key Fluentd uses for openshift_logging_es_host. Defaults to '/etc/fluent/keys/key'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_cluster_size`: The number of ES cluster members. Defaults to '1'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU limit for the ES cluster. Unused if not set
+- `openshift_logging_es_memory_limit`: The amount of RAM that should be assigned to ES. Defaults to '8Gi'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_log_appenders`: The list of rootLogger appenders for ES logs which can be: 'file', 'console'. Defaults to 'file'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_pv_selector`: A key/value map added to a PVC in order to select specific PVs. Defaults to 'None'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_pvc_dynamic`: Whether or not to add the dynamic PVC annotation for any generated PVCs. Defaults to 'False'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_pvc_size`: The requested size for the ES PVCs, when not provided the role will not generate any PVCs. Defaults to '""'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_pvc_prefix`: The prefix for the generated PVCs. Defaults to 'logging-es'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_recover_after_time`: The amount of time ES will wait before it tries to recover. Defaults to '5m'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_storage_group`: The storage group used for ES. Defaults to '65534'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_nodeselector`: A map of labels (e.g. {"node":"infra","region":"west"} to select the nodes where the pod will land.
+- `openshift_logging_es_number_of_shards`: The number of primary shards for every new index created in ES. Defaults to '1'.
+- `openshift_logging_es_number_of_replicas`: The number of replica shards per primary shard for every new index. Defaults to '0'.
+- `openshift_logging_install_eventrouter`: Coupled with `openshift_logging_install_logging`. When both are 'True', eventrouter will be installed. When both are 'False', eventrouter will be uninstalled.
+Other combinations will keep the eventrouter untouched.
+Detailed eventrouter configuration can be found in
+- `roles/openshift_logging_eventrouter/`
+When `openshift_logging_use_ops` is `True`, there are some additional vars. These work the
+same as above for their non-ops counterparts, but apply to the OPS cluster instance:
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_host`: logging-es-ops
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_port`: 9200
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_ca`: /etc/fluent/keys/ca
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_client_cert`: /etc/fluent/keys/cert
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_client_key`: /etc/fluent/keys/key
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_cluster_size`: 1
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU limit for the ES cluster. Unused if not set
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_memory_limit`: 8Gi
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_pvc_dynamic`: False
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_pvc_size`: ""
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_pvc_prefix`: logging-es-ops
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_recover_after_time`: 5m
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_storage_group`: 65534
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_hostname`: The Operations Kibana hostname. Defaults to ''.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_proxy_cpu_limit`: The amount of CPU to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_proxy_memory_limit`: The amount of memory to allocate to Kibana proxy or unset if not specified.
+- `openshift_logging_kibana_ops_replica_count`: The number of replicas Kibana ops should be scaled up to. Defaults to 1.
+Elasticsearch can be exposed for external clients outside of the cluster.
+- `openshift_logging_es_allow_external`: True (default is False) - if this is
+ True, Elasticsearch will be exposed as a Route
+- `openshift_logging_es_hostname`: The external facing hostname to use for
+ the route and the TLS server certificate (default is "es." +
+ `openshift_master_default_subdomain`)
+- `openshift_logging_es_cert`: The location of the certificate Elasticsearch
+ uses for the external TLS server cert (default is a generated cert)
+- `openshift_logging_es_key`: The location of the key Elasticsearch
+ uses for the external TLS server cert (default is a generated key)
+- `openshift_logging_es_ca_ext`: The location of the CA cert for the cert
+ Elasticsearch uses for the external TLS server cert (default is the internal
+ CA)
+Elasticsearch OPS too, if using an OPS cluster:
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_allow_external`: True (default is False) - if this is
+ True, Elasticsearch will be exposed as a Route
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_hostname`: The external facing hostname to use for
+ the route and the TLS server certificate (default is "es-ops." +
+ `openshift_master_default_subdomain`)
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_cert`: The location of the certificate Elasticsearch
+ uses for the external TLS server cert (default is a generated cert)
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_key`: The location of the key Elasticsearch
+ uses for the external TLS server cert (default is a generated key)
+- `openshift_logging_es_ops_ca_ext`: The location of the CA cert for the cert
+ Elasticsearch uses for the external TLS server cert (default is the internal
+ CA)
+### mux - secure_forward listener service
+- `openshift_logging_use_mux`: Default `False`. If this is `True`, a service
+ called `mux` will be deployed. This service will act as a Fluentd
+ secure_forward forwarder for the node agent Fluentd daemonsets running in the
+ cluster. This can be used to reduce the number of connections to the
+ OpenShift API server, by using `mux` and configuring each node Fluentd to
+ send raw logs to mux and turn off the k8s metadata plugin. This requires the
+ use of `openshift_logging_mux_client_mode` (see below).
+- `openshift_logging_mux_allow_external`: Default `False`. If this is `True`,
+ the `mux` service will be deployed, and it will be configured to allow
+ Fluentd clients running outside of the cluster to send logs using
+ secure_forward. This allows OpenShift logging to be used as a central
+ logging service for clients other than OpenShift, or other OpenShift
+ clusters.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_client_mode`: Values - `minimal`, `maximal`.
+ Default is unset. Setting this value will cause the Fluentd node agent to
+ send logs to mux rather than directly to Elasticsearch. The value
+ `maximal` means that Fluentd will do as much processing as possible at the
+ node before sending the records to mux. This is the current recommended
+ way to use mux due to current scaling issues.
+ The value `minimal` means that Fluentd will do *no* processing at all, and
+ send the raw logs to mux for processing. We do not currently recommend using
+ this mode, and ansible will warn you about this.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_hostname`: Default is "mux." +
+ `openshift_master_default_subdomain`. This is the hostname *external*
+ clients will use to connect to mux, and will be used in the TLS server cert
+ subject.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_port`: 24284
+- `openshift_logging_mux_cpu_limit`: 100m
+- `openshift_logging_mux_memory_limit`: 512Mi
+- `openshift_logging_mux_default_namespaces`: Default `["mux-undefined"]` - the
+ first value in the list is the namespace to use for undefined projects,
+ followed by any additional namespaces to create by default - users will
+ typically not need to set this
+- `openshift_logging_mux_namespaces`: Default `[]` - additional namespaces to
+ create for _external_ mux clients to associate with their logs - users will
+ need to set this
+- `openshift_logging_mux_buffer_queue_limit`: Default `[1024]` - Buffer queue limit for Mux.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_buffer_size_limit`: Default `[1m]` - Buffer chunk limit for Mux.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_limit`: Default `[2Gi]` per destination - Mux will
+ set the value to the file buffer limit.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_storage_type`: Default `[emptydir]` - Storage
+ type for the file buffer. One of [`emptydir`, `pvc`, `hostmount`]
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_pvc_size`: The requested size for the file buffer
+ PVC, when not provided the role will not generate any PVCs. Defaults to `4Gi`.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_pvc_dynamic`: Whether or not to add the dynamic
+ PVC annotation for any generated PVCs. Defaults to 'False'.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_pvc_pv_selector`: A key/value map added to a PVC
+ in order to select specific PVs. Defaults to 'None'.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_pvc_prefix`: The prefix for the generated PVCs.
+ Defaults to 'logging-mux'.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_file_buffer_storage_group`: The storage group used for Mux.
+ Defaults to '65534'.
+### remote syslog forwarding
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog`: Set `true` to enable remote syslog forwarding, defaults to `false`
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_host`: Required, hostname or IP of remote syslog server
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_port`: Port of remote syslog server, defaults to `514`
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_severity`: Syslog severity level, defaults to `debug`
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_facility`: Syslog facility, defaults to `local0`
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_remove_tag_prefix`: Remove the prefix from the tag, defaults to `''` (empty)
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_tag_key`: If string specified, use this field from the record to set the key field on the syslog message
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_use_record`: Set `true` to use the severity and facility from the record, defaults to `false`
+- `openshift_logging_fluentd_remote_syslog_payload_key`: If string is specified, use this field from the record as the payload on the syslog message
+The corresponding openshift\_logging\_mux\_* parameters are below.
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog`: Set `true` to enable remote syslog forwarding, defaults to `false`
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_host`: Required, hostname or IP of remote syslog server
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_port`: Port of remote syslog server, defaults to `514`
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_severity`: Syslog severity level, defaults to `debug`
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_facility`: Syslog facility, defaults to `local0`
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_remove_tag_prefix`: Remove the prefix from the tag, defaults to `''` (empty)
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_tag_key`: If string specified, use this field from the record to set the key field on the syslog message
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_use_record`: Set `true` to use the severity and facility from the record, defaults to `false`
+- `openshift_logging_mux_remote_syslog_payload_key`: If string is specified, use this field from the record as the payload on the syslog message