path: root/roles/openshift_health_checker
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Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_health_checker')
62 files changed, 10354 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..6c5662a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# OpenShift health checks
+This Ansible role contains health checks to diagnose problems in OpenShift
+Checks are typically implemented as two parts:
+1. a Python module in [openshift_checks/](openshift_checks), with a class that
+ inherits from `OpenShiftCheck`.
+2. a custom Ansible module in [library/](library), for cases when the modules
+ shipped with Ansible do not provide the required functionality.
+The checks are called from Ansible playbooks via the `openshift_health_check`
+action plugin. See
+for an example.
+The action plugin dynamically discovers all checks and executes only those
+selected in the play.
+Checks can determine when they are active by implementing the method
+`is_active`. Inactive checks are skipped. This is similar to the `when`
+instruction in Ansible plays.
+Checks may have tags, which are a way to group related checks together. For
+instance, to run all preflight checks, pass in the group `'@preflight'` to
+Groups are automatically computed from tags.
+Groups and individual check names can be used together in the argument list to
+Look at existing checks for the implementation details.
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+OpenShift Health Checker
+This role detects common problems with OpenShift installations or with
+environments prior to install.
+For more information about creating new checks, see [](
+* Ansible 2.2+
+Role Variables
+- openshift_facts
+Example Playbook
+- hosts: OSEv3
+ name: run OpenShift health checks
+ roles:
+ - openshift_health_checker
+ post_tasks:
+ - action: openshift_health_check
+Apache License Version 2.0
+Author Information
+Customer Success team (
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/action_plugins/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/action_plugins/
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index 000000000..326176273
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+Ansible action plugin to execute health checks in OpenShift clusters.
+import sys
+import os
+import base64
+import traceback
+import errno
+import json
+from collections import defaultdict
+from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+ from __main__ import display
+except ImportError:
+ # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports; this is the standard way how to import
+ # the default display object in Ansible action plugins.
+ from ansible.utils.display import Display
+ display = Display()
+# Augment sys.path so that we can import checks from a directory relative to
+# this callback plugin.
+sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position; the import statement must come after
+# the manipulation of sys.path.
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException, load_checks # noqa: E402
+class ActionModule(ActionBase):
+ """Action plugin to execute health checks."""
+ def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
+ result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
+ task_vars = task_vars or {}
+ # callback plugins cannot read Ansible vars, but we would like
+ # zz_failure_summary to have access to certain values. We do so by
+ # storing the information we need in the result.
+ result['playbook_context'] = task_vars.get('r_openshift_health_checker_playbook_context')
+ # if the user wants to write check results to files, they provide this directory:
+ output_dir = task_vars.get("openshift_checks_output_dir")
+ if output_dir:
+ output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, task_vars["ansible_host"])
+ try:
+ known_checks = self.load_known_checks(tmp, task_vars, output_dir)
+ args = self._task.args
+ requested_checks = normalize(args.get('checks', []))
+ if not requested_checks:
+ result['failed'] = True
+ result['msg'] = list_known_checks(known_checks)
+ return result
+ resolved_checks = resolve_checks(requested_checks, known_checks.values())
+ except OpenShiftCheckException as exc:
+ result["failed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = str(exc)
+ return result
+ if "openshift" not in task_vars:
+ result["failed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "'openshift' is undefined, did 'openshift_facts' run?"
+ return result
+ result["checks"] = check_results = {}
+ user_disabled_checks = normalize(task_vars.get('openshift_disable_check', []))
+ for name in resolved_checks:
+ display.banner("CHECK [{} : {}]".format(name, task_vars["ansible_host"]))
+ check_results[name] = run_check(name, known_checks[name], user_disabled_checks, output_dir)
+ result["changed"] = any(r.get("changed") for r in check_results.values())
+ if any(r.get("failed") for r in check_results.values()):
+ result["failed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "One or more checks failed"
+ write_result_to_output_dir(output_dir, result)
+ return result
+ def load_known_checks(self, tmp, task_vars, output_dir=None):
+ """Find all existing checks and return a mapping of names to instances."""
+ load_checks()
+ want_full_results = bool(output_dir)
+ known_checks = {}
+ for cls in OpenShiftCheck.subclasses():
+ name =
+ if name in known_checks:
+ other_cls = known_checks[name].__class__
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "duplicate check name '{}' in: '{}' and '{}'"
+ "".format(name, full_class_name(cls), full_class_name(other_cls))
+ )
+ known_checks[name] = cls(
+ execute_module=self._execute_module,
+ tmp=tmp,
+ task_vars=task_vars,
+ want_full_results=want_full_results
+ )
+ return known_checks
+def list_known_checks(known_checks):
+ """Return text listing the existing checks and tags."""
+ # TODO: we could include a description of each check by taking it from a
+ # check class attribute (e.g., __doc__) when building the message below.
+ msg = (
+ 'This playbook is meant to run health checks, but no checks were '
+ 'requested. Set the `openshift_checks` variable to a comma-separated '
+ 'list of check names or a YAML list. Available checks:\n {}'
+ ).format('\n '.join(sorted(known_checks)))
+ tags = describe_tags(known_checks.values())
+ msg += (
+ '\n\nTags can be used as a shortcut to select multiple '
+ 'checks. Available tags and the checks they select:\n {}'
+ ).format('\n '.join(tags))
+ return msg
+def describe_tags(check_classes):
+ """Return a sorted list of strings describing tags and the checks they include."""
+ tag_checks = defaultdict(list)
+ for cls in check_classes:
+ for tag in cls.tags:
+ tag_checks[tag].append(
+ tags = [
+ '@{} = {}'.format(tag, ','.join(sorted(checks)))
+ for tag, checks in tag_checks.items()
+ ]
+ return sorted(tags)
+def resolve_checks(names, all_checks):
+ """Returns a set of resolved check names.
+ Resolving a check name expands tag references (e.g., "@tag") to all the
+ checks that contain the given tag. OpenShiftCheckException is raised if
+ names contains an unknown check or tag name.
+ names should be a sequence of strings.
+ all_checks should be a sequence of check classes/instances.
+ """
+ known_check_names = set( for check in all_checks)
+ known_tag_names = set(name for check in all_checks for name in check.tags)
+ check_names = set(name for name in names if not name.startswith('@'))
+ tag_names = set(name[1:] for name in names if name.startswith('@'))
+ unknown_check_names = check_names - known_check_names
+ unknown_tag_names = tag_names - known_tag_names
+ if unknown_check_names or unknown_tag_names:
+ msg = []
+ if unknown_check_names:
+ msg.append('Unknown check names: {}.'.format(', '.join(sorted(unknown_check_names))))
+ if unknown_tag_names:
+ msg.append('Unknown tag names: {}.'.format(', '.join(sorted(unknown_tag_names))))
+ msg.append('Make sure there is no typo in the playbook and no files are missing.')
+ # TODO: implement a "Did you mean ...?" when the input is similar to a
+ # valid check or tag.
+ msg.append('Known checks:')
+ msg.append(' {}'.format('\n '.join(sorted(known_check_names))))
+ msg.append('Known tags:')
+ msg.append(' {}'.format('\n '.join(describe_tags(all_checks))))
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException('\n'.join(msg))
+ tag_to_checks = defaultdict(set)
+ for check in all_checks:
+ for tag in check.tags:
+ tag_to_checks[tag].add(
+ resolved = check_names.copy()
+ for tag in tag_names:
+ resolved.update(tag_to_checks[tag])
+ return resolved
+def normalize(checks):
+ """Return a clean list of check names.
+ The input may be a comma-separated string or a sequence. Leading and
+ trailing whitespace characters are removed. Empty items are discarded.
+ """
+ if isinstance(checks, string_types):
+ checks = checks.split(',')
+ return [name.strip() for name in checks if name.strip()]
+def run_check(name, check, user_disabled_checks, output_dir=None):
+ """Run a single check if enabled and return a result dict."""
+ # determine if we're going to run the check (not inactive or disabled)
+ if name in user_disabled_checks or '*' in user_disabled_checks:
+ return dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason="Disabled by user request")
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; capturing exceptions broadly is intentional,
+ # to isolate arbitrary failures in one check from others.
+ try:
+ is_active = check.is_active()
+ except Exception as exc:
+ reason = "Could not determine if check should be run, exception: {}".format(exc)
+ return dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason=reason, exception=traceback.format_exc())
+ if not is_active:
+ return dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason="Not active for this host")
+ # run the check
+ result = {}
+ try:
+ result =
+ except OpenShiftCheckException as exc:
+ check.register_failure(exc)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ check.register_failure("\n".join([str(exc), traceback.format_exc()]))
+ # process the check state; compose the result hash, write files as needed
+ if check.changed:
+ result["changed"] = True
+ if check.failures or result.get("failed"):
+ if "msg" in result: # failure result has msg; combine with any registered failures
+ check.register_failure(result.get("msg"))
+ result["failures"] = [(, str(fail)) for fail in check.failures]
+ result["failed"] = True
+ result["msg"] = "\n".join(str(fail) for fail in check.failures)
+ write_to_output_file(output_dir, name + ".failures.json", result["failures"])
+ if check.logs:
+ write_to_output_file(output_dir, name + ".log.json", check.logs)
+ if check.files_to_save:
+ write_files_to_save(output_dir, check)
+ return result
+def prepare_output_dir(dirname):
+ """Create the directory, including parents. Return bool for success/failure."""
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ return True
+ except OSError as exc:
+ # trying to create existing dir leads to error;
+ # that error is fine, but for any other, assume the dir is not there
+ return exc.errno == errno.EEXIST
+def copy_remote_file_to_dir(check, file_to_save, output_dir, fname):
+ """Copy file from remote host to local file in output_dir, if given."""
+ if not output_dir or not prepare_output_dir(output_dir):
+ return
+ local_file = os.path.join(output_dir, fname)
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; do not need to do anything about failure to write dir/file
+ # and do not want exceptions to break anything.
+ try:
+ # NOTE: it would have been nice to copy the file directly without loading it into
+ # memory, but there does not seem to be a good way to do this via ansible.
+ result = check.execute_module("slurp", dict(src=file_to_save), register=False)
+ if result.get("failed"):
+ display.warning("Could not retrieve file {}: {}".format(file_to_save, result.get("msg")))
+ return
+ content = result["content"]
+ if result.get("encoding") == "base64":
+ content = base64.b64decode(content)
+ with open(local_file, "wb") as outfile:
+ outfile.write(content)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ display.warning("Failed writing remote {} to local {}: {}".format(file_to_save, local_file, exc))
+ return
+def _no_fail(obj):
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; do not want serialization to fail for any reason
+ try:
+ return str(obj)
+ except Exception:
+ return "[not serializable]"
+def write_to_output_file(output_dir, filename, data):
+ """If output_dir provided, write data to file. Serialize as JSON if data is not a string."""
+ if not output_dir or not prepare_output_dir(output_dir):
+ return
+ filename = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
+ try:
+ with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
+ if isinstance(data, string_types):
+ outfile.write(data)
+ else:
+ json.dump(data, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, default=_no_fail)
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; do not want serialization/write to break for any reason
+ except Exception as exc:
+ display.warning("Could not write output file {}: {}".format(filename, exc))
+def write_result_to_output_dir(output_dir, result):
+ """If output_dir provided, write the result as json to result.json.
+ Success/failure of the write is recorded as "output_files" in the result hash afterward.
+ Otherwise this is much like write_to_output_file.
+ """
+ if not output_dir:
+ return
+ if not prepare_output_dir(output_dir):
+ result["output_files"] = "Error creating output directory " + output_dir
+ return
+ filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "result.json")
+ try:
+ with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
+ json.dump(result, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, default=_no_fail)
+ result["output_files"] = "Check results for this host written to " + filename
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; do not want serialization/write to break for any reason
+ except Exception as exc:
+ result["output_files"] = "Error writing check results to {}:\n{}".format(filename, exc)
+def write_files_to_save(output_dir, check):
+ """Write files to check subdir in output dir."""
+ if not output_dir:
+ return
+ output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir,
+ seen_file = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ for file_to_save in check.files_to_save:
+ fname = file_to_save.filename
+ while seen_file[fname]: # just to be sure we never re-write a file, append numbers as needed
+ seen_file[fname] += 1
+ fname = "{}.{}".format(fname, seen_file[fname])
+ seen_file[fname] += 1
+ if file_to_save.remote_filename:
+ copy_remote_file_to_dir(check, file_to_save.remote_filename, output_dir, fname)
+ else:
+ write_to_output_file(output_dir, fname, file_to_save.contents)
+def full_class_name(cls):
+ """Return the name of a class prefixed with its module name."""
+ return '{}.{}'.format(cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcaf87eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+"""Ansible callback plugin to print a nicely formatted summary of failures.
+The file / module name is prefixed with `zz_` to make this plugin be loaded last
+by Ansible, thus making its output the last thing that users see.
+from collections import defaultdict
+import traceback
+from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
+from ansible import constants as C
+from ansible.utils.color import stringc
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+FAILED_NO_MSG = u'Failed without returning a message.'
+class CallbackModule(CallbackBase):
+ """This callback plugin stores task results and summarizes failures."""
+ CALLBACK_TYPE = 'aggregate'
+ CALLBACK_NAME = 'failure_summary'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).__init__()
+ self.__failures = []
+ self.__playbook_file = ''
+ def v2_playbook_on_start(self, playbook):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).v2_playbook_on_start(playbook)
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no public API to
+ # get the file name of the current playbook from a callback plugin.
+ self.__playbook_file = playbook._file_name
+ def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).v2_runner_on_failed(result, ignore_errors)
+ if not ignore_errors:
+ self.__failures.append(result)
+ def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).v2_playbook_on_stats(stats)
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; capturing exceptions broadly is
+ # intentional, to isolate arbitrary failures in this callback plugin.
+ try:
+ if self.__failures:
+ self._display.display(failure_summary(self.__failures, self.__playbook_file))
+ except Exception:
+ msg = stringc(
+ u'An error happened while generating a summary of failures:\n'
+ u'{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()), C.COLOR_WARN)
+ self._display.v(msg)
+def failure_summary(failures, playbook):
+ """Return a summary of failed tasks, including details on health checks."""
+ if not failures:
+ return u''
+ # NOTE: because we don't have access to task_vars from callback plugins, we
+ # store the playbook context in the task result when the
+ # openshift_health_check action plugin is used, and we use this context to
+ # customize the error message.
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no sufficient public
+ # API on TaskResult objects.
+ context = next((
+ context for context in
+ (failure._result.get('playbook_context') for failure in failures)
+ if context
+ ), None)
+ failures = [failure_to_dict(failure) for failure in failures]
+ failures = deduplicate_failures(failures)
+ summary = [u'', u'', u'Failure summary:', u'']
+ width = len(str(len(failures)))
+ initial_indent_format = u' {{:>{width}}}. '.format(width=width)
+ initial_indent_len = len(initial_indent_format.format(0))
+ subsequent_indent = u' ' * initial_indent_len
+ subsequent_extra_indent = u' ' * (initial_indent_len + 10)
+ for i, failure in enumerate(failures, 1):
+ entries = format_failure(failure)
+ summary.append(u'\n{}{}'.format(initial_indent_format.format(i), entries[0]))
+ for entry in entries[1:]:
+ entry = entry.replace(u'\n', u'\n' + subsequent_extra_indent)
+ indented = u'{}{}'.format(subsequent_indent, entry)
+ summary.append(indented)
+ failed_checks = set()
+ for failure in failures:
+ failed_checks.update(name for name, message in failure['checks'])
+ if failed_checks:
+ summary.append(check_failure_footer(failed_checks, context, playbook))
+ return u'\n'.join(summary)
+def failure_to_dict(failed_task_result):
+ """Extract information out of a failed TaskResult into a dict.
+ The intent is to transform a TaskResult object into something easier to
+ manipulate. TaskResult is ansible.executor.task_result.TaskResult.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no sufficient public
+ # API on TaskResult objects.
+ _result = failed_task_result._result
+ return {
+ 'host': failed_task_result._host.get_name(),
+ 'play': play_name(failed_task_result._task),
+ 'task': failed_task_result.task_name,
+ 'msg': _result.get('msg', FAILED_NO_MSG),
+ 'checks': tuple(
+ (name, result.get('msg', FAILED_NO_MSG))
+ for name, result in sorted(_result.get('checks', {}).items())
+ if result.get('failed')
+ ),
+ }
+def play_name(obj):
+ """Given a task or block, return the name of its parent play.
+ This is loosely inspired by ansible.playbook.base.Base.dump_me.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no sufficient public
+ # API to implement this.
+ if not obj:
+ return ''
+ if hasattr(obj, '_play'):
+ return obj._play.get_name()
+ return play_name(getattr(obj, '_parent'))
+def deduplicate_failures(failures):
+ """Group together similar failures from different hosts.
+ Returns a new list of failures such that identical failures from different
+ hosts are grouped together in a single entry. The relative order of failures
+ is preserved.
+ If failures is unhashable, the original list of failures is returned.
+ """
+ groups = defaultdict(list)
+ for failure in failures:
+ group_key = tuple(sorted((key, value) for key, value in failure.items() if key != 'host'))
+ try:
+ groups[group_key].append(failure)
+ except TypeError:
+ # abort and return original list of failures when failures has an
+ # unhashable type.
+ return failures
+ result = []
+ for failure in failures:
+ group_key = tuple(sorted((key, value) for key, value in failure.items() if key != 'host'))
+ if group_key not in groups:
+ continue
+ failure['host'] = tuple(sorted(g_failure['host'] for g_failure in groups.pop(group_key)))
+ result.append(failure)
+ return result
+def format_failure(failure):
+ """Return a list of pretty-formatted text entries describing a failure, including
+ relevant information about it. Expect that the list of text entries will be joined
+ by a newline separator when output to the user."""
+ if isinstance(failure['host'], string_types):
+ host = failure['host']
+ else:
+ host = u', '.join(failure['host'])
+ play = failure['play']
+ task = failure['task']
+ msg = failure['msg']
+ checks = failure['checks']
+ fields = (
+ (u'Hosts', host),
+ (u'Play', play),
+ (u'Task', task),
+ (u'Message', stringc(msg, C.COLOR_ERROR)),
+ )
+ if checks:
+ fields += ((u'Details', format_failed_checks(checks)),)
+ row_format = '{:10}{}'
+ return [row_format.format(header + u':', body) for header, body in fields]
+def format_failed_checks(checks):
+ """Return pretty-formatted text describing checks that failed."""
+ messages = []
+ for name, message in checks:
+ messages.append(u'check "{}":\n{}'.format(name, message))
+ return stringc(u'\n\n'.join(messages), C.COLOR_ERROR)
+def check_failure_footer(failed_checks, context, playbook):
+ """Return a textual explanation about checks depending on context.
+ The purpose of specifying context is to vary the output depending on what
+ the user was expecting to happen (based on which playbook they ran). The
+ only use currently is to vary the message depending on whether the user was
+ deliberately running checks or was trying to install/upgrade and checks are
+ just included. Other use cases may arise.
+ """
+ checks = ','.join(sorted(failed_checks))
+ summary = [u'']
+ if context in ['pre-install', 'health', 'adhoc']:
+ # User was expecting to run checks, less explanation needed.
+ summary.extend([
+ u'You may configure or disable checks by setting Ansible '
+ u'variables. To disable those above, set:',
+ u' openshift_disable_check={checks}'.format(checks=checks),
+ u'Consult check documentation for configurable variables.',
+ ])
+ else:
+ # User may not be familiar with the checks, explain what checks are in
+ # the first place.
+ summary.extend([
+ u'The execution of "{playbook}" includes checks designed to fail '
+ u'early if the requirements of the playbook are not met. One or '
+ u'more of these checks failed. To disregard these results,'
+ u'explicitly disable checks by setting an Ansible variable:'.format(playbook=playbook),
+ u' openshift_disable_check={checks}'.format(checks=checks),
+ u'Failing check names are shown in the failure details above. '
+ u'Some checks may be configurable by variables if your requirements '
+ u'are different from the defaults; consult check documentation.',
+ ])
+ summary.append(
+ u'Variables can be set in the inventory or passed on the command line '
+ u'using the -e flag to ansible-playbook.'
+ )
+ return u'\n'.join(summary)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db3c0b654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+Ansible module for yum-based systems determining if multiple releases
+of an OpenShift package are available, and if the release requested
+(if any) is available down to the given precision.
+For Enterprise, multiple releases available suggest that multiple repos
+are enabled for the different releases, which may cause installation
+problems. With Origin, however, this is a normal state of affairs as
+all the releases are provided in a single repo with the expectation that
+only the latest can be installed.
+Code in the openshift_version role contains a lot of logic to pin down
+the exact package and image version to use and so does some validation
+of release availability already. Without duplicating all that, we would
+like the user to have a helpful error message if we detect things will
+not work out right. Note that if openshift_release is not specified in
+the inventory, the version comparison checks just pass.
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+# NOTE: because of the dependency on yum (Python 2-only), this module does not
+# work under Python 3. But since we run unit tests against both Python 2 and
+# Python 3, we use six for cross compatibility in this module alone:
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+ import yum # pylint: disable=import-error
+except ImportError as err:
+ import dnf # pylint: disable=import-error
+except ImportError as err:
+class AosVersionException(Exception):
+ """Base exception class for package version problems"""
+ def __init__(self, message, problem_pkgs=None):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+ self.problem_pkgs = problem_pkgs
+def main():
+ """Entrypoint for this Ansible module"""
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ package_list=dict(type="list", required=True),
+ package_mgr=dict(type="str", required=True),
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ # determine the package manager to use
+ package_mgr = module.params['package_mgr']
+ if package_mgr not in ('yum', 'dnf'):
+ module.fail_json(msg="package_mgr must be one of: yum, dnf")
+ pkg_mgr_exception = dict(yum=YUM_IMPORT_EXCEPTION, dnf=DNF_IMPORT_EXCEPTION)[package_mgr]
+ if pkg_mgr_exception:
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg="aos_version module could not import {}: {}".format(package_mgr, pkg_mgr_exception)
+ )
+ # determine the packages we will look for
+ package_list = module.params['package_list']
+ if not package_list:
+ module.fail_json(msg="package_list must not be empty")
+ # generate set with only the names of expected packages
+ expected_pkg_names = [p["name"] for p in package_list]
+ # gather packages that require a multi_minor_release check
+ multi_minor_pkgs = [p for p in package_list if p["check_multi"]]
+ # generate list of packages with a specified (non-empty) version
+ # should look like a version string with possibly many segments e.g. "3.4.1"
+ versioned_pkgs = [p for p in package_list if p["version"]]
+ # get the list of packages available and complain if anything is wrong
+ try:
+ pkgs = _retrieve_available_packages(package_mgr, expected_pkg_names)
+ if versioned_pkgs:
+ _check_precise_version_found(pkgs, _to_dict(versioned_pkgs))
+ _check_higher_version_found(pkgs, _to_dict(versioned_pkgs))
+ if multi_minor_pkgs:
+ _check_multi_minor_release(pkgs, _to_dict(multi_minor_pkgs))
+ except AosVersionException as excinfo:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(excinfo))
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+def _to_dict(pkg_list):
+ return {pkg["name"]: pkg for pkg in pkg_list}
+def _retrieve_available_packages(pkg_mgr, expected_pkgs):
+ # The openshift excluder prevents unintended updates to openshift
+ # packages by setting yum excludes on those packages. See:
+ #
+ # Excludes are then disabled during an install or upgrade, but
+ # this check will most likely be running outside either. When we
+ # attempt to determine what packages are available via yum they may
+ # be excluded. So, for our purposes here, disable excludes to see
+ # what will really be available during an install or upgrade.
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ # search for package versions available for openshift pkgs
+ yb = yum.YumBase() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ yb.conf.disable_excludes = ['all']
+ try:
+ pkgs = yb.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=expected_pkgs)
+ pkgs += yb.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=expected_pkgs)
+ except yum.Errors.PackageSackError as excinfo:
+ # you only hit this if *none* of the packages are available
+ raise AosVersionException('\n'.join([
+ 'Unable to find any OpenShift packages.',
+ 'Check your subscription and repo settings.',
+ str(excinfo),
+ ]))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "dnf":
+ dbase = dnf.Base() # pyling: disable=invalid-name
+ dbase.conf.disable_excludes = ['all']
+ dbase.read_all_repos()
+ dbase.fill_sack(load_system_repo=False, load_available_repos=True)
+ dquery = dbase.sack.query()
+ aquery = dquery.available()
+ iquery = dquery.installed()
+ available_pkgs = list(aquery.filter(name=expected_pkgs))
+ installed_pkgs = list(iquery.filter(name=expected_pkgs))
+ pkgs = available_pkgs + installed_pkgs
+ if not pkgs:
+ # pkgs list is empty, raise because no expected packages found
+ raise AosVersionException('\n'.join([
+ 'Unable to find any OpenShift packages.',
+ 'Check your subscription and repo settings.',
+ ]))
+ return pkgs
+class PreciseVersionNotFound(AosVersionException):
+ """Exception for reporting packages not available at given version"""
+ def __init__(self, not_found):
+ msg = ['Not all of the required packages are available at their requested version']
+ msg += ['{}:{} '.format(pkg["name"], pkg["version"]) for pkg in not_found]
+ msg += ['Please check your subscriptions and enabled repositories.']
+ AosVersionException.__init__(self, '\n'.join(msg), not_found)
+def _check_precise_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ # see if any packages couldn't be found at requested release version
+ # we would like to verify that the latest available pkgs have however specific a version is given.
+ # so e.g. if there is a package version the check passes; if only 3.4.0, it fails.
+ pkgs_precise_version_found = set()
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if not in expected_pkgs_dict:
+ continue
+ expected_pkg_versions = expected_pkgs_dict[]["version"]
+ if isinstance(expected_pkg_versions, string_types):
+ expected_pkg_versions = [expected_pkg_versions]
+ for expected_pkg_version in expected_pkg_versions:
+ # does the version match, to the precision requested?
+ # and, is it strictly greater, at the precision requested?
+ match_version = '.'.join(pkg.version.split('.')[:expected_pkg_version.count('.') + 1])
+ if match_version == expected_pkg_version:
+ pkgs_precise_version_found.add(
+ not_found = []
+ for name, pkg in expected_pkgs_dict.items():
+ if name not in pkgs_precise_version_found:
+ not_found.append(pkg)
+ if not_found:
+ raise PreciseVersionNotFound(not_found)
+class FoundHigherVersion(AosVersionException):
+ """Exception for reporting that a higher version than requested is available"""
+ def __init__(self, higher_found):
+ msg = ['Some required package(s) are available at a version',
+ 'that is higher than requested']
+ msg += [' ' + name for name in higher_found]
+ msg += ['This will prevent installing the version you requested.']
+ msg += ['Please check your enabled repositories or adjust openshift_release.']
+ AosVersionException.__init__(self, '\n'.join(msg), higher_found)
+def _check_higher_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ expected_pkg_names = list(expected_pkgs_dict)
+ # see if any packages are available in a version higher than requested
+ higher_version_for_pkg = {}
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if not in expected_pkg_names:
+ continue
+ expected_pkg_versions = expected_pkgs_dict[]["version"]
+ if isinstance(expected_pkg_versions, string_types):
+ expected_pkg_versions = [expected_pkg_versions]
+ # NOTE: the list of versions is assumed to be sorted so that the highest
+ # desirable version is the last.
+ highest_desirable_version = expected_pkg_versions[-1]
+ req_release_arr = [int(segment) for segment in highest_desirable_version.split(".")]
+ version = [int(segment) for segment in pkg.version.split(".")]
+ too_high = version[:len(req_release_arr)] > req_release_arr
+ higher_than_seen = version > higher_version_for_pkg.get(, [])
+ if too_high and higher_than_seen:
+ higher_version_for_pkg[] = version
+ if higher_version_for_pkg:
+ higher_found = []
+ for name, version in higher_version_for_pkg.items():
+ higher_found.append(name + '-' + '.'.join(str(segment) for segment in version))
+ raise FoundHigherVersion(higher_found)
+class FoundMultiRelease(AosVersionException):
+ """Exception for reporting multiple minor releases found for same package"""
+ def __init__(self, multi_found):
+ msg = ['Multiple minor versions of these packages are available']
+ msg += [' ' + name for name in multi_found]
+ msg += ["There should only be one OpenShift release repository enabled at a time."]
+ AosVersionException.__init__(self, '\n'.join(msg), multi_found)
+def _check_multi_minor_release(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ # see if any packages are available in more than one minor version
+ pkgs_by_name_version = {}
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ # keep track of x.y (minor release) versions seen
+ minor_release = '.'.join(pkg.version.split('.')[:2])
+ if not in pkgs_by_name_version:
+ pkgs_by_name_version[] = set()
+ pkgs_by_name_version[].add(minor_release)
+ multi_found = []
+ for name in expected_pkgs_dict:
+ if name in pkgs_by_name_version and len(pkgs_by_name_version[name]) > 1:
+ multi_found.append(name)
+ if multi_found:
+ raise FoundMultiRelease(multi_found)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..433795b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Ansible module to test whether a yum update or install will succeed,
+without actually performing it or running yum.
+ packages: (optional) A list of package names to install or update.
+ If omitted, all installed RPMs are considered for updates.
+import sys
+import yum # pylint: disable=import-error
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+def main(): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,too-many-branches
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ packages=dict(type='list', default=[])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ def bail(error): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
+ module.fail_json(msg=error)
+ yb = yum.YumBase() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ yb.conf.disable_excludes = ["all"] # assume the openshift excluder will be managed, ignore current state
+ # determine if the existing yum configuration is valid
+ try:
+ yb.repos.populateSack(mdtype='metadata', cacheonly=1)
+ # for error of type:
+ # 1. can't reach the repo URL(s)
+ except yum.Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError as e: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ bail('Error getting data from at least one yum repository: %s' % e)
+ # 2. invalid repo definition
+ except yum.Errors.RepoError as e: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ bail('Error with yum repository configuration: %s' % e)
+ # 3. other/unknown
+ # * just report the problem verbatim
+ except: # pylint: disable=bare-except; # noqa
+ bail('Unexpected error with yum repository: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1])
+ packages = module.params['packages']
+ no_such_pkg = []
+ for pkg in packages:
+ try:
+ yb.install(name=pkg)
+ except yum.Errors.InstallError as e: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ no_such_pkg.append(pkg)
+ except: # pylint: disable=bare-except; # noqa
+ bail('Unexpected error with yum install/update: %s' %
+ sys.exc_info()[1])
+ if not packages:
+ # no packages requested means test a yum update of everything
+ yb.update()
+ elif no_such_pkg:
+ # wanted specific packages to install but some aren't available
+ user_msg = 'Cannot install all of the necessary packages. Unavailable:\n'
+ for pkg in no_such_pkg:
+ user_msg += ' %s\n' % pkg
+ user_msg += 'You may need to enable one or more yum repositories to make this content available.'
+ bail(user_msg)
+ try:
+ txn_result, txn_msgs = yb.buildTransaction()
+ except: # pylint: disable=bare-except; # noqa
+ bail('Unexpected error during dependency resolution for yum update: \n %s' %
+ sys.exc_info()[1])
+ # find out if there are any errors with the update/install
+ if txn_result == 0: # 'normal exit' meaning there's nothing to install/update
+ pass
+ elif txn_result == 1: # error with transaction
+ user_msg = 'Could not perform a yum update.\n'
+ if len(txn_msgs) > 0:
+ user_msg += 'Errors from dependency resolution:\n'
+ for msg in txn_msgs:
+ user_msg += ' %s\n' % msg
+ user_msg += 'You should resolve these issues before proceeding with an install.\n'
+ user_msg += 'You may need to remove or downgrade packages or enable/disable yum repositories.'
+ bail(user_msg)
+ # TODO: it would be nice depending on the problem:
+ # 1. dependency for update not found
+ # * construct the dependency tree
+ # * find the installed package(s) that required the missing dep
+ # * determine if any of these packages matter to openshift
+ # * build helpful error output
+ # 2. conflicts among packages in available content
+ # * analyze dependency tree and build helpful error output
+ # 3. other/unknown
+ # * report the problem verbatim
+ # * add to this list as we come across problems we can clearly diagnose
+ elif txn_result == 2: # everything resolved fine
+ pass
+ else:
+ bail('Unknown error(s) from dependency resolution. Exit Code: %d:\n%s' %
+ (txn_result, txn_msgs))
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f81b4ec01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,2036 @@
+# pylint: skip-file
+# flake8: noqa
+# TODO: remove this file once openshift-ansible requires ansible >= 2.3.
+# This file is a copy of
+# It has been temporarily vendored here due to issue
+# Copyright 2016 Red Hat | Ansible
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'committer',
+ 'version': '1.0'}
+module: docker_container
+short_description: manage docker containers
+ - Manage the life cycle of docker containers.
+ - Supports check mode. Run with --check and --diff to view config difference and list of actions to be taken.
+version_added: "2.1"
+ blkio_weight:
+ description:
+ - Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ capabilities:
+ description:
+ - List of capabilities to add to the container.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ cleanup:
+ description:
+ - Use with I(detach) to remove the container after successful execution.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ version_added: "2.2"
+ command:
+ description:
+ - Command to execute when the container starts.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ cpu_period:
+ description:
+ - Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ cpu_quota:
+ description:
+ - Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ cpuset_cpus:
+ description:
+ - CPUs in which to allow execution C(1,3) or C(1-3).
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ cpuset_mems:
+ description:
+ - Memory nodes (MEMs) in which to allow execution C(0-3) or C(0,1)
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ cpu_shares:
+ description:
+ - CPU shares (relative weight).
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ detach:
+ description:
+ - Enable detached mode to leave the container running in background.
+ If disabled, the task will reflect the status of the container run (failed if the command failed).
+ default: true
+ required: false
+ devices:
+ description:
+ - "List of host device bindings to add to the container. Each binding is a mapping expressed
+ in the format: <path_on_host>:<path_in_container>:<cgroup_permissions>"
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ dns_servers:
+ description:
+ - List of custom DNS servers.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ dns_search_domains:
+ description:
+ - List of custom DNS search domains.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ env:
+ description:
+ - Dictionary of key,value pairs.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ env_file:
+ version_added: "2.2"
+ description:
+ - Path to a file containing environment variables I(FOO=BAR).
+ - If variable also present in C(env), then C(env) value will override.
+ - Requires docker-py >= 1.4.0.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ entrypoint:
+ description:
+ - Command that overwrites the default ENTRYPOINT of the image.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ etc_hosts:
+ description:
+ - Dict of host-to-IP mappings, where each host name is a key in the dictionary.
+ Each host name will be added to the container's /etc/hosts file.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ exposed_ports:
+ description:
+ - List of additional container ports which informs Docker that the container
+ listens on the specified network ports at runtime.
+ If the port is already exposed using EXPOSE in a Dockerfile, it does not
+ need to be exposed again.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ aliases:
+ - exposed
+ force_kill:
+ description:
+ - Use the kill command when stopping a running container.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ groups:
+ description:
+ - List of additional group names and/or IDs that the container process will run as.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ hostname:
+ description:
+ - Container hostname.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ ignore_image:
+ description:
+ - When C(state) is I(present) or I(started) the module compares the configuration of an existing
+ container to requested configuration. The evaluation includes the image version. If
+ the image version in the registry does not match the container, the container will be
+ recreated. Stop this behavior by setting C(ignore_image) to I(True).
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ version_added: "2.2"
+ image:
+ description:
+ - Repository path and tag used to create the container. If an image is not found or pull is true, the image
+ will be pulled from the registry. If no tag is included, 'latest' will be used.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ interactive:
+ description:
+ - Keep stdin open after a container is launched, even if not attached.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ ipc_mode:
+ description:
+ - Set the IPC mode for the container. Can be one of 'container:<name|id>' to reuse another
+ container's IPC namespace or 'host' to use the host's IPC namespace within the container.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ keep_volumes:
+ description:
+ - Retain volumes associated with a removed container.
+ default: true
+ required: false
+ kill_signal:
+ description:
+ - Override default signal used to kill a running container.
+ default null:
+ required: false
+ kernel_memory:
+ description:
+ - "Kernel memory limit (format: <number>[<unit>]). Number is a positive integer.
+ Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g. Minimum is 4M."
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ labels:
+ description:
+ - Dictionary of key value pairs.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ links:
+ description:
+ - List of name aliases for linked containers in the format C(container_name:alias)
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ log_driver:
+ description:
+ - Specify the logging driver. Docker uses json-file by default.
+ choices:
+ - none
+ - json-file
+ - syslog
+ - journald
+ - gelf
+ - fluentd
+ - awslogs
+ - splunk
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ log_options:
+ description:
+ - Dictionary of options specific to the chosen log_driver. See
+ for details.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ mac_address:
+ description:
+ - Container MAC address (e.g. 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ memory:
+ description:
+ - "Memory limit (format: <number>[<unit>]). Number is a positive integer.
+ Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g"
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ memory_reservation:
+ description:
+ - "Memory soft limit (format: <number>[<unit>]). Number is a positive integer.
+ Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g"
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ memory_swap:
+ description:
+ - Total memory limit (memory + swap, format:<number>[<unit>]).
+ Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g.
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ memory_swappiness:
+ description:
+ - Tune a container's memory swappiness behavior. Accepts an integer between 0 and 100.
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Assign a name to a new container or match an existing container.
+ - When identifying an existing container name may be a name or a long or short container ID.
+ required: true
+ network_mode:
+ description:
+ - Connect the container to a network.
+ choices:
+ - bridge
+ - container:<name|id>
+ - host
+ - none
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ networks:
+ description:
+ - List of networks the container belongs to.
+ - Each network is a dict with keys C(name), C(ipv4_address), C(ipv6_address), C(links), C(aliases).
+ - For each network C(name) is required, all other keys are optional.
+ - If included, C(links) or C(aliases) are lists.
+ - For examples of the data structure and usage see EXAMPLES below.
+ - To remove a container from one or more networks, use the C(purge_networks) option.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ version_added: "2.2"
+ oom_killer:
+ description:
+ - Whether or not to disable OOM Killer for the container.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ oom_score_adj:
+ description:
+ - An integer value containing the score given to the container in order to tune OOM killer preferences.
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ version_added: "2.2"
+ paused:
+ description:
+ - Use with the started state to pause running processes inside the container.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ pid_mode:
+ description:
+ - Set the PID namespace mode for the container. Currently only supports 'host'.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ privileged:
+ description:
+ - Give extended privileges to the container.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ published_ports:
+ description:
+ - List of ports to publish from the container to the host.
+ - "Use docker CLI syntax: C(8000), C(9000:8000), or C(, where 8000 is a
+ container port, 9000 is a host port, and is a host interface."
+ - Container ports must be exposed either in the Dockerfile or via the C(expose) option.
+ - A value of all will publish all exposed container ports to random host ports, ignoring
+ any other mappings.
+ - If C(networks) parameter is provided, will inspect each network to see if there exists
+ a bridge network with optional parameter
+ If such a network is found, then published ports where no host IP address is specified
+ will be bound to the host IP pointed to by
+ Note that the first bridge network with a
+ value encountered in the list of C(networks) is the one that will be used.
+ aliases:
+ - ports
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ pull:
+ description:
+ - If true, always pull the latest version of an image. Otherwise, will only pull an image when missing.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ purge_networks:
+ description:
+ - Remove the container from ALL networks not included in C(networks) parameter.
+ - Any default networks such as I(bridge), if not found in C(networks), will be removed as well.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ version_added: "2.2"
+ read_only:
+ description:
+ - Mount the container's root file system as read-only.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ recreate:
+ description:
+ - Use with present and started states to force the re-creation of an existing container.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ restart:
+ description:
+ - Use with started state to force a matching container to be stopped and restarted.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ restart_policy:
+ description:
+ - Container restart policy. Place quotes around I(no) option.
+ choices:
+ - always
+ - no
+ - on-failure
+ - unless-stopped
+ default: on-failure
+ required: false
+ restart_retries:
+ description:
+ - Use with restart policy to control maximum number of restart attempts.
+ default: 0
+ required: false
+ shm_size:
+ description:
+ - Size of `/dev/shm`. The format is `<number><unit>`. `number` must be greater than `0`.
+ Unit is optional and can be `b` (bytes), `k` (kilobytes), `m` (megabytes), or `g` (gigabytes).
+ - Omitting the unit defaults to bytes. If you omit the size entirely, the system uses `64m`.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ security_opts:
+ description:
+ - List of security options in the form of C("label:user:User")
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ state:
+ description:
+ - 'I(absent) - A container matching the specified name will be stopped and removed. Use force_kill to kill the container
+ rather than stopping it. Use keep_volumes to retain volumes associated with the removed container.'
+ - 'I(present) - Asserts the existence of a container matching the name and any provided configuration parameters. If no
+ container matches the name, a container will be created. If a container matches the name but the provided configuration
+ does not match, the container will be updated, if it can be. If it cannot be updated, it will be removed and re-created
+ with the requested config. Image version will be taken into account when comparing configuration. To ignore image
+ version use the ignore_image option. Use the recreate option to force the re-creation of the matching container. Use
+ force_kill to kill the container rather than stopping it. Use keep_volumes to retain volumes associated with a removed
+ container.'
+ - 'I(started) - Asserts there is a running container matching the name and any provided configuration. If no container
+ matches the name, a container will be created and started. If a container matching the name is found but the
+ configuration does not match, the container will be updated, if it can be. If it cannot be updated, it will be removed
+ and a new container will be created with the requested configuration and started. Image version will be taken into
+ account when comparing configuration. To ignore image version use the ignore_image option. Use recreate to always
+ re-create a matching container, even if it is running. Use restart to force a matching container to be stopped and
+ restarted. Use force_kill to kill a container rather than stopping it. Use keep_volumes to retain volumes associated
+ with a removed container.'
+ - 'I(stopped) - Asserts that the container is first I(present), and then if the container is running moves it to a stopped
+ state. Use force_kill to kill a container rather than stopping it.'
+ required: false
+ default: started
+ choices:
+ - absent
+ - present
+ - stopped
+ - started
+ stop_signal:
+ description:
+ - Override default signal used to stop the container.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ stop_timeout:
+ description:
+ - Number of seconds to wait for the container to stop before sending SIGKILL.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ trust_image_content:
+ description:
+ - If true, skip image verification.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ tty:
+ description:
+ - Allocate a psuedo-TTY.
+ default: false
+ required: false
+ ulimits:
+ description:
+ - "List of ulimit options. A ulimit is specified as C(nofile:262144:262144)"
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ user:
+ description:
+ - Sets the username or UID used and optionally the groupname or GID for the specified command.
+ - "Can be [ user | user:group | uid | uid:gid | user:gid | uid:group ]"
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ uts:
+ description:
+ - Set the UTS namespace mode for the container.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ volumes:
+ description:
+ - List of volumes to mount within the container.
+ - "Use docker CLI-style syntax: C(/host:/container[:mode])"
+ - You can specify a read mode for the mount with either C(ro) or C(rw).
+ - SELinux hosts can additionally use C(z) or C(Z) to use a shared or
+ private label for the volume.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ volume_driver:
+ description:
+ - The container volume driver.
+ default: none
+ required: false
+ volumes_from:
+ description:
+ - List of container names or Ids to get volumes from.
+ default: null
+ required: false
+ - docker
+ - "Cove Schneider (@cove)"
+ - "Joshua Conner (@joshuaconner)"
+ - "Pavel Antonov (@softzilla)"
+ - "Thomas Steinbach (@ThomasSteinbach)"
+ - "Philippe Jandot (@zfil)"
+ - "Daan Oosterveld (@dusdanig)"
+ - "James Tanner (@jctanner)"
+ - "Chris Houseknecht (@chouseknecht)"
+ - "python >= 2.6"
+ - "docker-py >= 1.7.0"
+ - "Docker API >= 1.20"
+- name: Create a data container
+ docker_container:
+ name: mydata
+ image: busybox
+ volumes:
+ - /data
+- name: Re-create a redis container
+ docker_container:
+ name: myredis
+ image: redis
+ command: redis-server --appendonly yes
+ state: present
+ recreate: yes
+ exposed_ports:
+ - 6379
+ volumes_from:
+ - mydata
+- name: Restart a container
+ docker_container:
+ name: myapplication
+ image: someuser/appimage
+ state: started
+ restart: yes
+ links:
+ - "myredis:aliasedredis"
+ devices:
+ - "/dev/sda:/dev/xvda:rwm"
+ ports:
+ - "8080:9000"
+ - ""
+ env:
+ SECRET_KEY: ssssh
+- name: Container present
+ docker_container:
+ name: mycontainer
+ state: present
+ image: ubuntu:14.04
+ command: sleep infinity
+- name: Stop a container
+ docker_container:
+ name: mycontainer
+ state: stopped
+- name: Start 4 load-balanced containers
+ docker_container:
+ name: "container{{ item }}"
+ recreate: yes
+ image: someuser/anotherappimage
+ command: sleep 1d
+ with_sequence: count=4
+- name: remove container
+ docker_container:
+ name: ohno
+ state: absent
+- name: Syslogging output
+ docker_container:
+ name: myservice
+ image: busybox
+ log_driver: syslog
+ log_options:
+ syslog-address: tcp://my-syslog-server:514
+ syslog-facility: daemon
+ # NOTE: in Docker 1.13+ the "syslog-tag" option was renamed to "tag" for
+ # older docker installs, use "syslog-tag" instead
+ tag: myservice
+- name: Create db container and connect to network
+ docker_container:
+ name: db_test
+ image: "postgres:latest"
+ networks:
+ - name: "{{ docker_network_name }}"
+- name: Start container, connect to network and link
+ docker_container:
+ name: sleeper
+ image: ubuntu:14.04
+ networks:
+ - name: TestingNet
+ ipv4_address: ""
+ aliases:
+ - sleepyzz
+ links:
+ - db_test:db
+ - name: TestingNet2
+- name: Start a container with a command
+ docker_container:
+ name: sleepy
+ image: ubuntu:14.04
+ command: sleep infinity
+- name: Add container to networks
+ docker_container:
+ name: sleepy
+ networks:
+ - name: TestingNet
+ ipv4_address:
+ links:
+ - sleeper
+ - name: TestingNet2
+ ipv4_address:
+- name: Update network with aliases
+ docker_container:
+ name: sleepy
+ networks:
+ - name: TestingNet
+ aliases:
+ - sleepyz
+ - zzzz
+- name: Remove container from one network
+ docker_container:
+ name: sleepy
+ networks:
+ - name: TestingNet2
+ purge_networks: yes
+- name: Remove container from all networks
+ docker_container:
+ name: sleepy
+ purge_networks: yes
+RETURN = '''
+ description:
+ - Before 2.3 this was 'ansible_docker_container' but was renamed due to conflicts with the connection plugin.
+ - Facts representing the current state of the container. Matches the docker inspection output.
+ - Note that facts are not part of registered vars but accessible directly.
+ - Empty if C(state) is I(absent)
+ - If detached is I(False), will include Output attribute containing any output from container run.
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: '{
+ "AppArmorProfile": "",
+ "Args": [],
+ "Config": {
+ "AttachStderr": false,
+ "AttachStdin": false,
+ "AttachStdout": false,
+ "Cmd": [
+ "/usr/bin/supervisord"
+ ],
+ "Domainname": "",
+ "Entrypoint": null,
+ "Env": [
+ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
+ ],
+ "ExposedPorts": {
+ "443/tcp": {},
+ "80/tcp": {}
+ },
+ "Hostname": "8e47bf643eb9",
+ "Image": "lnmp_nginx:v1",
+ "Labels": {},
+ "OnBuild": null,
+ "OpenStdin": false,
+ "StdinOnce": false,
+ "Tty": false,
+ "User": "",
+ "Volumes": {
+ "/tmp/lnmp/nginx-sites/logs/": {}
+ },
+ ...
+ }'
+import re
+from ansible.module_utils.docker_common import *
+ from docker import utils
+ from docker.types import Ulimit
+ else:
+ from docker.utils.types import Ulimit
+ # missing docker-py handled in ansible.module_utils.docker
+ pass
+ 'memory',
+ 'memory_reservation',
+ 'memory_swap',
+ 'shm_size'
+VOLUME_PERMISSIONS = ('rw', 'ro', 'z', 'Z')
+class TaskParameters(DockerBaseClass):
+ '''
+ Access and parse module parameters
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, client):
+ super(TaskParameters, self).__init__()
+ self.client = client
+ self.blkio_weight = None
+ self.capabilities = None
+ self.cleanup = None
+ self.command = None
+ self.cpu_period = None
+ self.cpu_quota = None
+ self.cpuset_cpus = None
+ self.cpuset_mems = None
+ self.cpu_shares = None
+ self.detach = None
+ self.debug = None
+ self.devices = None
+ self.dns_servers = None
+ self.dns_opts = None
+ self.dns_search_domains = None
+ self.env = None
+ self.env_file = None
+ self.entrypoint = None
+ self.etc_hosts = None
+ self.exposed_ports = None
+ self.force_kill = None
+ self.groups = None
+ self.hostname = None
+ self.ignore_image = None
+ self.image = None
+ self.interactive = None
+ self.ipc_mode = None
+ self.keep_volumes = None
+ self.kernel_memory = None
+ self.kill_signal = None
+ self.labels = None
+ self.links = None
+ self.log_driver = None
+ self.log_options = None
+ self.mac_address = None
+ self.memory = None
+ self.memory_reservation = None
+ self.memory_swap = None
+ self.memory_swappiness = None
+ = None
+ self.network_mode = None
+ self.networks = None
+ self.oom_killer = None
+ self.oom_score_adj = None
+ self.paused = None
+ self.pid_mode = None
+ self.privileged = None
+ self.purge_networks = None
+ self.pull = None
+ self.read_only = None
+ self.recreate = None
+ self.restart = None
+ self.restart_retries = None
+ self.restart_policy = None
+ self.shm_size = None
+ self.security_opts = None
+ self.state = None
+ self.stop_signal = None
+ self.stop_timeout = None
+ self.trust_image_content = None
+ self.tty = None
+ self.user = None
+ self.uts = None
+ self.volumes = None
+ self.volume_binds = dict()
+ self.volumes_from = None
+ self.volume_driver = None
+ for key, value in client.module.params.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+ if client.module.params.get(param_name):
+ try:
+ setattr(self, param_name, human_to_bytes(client.module.params.get(param_name)))
+ except ValueError as exc:
+"Failed to convert %s to bytes: %s" % (param_name, exc))
+ self.publish_all_ports = False
+ self.published_ports = self._parse_publish_ports()
+ if self.published_ports in ('all', 'ALL'):
+ self.publish_all_ports = True
+ self.published_ports = None
+ self.ports = self._parse_exposed_ports(self.published_ports)
+ self.log("expose ports:")
+ self.log(self.ports, pretty_print=True)
+ self.links = self._parse_links(self.links)
+ if self.volumes:
+ self.volumes = self._expand_host_paths()
+ self.env = self._get_environment()
+ self.ulimits = self._parse_ulimits()
+ self.log_config = self._parse_log_config()
+ self.exp_links = None
+ self.volume_binds = self._get_volume_binds(self.volumes)
+ self.log("volumes:")
+ self.log(self.volumes, pretty_print=True)
+ self.log("volume binds:")
+ self.log(self.volume_binds, pretty_print=True)
+ if self.networks:
+ for network in self.networks:
+ if not network.get('name'):
+"Parameter error: network must have a name attribute.")
+ network['id'] = self._get_network_id(network['name'])
+ if not network['id']:
+"Parameter error: network named %s could not be found. Does it exist?" % network['name'])
+ if network.get('links'):
+ network['links'] = self._parse_links(network['links'])
+ def fail(self, msg):
+ self.client.module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ @property
+ def update_parameters(self):
+ '''
+ Returns parameters used to update a container
+ '''
+ update_parameters = dict(
+ blkio_weight='blkio_weight',
+ cpu_period='cpu_period',
+ cpu_quota='cpu_quota',
+ cpu_shares='cpu_shares',
+ cpuset_cpus='cpuset_cpus',
+ mem_limit='memory',
+ mem_reservation='mem_reservation',
+ memswap_limit='memory_swap',
+ kernel_memory='kernel_memory'
+ )
+ result = dict()
+ for key, value in update_parameters.items():
+ if getattr(self, value, None) is not None:
+ result[key] = getattr(self, value)
+ return result
+ @property
+ def create_parameters(self):
+ '''
+ Returns parameters used to create a container
+ '''
+ create_params = dict(
+ command='command',
+ hostname='hostname',
+ user='user',
+ detach='detach',
+ stdin_open='interactive',
+ tty='tty',
+ ports='ports',
+ environment='env',
+ name='name',
+ entrypoint='entrypoint',
+ cpu_shares='cpu_shares',
+ mac_address='mac_address',
+ labels='labels',
+ stop_signal='stop_signal',
+ volume_driver='volume_driver',
+ )
+ result = dict(
+ host_config=self._host_config(),
+ volumes=self._get_mounts(),
+ )
+ for key, value in create_params.items():
+ if getattr(self, value, None) is not None:
+ result[key] = getattr(self, value)
+ return result
+ def _expand_host_paths(self):
+ new_vols = []
+ for vol in self.volumes:
+ if ':' in vol:
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 3:
+ host, container, mode = vol.split(':')
+ if re.match(r'[\.~]', host):
+ host = os.path.abspath(host)
+ new_vols.append("%s:%s:%s" % (host, container, mode))
+ continue
+ elif len(vol.split(':')) == 2:
+ parts = vol.split(':')
+ if parts[1] not in VOLUME_PERMISSIONS and re.match(r'[\.~]', parts[0]):
+ host = os.path.abspath(parts[0])
+ new_vols.append("%s:%s:rw" % (host, parts[1]))
+ continue
+ new_vols.append(vol)
+ return new_vols
+ def _get_mounts(self):
+ '''
+ Return a list of container mounts.
+ :return:
+ '''
+ result = []
+ if self.volumes:
+ for vol in self.volumes:
+ if ':' in vol:
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 3:
+ host, container, _ = vol.split(':')
+ result.append(container)
+ continue
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 2:
+ parts = vol.split(':')
+ if parts[1] not in VOLUME_PERMISSIONS:
+ result.append(parts[1])
+ continue
+ result.append(vol)
+ self.log("mounts:")
+ self.log(result, pretty_print=True)
+ return result
+ def _host_config(self):
+ '''
+ Returns parameters used to create a HostConfig object
+ '''
+ host_config_params=dict(
+ port_bindings='published_ports',
+ publish_all_ports='publish_all_ports',
+ links='links',
+ privileged='privileged',
+ dns='dns_servers',
+ dns_search='dns_search_domains',
+ binds='volume_binds',
+ volumes_from='volumes_from',
+ network_mode='network_mode',
+ cap_add='capabilities',
+ extra_hosts='etc_hosts',
+ read_only='read_only',
+ ipc_mode='ipc_mode',
+ security_opt='security_opts',
+ ulimits='ulimits',
+ log_config='log_config',
+ mem_limit='memory',
+ memswap_limit='memory_swap',
+ mem_swappiness='memory_swappiness',
+ oom_score_adj='oom_score_adj',
+ shm_size='shm_size',
+ group_add='groups',
+ devices='devices',
+ pid_mode='pid_mode'
+ )
+ params = dict()
+ for key, value in host_config_params.items():
+ if getattr(self, value, None) is not None:
+ params[key] = getattr(self, value)
+ if self.restart_policy:
+ params['restart_policy'] = dict(Name=self.restart_policy,
+ MaximumRetryCount=self.restart_retries)
+ return self.client.create_host_config(**params)
+ @property
+ def default_host_ip(self):
+ ip = ''
+ if not self.networks:
+ return ip
+ for net in self.networks:
+ if net.get('name'):
+ network = self.client.inspect_network(net['name'])
+ if network.get('Driver') == 'bridge' and \
+ network.get('Options', {}).get(''):
+ ip = network['Options']['']
+ break
+ return ip
+ def _parse_publish_ports(self):
+ '''
+ Parse ports from docker CLI syntax
+ '''
+ if self.published_ports is None:
+ return None
+ if 'all' in self.published_ports:
+ return 'all'
+ default_ip = self.default_host_ip
+ binds = {}
+ for port in self.published_ports:
+ parts = str(port).split(':')
+ container_port = parts[-1]
+ if '/' not in container_port:
+ container_port = int(parts[-1])
+ p_len = len(parts)
+ if p_len == 1:
+ bind = (default_ip,)
+ elif p_len == 2:
+ bind = (default_ip, int(parts[0]))
+ elif p_len == 3:
+ bind = (parts[0], int(parts[1])) if parts[1] else (parts[0],)
+ if container_port in binds:
+ old_bind = binds[container_port]
+ if isinstance(old_bind, list):
+ old_bind.append(bind)
+ else:
+ binds[container_port] = [binds[container_port], bind]
+ else:
+ binds[container_port] = bind
+ return binds
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_volume_binds(volumes):
+ '''
+ Extract host bindings, if any, from list of volume mapping strings.
+ :return: dictionary of bind mappings
+ '''
+ result = dict()
+ if volumes:
+ for vol in volumes:
+ host = None
+ if ':' in vol:
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 3:
+ host, container, mode = vol.split(':')
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 2:
+ parts = vol.split(':')
+ if parts[1] not in VOLUME_PERMISSIONS:
+ host, container, mode = (vol.split(':') + ['rw'])
+ if host is not None:
+ result[host] = dict(
+ bind=container,
+ mode=mode
+ )
+ return result
+ def _parse_exposed_ports(self, published_ports):
+ '''
+ Parse exposed ports from docker CLI-style ports syntax.
+ '''
+ exposed = []
+ if self.exposed_ports:
+ for port in self.exposed_ports:
+ port = str(port).strip()
+ protocol = 'tcp'
+ match ='(/.+$)', port)
+ if match:
+ protocol ='/', '')
+ port = re.sub(r'/.+$', '', port)
+ exposed.append((port, protocol))
+ if published_ports:
+ # Any published port should also be exposed
+ for publish_port in published_ports:
+ match = False
+ if isinstance(publish_port, basestring) and '/' in publish_port:
+ port, protocol = publish_port.split('/')
+ port = int(port)
+ else:
+ protocol = 'tcp'
+ port = int(publish_port)
+ for exposed_port in exposed:
+ if isinstance(exposed_port[0], basestring) and '-' in exposed_port[0]:
+ start_port, end_port = exposed_port[0].split('-')
+ if int(start_port) <= port <= int(end_port):
+ match = True
+ elif exposed_port[0] == port:
+ match = True
+ if not match:
+ exposed.append((port, protocol))
+ return exposed
+ @staticmethod
+ def _parse_links(links):
+ '''
+ Turn links into a dictionary
+ '''
+ if links is None:
+ return None
+ result = {}
+ for link in links:
+ parsed_link = link.split(':', 1)
+ if len(parsed_link) == 2:
+ result[parsed_link[0]] = parsed_link[1]
+ else:
+ result[parsed_link[0]] = parsed_link[0]
+ return result
+ def _parse_ulimits(self):
+ '''
+ Turn ulimits into an array of Ulimit objects
+ '''
+ if self.ulimits is None:
+ return None
+ results = []
+ for limit in self.ulimits:
+ limits = dict()
+ pieces = limit.split(':')
+ if len(pieces) >= 2:
+ limits['name'] = pieces[0]
+ limits['soft'] = int(pieces[1])
+ limits['hard'] = int(pieces[1])
+ if len(pieces) == 3:
+ limits['hard'] = int(pieces[2])
+ try:
+ results.append(Ulimit(**limits))
+ except ValueError as exc:
+"Error parsing ulimits value %s - %s" % (limit, exc))
+ return results
+ def _parse_log_config(self):
+ '''
+ Create a LogConfig object
+ '''
+ if self.log_driver is None:
+ return None
+ options = dict(
+ Type=self.log_driver,
+ Config = dict()
+ )
+ if self.log_options is not None:
+ options['Config'] = self.log_options
+ try:
+ return LogConfig(**options)
+ except ValueError as exc:
+'Error parsing logging options - %s' % (exc))
+ def _get_environment(self):
+ """
+ If environment file is combined with explicit environment variables, the explicit environment variables
+ take precedence.
+ """
+ final_env = {}
+ if self.env_file:
+ parsed_env_file = utils.parse_env_file(self.env_file)
+ for name, value in parsed_env_file.items():
+ final_env[name] = str(value)
+ if self.env:
+ for name, value in self.env.items():
+ final_env[name] = str(value)
+ return final_env
+ def _get_network_id(self, network_name):
+ network_id = None
+ try:
+ for network in self.client.networks(names=[network_name]):
+ if network['Name'] == network_name:
+ network_id = network['Id']
+ break
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error getting network id for %s - %s" % (network_name, str(exc)))
+ return network_id
+class Container(DockerBaseClass):
+ def __init__(self, container, parameters):
+ super(Container, self).__init__()
+ self.raw = container
+ self.Id = None
+ self.container = container
+ if container:
+ self.Id = container['Id']
+ self.Image = container['Image']
+ self.log(self.container, pretty_print=True)
+ self.parameters = parameters
+ self.parameters.expected_links = None
+ self.parameters.expected_ports = None
+ self.parameters.expected_exposed = None
+ self.parameters.expected_volumes = None
+ self.parameters.expected_ulimits = None
+ self.parameters.expected_etc_hosts = None
+ self.parameters.expected_env = None
+ def fail(self, msg):
+ self.parameters.client.module.fail_json(msg=msg)
+ @property
+ def exists(self):
+ return True if self.container else False
+ @property
+ def running(self):
+ if self.container and self.container.get('State'):
+ if self.container['State'].get('Running') and not self.container['State'].get('Ghost', False):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def has_different_configuration(self, image):
+ '''
+ Diff parameters vs existing container config. Returns tuple: (True | False, List of differences)
+ '''
+ self.log('Starting has_different_configuration')
+ self.parameters.expected_entrypoint = self._get_expected_entrypoint()
+ self.parameters.expected_links = self._get_expected_links()
+ self.parameters.expected_ports = self._get_expected_ports()
+ self.parameters.expected_exposed = self._get_expected_exposed(image)
+ self.parameters.expected_volumes = self._get_expected_volumes(image)
+ self.parameters.expected_binds = self._get_expected_binds(image)
+ self.parameters.expected_ulimits = self._get_expected_ulimits(self.parameters.ulimits)
+ self.parameters.expected_etc_hosts = self._convert_simple_dict_to_list('etc_hosts')
+ self.parameters.expected_env = self._get_expected_env(image)
+ self.parameters.expected_cmd = self._get_expected_cmd()
+ self.parameters.expected_devices = self._get_expected_devices()
+ if not self.container.get('HostConfig'):
+"has_config_diff: Error parsing container properties. HostConfig missing.")
+ if not self.container.get('Config'):
+"has_config_diff: Error parsing container properties. Config missing.")
+ if not self.container.get('NetworkSettings'):
+"has_config_diff: Error parsing container properties. NetworkSettings missing.")
+ host_config = self.container['HostConfig']
+ log_config = host_config.get('LogConfig', dict())
+ restart_policy = host_config.get('RestartPolicy', dict())
+ config = self.container['Config']
+ network = self.container['NetworkSettings']
+ # The previous version of the docker module ignored the detach state by
+ # assuming if the container was running, it must have been detached.
+ detach = not (config.get('AttachStderr') and config.get('AttachStdout'))
+ # "ExposedPorts": null returns None type & causes AttributeError - PR #5517
+ if config.get('ExposedPorts') is not None:
+ expected_exposed = [re.sub(r'/.+$', '', p) for p in config.get('ExposedPorts', dict()).keys()]
+ else:
+ expected_exposed = []
+ # Map parameters to container inspect results
+ config_mapping = dict(
+ image=config.get('Image'),
+ expected_cmd=config.get('Cmd'),
+ hostname=config.get('Hostname'),
+ user=config.get('User'),
+ detach=detach,
+ interactive=config.get('OpenStdin'),
+ capabilities=host_config.get('CapAdd'),
+ expected_devices=host_config.get('Devices'),
+ dns_servers=host_config.get('Dns'),
+ dns_opts=host_config.get('DnsOptions'),
+ dns_search_domains=host_config.get('DnsSearch'),
+ expected_env=(config.get('Env') or []),
+ expected_entrypoint=config.get('Entrypoint'),
+ expected_etc_hosts=host_config['ExtraHosts'],
+ expected_exposed=expected_exposed,
+ groups=host_config.get('GroupAdd'),
+ ipc_mode=host_config.get("IpcMode"),
+ labels=config.get('Labels'),
+ expected_links=host_config.get('Links'),
+ log_driver=log_config.get('Type'),
+ log_options=log_config.get('Config'),
+ mac_address=network.get('MacAddress'),
+ memory_swappiness=host_config.get('MemorySwappiness'),
+ network_mode=host_config.get('NetworkMode'),
+ oom_killer=host_config.get('OomKillDisable'),
+ oom_score_adj=host_config.get('OomScoreAdj'),
+ pid_mode=host_config.get('PidMode'),
+ privileged=host_config.get('Privileged'),
+ expected_ports=host_config.get('PortBindings'),
+ read_only=host_config.get('ReadonlyRootfs'),
+ restart_policy=restart_policy.get('Name'),
+ restart_retries=restart_policy.get('MaximumRetryCount'),
+ # Cannot test shm_size, as shm_size is not included in container inspection results.
+ # shm_size=host_config.get('ShmSize'),
+ security_opts=host_config.get("SecuriytOpt"),
+ stop_signal=config.get("StopSignal"),
+ tty=config.get('Tty'),
+ expected_ulimits=host_config.get('Ulimits'),
+ uts=host_config.get('UTSMode'),
+ expected_volumes=config.get('Volumes'),
+ expected_binds=host_config.get('Binds'),
+ volumes_from=host_config.get('VolumesFrom'),
+ volume_driver=host_config.get('VolumeDriver')
+ )
+ differences = []
+ for key, value in config_mapping.items():
+ self.log('check differences %s %s vs %s' % (key, getattr(self.parameters, key), str(value)))
+ if getattr(self.parameters, key, None) is not None:
+ if isinstance(getattr(self.parameters, key), list) and isinstance(value, list):
+ if len(getattr(self.parameters, key)) > 0 and isinstance(getattr(self.parameters, key)[0], dict):
+ # compare list of dictionaries
+ self.log("comparing list of dict: %s" % key)
+ match = self._compare_dictionary_lists(getattr(self.parameters, key), value)
+ else:
+ # compare two lists. Is list_a in list_b?
+ self.log("comparing lists: %s" % key)
+ set_a = set(getattr(self.parameters, key))
+ set_b = set(value)
+ match = (set_a <= set_b)
+ elif isinstance(getattr(self.parameters, key), dict) and isinstance(value, dict):
+ # compare two dicts
+ self.log("comparing two dicts: %s" % key)
+ match = self._compare_dicts(getattr(self.parameters, key), value)
+ else:
+ # primitive compare
+ self.log("primitive compare: %s" % key)
+ match = (getattr(self.parameters, key) == value)
+ if not match:
+ # no match. record the differences
+ item = dict()
+ item[key] = dict(
+ parameter=getattr(self.parameters, key),
+ container=value
+ )
+ differences.append(item)
+ has_differences = True if len(differences) > 0 else False
+ return has_differences, differences
+ def _compare_dictionary_lists(self, list_a, list_b):
+ '''
+ If all of list_a exists in list_b, return True
+ '''
+ if not isinstance(list_a, list) or not isinstance(list_b, list):
+ return False
+ matches = 0
+ for dict_a in list_a:
+ for dict_b in list_b:
+ if self._compare_dicts(dict_a, dict_b):
+ matches += 1
+ break
+ result = (matches == len(list_a))
+ return result
+ def _compare_dicts(self, dict_a, dict_b):
+ '''
+ If dict_a in dict_b, return True
+ '''
+ if not isinstance(dict_a, dict) or not isinstance(dict_b, dict):
+ return False
+ for key, value in dict_a.items():
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ match = self._compare_dicts(value, dict_b.get(key))
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
+ if len(value) > 0 and isinstance(value[0], dict):
+ match = self._compare_dictionary_lists(value, dict_b.get(key))
+ else:
+ set_a = set(value)
+ set_b = set(dict_b.get(key))
+ match = (set_a == set_b)
+ else:
+ match = (value == dict_b.get(key))
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def has_different_resource_limits(self):
+ '''
+ Diff parameters and container resource limits
+ '''
+ if not self.container.get('HostConfig'):
+"limits_differ_from_container: Error parsing container properties. HostConfig missing.")
+ host_config = self.container['HostConfig']
+ config_mapping = dict(
+ cpu_period=host_config.get('CpuPeriod'),
+ cpu_quota=host_config.get('CpuQuota'),
+ cpuset_cpus=host_config.get('CpusetCpus'),
+ cpuset_mems=host_config.get('CpusetMems'),
+ cpu_shares=host_config.get('CpuShares'),
+ kernel_memory=host_config.get("KernelMemory"),
+ memory=host_config.get('Memory'),
+ memory_reservation=host_config.get('MemoryReservation'),
+ memory_swap=host_config.get('MemorySwap'),
+ oom_score_adj=host_config.get('OomScoreAdj'),
+ )
+ differences = []
+ for key, value in config_mapping.items():
+ if getattr(self.parameters, key, None) and getattr(self.parameters, key) != value:
+ # no match. record the differences
+ item = dict()
+ item[key] = dict(
+ parameter=getattr(self.parameters, key),
+ container=value
+ )
+ differences.append(item)
+ different = (len(differences) > 0)
+ return different, differences
+ def has_network_differences(self):
+ '''
+ Check if the container is connected to requested networks with expected options: links, aliases, ipv4, ipv6
+ '''
+ different = False
+ differences = []
+ if not self.parameters.networks:
+ return different, differences
+ if not self.container.get('NetworkSettings'):
+"has_missing_networks: Error parsing container properties. NetworkSettings missing.")
+ connected_networks = self.container['NetworkSettings']['Networks']
+ for network in self.parameters.networks:
+ if connected_networks.get(network['name'], None) is None:
+ different = True
+ differences.append(dict(
+ parameter=network,
+ container=None
+ ))
+ else:
+ diff = False
+ if network.get('ipv4_address') and network['ipv4_address'] != connected_networks[network['name']].get('IPAddress'):
+ diff = True
+ if network.get('ipv6_address') and network['ipv6_address'] != connected_networks[network['name']].get('GlobalIPv6Address'):
+ diff = True
+ if network.get('aliases') and not connected_networks[network['name']].get('Aliases'):
+ diff = True
+ if network.get('aliases') and connected_networks[network['name']].get('Aliases'):
+ for alias in network.get('aliases'):
+ if alias not in connected_networks[network['name']].get('Aliases', []):
+ diff = True
+ if network.get('links') and not connected_networks[network['name']].get('Links'):
+ diff = True
+ if network.get('links') and connected_networks[network['name']].get('Links'):
+ expected_links = []
+ for link, alias in network['links'].items():
+ expected_links.append("%s:%s" % (link, alias))
+ for link in expected_links:
+ if link not in connected_networks[network['name']].get('Links', []):
+ diff = True
+ if diff:
+ different = True
+ differences.append(dict(
+ parameter=network,
+ container=dict(
+ name=network['name'],
+ ipv4_address=connected_networks[network['name']].get('IPAddress'),
+ ipv6_address=connected_networks[network['name']].get('GlobalIPv6Address'),
+ aliases=connected_networks[network['name']].get('Aliases'),
+ links=connected_networks[network['name']].get('Links')
+ )
+ ))
+ return different, differences
+ def has_extra_networks(self):
+ '''
+ Check if the container is connected to non-requested networks
+ '''
+ extra_networks = []
+ extra = False
+ if not self.container.get('NetworkSettings'):
+"has_extra_networks: Error parsing container properties. NetworkSettings missing.")
+ connected_networks = self.container['NetworkSettings'].get('Networks')
+ if connected_networks:
+ for network, network_config in connected_networks.items():
+ keep = False
+ if self.parameters.networks:
+ for expected_network in self.parameters.networks:
+ if expected_network['name'] == network:
+ keep = True
+ if not keep:
+ extra = True
+ extra_networks.append(dict(name=network, id=network_config['NetworkID']))
+ return extra, extra_networks
+ def _get_expected_devices(self):
+ if not self.parameters.devices:
+ return None
+ expected_devices = []
+ for device in self.parameters.devices:
+ parts = device.split(':')
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ expected_devices.append(
+ dict(
+ CgroupPermissions='rwm',
+ PathInContainer=parts[0],
+ PathOnHost=parts[0]
+ ))
+ elif len(parts) == 2:
+ parts = device.split(':')
+ expected_devices.append(
+ dict(
+ CgroupPermissions='rwm',
+ PathInContainer=parts[1],
+ PathOnHost=parts[0]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ expected_devices.append(
+ dict(
+ CgroupPermissions=parts[2],
+ PathInContainer=parts[1],
+ PathOnHost=parts[0]
+ ))
+ return expected_devices
+ def _get_expected_entrypoint(self):
+ self.log('_get_expected_entrypoint')
+ if not self.parameters.entrypoint:
+ return None
+ return shlex.split(self.parameters.entrypoint)
+ def _get_expected_ports(self):
+ if not self.parameters.published_ports:
+ return None
+ expected_bound_ports = {}
+ for container_port, config in self.parameters.published_ports.items():
+ if isinstance(container_port, int):
+ container_port = "%s/tcp" % container_port
+ if len(config) == 1:
+ expected_bound_ports[container_port] = [{'HostIp': "", 'HostPort': ""}]
+ elif isinstance(config[0], tuple):
+ expected_bound_ports[container_port] = []
+ for host_ip, host_port in config:
+ expected_bound_ports[container_port].append({'HostIp': host_ip, 'HostPort': str(host_port)})
+ else:
+ expected_bound_ports[container_port] = [{'HostIp': config[0], 'HostPort': str(config[1])}]
+ return expected_bound_ports
+ def _get_expected_links(self):
+ if self.parameters.links is None:
+ return None
+ self.log('parameter links:')
+ self.log(self.parameters.links, pretty_print=True)
+ exp_links = []
+ for link, alias in self.parameters.links.items():
+ exp_links.append("/%s:%s/%s" % (link, ('/' +, alias))
+ return exp_links
+ def _get_expected_binds(self, image):
+ self.log('_get_expected_binds')
+ image_vols = []
+ if image:
+ image_vols = self._get_image_binds(image['ContainerConfig'].get('Volumes'))
+ param_vols = []
+ if self.parameters.volumes:
+ for vol in self.parameters.volumes:
+ host = None
+ if ':' in vol:
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 3:
+ host, container, mode = vol.split(':')
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 2:
+ parts = vol.split(':')
+ if parts[1] not in VOLUME_PERMISSIONS:
+ host, container, mode = vol.split(':') + ['rw']
+ if host:
+ param_vols.append("%s:%s:%s" % (host, container, mode))
+ result = list(set(image_vols + param_vols))
+ self.log("expected_binds:")
+ self.log(result, pretty_print=True)
+ return result
+ def _get_image_binds(self, volumes):
+ '''
+ Convert array of binds to array of strings with format host_path:container_path:mode
+ :param volumes: array of bind dicts
+ :return: array of strings
+ '''
+ results = []
+ if isinstance(volumes, dict):
+ results += self._get_bind_from_dict(volumes)
+ elif isinstance(volumes, list):
+ for vol in volumes:
+ results += self._get_bind_from_dict(vol)
+ return results
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_bind_from_dict(volume_dict):
+ results = []
+ if volume_dict:
+ for host_path, config in volume_dict.items():
+ if isinstance(config, dict) and config.get('bind'):
+ container_path = config.get('bind')
+ mode = config.get('mode', 'rw')
+ results.append("%s:%s:%s" % (host_path, container_path, mode))
+ return results
+ def _get_expected_volumes(self, image):
+ self.log('_get_expected_volumes')
+ expected_vols = dict()
+ if image and image['ContainerConfig'].get('Volumes'):
+ expected_vols.update(image['ContainerConfig'].get('Volumes'))
+ if self.parameters.volumes:
+ for vol in self.parameters.volumes:
+ container = None
+ if ':' in vol:
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 3:
+ host, container, mode = vol.split(':')
+ if len(vol.split(':')) == 2:
+ parts = vol.split(':')
+ if parts[1] not in VOLUME_PERMISSIONS:
+ host, container, mode = vol.split(':') + ['rw']
+ new_vol = dict()
+ if container:
+ new_vol[container] = dict()
+ else:
+ new_vol[vol] = dict()
+ expected_vols.update(new_vol)
+ if not expected_vols:
+ expected_vols = None
+ self.log("expected_volumes:")
+ self.log(expected_vols, pretty_print=True)
+ return expected_vols
+ def _get_expected_env(self, image):
+ self.log('_get_expected_env')
+ expected_env = dict()
+ if image and image['ContainerConfig'].get('Env'):
+ for env_var in image['ContainerConfig']['Env']:
+ parts = env_var.split('=', 1)
+ expected_env[parts[0]] = parts[1]
+ if self.parameters.env:
+ expected_env.update(self.parameters.env)
+ param_env = []
+ for key, value in expected_env.items():
+ param_env.append("%s=%s" % (key, value))
+ return param_env
+ def _get_expected_exposed(self, image):
+ self.log('_get_expected_exposed')
+ image_ports = []
+ if image:
+ image_ports = [re.sub(r'/.+$', '', p) for p in (image['ContainerConfig'].get('ExposedPorts') or {}).keys()]
+ param_ports = []
+ if self.parameters.ports:
+ param_ports = [str(p[0]) for p in self.parameters.ports]
+ result = list(set(image_ports + param_ports))
+ self.log(result, pretty_print=True)
+ return result
+ def _get_expected_ulimits(self, config_ulimits):
+ self.log('_get_expected_ulimits')
+ if config_ulimits is None:
+ return None
+ results = []
+ for limit in config_ulimits:
+ results.append(dict(
+ Soft=limit.soft,
+ Hard=limit.hard
+ ))
+ return results
+ def _get_expected_cmd(self):
+ self.log('_get_expected_cmd')
+ if not self.parameters.command:
+ return None
+ return shlex.split(self.parameters.command)
+ def _convert_simple_dict_to_list(self, param_name, join_with=':'):
+ if getattr(self.parameters, param_name, None) is None:
+ return None
+ results = []
+ for key, value in getattr(self.parameters, param_name).items():
+ results.append("%s%s%s" % (key, join_with, value))
+ return results
+class ContainerManager(DockerBaseClass):
+ '''
+ Perform container management tasks
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, client):
+ super(ContainerManager, self).__init__()
+ self.client = client
+ self.parameters = TaskParameters(client)
+ self.check_mode = self.client.check_mode
+ self.results = {'changed': False, 'actions': []}
+ self.diff = {}
+ self.facts = {}
+ state = self.parameters.state
+ if state in ('stopped', 'started', 'present'):
+ self.present(state)
+ elif state == 'absent':
+ self.absent()
+ if not self.check_mode and not self.parameters.debug:
+ self.results.pop('actions')
+ if self.client.module._diff or self.parameters.debug:
+ self.results['diff'] = self.diff
+ if self.facts:
+ self.results['ansible_facts'] = {'docker_container': self.facts}
+ def present(self, state):
+ container = self._get_container(
+ image = self._get_image()
+ if not container.exists:
+ # New container
+ self.log('No container found')
+ new_container = self.container_create(self.parameters.image, self.parameters.create_parameters)
+ if new_container:
+ container = new_container
+ else:
+ # Existing container
+ different, differences = container.has_different_configuration(image)
+ image_different = False
+ if not self.parameters.ignore_image:
+ image_different = self._image_is_different(image, container)
+ if image_different or different or self.parameters.recreate:
+ self.diff['differences'] = differences
+ if image_different:
+ self.diff['image_different'] = True
+ self.log("differences")
+ self.log(differences, pretty_print=True)
+ if container.running:
+ self.container_stop(container.Id)
+ self.container_remove(container.Id)
+ new_container = self.container_create(self.parameters.image, self.parameters.create_parameters)
+ if new_container:
+ container = new_container
+ if container and container.exists:
+ container = self.update_limits(container)
+ container = self.update_networks(container)
+ if state == 'started' and not container.running:
+ container = self.container_start(container.Id)
+ elif state == 'started' and self.parameters.restart:
+ self.container_stop(container.Id)
+ container = self.container_start(container.Id)
+ elif state == 'stopped' and container.running:
+ self.container_stop(container.Id)
+ container = self._get_container(container.Id)
+ self.facts = container.raw
+ def absent(self):
+ container = self._get_container(
+ if container.exists:
+ if container.running:
+ self.container_stop(container.Id)
+ self.container_remove(container.Id)
+ def fail(self, msg, **kwargs):
+ self.client.module.fail_json(msg=msg, **kwargs)
+ def _get_container(self, container):
+ '''
+ Expects container ID or Name. Returns a container object
+ '''
+ return Container(self.client.get_container(container), self.parameters)
+ def _get_image(self):
+ if not self.parameters.image:
+ self.log('No image specified')
+ return None
+ repository, tag = utils.parse_repository_tag(self.parameters.image)
+ if not tag:
+ tag = "latest"
+ image = self.client.find_image(repository, tag)
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ if not image or self.parameters.pull:
+ self.log("Pull the image.")
+ image, alreadyToLatest = self.client.pull_image(repository, tag)
+ if alreadyToLatest:
+ self.results['changed'] = False
+ else:
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(pulled_image="%s:%s" % (repository, tag)))
+ self.log("image")
+ self.log(image, pretty_print=True)
+ return image
+ def _image_is_different(self, image, container):
+ if image and image.get('Id'):
+ if container and container.Image:
+ if image.get('Id') != container.Image:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def update_limits(self, container):
+ limits_differ, different_limits = container.has_different_resource_limits()
+ if limits_differ:
+ self.log("limit differences:")
+ self.log(different_limits, pretty_print=True)
+ if limits_differ and not self.check_mode:
+ self.container_update(container.Id, self.parameters.update_parameters)
+ return self._get_container(container.Id)
+ return container
+ def update_networks(self, container):
+ has_network_differences, network_differences = container.has_network_differences()
+ updated_container = container
+ if has_network_differences:
+ if self.diff.get('differences'):
+ self.diff['differences'].append(dict(network_differences=network_differences))
+ else:
+ self.diff['differences'] = [dict(network_differences=network_differences)]
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ updated_container = self._add_networks(container, network_differences)
+ if self.parameters.purge_networks:
+ has_extra_networks, extra_networks = container.has_extra_networks()
+ if has_extra_networks:
+ if self.diff.get('differences'):
+ self.diff['differences'].append(dict(purge_networks=extra_networks))
+ else:
+ self.diff['differences'] = [dict(purge_networks=extra_networks)]
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ updated_container = self._purge_networks(container, extra_networks)
+ return updated_container
+ def _add_networks(self, container, differences):
+ for diff in differences:
+ # remove the container from the network, if connected
+ if diff.get('container'):
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(removed_from_network=diff['parameter']['name']))
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ self.client.disconnect_container_from_network(container.Id, diff['parameter']['id'])
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error disconnecting container from network %s - %s" % (diff['parameter']['name'],
+ str(exc)))
+ # connect to the network
+ params = dict(
+ ipv4_address=diff['parameter'].get('ipv4_address', None),
+ ipv6_address=diff['parameter'].get('ipv6_address', None),
+ links=diff['parameter'].get('links', None),
+ aliases=diff['parameter'].get('aliases', None)
+ )
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(added_to_network=diff['parameter']['name'], network_parameters=params))
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ self.log("Connecting container to network %s" % diff['parameter']['id'])
+ self.log(params, pretty_print=True)
+ self.client.connect_container_to_network(container.Id, diff['parameter']['id'], **params)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error connecting container to network %s - %s" % (diff['parameter']['name'], str(exc)))
+ return self._get_container(container.Id)
+ def _purge_networks(self, container, networks):
+ for network in networks:
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(removed_from_network=network['name']))
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ self.client.disconnect_container_from_network(container.Id, network['name'])
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error disconnecting container from network %s - %s" % (network['name'],
+ str(exc)))
+ return self._get_container(container.Id)
+ def container_create(self, image, create_parameters):
+ self.log("create container")
+ self.log("image: %s parameters:" % image)
+ self.log(create_parameters, pretty_print=True)
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(created="Created container", create_parameters=create_parameters))
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ new_container = None
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ new_container = self.client.create_container(image, **create_parameters)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error creating container: %s" % str(exc))
+ return self._get_container(new_container['Id'])
+ return new_container
+ def container_start(self, container_id):
+ self.log("start container %s" % (container_id))
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(started=container_id))
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ self.client.start(container=container_id)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error starting container %s: %s" % (container_id, str(exc)))
+ if not self.parameters.detach:
+ status = self.client.wait(container_id)
+ output = self.client.logs(container_id, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False, timestamps=False)
+ if status != 0:
+, status=status)
+ if self.parameters.cleanup:
+ self.container_remove(container_id, force=True)
+ insp = self._get_container(container_id)
+ if insp.raw:
+ insp.raw['Output'] = output
+ else:
+ insp.raw = dict(Output=output)
+ return insp
+ return self._get_container(container_id)
+ def container_remove(self, container_id, link=False, force=False):
+ volume_state = (not self.parameters.keep_volumes)
+ self.log("remove container container:%s v:%s link:%s force%s" % (container_id, volume_state, link, force))
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(removed=container_id, volume_state=volume_state, link=link, force=force))
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ response = None
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ response = self.client.remove_container(container_id, v=volume_state, link=link, force=force)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error removing container %s: %s" % (container_id, str(exc)))
+ return response
+ def container_update(self, container_id, update_parameters):
+ if update_parameters:
+ self.log("update container %s" % (container_id))
+ self.log(update_parameters, pretty_print=True)
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(updated=container_id, update_parameters=update_parameters))
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ if not self.check_mode and callable(getattr(self.client, 'update_container')):
+ try:
+ self.client.update_container(container_id, **update_parameters)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error updating container %s: %s" % (container_id, str(exc)))
+ return self._get_container(container_id)
+ def container_kill(self, container_id):
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(killed=container_id, signal=self.parameters.kill_signal))
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ response = None
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ if self.parameters.kill_signal:
+ response = self.client.kill(container_id, signal=self.parameters.kill_signal)
+ else:
+ response = self.client.kill(container_id)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error killing container %s: %s" % (container_id, exc))
+ return response
+ def container_stop(self, container_id):
+ if self.parameters.force_kill:
+ self.container_kill(container_id)
+ return
+ self.results['actions'].append(dict(stopped=container_id, timeout=self.parameters.stop_timeout))
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ response = None
+ if not self.check_mode:
+ try:
+ if self.parameters.stop_timeout:
+ response = self.client.stop(container_id, timeout=self.parameters.stop_timeout)
+ else:
+ response = self.client.stop(container_id)
+ except Exception as exc:
+"Error stopping container %s: %s" % (container_id, str(exc)))
+ return response
+def main():
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ blkio_weight=dict(type='int'),
+ capabilities=dict(type='list'),
+ cleanup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ command=dict(type='str'),
+ cpu_period=dict(type='int'),
+ cpu_quota=dict(type='int'),
+ cpuset_cpus=dict(type='str'),
+ cpuset_mems=dict(type='str'),
+ cpu_shares=dict(type='int'),
+ detach=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ devices=dict(type='list'),
+ dns_servers=dict(type='list'),
+ dns_opts=dict(type='list'),
+ dns_search_domains=dict(type='list'),
+ env=dict(type='dict'),
+ env_file=dict(type='path'),
+ entrypoint=dict(type='str'),
+ etc_hosts=dict(type='dict'),
+ exposed_ports=dict(type='list', aliases=['exposed', 'expose']),
+ force_kill=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['forcekill']),
+ groups=dict(type='list'),
+ hostname=dict(type='str'),
+ ignore_image=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ image=dict(type='str'),
+ interactive=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ ipc_mode=dict(type='str'),
+ keep_volumes=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ kernel_memory=dict(type='str'),
+ kill_signal=dict(type='str'),
+ labels=dict(type='dict'),
+ links=dict(type='list'),
+ log_driver=dict(type='str',
+ choices=['none', 'json-file', 'syslog', 'journald', 'gelf', 'fluentd', 'awslogs', 'splunk'],
+ default=None),
+ log_options=dict(type='dict', aliases=['log_opt']),
+ mac_address=dict(type='str'),
+ memory=dict(type='str', default='0'),
+ memory_reservation=dict(type='str'),
+ memory_swap=dict(type='str'),
+ memory_swappiness=dict(type='int'),
+ name=dict(type='str', required=True),
+ network_mode=dict(type='str'),
+ networks=dict(type='list'),
+ oom_killer=dict(type='bool'),
+ oom_score_adj=dict(type='int'),
+ paused=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ pid_mode=dict(type='str'),
+ privileged=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ published_ports=dict(type='list', aliases=['ports']),
+ pull=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ purge_networks=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ read_only=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ recreate=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ restart=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ restart_policy=dict(type='str', choices=['no', 'on-failure', 'always', 'unless-stopped']),
+ restart_retries=dict(type='int', default=None),
+ shm_size=dict(type='str'),
+ security_opts=dict(type='list'),
+ state=dict(type='str', choices=['absent', 'present', 'started', 'stopped'], default='started'),
+ stop_signal=dict(type='str'),
+ stop_timeout=dict(type='int'),
+ trust_image_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ tty=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ ulimits=dict(type='list'),
+ user=dict(type='str'),
+ uts=dict(type='str'),
+ volumes=dict(type='list'),
+ volumes_from=dict(type='list'),
+ volume_driver=dict(type='str'),
+ )
+ required_if = [
+ ('state', 'present', ['image'])
+ ]
+ client = AnsibleDockerClient(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ required_if=required_if,
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ cm = ContainerManager(client)
+ client.module.exit_json(**cm.results)
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d0ddae8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Ansible module for determining information about the docker host.
+While there are several ansible modules that make use of the docker
+api to expose container and image facts in a remote host, they
+are unable to return specific information about the host machine
+itself. This module exposes the same information obtained through
+executing the `docker info` command on a docker host, in json format.
+from ansible.module_utils.docker_common import AnsibleDockerClient
+def main():
+ """Entrypoint for running an Ansible module."""
+ client = AnsibleDockerClient()
+ client.module.exit_json(
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..620e82d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+"""Ansible module that recursively determines if the size of a key in an etcd cluster exceeds a given limit."""
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+ import etcd
+except ImportError as err:
+ from collections import namedtuple
+ EtcdMock = namedtuple("etcd", ["EtcdKeyNotFound"])
+ etcd = EtcdMock(KeyError)
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+def check_etcd_key_size(client, key, size_limit, total_size=0, depth=0, depth_limit=1000, visited=None):
+ """Check size of an etcd path starting at given key. Returns tuple (string, bool)"""
+ if visited is None:
+ visited = set()
+ if key in visited:
+ return 0, False
+ visited.add(key)
+ try:
+ result =, recursive=False)
+ except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound:
+ return 0, False
+ size = 0
+ limit_exceeded = False
+ for node in result.leaves:
+ if depth >= depth_limit:
+ raise Exception("Maximum recursive stack depth ({}) exceeded.".format(depth_limit))
+ if size_limit and total_size + size > size_limit:
+ return size, True
+ if not node.dir:
+ size += len(node.value)
+ continue
+ key_size, limit_exceeded = check_etcd_key_size(client, node.key,
+ size_limit,
+ total_size + size,
+ depth + 1,
+ depth_limit, visited)
+ size += key_size
+ max_limit_exceeded = limit_exceeded or (total_size + size > size_limit)
+ return size, max_limit_exceeded
+def main(): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,too-many-branches
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ size_limit_bytes=dict(type="int", default=0),
+ paths=dict(type="list", default=["/"]),
+ host=dict(type="str", default=""),
+ port=dict(type="int", default=4001),
+ protocol=dict(type="str", default="http"),
+ version_prefix=dict(type="str", default=""),
+ allow_redirect=dict(type="bool", default=False),
+ cert=dict(type="dict", default=""),
+ ca_cert=dict(type="str", default=None),
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ module.params["cert"] = (
+ module.params["cert"]["cert"],
+ module.params["cert"]["key"],
+ )
+ size_limit = module.params.pop("size_limit_bytes")
+ paths = module.params.pop("paths")
+ limit_exceeded = False
+ try:
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
+ client = etcd.Client(**module.params)
+ except AttributeError as attrerr:
+ msg = str(attrerr)
+ if "No module named etcd" in IMPORT_EXCEPTION_MSG:
+ # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
+ msg = ('Unable to import the python "etcd" dependency. '
+ 'Make sure python-etcd is installed on the host.')
+ module.exit_json(
+ failed=True,
+ changed=False,
+ size_limit_exceeded=limit_exceeded,
+ msg=msg,
+ )
+ return
+ size = 0
+ for path in paths:
+ path_size, limit_exceeded = check_etcd_key_size(client, path, size_limit - size)
+ size += path_size
+ if limit_exceeded:
+ break
+ module.exit_json(
+ changed=False,
+ size_limit_exceeded=limit_exceeded,
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c72f4c5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+"""Interface to OpenShift oc command"""
+import os
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+ADDITIONAL_PATH_LOOKUPS = ['/usr/local/bin', os.path.expanduser('~/bin')]
+def locate_oc_binary():
+ """Find and return oc binary file"""
+ #
+ # oc can be in /usr/local/bin in some cases, but that may not
+ # be in $PATH due to ansible/sudo
+ paths = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath).split(os.pathsep) + ADDITIONAL_PATH_LOOKUPS
+ oc_binary = 'oc'
+ # Use shutil.which if it is available, otherwise fallback to a naive path search
+ try:
+ which_result = shutil.which(oc_binary, path=os.pathsep.join(paths))
+ if which_result is not None:
+ oc_binary = which_result
+ except AttributeError:
+ for path in paths:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, oc_binary)):
+ oc_binary = os.path.join(path, oc_binary)
+ break
+ return oc_binary
+def main():
+ """Module that executes commands on a remote OpenShift cluster"""
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ namespace=dict(type="str", required=False),
+ config_file=dict(type="str", required=True),
+ cmd=dict(type="str", required=True),
+ extra_args=dict(type="list", default=[]),
+ ),
+ )
+ cmd = [locate_oc_binary(), '--config', module.params["config_file"]]
+ if module.params["namespace"]:
+ cmd += ['-n', module.params["namespace"]]
+ cmd += shlex.split(module.params["cmd"]) + module.params["extra_args"]
+ failed = True
+ try:
+ cmd_result = subprocess.check_output(list(cmd), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ failed = False
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
+ cmd_result = '[rc {}] {}\n{}'.format(exc.returncode, ' '.join(exc.cmd), exc.output)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ # we get this when 'oc' is not there
+ cmd_result = str(exc)
+ module.exit_json(
+ changed=False,
+ failed=failed,
+ result=cmd_result,
+ )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c24fbba3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Ansible module for rpm-based systems determining existing package version information in a host.
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+ import rpm # pylint: disable=import-error
+except ImportError as err:
+ IMPORT_EXCEPTION = err # in tox test env, rpm import fails
+class RpmVersionException(Exception):
+ """Base exception class for package version problems"""
+ def __init__(self, message, problem_pkgs=None):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+ self.problem_pkgs = problem_pkgs
+def main():
+ """Entrypoint for this Ansible module"""
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ package_list=dict(type="list", required=True),
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ module.fail_json(msg="rpm_version module could not import rpm: %s" % IMPORT_EXCEPTION)
+ # determine the packages we will look for
+ pkg_list = module.params['package_list']
+ if not pkg_list:
+ module.fail_json(msg="package_list must not be empty")
+ # get list of packages available and complain if any
+ # of them are missing or if any errors occur
+ try:
+ pkg_versions = _retrieve_expected_pkg_versions(_to_dict(pkg_list))
+ _check_pkg_versions(pkg_versions, _to_dict(pkg_list))
+ except RpmVersionException as excinfo:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(excinfo))
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+def _to_dict(pkg_list):
+ return {pkg["name"]: pkg for pkg in pkg_list}
+def _retrieve_expected_pkg_versions(expected_pkgs_dict):
+ """Search for installed packages matching given pkg names
+ and versions. Returns a dictionary: {pkg_name: [versions]}"""
+ transaction = rpm.TransactionSet()
+ pkgs = {}
+ for pkg_name in expected_pkgs_dict:
+ matched_pkgs = transaction.dbMatch("name", pkg_name)
+ if not matched_pkgs:
+ continue
+ for header in matched_pkgs:
+ if header['name'] == pkg_name:
+ if pkg_name not in pkgs:
+ pkgs[pkg_name] = []
+ pkgs[pkg_name].append(header['version'])
+ return pkgs
+def _check_pkg_versions(found_pkgs_dict, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ invalid_pkg_versions = {}
+ not_found_pkgs = []
+ for pkg_name, pkg in expected_pkgs_dict.items():
+ if not found_pkgs_dict.get(pkg_name):
+ not_found_pkgs.append(pkg_name)
+ continue
+ found_versions = [_parse_version(version) for version in found_pkgs_dict[pkg_name]]
+ if isinstance(pkg["version"], string_types):
+ expected_versions = [_parse_version(pkg["version"])]
+ else:
+ expected_versions = [_parse_version(version) for version in pkg["version"]]
+ if not set(expected_versions) & set(found_versions):
+ invalid_pkg_versions[pkg_name] = {
+ "found_versions": found_versions,
+ "required_versions": expected_versions,
+ }
+ if not_found_pkgs:
+ raise RpmVersionException(
+ '\n'.join([
+ "The following packages were not found to be installed: {}".format('\n '.join([
+ "{}".format(pkg)
+ for pkg in not_found_pkgs
+ ]))
+ ]),
+ not_found_pkgs,
+ )
+ if invalid_pkg_versions:
+ raise RpmVersionException(
+ '\n '.join([
+ "The following packages were found to be installed with an incorrect version: {}".format('\n'.join([
+ " \n{}\n Required version: {}\n Found versions: {}".format(
+ pkg_name,
+ ', '.join(pkg["required_versions"]),
+ ', '.join([version for version in pkg["found_versions"]]))
+ for pkg_name, pkg in invalid_pkg_versions.items()
+ ]))
+ ]),
+ invalid_pkg_versions,
+ )
+def _parse_version(version_str):
+ segs = version_str.split('.')
+ if not segs or len(segs) <= 2:
+ return version_str
+ return '.'.join(segs[0:2])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3631f71c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+"""Interface to journalctl."""
+from time import time
+import json
+import re
+import subprocess
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+class InvalidMatcherRegexp(Exception):
+ """Exception class for invalid matcher regexp."""
+ pass
+class InvalidLogEntry(Exception):
+ """Exception class for invalid / non-json log entries."""
+ pass
+class LogInputSubprocessError(Exception):
+ """Exception class for errors that occur while executing a subprocess."""
+ pass
+def main():
+ """Scan a given list of "log_matchers" for journalctl messages containing given patterns.
+ "log_matchers" is a list of dicts consisting of three keys that help fine-tune log searching:
+ 'start_regexp', 'regexp', and 'unit'.
+ Sample "log_matchers" list:
+ [
+ {
+ 'start_regexp': r'Beginning of systemd unit',
+ 'regexp': r'the specific log message to find',
+ 'unit': 'etcd',
+ }
+ ]
+ """
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ log_count_limit=dict(type="int", default=500),
+ log_matchers=dict(type="list", required=True),
+ ),
+ )
+ timestamp_limit_seconds = time() - 60 * 60 # 1 hour
+ log_count_limit = module.params["log_count_limit"]
+ log_matchers = module.params["log_matchers"]
+ matched_regexp, errors = get_log_matches(log_matchers, log_count_limit, timestamp_limit_seconds)
+ module.exit_json(
+ changed=False,
+ failed=bool(errors),
+ errors=errors,
+ matched=matched_regexp,
+ )
+def get_log_matches(matchers, log_count_limit, timestamp_limit_seconds):
+ """Return a list of up to log_count_limit matches for each matcher.
+ Log entries are only considered if newer than timestamp_limit_seconds.
+ """
+ matched_regexp = []
+ errors = []
+ for matcher in matchers:
+ try:
+ log_output = get_log_output(matcher)
+ except LogInputSubprocessError as err:
+ errors.append(str(err))
+ continue
+ try:
+ matched = find_matches(log_output, matcher, log_count_limit, timestamp_limit_seconds)
+ if matched:
+ matched_regexp.append(matcher.get("regexp", ""))
+ except InvalidMatcherRegexp as err:
+ errors.append(str(err))
+ except InvalidLogEntry as err:
+ errors.append(str(err))
+ return matched_regexp, errors
+def get_log_output(matcher):
+ """Return an iterator on the logs of a given matcher."""
+ try:
+ cmd_output = subprocess.Popen(list([
+ '/bin/journalctl',
+ '-ru', matcher.get("unit", ""),
+ '--output', 'json',
+ ]), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ return iter(cmd_output.stdout.readline, '')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
+ msg = "Could not obtain journalctl logs for the specified systemd unit: {}: {}"
+ raise LogInputSubprocessError(msg.format(matcher.get("unit", "<missing>"), str(exc)))
+ except OSError as exc:
+ raise LogInputSubprocessError(str(exc))
+def find_matches(log_output, matcher, log_count_limit, timestamp_limit_seconds):
+ """Return log messages matched in iterable log_output by a given matcher.
+ Ignore any log_output items older than timestamp_limit_seconds.
+ """
+ try:
+ regexp = re.compile(matcher.get("regexp", ""))
+ start_regexp = re.compile(matcher.get("start_regexp", ""))
+ except re.error as err:
+ msg = "A log matcher object was provided with an invalid regular expression: {}"
+ raise InvalidMatcherRegexp(msg.format(str(err)))
+ matched = None
+ for log_count, line in enumerate(log_output):
+ if log_count >= log_count_limit:
+ break
+ try:
+ obj = json.loads(line)
+ # don't need to look past the most recent service restart
+ if start_regexp.match(obj["MESSAGE"]):
+ break
+ log_timestamp_seconds = float(obj["__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP"]) / 1000000
+ if log_timestamp_seconds < timestamp_limit_seconds:
+ break
+ if regexp.match(obj["MESSAGE"]):
+ matched = line
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = "Log entry for systemd unit {} contained invalid json syntax: {}"
+ raise InvalidLogEntry(msg.format(matcher.get("unit"), line))
+ return matched
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/meta/main.yml b/roles/openshift_health_checker/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc8e7bdcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+- role: openshift_facts
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce05b44a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+Health checks for OpenShift clusters.
+import json
+import operator
+import os
+import time
+import collections
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
+from importlib import import_module
+from ansible.module_utils import six
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import reduce # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+from ansible.plugins.filter.core import to_bool as ansible_to_bool
+class OpenShiftCheckException(Exception):
+ """Raised when a check encounters a failure condition."""
+ def __init__(self, name, msg=None):
+ # msg is for the message the user will see when this is raised.
+ # name is for test code to identify the error without looking at msg text.
+ if msg is None: # for parameter backward compatibility
+ msg = name
+ name = self.__class__.__name__
+ = name
+ super(OpenShiftCheckException, self).__init__(msg)
+class OpenShiftCheckExceptionList(OpenShiftCheckException):
+ """A container for multiple errors that may be detected in one check."""
+ def __init__(self, errors):
+ self.errors = errors
+ super(OpenShiftCheckExceptionList, self).__init__(
+ 'OpenShiftCheckExceptionList',
+ '\n'.join(str(msg) for msg in errors)
+ )
+ # make iterable
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return self.errors[index]
+FileToSave = collections.namedtuple("FileToSave", "filename contents remote_filename")
+# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes; all represent significantly different state.
+# Arguably they could be separated into two hashes, one for storing parameters, and one for
+# storing result state; but that smells more like clutter than clarity.
+class OpenShiftCheck(object):
+ """A base class for defining checks for an OpenShift cluster environment.
+ Optional init params: method execute_module, dict task_vars, and string tmp
+ execute_module is expected to have a signature compatible with _execute_module
+ from ansible plugins/action/, e.g.:
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, tmp=None, task_vars=None, *args):
+ This is stored so that it can be invoked in subclasses via check.execute_module("name", args)
+ which provides the check's stored task_vars and tmp.
+ Optional init param: want_full_results
+ If the check can gather logs, tarballs, etc., do so when True; but no need to spend
+ the time if they're not wanted (won't be written to output directory).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, execute_module=None, task_vars=None, tmp=None, want_full_results=False):
+ # store a method for executing ansible modules from the check
+ self._execute_module = execute_module
+ # the task variables and tmpdir passed into the health checker task
+ self.task_vars = task_vars or {}
+ self.tmp = tmp
+ # a boolean for disabling the gathering of results (files, computations) that won't
+ # actually be recorded/used
+ self.want_full_results = want_full_results
+ # mainly for testing purposes; see execute_module_with_retries
+ self._module_retries = 3
+ self._module_retry_interval = 5 # seconds
+ # state to be recorded for inspection after the check runs:
+ #
+ # set to True when the check changes the host, for accurate total "changed" count
+ self.changed = False
+ # list of OpenShiftCheckException for check to report (alternative to returning a failed result)
+ self.failures = []
+ # list of FileToSave - files the check specifies to be written locally if so configured
+ self.files_to_save = []
+ # log messages for the check - tuples of (description, msg) where msg is serializable.
+ # These are intended to be a sequential record of what the check observed and determined.
+ self.logs = []
+ @abstractproperty
+ def name(self):
+ """The name of this check, usually derived from the class name."""
+ return "openshift_check"
+ @property
+ def tags(self):
+ """A list of tags that this check satisfy.
+ Tags are used to reference multiple checks with a single '@tagname'
+ special check name.
+ """
+ return []
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_active():
+ """Returns true if this check applies to the ansible-playbook run."""
+ return True
+ def is_first_master(self):
+ """Determine if running on first master. Returns: bool"""
+ masters = self.get_var("groups", "oo_first_master", default=None) or [None]
+ return masters[0] == self.get_var("ansible_host")
+ @abstractmethod
+ def run(self):
+ """Executes a check against a host and returns a result hash similar to Ansible modules.
+ Actually the direction ahead is to record state in the attributes and
+ not bother building a result hash. Instead, return an empty hash and let
+ the action plugin fill it in. Or raise an OpenShiftCheckException.
+ Returning a hash may become deprecated if it does not prove necessary.
+ """
+ return {}
+ @classmethod
+ def subclasses(cls):
+ """Returns a generator of subclasses of this class and its subclasses."""
+ # AUDIT: no-member makes sense due to this having a metaclass
+ for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): # pylint: disable=no-member
+ yield subclass
+ for subclass in subclass.subclasses():
+ yield subclass
+ def register_failure(self, error):
+ """Record in the check that a failure occurred.
+ Recorded failures are merged into the result hash for now. They are also saved to output directory
+ (if provided) <check>.failures.json and registered as a log entry for context <check>.log.json.
+ """
+ # It should be an exception; make it one if not
+ if not isinstance(error, OpenShiftCheckException):
+ error = OpenShiftCheckException(str(error))
+ self.failures.append(error)
+ # duplicate it in the logs so it can be seen in the context of any
+ # information that led to the failure
+ self.register_log("failure: " +, str(error))
+ def register_log(self, context, msg):
+ """Record an entry for the check log.
+ Notes are intended to serve as context of the whole sequence of what the check observed.
+ They are be saved as an ordered list in a local check log file.
+ They are not to included in the result or in the ansible log; it's just for the record.
+ """
+ self.logs.append([context, msg])
+ def register_file(self, filename, contents=None, remote_filename=""):
+ """Record a file that a check makes available to be saved individually to output directory.
+ Either file contents should be passed in, or a file to be copied from the remote host
+ should be specified. Contents that are not a string are to be serialized as JSON.
+ NOTE: When copying a file from remote host, it is slurped into memory as base64, meaning
+ you should avoid using this on huge files (more than say 10M).
+ """
+ if contents is None and not remote_filename:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException("File data/source not specified; this is a bug in the check.")
+ self.files_to_save.append(FileToSave(filename, contents, remote_filename))
+ def execute_module(self, module_name=None, module_args=None, save_as_name=None, register=True):
+ """Invoke an Ansible module from a check.
+ Invoke stored _execute_module, normally copied from the action
+ plugin, with its params and the task_vars and tmp given at
+ check initialization. No positional parameters beyond these
+ are specified. If it's necessary to specify any of the other
+ parameters to _execute_module then that should just be invoked
+ directly (with awareness of changes in method signature per
+ Ansible version).
+ So e.g. check.execute_module("foo", dict(arg1=...))
+ save_as_name specifies a file name for saving the result to an output directory,
+ if needed, and is intended to uniquely identify the result of invoking execute_module.
+ If not provided, the module name will be used.
+ If register is set False, then the result won't be registered in logs or files to save.
+ Return: result hash from module execution.
+ """
+ if self._execute_module is None:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ self.__class__.__name__ +
+ " invoked execute_module without providing the method at initialization."
+ )
+ result = self._execute_module(module_name, module_args, self.tmp, self.task_vars)
+ if result.get("changed"):
+ self.changed = True
+ for output in ["result", "stdout"]:
+ # output is often JSON; attempt to decode
+ try:
+ result[output + "_json"] = json.loads(result[output])
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ if register:
+ self.register_log("execute_module: " + module_name, result)
+ self.register_file(save_as_name or module_name + ".json", result)
+ return result
+ def execute_module_with_retries(self, module_name, module_args):
+ """Run execute_module and retry on failure."""
+ result = {}
+ tries = 0
+ while True:
+ res = self.execute_module(module_name, module_args)
+ if tries > self._module_retries or not res.get("failed"):
+ result.update(res)
+ return result
+ result["last_failed"] = res
+ tries += 1
+ time.sleep(self._module_retry_interval)
+ def get_var(self, *keys, **kwargs):
+ """Get deeply nested values from task_vars.
+ Ansible task_vars structures are Python dicts, often mapping strings to
+ other dicts. This helper makes it easier to get a nested value, raising
+ OpenShiftCheckException when a key is not found.
+ Keyword args:
+ default:
+ On missing key, return this as default value instead of raising exception.
+ convert:
+ Supply a function to apply to normalize the value before returning it.
+ None is the default (return as-is).
+ This function should raise ValueError if the user has provided a value
+ that cannot be converted, or OpenShiftCheckException if some other
+ problem needs to be described to the user.
+ """
+ if len(keys) == 1:
+ keys = keys[0].split(".")
+ try:
+ value = reduce(operator.getitem, keys, self.task_vars)
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ if "default" not in kwargs:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "This check expects the '{}' inventory variable to be defined\n"
+ "in order to proceed, but it is undefined. There may be a bug\n"
+ "in Ansible, the checks, or their dependencies."
+ "".format(".".join(map(str, keys)))
+ )
+ value = kwargs["default"]
+ convert = kwargs.get("convert", None)
+ try:
+ if convert is None:
+ return value
+ elif convert is bool: # interpret bool as Ansible does, instead of python truthiness
+ return ansible_to_bool(value)
+ else:
+ return convert(value)
+ except ValueError as error: # user error in specifying value
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'Cannot convert inventory variable to expected type:\n'
+ ' "{var}={value}"\n'
+ '{error}'.format(var=".".join(keys), value=value, error=error)
+ )
+ except OpenShiftCheckException: # some other check-specific problem
+ raise
+ except Exception as error: # probably a bug in the function
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'There is a bug in this check. While trying to convert variable \n'
+ ' "{var}={value}"\n'
+ 'the given converter cannot be used or failed unexpectedly:\n'
+ '{type}: {error}'.format(
+ var=".".join(keys),
+ value=value,
+ type=error.__class__.__name__,
+ error=error
+ ))
+ @staticmethod
+ def normalize(name_list):
+ """Return a clean list of names.
+ The input may be a comma-separated string or a sequence. Leading and
+ trailing whitespace characters are removed. Empty items are discarded.
+ """
+ if isinstance(name_list, string_types):
+ name_list = name_list.split(',')
+ return [name.strip() for name in name_list if name.strip()]
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_major_minor_version(openshift_image_tag):
+ """Parse and return the deployed version of OpenShift as a tuple."""
+ if openshift_image_tag and openshift_image_tag[0] == 'v':
+ openshift_image_tag = openshift_image_tag[1:]
+ # map major release versions across releases
+ # to a common major version
+ openshift_major_release_version = {
+ "1": "3",
+ }
+ components = openshift_image_tag.split(".")
+ if not components or len(components) < 2:
+ msg = "An invalid version of OpenShift was found for this host: {}"
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg.format(openshift_image_tag))
+ if components[0] in openshift_major_release_version:
+ components[0] = openshift_major_release_version[components[0]]
+ components = tuple(int(x) for x in components[:2])
+ return components
+ def find_ansible_mount(self, path):
+ """Return the mount point for path from ansible_mounts."""
+ # reorganize list of mounts into dict by path
+ mount_for_path = {
+ mount['mount']: mount
+ for mount
+ in self.get_var('ansible_mounts')
+ }
+ # NOTE: including base cases '/' and '' to ensure the loop ends
+ mount_targets = set(mount_for_path.keys()) | {'/', ''}
+ mount_point = path
+ while mount_point not in mount_targets:
+ mount_point = os.path.dirname(mount_point)
+ try:
+ mount = mount_for_path[mount_point]
+ self.register_log("mount point for " + path, mount)
+ return mount
+ except KeyError:
+ known_mounts = ', '.join('"{}"'.format(mount) for mount in sorted(mount_for_path))
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'Unable to determine mount point for path "{}".\n'
+ 'Known mount points: {}.'.format(path, known_mounts or 'none')
+ )
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+def load_checks(path=None, subpkg=""):
+ """Dynamically import all check modules for the side effect of registering checks."""
+ if path is None:
+ path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ modules = []
+ for name in os.listdir(path):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)):
+ modules = modules + load_checks(os.path.join(path, name), subpkg + "." + name)
+ continue
+ if name.endswith(".py") and name not in LOADER_EXCLUDES:
+ modules.append(import_module(__package__ + subpkg + "." + name[:-3]))
+ return modules
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cfdc1129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+A check to run relevant diagnostics via `oc adm diagnostics`.
+import os
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+ "AggregatedLogging ClusterRegistry ClusterRoleBindings ClusterRoles "
+ "ClusterRouter DiagnosticPod NetworkCheck"
+class DiagnosticCheck(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """A check to run relevant diagnostics via `oc adm diagnostics`."""
+ name = "diagnostics"
+ tags = ["health"]
+ def is_active(self):
+ return super(DiagnosticCheck, self).is_active() and self.is_first_master()
+ def run(self):
+ if self.exec_diagnostic("ConfigContexts"):
+ # only run the other diagnostics if that one succeeds (otherwise, all will fail)
+ diagnostics = self.get_var("openshift_check_diagnostics", default=DIAGNOSTIC_LIST)
+ for diagnostic in self.normalize(diagnostics):
+ self.exec_diagnostic(diagnostic)
+ return {}
+ def exec_diagnostic(self, diagnostic):
+ """
+ Execute an 'oc adm diagnostics' command on the remote host.
+ Raises OcNotFound or registers OcDiagFailed.
+ Returns True on success or False on failure (non-zero rc).
+ """
+ config_base = self.get_var("openshift.common.config_base")
+ args = {
+ "config_file": os.path.join(config_base, "master", "admin.kubeconfig"),
+ "cmd": "adm diagnostics",
+ "extra_args": [diagnostic],
+ }
+ result = self.execute_module("ocutil", args, save_as_name=diagnostic + ".failure.json")
+ self.register_file(diagnostic + ".txt", result['result'])
+ if result.get("failed"):
+ if result['result'] == '[Errno 2] No such file or directory':
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "OcNotFound",
+ "This host is supposed to be a master but does not have the `oc` command where expected.\n"
+ "Has an installation been run on this host yet?"
+ )
+ self.register_failure(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'OcDiagFailed',
+ 'The {diag} diagnostic reported an error:\n'
+ '{error}'.format(diag=diagnostic, error=result['result'])
+ ))
+ return False
+ return True
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index 000000000..7956559c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+"""Check that there is enough disk space in predefined paths."""
+import tempfile
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+class DiskAvailability(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that recommended disk space is available before a first-time install."""
+ name = "disk_availability"
+ tags = ["preflight"]
+ # Values taken from the official installation documentation:
+ #
+ recommended_disk_space_bytes = {
+ '/var': {
+ 'oo_masters_to_config': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_nodes_to_config': 15 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_etcd_to_config': 20 * 10**9,
+ },
+ # Used to copy client binaries into,
+ # see roles/openshift_cli/library/
+ '/usr/local/bin': {
+ 'oo_masters_to_config': 1 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_nodes_to_config': 1 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_etcd_to_config': 1 * 10**9,
+ },
+ # Used as temporary storage in several cases.
+ tempfile.gettempdir(): {
+ 'oo_masters_to_config': 1 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_nodes_to_config': 1 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_etcd_to_config': 1 * 10**9,
+ },
+ }
+ # recommended disk space for each location under an upgrade context
+ recommended_disk_upgrade_bytes = {
+ '/var': {
+ 'oo_masters_to_config': 10 * 10**9,
+ 'oo_nodes_to_config': 5 * 10 ** 9,
+ 'oo_etcd_to_config': 5 * 10 ** 9,
+ },
+ }
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Skip hosts that do not have recommended disk space requirements."""
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[])
+ active_groups = set()
+ for recommendation in self.recommended_disk_space_bytes.values():
+ active_groups.update(recommendation.keys())
+ has_disk_space_recommendation = bool(active_groups.intersection(group_names))
+ return super(DiskAvailability, self).is_active() and has_disk_space_recommendation
+ def run(self):
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names")
+ user_config = self.get_var("openshift_check_min_host_disk_gb", default={})
+ try:
+ # For backwards-compatibility, if openshift_check_min_host_disk_gb
+ # is a number, then it overrides the required config for '/var'.
+ number = float(user_config)
+ user_config = {
+ '/var': {
+ 'oo_masters_to_config': number,
+ 'oo_nodes_to_config': number,
+ 'oo_etcd_to_config': number,
+ },
+ }
+ except TypeError:
+ # If it is not a number, then it should be a nested dict.
+ pass
+ self.register_log("recommended thresholds", self.recommended_disk_space_bytes)
+ if user_config:
+ self.register_log("user-configured thresholds", user_config)
+ # TODO: as suggested in
+ #,
+ # maybe we could support checking disk availability in paths that are
+ # not part of the official recommendation but present in the user
+ # configuration.
+ for path, recommendation in self.recommended_disk_space_bytes.items():
+ free_bytes = self.free_bytes(path)
+ recommended_bytes = max(recommendation.get(name, 0) for name in group_names)
+ config = user_config.get(path, {})
+ # NOTE: the user config is in GB, but we compare bytes, thus the
+ # conversion.
+ config_bytes = max(config.get(name, 0) for name in group_names) * 10**9
+ recommended_bytes = config_bytes or recommended_bytes
+ # if an "upgrade" context is set, update the minimum disk requirement
+ # as this signifies an in-place upgrade - the node might have the
+ # required total disk space, but some of that space may already be
+ # in use by the existing OpenShift deployment.
+ context = self.get_var("r_openshift_health_checker_playbook_context", default="")
+ if context == "upgrade":
+ recommended_upgrade_paths = self.recommended_disk_upgrade_bytes.get(path, {})
+ if recommended_upgrade_paths:
+ recommended_bytes = config_bytes or max(recommended_upgrade_paths.get(name, 0)
+ for name in group_names)
+ if free_bytes < recommended_bytes:
+ free_gb = float(free_bytes) / 10**9
+ recommended_gb = float(recommended_bytes) / 10**9
+ msg = (
+ 'Available disk space in "{}" ({:.1f} GB) '
+ 'is below minimum recommended ({:.1f} GB)'
+ ).format(path, free_gb, recommended_gb)
+ # warn if check failed under an "upgrade" context
+ # due to limits imposed by the user config
+ if config_bytes and context == "upgrade":
+ msg += ('\n\nMake sure to account for decreased disk space during an upgrade\n'
+ 'due to an existing OpenShift deployment. Please check the value of\n'
+ ' openshift_check_min_host_disk_gb={}\n'
+ 'in your Ansible inventory, and lower the recommended disk space availability\n'
+ 'if necessary for this upgrade.').format(config_bytes)
+ self.register_failure(msg)
+ return {}
+ def free_bytes(self, path):
+ """Return the size available in path based on ansible_mounts."""
+ mount = self.find_ansible_mount(path)
+ try:
+ return mount['size_available']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'Unable to retrieve disk availability for "{path}".\n'
+ 'Ansible facts included a matching mount point for this path:\n'
+ ' {mount}\n'
+ 'however it is missing the size_available field.\n'
+ 'To investigate, you can inspect the output of `ansible -m setup <host>`'
+ ''.format(path=path, mount=mount)
+ )
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c8ac78fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+"""Check that required Docker images are available."""
+from pipes import quote
+from ansible.module_utils import six
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+from openshift_checks.mixins import DockerHostMixin
+NODE_IMAGE_SUFFIXES = ["haproxy-router", "docker-registry", "deployer", "pod"]
+ "origin": {
+ "namespace": "openshift",
+ "name": "origin",
+ "registry_console_image": "cockpit/kubernetes",
+ },
+ "openshift-enterprise": {
+ "namespace": "openshift3",
+ "name": "ose",
+ "registry_console_image": "",
+ },
+class DockerImageAvailability(DockerHostMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that required Docker images are available.
+ Determine docker images that an install would require and check that they
+ are either present in the host's docker index, or available for the host to pull
+ with known registries as defined in our inventory file (or defaults).
+ """
+ name = "docker_image_availability"
+ tags = ["preflight"]
+ # we use python-docker-py to check local docker for images, and skopeo
+ # to look for images available remotely without waiting to pull them.
+ dependencies = ["python-docker-py", "skopeo"]
+ # command for checking if remote registries have an image, without docker pull
+ skopeo_command = "timeout 10 skopeo inspect --tls-verify={tls} {creds} docker://{registry}/{image}"
+ skopeo_example_command = "skopeo inspect [--tls-verify=false] [--creds=<user>:<pass>] docker://<registry>/<image>"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(DockerImageAvailability, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.registries = dict(
+ # set of registries that need to be checked insecurely (note: not accounting for CIDR entries)
+ insecure=set(self.ensure_list("openshift_docker_insecure_registries")),
+ # set of registries that should never be queried even if given in the image
+ blocked=set(self.ensure_list("openshift_docker_blocked_registries")),
+ )
+ # ordered list of registries (according to inventory vars) that docker will try for unscoped images
+ regs = self.ensure_list("openshift_docker_additional_registries")
+ # currently one of these registries is added whether the user wants it or not.
+ deployment_type = self.get_var("openshift_deployment_type")
+ if deployment_type == "origin" and "" not in regs:
+ regs.append("")
+ elif deployment_type == 'openshift-enterprise' and "" not in regs:
+ regs.append("")
+ self.registries["configured"] = regs
+ # for the oreg_url registry there may be credentials specified
+ components = self.get_var("oreg_url", default="").split('/')
+ self.registries["oreg"] = "" if len(components) < 3 else components[0]
+ self.skopeo_command_creds = ""
+ oreg_auth_user = self.get_var('oreg_auth_user', default='')
+ oreg_auth_password = self.get_var('oreg_auth_password', default='')
+ if oreg_auth_user != '' and oreg_auth_password != '':
+ self.skopeo_command_creds = "--creds={}:{}".format(quote(oreg_auth_user), quote(oreg_auth_password))
+ # record whether we could reach a registry or not (and remember results)
+ self.reachable_registries = {}
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Skip hosts with unsupported deployment types."""
+ deployment_type = self.get_var("openshift_deployment_type")
+ has_valid_deployment_type = deployment_type in DEPLOYMENT_IMAGE_INFO
+ return super(DockerImageAvailability, self).is_active() and has_valid_deployment_type
+ def run(self):
+ msg, failed = self.ensure_dependencies()
+ if failed:
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": "Some dependencies are required in order to check Docker image availability.\n" + msg
+ }
+ required_images = self.required_images()
+ missing_images = set(required_images) - set(self.local_images(required_images))
+ # exit early if all images were found locally
+ if not missing_images:
+ return {}
+ available_images = self.available_images(missing_images)
+ unavailable_images = set(missing_images) - set(available_images)
+ if unavailable_images:
+ unreachable = [reg for reg, reachable in self.reachable_registries.items() if not reachable]
+ unreachable_msg = "Failed connecting to: {}\n".format(", ".join(unreachable))
+ blocked_msg = "Blocked registries: {}\n".format(", ".join(self.registries["blocked"]))
+ msg = (
+ "One or more required container images are not available:\n {missing}\n"
+ "Checked with: {cmd}\n"
+ "Default registries searched: {registries}\n"
+ "{blocked}"
+ "{unreachable}"
+ ).format(
+ missing=",\n ".join(sorted(unavailable_images)),
+ cmd=self.skopeo_example_command,
+ registries=", ".join(self.registries["configured"]),
+ blocked=blocked_msg if self.registries["blocked"] else "",
+ unreachable=unreachable_msg if unreachable else "",
+ )
+ return dict(failed=True, msg=msg)
+ return {}
+ def required_images(self):
+ """
+ Determine which images we expect to need for this host.
+ Returns: a set of required images like 'openshift/origin:v3.6'
+ The thorny issue of determining the image names from the variables is under consideration
+ via
+ For now we operate as follows:
+ * For containerized components (master, node, ...) we look at the deployment type and
+ use openshift/origin or openshift3/ose as the base for those component images. The
+ version is openshift_image_tag as determined by the openshift_version role.
+ * For OpenShift-managed infrastructure (router, registry...) we use oreg_url if
+ it is defined; otherwise we again use the base that depends on the deployment type.
+ Registry is not included in constructed images. It may be in oreg_url or etcd image.
+ """
+ required = set()
+ deployment_type = self.get_var("openshift_deployment_type")
+ host_groups = self.get_var("group_names")
+ # containerized etcd may not have openshift_image_tag, see bz 1466622
+ image_tag = self.get_var("openshift_image_tag", default="latest")
+ image_info = DEPLOYMENT_IMAGE_INFO[deployment_type]
+ # template for images that run on top of OpenShift
+ image_url = "{}/{}-{}:{}".format(image_info["namespace"], image_info["name"], "${component}", "${version}")
+ image_url = self.get_var("oreg_url", default="") or image_url
+ if 'oo_nodes_to_config' in host_groups:
+ for suffix in NODE_IMAGE_SUFFIXES:
+ required.add(image_url.replace("${component}", suffix).replace("${version}", image_tag))
+ # The registry-console is for some reason not prefixed with ose- like the other components.
+ # Nor is it versioned the same, so just look for latest.
+ # Also a completely different name is used for Origin.
+ required.add(image_info["registry_console_image"])
+ # images for containerized components
+ if self.get_var("openshift", "common", "is_containerized"):
+ components = set()
+ if 'oo_nodes_to_config' in host_groups:
+ components.update(["node", "openvswitch"])
+ if 'oo_masters_to_config' in host_groups: # name is "origin" or "ose"
+ components.add(image_info["name"])
+ for component in components:
+ required.add("{}/{}:{}".format(image_info["namespace"], component, image_tag))
+ if 'oo_etcd_to_config' in host_groups: # special case, note it is the same for origin/enterprise
+ required.add("") # and no image tag
+ return required
+ def local_images(self, images):
+ """Filter a list of images and return those available locally."""
+ found_images = []
+ for image in images:
+ # docker could have the image name as-is or prefixed with any registry
+ imglist = [image] + [reg + "/" + image for reg in self.registries["configured"]]
+ if self.is_image_local(imglist):
+ found_images.append(image)
+ return found_images
+ def is_image_local(self, image):
+ """Check if image is already in local docker index."""
+ result = self.execute_module("docker_image_facts", {"name": image})
+ return bool(result.get("images")) and not result.get("failed")
+ def ensure_list(self, registry_param):
+ """Return the task var as a list."""
+ #
+ # If the result was a string type, place it into a list. We must do this
+ # as using list() on a string will split the string into its characters.
+ # Otherwise cast to a list as was done previously.
+ registry = self.get_var(registry_param, default=[])
+ if not isinstance(registry, six.string_types):
+ return list(registry)
+ return self.normalize(registry)
+ def available_images(self, images):
+ """Search remotely for images. Returns: list of images found."""
+ return [
+ image for image in images
+ if self.is_available_skopeo_image(image)
+ ]
+ def is_available_skopeo_image(self, image):
+ """Use Skopeo to determine if required image exists in known registry(s)."""
+ registries = self.registries["configured"]
+ # If image already includes a registry, only use that.
+ # NOTE: This logic would incorrectly identify images that do not use a namespace, e.g.
+ # as if the registry were a namespace.
+ # It's not clear that there's any way to distinguish them, but fortunately
+ # the current set of images all look like [registry/]namespace/name[:version].
+ if image.count("/") > 1:
+ registry, image = image.split("/", 1)
+ registries = [registry]
+ for registry in registries:
+ if registry in self.registries["blocked"]:
+ continue # blocked will never be consulted
+ if registry not in self.reachable_registries:
+ self.reachable_registries[registry] = self.connect_to_registry(registry)
+ if not self.reachable_registries[registry]:
+ continue # do not keep trying unreachable registries
+ args = dict(registry=registry, image=image)
+ args["tls"] = "false" if registry in self.registries["insecure"] else "true"
+ args["creds"] = self.skopeo_command_creds if registry == self.registries["oreg"] else ""
+ result = self.execute_module_with_retries("command", {"_raw_params": self.skopeo_command.format(**args)})
+ if result.get("rc", 0) == 0 and not result.get("failed"):
+ return True
+ if result.get("rc") == 124: # RC 124 == timed out; mark unreachable
+ self.reachable_registries[registry] = False
+ return False
+ def connect_to_registry(self, registry):
+ """Use ansible wait_for module to test connectivity from host to registry. Returns bool."""
+ # test a simple TCP connection
+ host, _, port = registry.partition(":")
+ port = port or 443
+ args = dict(host=host, port=port, state="started", timeout=30)
+ result = self.execute_module("wait_for", args)
+ return result.get("rc", 0) == 0 and not result.get("failed")
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index 000000000..0558ddf14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+"""Check Docker storage driver and usage."""
+import json
+import re
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.mixins import DockerHostMixin
+class DockerStorage(DockerHostMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check Docker storage driver compatibility.
+ This check ensures that Docker is using a supported storage driver,
+ and that loopback is not being used (if using devicemapper).
+ Also that storage usage is not above threshold.
+ """
+ name = "docker_storage"
+ tags = ["pre-install", "health", "preflight"]
+ dependencies = ["python-docker-py"]
+ storage_drivers = ["devicemapper", "overlay", "overlay2"]
+ max_thinpool_data_usage_percent = 90.0
+ max_thinpool_meta_usage_percent = 90.0
+ max_overlay_usage_percent = 90.0
+ # TODO(lmeyer): mention these in the output when check fails
+ configuration_variables = [
+ (
+ "max_thinpool_data_usage_percent",
+ "For 'devicemapper' storage driver, usage threshold percentage for data. "
+ "Format: float. Default: {:.1f}".format(max_thinpool_data_usage_percent),
+ ),
+ (
+ "max_thinpool_meta_usage_percent",
+ "For 'devicemapper' storage driver, usage threshold percentage for metadata. "
+ "Format: float. Default: {:.1f}".format(max_thinpool_meta_usage_percent),
+ ),
+ (
+ "max_overlay_usage_percent",
+ "For 'overlay' or 'overlay2' storage driver, usage threshold percentage. "
+ "Format: float. Default: {:.1f}".format(max_overlay_usage_percent),
+ ),
+ ]
+ def run(self):
+ msg, failed = self.ensure_dependencies()
+ if failed:
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": "Some dependencies are required in order to query docker storage on host:\n" + msg
+ }
+ # attempt to get the docker info hash from the API
+ docker_info = self.execute_module("docker_info", {})
+ if docker_info.get("failed"):
+ return {"failed": True,
+ "msg": "Failed to query Docker API. Is docker running on this host?"}
+ if not docker_info.get("info"): # this would be very strange
+ return {"failed": True,
+ "msg": "Docker API query missing info:\n{}".format(json.dumps(docker_info))}
+ docker_info = docker_info["info"]
+ # check if the storage driver we saw is valid
+ driver = docker_info.get("Driver", "[NONE]")
+ if driver not in self.storage_drivers:
+ msg = (
+ "Detected unsupported Docker storage driver '{driver}'.\n"
+ "Supported storage drivers are: {drivers}"
+ ).format(driver=driver, drivers=', '.join(self.storage_drivers))
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ # driver status info is a list of tuples; convert to dict and validate based on driver
+ driver_status = {item[0]: item[1] for item in docker_info.get("DriverStatus", [])}
+ result = {}
+ if driver == "devicemapper":
+ result = self.check_devicemapper_support(driver_status)
+ if driver in ['overlay', 'overlay2']:
+ result = self.check_overlay_support(docker_info, driver_status)
+ return result
+ def check_devicemapper_support(self, driver_status):
+ """Check if dm storage driver is supported as configured. Return: result dict."""
+ if driver_status.get("Data loop file"):
+ msg = (
+ "Use of loopback devices with the Docker devicemapper storage driver\n"
+ "(the default storage configuration) is unsupported in production.\n"
+ "Please use docker-storage-setup to configure a backing storage volume.\n"
+ "See for further information."
+ )
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ result = self.check_dm_usage(driver_status)
+ return result
+ def check_dm_usage(self, driver_status):
+ """Check usage thresholds for Docker dm storage driver. Return: result dict.
+ Backing assumptions: We expect devicemapper to be backed by an auto-expanding thin pool
+ implemented as an LV in an LVM2 VG. This is how docker-storage-setup currently configures
+ devicemapper storage. The LV is "thin" because it does not use all available storage
+ from its VG, instead expanding as needed; so to determine available space, we gather
+ current usage as the Docker API reports for the driver as well as space available for
+ expansion in the pool's VG.
+ Usage within the LV is divided into pools allocated to data and metadata, either of which
+ could run out of space first; so we check both.
+ """
+ vals = dict(
+ vg_free=self.get_vg_free(driver_status.get("Pool Name")),
+ data_used=driver_status.get("Data Space Used"),
+ data_total=driver_status.get("Data Space Total"),
+ metadata_used=driver_status.get("Metadata Space Used"),
+ metadata_total=driver_status.get("Metadata Space Total"),
+ )
+ # convert all human-readable strings to bytes
+ for key, value in vals.copy().items():
+ try:
+ vals[key + "_bytes"] = self.convert_to_bytes(value)
+ except ValueError as err: # unlikely to hit this from API info, but just to be safe
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "values": vals,
+ "msg": "Could not interpret {} value '{}' as bytes: {}".format(key, value, str(err))
+ }
+ # determine the threshold percentages which usage should not exceed
+ for name, default in [("data", self.max_thinpool_data_usage_percent),
+ ("metadata", self.max_thinpool_meta_usage_percent)]:
+ percent = self.get_var("max_thinpool_" + name + "_usage_percent", default=default)
+ try:
+ vals[name + "_threshold"] = float(percent)
+ except ValueError:
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": "Specified thinpool {} usage limit '{}' is not a percentage".format(name, percent)
+ }
+ # test whether the thresholds are exceeded
+ messages = []
+ for name in ["data", "metadata"]:
+ vals[name + "_pct_used"] = 100 * vals[name + "_used_bytes"] / (
+ vals[name + "_total_bytes"] + vals["vg_free_bytes"])
+ if vals[name + "_pct_used"] > vals[name + "_threshold"]:
+ messages.append(
+ "Docker thinpool {name} usage percentage {pct:.1f} "
+ "is higher than threshold {thresh:.1f}.".format(
+ name=name,
+ pct=vals[name + "_pct_used"],
+ thresh=vals[name + "_threshold"],
+ ))
+ vals["failed"] = True
+ vals["msg"] = "\n".join(messages or ["Thinpool usage is within thresholds."])
+ return vals
+ def get_vg_free(self, pool):
+ """Determine which VG to examine according to the pool name. Return: size vgs reports.
+ Pool name is the only indicator currently available from the Docker API driver info.
+ We assume a name that looks like "vg--name-docker--pool";
+ vg and lv names with inner hyphens doubled, joined by a hyphen.
+ """
+ match = re.match(r'((?:[^-]|--)+)-(?!-)', pool) # matches up to the first single hyphen
+ if not match: # unlikely, but... be clear if we assumed wrong
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "This host's Docker reports it is using a storage pool named '{}'.\n"
+ "However this name does not have the expected format of 'vgname-lvname'\n"
+ "so the available storage in the VG cannot be determined.".format(pool)
+ )
+ vg_name = match.groups()[0].replace("--", "-")
+ vgs_cmd = "/sbin/vgs --noheadings -o vg_free --units g --select vg_name=" + vg_name
+ # should return free space like " 12.00g" if the VG exists; empty if it does not
+ ret = self.execute_module("command", {"_raw_params": vgs_cmd})
+ if ret.get("failed") or ret.get("rc", 0) != 0:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "Is LVM installed? Failed to run /sbin/vgs "
+ "to determine docker storage usage:\n" + ret.get("msg", "")
+ )
+ size = ret.get("stdout", "").strip()
+ if not size:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "This host's Docker reports it is using a storage pool named '{pool}'.\n"
+ "which we expect to come from local VG '{vg}'.\n"
+ "However, /sbin/vgs did not find this VG. Is Docker for this host"
+ "running and using the storage on the host?".format(pool=pool, vg=vg_name)
+ )
+ return size
+ @staticmethod
+ def convert_to_bytes(string):
+ """Convert string like "10.3 G" to bytes (binary units assumed). Return: float bytes."""
+ units = dict(
+ b=1,
+ k=1024,
+ m=1024**2,
+ g=1024**3,
+ t=1024**4,
+ p=1024**5,
+ )
+ string = string or ""
+ match = re.match(r'(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(\w)?', string) # float followed by optional unit
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot convert to a byte size: " + string)
+ number, unit = match.groups()
+ multiplier = 1 if not unit else units.get(unit.lower())
+ if not multiplier:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot convert to a byte size: " + string)
+ return float(number) * multiplier
+ def check_overlay_support(self, docker_info, driver_status):
+ """Check if overlay storage driver is supported for this host. Return: result dict."""
+ # check for xfs as backing store
+ backing_fs = driver_status.get("Backing Filesystem", "[NONE]")
+ if backing_fs != "xfs":
+ msg = (
+ "Docker storage drivers 'overlay' and 'overlay2' are only supported with\n"
+ "'xfs' as the backing storage, but this host's storage is type '{fs}'."
+ ).format(fs=backing_fs)
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ # check support for OS and kernel version
+ o_s = docker_info.get("OperatingSystem", "[NONE]")
+ if "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" in o_s or "CentOS" in o_s:
+ # keep it simple, only check enterprise kernel versions; assume everyone else is good
+ kernel = docker_info.get("KernelVersion", "[NONE]")
+ kernel_arr = [int(num) for num in re.findall(r'\d+', kernel)]
+ if kernel_arr < [3, 10, 0, 514]: # rhel < 7.3
+ msg = (
+ "Docker storage drivers 'overlay' and 'overlay2' are only supported beginning with\n"
+ "kernel version 3.10.0-514; but Docker reports kernel version {version}."
+ ).format(version=kernel)
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ # NOTE: we could check for --selinux-enabled here but docker won't even start with
+ # that option until it's supported in the kernel so we don't need to.
+ return self.check_overlay_usage(docker_info)
+ def check_overlay_usage(self, docker_info):
+ """Check disk usage on OverlayFS backing store volume. Return: result dict."""
+ path = docker_info.get("DockerRootDir", "/var/lib/docker") + "/" + docker_info["Driver"]
+ threshold = self.get_var("max_overlay_usage_percent", default=self.max_overlay_usage_percent)
+ try:
+ threshold = float(threshold)
+ except ValueError:
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": "Specified 'max_overlay_usage_percent' is not a percentage: {}".format(threshold),
+ }
+ mount = self.find_ansible_mount(path)
+ try:
+ free_bytes = mount['size_available']
+ total_bytes = mount['size_total']
+ usage = 100.0 * (total_bytes - free_bytes) / total_bytes
+ except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError):
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": "The ansible_mount found for path {} is invalid.\n"
+ "This is likely to be an Ansible bug. The record was:\n"
+ "{}".format(path, json.dumps(mount, indent=2)),
+ }
+ if usage > threshold:
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": (
+ "For Docker OverlayFS mount point {path},\n"
+ "usage percentage {pct:.1f} is higher than threshold {thresh:.1f}."
+ ).format(path=mount["mount"], pct=usage, thresh=threshold)
+ }
+ return {}
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index 000000000..f4296753a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Ansible module for determining if the size of OpenShift image data exceeds a specified limit in an etcd cluster.
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+class EtcdImageDataSize(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that total size of OpenShift image data does not exceed the recommended limit in an etcd cluster"""
+ name = "etcd_imagedata_size"
+ tags = ["etcd"]
+ def run(self):
+ etcd_mountpath = self.find_ansible_mount("/var/lib/etcd")
+ etcd_avail_diskspace = etcd_mountpath["size_available"]
+ etcd_total_diskspace = etcd_mountpath["size_total"]
+ etcd_imagedata_size_limit = self.get_var(
+ "etcd_max_image_data_size_bytes",
+ default=int(0.5 * float(etcd_total_diskspace - etcd_avail_diskspace))
+ )
+ etcd_is_ssl = self.get_var("openshift", "master", "etcd_use_ssl", default=False)
+ etcd_port = self.get_var("openshift", "master", "etcd_port", default=2379)
+ etcd_hosts = self.get_var("openshift", "master", "etcd_hosts")
+ config_base = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "config_base")
+ cert = self.get_var("etcd_client_cert", default=config_base + "/master/master.etcd-client.crt")
+ key = self.get_var("etcd_client_key", default=config_base + "/master/master.etcd-client.key")
+ ca_cert = self.get_var("etcd_client_ca_cert", default=config_base + "/master/master.etcd-ca.crt")
+ for etcd_host in list(etcd_hosts):
+ args = {
+ "size_limit_bytes": etcd_imagedata_size_limit,
+ "paths": ["/", "/"],
+ "host": etcd_host,
+ "port": etcd_port,
+ "protocol": "https" if etcd_is_ssl else "http",
+ "version_prefix": "/v2",
+ "allow_redirect": True,
+ "ca_cert": ca_cert,
+ "cert": {
+ "cert": cert,
+ "key": key,
+ },
+ }
+ etcdkeysize = self.execute_module("etcdkeysize", args)
+ if etcdkeysize.get("rc", 0) != 0 or etcdkeysize.get("failed"):
+ msg = 'Failed to retrieve stats for etcd host "{host}": {reason}'
+ reason = etcdkeysize.get("msg")
+ if etcdkeysize.get("module_stderr"):
+ reason = etcdkeysize["module_stderr"]
+ msg = msg.format(host=etcd_host, reason=reason)
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ if etcdkeysize["size_limit_exceeded"]:
+ limit = self._to_gigabytes(etcd_imagedata_size_limit)
+ msg = ("The size of OpenShift image data stored in etcd host "
+ "\"{host}\" exceeds the maximum recommended limit of {limit:.2f} GB. "
+ "Use the `oadm prune images` command to cleanup unused Docker images.")
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg.format(host=etcd_host, limit=limit)}
+ return {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def _to_gigabytes(byte_size):
+ return float(byte_size) / 10.0**9
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index 000000000..8b20ccb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+"""Check that scans journalctl for messages caused as a symptom of increased etcd traffic."""
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+class EtcdTraffic(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check if host is being affected by an increase in etcd traffic."""
+ name = "etcd_traffic"
+ tags = ["health", "etcd"]
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Skip hosts that do not have etcd in their group names."""
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[])
+ valid_group_names = "oo_etcd_to_config" in group_names
+ version = self.get_major_minor_version(self.get_var("openshift_image_tag"))
+ valid_version = version in ((3, 4), (3, 5))
+ return super(EtcdTraffic, self).is_active() and valid_group_names and valid_version
+ def run(self):
+ is_containerized = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "is_containerized")
+ unit = "etcd_container" if is_containerized else "etcd"
+ log_matchers = [{
+ "start_regexp": r"Starting Etcd Server",
+ "regexp": r"etcd: sync duration of [^,]+, expected less than 1s",
+ "unit": unit
+ }]
+ match = self.execute_module("search_journalctl", {"log_matchers": log_matchers})
+ if match.get("matched"):
+ msg = ("Higher than normal etcd traffic detected.\n"
+ "OpenShift 3.4 introduced an increase in etcd traffic.\n"
+ "Upgrading to OpenShift 3.6 is recommended in order to fix this issue.\n"
+ "Please refer to for more information.")
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ if match.get("failed"):
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": "\n".join(match.get("errors"))}
+ return {}
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index 000000000..3d75da6f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+"""A health check for OpenShift clusters."""
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+class EtcdVolume(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Ensures etcd storage usage does not exceed a given threshold."""
+ name = "etcd_volume"
+ tags = ["etcd", "health"]
+ # Default device usage threshold. Value should be in the range [0, 100].
+ default_threshold_percent = 90
+ # Where to find etcd data
+ etcd_mount_path = "/var/lib/etcd"
+ def is_active(self):
+ etcd_hosts = (
+ self.get_var("groups", "oo_etcd_to_config", default=[]) or
+ self.get_var("groups", "oo_masters_to_config", default=[]) or
+ []
+ )
+ is_etcd_host = self.get_var("ansible_host") in etcd_hosts
+ return super(EtcdVolume, self).is_active() and is_etcd_host
+ def run(self):
+ mount_info = self.find_ansible_mount(self.etcd_mount_path)
+ available = mount_info["size_available"]
+ total = mount_info["size_total"]
+ used = total - available
+ threshold = self.get_var(
+ "etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent",
+ default=self.default_threshold_percent
+ )
+ used_percent = 100.0 * used / total
+ if used_percent > threshold:
+ device = mount_info.get("device", "unknown")
+ mount = mount_info.get("mount", "unknown")
+ msg = "etcd storage usage ({:.1f}%) is above threshold ({:.1f}%). Device: {}, mount: {}.".format(
+ used_percent, threshold, device, mount
+ )
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ return {}
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
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index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
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index 000000000..b27f97172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+"""Check for an aggregated logging Curator deployment"""
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import OpenShiftCheckException, LoggingCheck
+class Curator(LoggingCheck):
+ """Check for an aggregated logging Curator deployment"""
+ name = "curator"
+ tags = ["health", "logging"]
+ def run(self):
+ """Check various things and gather errors. Returns: result as hash"""
+ curator_pods = self.get_pods_for_component("curator")
+ self.check_curator(curator_pods)
+ # TODO(lmeyer): run it all again for the ops cluster
+ return {}
+ def check_curator(self, pods):
+ """Check to see if curator is up and working. Returns: error string"""
+ if not pods:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "MissingComponentPods",
+ "There are no Curator pods for the logging stack,\n"
+ "so nothing will prune Elasticsearch indexes.\n"
+ "Is Curator correctly deployed?"
+ )
+ not_running = self.not_running_pods(pods)
+ if len(not_running) == len(pods):
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "CuratorNotRunning",
+ "The Curator pod is not currently in a running state,\n"
+ "so Elasticsearch indexes may increase without bound."
+ )
+ if len(pods) - len(not_running) > 1:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "TooManyCurators",
+ "There is more than one Curator pod running. This should not normally happen.\n"
+ "Although this doesn't cause any problems, you may want to investigate."
+ )
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index 000000000..986a01f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+"""Check for an aggregated logging Elasticsearch deployment"""
+import json
+import re
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck
+class Elasticsearch(LoggingCheck):
+ """Check for an aggregated logging Elasticsearch deployment"""
+ name = "elasticsearch"
+ tags = ["health", "logging"]
+ def run(self):
+ """Check various things and gather errors. Returns: result as hash"""
+ es_pods = self.get_pods_for_component("es")
+ self.check_elasticsearch(es_pods)
+ # TODO(lmeyer): run it all again for the ops cluster
+ return {}
+ def check_elasticsearch(self, es_pods):
+ """Perform checks for Elasticsearch. Raises OpenShiftCheckExceptionList on any errors."""
+ running_pods, errors = self.running_elasticsearch_pods(es_pods)
+ pods_by_name = {
+ pod['metadata']['name']: pod for pod in running_pods
+ # Filter out pods that are not members of a DC
+ if pod['metadata'].get('labels', {}).get('deploymentconfig')
+ }
+ if not pods_by_name:
+ # nothing running, cannot run the rest of the check
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NoRunningPods',
+ 'No logging Elasticsearch pods were found running, so no logs are being aggregated.'
+ ))
+ raise OpenShiftCheckExceptionList(errors)
+ errors += self.check_elasticsearch_masters(pods_by_name)
+ errors += self.check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods_by_name)
+ errors += self.check_es_cluster_health(pods_by_name)
+ errors += self.check_elasticsearch_diskspace(pods_by_name)
+ if errors:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckExceptionList(errors)
+ def running_elasticsearch_pods(self, es_pods):
+ """Returns: list of running pods, list of errors about non-running pods"""
+ not_running = self.not_running_pods(es_pods)
+ running_pods = [pod for pod in es_pods if pod not in not_running]
+ if not_running:
+ return running_pods, [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'PodNotRunning',
+ 'The following Elasticsearch pods are defined but not running:\n'
+ '{pods}'.format(pods=''.join(
+ " {} ({})\n".format(pod['metadata']['name'], pod['spec'].get('host', 'None'))
+ for pod in not_running
+ ))
+ )]
+ return running_pods, []
+ @staticmethod
+ def _build_es_curl_cmd(pod_name, url):
+ base = "exec {name} -- curl -s --cert {base}cert --key {base}key --cacert {base}ca -XGET '{url}'"
+ return base.format(base="/etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-", name=pod_name, url=url)
+ def check_elasticsearch_masters(self, pods_by_name):
+ """Check that Elasticsearch masters are sane. Returns: list of errors"""
+ es_master_names = set()
+ errors = []
+ for pod_name in pods_by_name.keys():
+ # Compare what each ES node reports as master and compare for split brain
+ get_master_cmd = self._build_es_curl_cmd(pod_name, "https://localhost:9200/_cat/master")
+ master_name_str = self.exec_oc(get_master_cmd, [], save_as_name="get_master_names.json")
+ master_names = (master_name_str or '').split(' ')
+ if len(master_names) > 1:
+ es_master_names.add(master_names[1])
+ else:
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NoMasterName',
+ 'Elasticsearch {pod} gave unexpected response when asked master name:\n'
+ ' {response}'.format(pod=pod_name, response=master_name_str)
+ ))
+ if not es_master_names:
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NoMasterFound',
+ 'No logging Elasticsearch masters were found.'
+ ))
+ return errors
+ if len(es_master_names) > 1:
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'SplitBrainMasters',
+ 'Found multiple Elasticsearch masters according to the pods:\n'
+ '{master_list}\n'
+ 'This implies that the masters have "split brain" and are not correctly\n'
+ 'replicating data for the logging cluster. Log loss is likely to occur.'
+ .format(master_list='\n'.join(' ' + master for master in es_master_names))
+ ))
+ return errors
+ def check_elasticsearch_node_list(self, pods_by_name):
+ """Check that reported ES masters are accounted for by pods. Returns: list of errors"""
+ if not pods_by_name:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'MissingComponentPods',
+ 'No logging Elasticsearch pods were found.'
+ )]
+ # get ES cluster nodes
+ node_cmd = self._build_es_curl_cmd(list(pods_by_name.keys())[0], 'https://localhost:9200/_nodes')
+ cluster_node_data = self.exec_oc(node_cmd, [], save_as_name="get_es_nodes.json")
+ try:
+ cluster_nodes = json.loads(cluster_node_data)['nodes']
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'MissingNodeList',
+ 'Failed to query Elasticsearch for the list of ES nodes. The output was:\n' +
+ cluster_node_data
+ )]
+ # Try to match all ES-reported node hosts to known pods.
+ errors = []
+ for node in cluster_nodes.values():
+ # Note that with 1.4/3.4 the pod IP may be used as the master name
+ if not any(node['host'] in (pod_name, pod['status'].get('podIP'))
+ for pod_name, pod in pods_by_name.items()):
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'EsPodNodeMismatch',
+ 'The Elasticsearch cluster reports a member node "{node}"\n'
+ 'that does not correspond to any known ES pod.'.format(node=node['host'])
+ ))
+ return errors
+ def check_es_cluster_health(self, pods_by_name):
+ """Exec into the elasticsearch pods and check the cluster health. Returns: list of errors"""
+ errors = []
+ for pod_name in pods_by_name.keys():
+ cluster_health_cmd = self._build_es_curl_cmd(pod_name, 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true')
+ cluster_health_data = self.exec_oc(cluster_health_cmd, [], save_as_name='get_es_health.json')
+ try:
+ health_res = json.loads(cluster_health_data)
+ if not health_res or not health_res.get('status'):
+ raise ValueError()
+ except ValueError:
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'BadEsResponse',
+ 'Could not retrieve cluster health status from logging ES pod "{pod}".\n'
+ 'Response was:\n{output}'.format(pod=pod_name, output=cluster_health_data)
+ ))
+ continue
+ if health_res['status'] not in ['green', 'yellow']:
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'EsClusterHealthRed',
+ 'Elasticsearch cluster health status is RED according to pod "{}"'.format(pod_name)
+ ))
+ return errors
+ def check_elasticsearch_diskspace(self, pods_by_name):
+ """
+ Exec into an ES pod and query the diskspace on the persistent volume.
+ Returns: list of errors
+ """
+ errors = []
+ for pod_name in pods_by_name.keys():
+ df_cmd = 'exec {} -- df --output=ipcent,pcent /elasticsearch/persistent'.format(pod_name)
+ disk_output = self.exec_oc(df_cmd, [], save_as_name='get_pv_diskspace.json')
+ lines = disk_output.splitlines()
+ # expecting one header looking like 'IUse% Use%' and one body line
+ body_re = r'\s*(\d+)%?\s+(\d+)%?\s*$'
+ if len(lines) != 2 or len(lines[0].split()) != 2 or not re.match(body_re, lines[1]):
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'BadDfResponse',
+ 'Could not retrieve storage usage from logging ES pod "{pod}".\n'
+ 'Response to `df` command was:\n{output}'.format(pod=pod_name, output=disk_output)
+ ))
+ continue
+ inode_pct, disk_pct = re.match(body_re, lines[1]).groups()
+ inode_pct_thresh = self.get_var('openshift_check_efk_es_inode_pct', default='90')
+ if int(inode_pct) >= int(inode_pct_thresh):
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'InodeUsageTooHigh',
+ 'Inode percent usage on the storage volume for logging ES pod "{pod}"\n'
+ ' is {pct}, greater than threshold {limit}.\n'
+ ' Note: threshold can be specified in inventory with {param}'.format(
+ pod=pod_name,
+ pct=str(inode_pct),
+ limit=str(inode_pct_thresh),
+ param='openshift_check_efk_es_inode_pct',
+ )))
+ disk_pct_thresh = self.get_var('openshift_check_efk_es_storage_pct', default='80')
+ if int(disk_pct) >= int(disk_pct_thresh):
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'DiskUsageTooHigh',
+ 'Disk percent usage on the storage volume for logging ES pod "{pod}"\n'
+ ' is {pct}, greater than threshold {limit}.\n'
+ ' Note: threshold can be specified in inventory with {param}'.format(
+ pod=pod_name,
+ pct=str(disk_pct),
+ limit=str(disk_pct_thresh),
+ param='openshift_check_efk_es_storage_pct',
+ )))
+ return errors
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b192a281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+"""Check for an aggregated logging Fluentd deployment"""
+import json
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck
+class Fluentd(LoggingCheck):
+ """Check for an aggregated logging Fluentd deployment"""
+ name = "fluentd"
+ tags = ["health", "logging"]
+ def run(self):
+ """Check the Fluentd deployment and raise an error if any problems are found."""
+ fluentd_pods = self.get_pods_for_component("fluentd")
+ self.check_fluentd(fluentd_pods)
+ return {}
+ def check_fluentd(self, pods):
+ """Verify fluentd is running everywhere. Raises OpenShiftCheckExceptionList if error(s) found."""
+ node_selector = self.get_var(
+ 'openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector',
+ default='logging-infra-fluentd=true'
+ )
+ nodes_by_name = self.get_nodes_by_name()
+ fluentd_nodes = self.filter_fluentd_labeled_nodes(nodes_by_name, node_selector)
+ errors = []
+ errors += self.check_node_labeling(nodes_by_name, fluentd_nodes, node_selector)
+ errors += self.check_nodes_have_fluentd(pods, fluentd_nodes)
+ errors += self.check_fluentd_pods_running(pods)
+ # Make sure there are no extra fluentd pods
+ if len(pods) > len(fluentd_nodes):
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'TooManyFluentdPods',
+ 'There are more Fluentd pods running than nodes labeled.\n'
+ 'This may not cause problems with logging but it likely indicates something wrong.'
+ ))
+ if errors:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckExceptionList(errors)
+ def get_nodes_by_name(self):
+ """Retrieve all the node definitions. Returns: dict(name: node)"""
+ nodes_json = self.exec_oc("get nodes -o json", [])
+ try:
+ nodes = json.loads(nodes_json)
+ except ValueError: # no valid json - should not happen
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "BadOcNodeList",
+ "Could not obtain a list of nodes to validate fluentd.\n"
+ "Output from oc get:\n" + nodes_json
+ )
+ if not nodes or not nodes.get('items'): # also should not happen
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "NoNodesDefined",
+ "No nodes appear to be defined according to the API."
+ )
+ return {
+ node['metadata']['name']: node
+ for node in nodes['items']
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def filter_fluentd_labeled_nodes(nodes_by_name, node_selector):
+ """Filter to all nodes with fluentd label. Returns dict(name: node)"""
+ label, value = node_selector.split('=', 1)
+ fluentd_nodes = {
+ name: node for name, node in nodes_by_name.items()
+ if node['metadata']['labels'].get(label) == value
+ }
+ if not fluentd_nodes:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NoNodesLabeled',
+ 'There are no nodes with the fluentd label {label}.\n'
+ 'This means no logs will be aggregated from the nodes.'.format(label=node_selector)
+ )
+ return fluentd_nodes
+ def check_node_labeling(self, nodes_by_name, fluentd_nodes, node_selector):
+ """Note if nodes are not labeled as expected. Returns: error list"""
+ intended_nodes = self.get_var('openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts', default=['--all'])
+ if not intended_nodes or '--all' in intended_nodes:
+ intended_nodes = nodes_by_name.keys()
+ nodes_missing_labels = set(intended_nodes) - set(fluentd_nodes.keys())
+ if nodes_missing_labels:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NodesUnlabeled',
+ 'The following nodes are supposed to be labeled with {label} but are not:\n'
+ ' {nodes}\n'
+ 'Fluentd will not aggregate logs from these nodes.'.format(
+ label=node_selector, nodes=', '.join(nodes_missing_labels)
+ ))]
+ return []
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_nodes_have_fluentd(pods, fluentd_nodes):
+ """Make sure fluentd is on all the labeled nodes. Returns: error list"""
+ unmatched_nodes = fluentd_nodes.copy()
+ node_names_by_label = {
+ node['metadata']['labels']['']: name
+ for name, node in fluentd_nodes.items()
+ }
+ node_names_by_internal_ip = {
+ address['address']: name
+ for name, node in fluentd_nodes.items()
+ for address in node['status']['addresses']
+ if address['type'] == "InternalIP"
+ }
+ for pod in pods:
+ for name in [
+ pod['spec']['nodeName'],
+ node_names_by_internal_ip.get(pod['spec']['nodeName']),
+ node_names_by_label.get(pod.get('spec', {}).get('host')),
+ ]:
+ unmatched_nodes.pop(name, None)
+ if unmatched_nodes:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'MissingFluentdPod',
+ 'The following nodes are supposed to have a Fluentd pod but do not:\n'
+ ' {nodes}\n'
+ 'These nodes will not have their logs aggregated.'.format(
+ nodes='\n '.join(unmatched_nodes.keys())
+ ))]
+ return []
+ def check_fluentd_pods_running(self, pods):
+ """Make sure all fluentd pods are running. Returns: error string"""
+ not_running = super(Fluentd, self).not_running_pods(pods)
+ if not_running:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'FluentdNotRunning',
+ 'The following Fluentd pods are supposed to be running but are not:\n'
+ ' {pods}\n'
+ 'These pods will not aggregate logs from their nodes.'.format(
+ pods='\n'.join(
+ " {name} ({host})".format(
+ name=pod['metadata']['name'],
+ host=pod['spec'].get('host', 'None')
+ )
+ for pod in not_running
+ )
+ ))]
+ return []
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e93cc9028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Module for performing checks on a Fluentd logging deployment configuration
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck
+class FluentdConfig(LoggingCheck):
+ """Module that checks logging configuration of an integrated logging Fluentd deployment"""
+ name = "fluentd_config"
+ tags = ["health"]
+ def is_active(self):
+ logging_deployed = self.get_var("openshift_hosted_logging_deploy", default=False)
+ try:
+ version = self.get_major_minor_version(self.get_var("openshift_image_tag"))
+ except ValueError:
+ # if failed to parse OpenShift version, perform check anyway (if logging enabled)
+ return logging_deployed
+ return logging_deployed and version < (3, 6)
+ def run(self):
+ """Check that Fluentd has running pods, and that its logging config matches Docker's logging config."""
+ config_error = self.check_logging_config()
+ if config_error:
+ msg = ("The following Fluentd logging configuration problem was found:"
+ "\n{}".format(config_error))
+ return {"failed": True, "msg": msg}
+ return {}
+ def check_logging_config(self):
+ """Ensure that the configured Docker logging driver matches fluentd settings.
+ This means that, at least for now, if the following condition is met:
+ openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal == True
+ then the value of the configured Docker logging driver should be "journald".
+ Otherwise, the value of the Docker logging driver should be "json-file".
+ Returns an error string if the above condition is not met, or None otherwise."""
+ use_journald = self.get_var("openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal", default=True)
+ # if check is running on a master, retrieve all running pods
+ # and check any pod's container for the env var "USE_JOURNAL"
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names")
+ if "oo_masters_to_config" in group_names:
+ use_journald = self.check_fluentd_env_var()
+ docker_info = self.execute_module("docker_info", {})
+ try:
+ logging_driver = docker_info["info"]["LoggingDriver"]
+ except KeyError:
+ return "Unable to determine Docker logging driver."
+ logging_driver = docker_info["info"]["LoggingDriver"]
+ recommended_logging_driver = "journald"
+ error = None
+ # If fluentd is set to use journald but Docker is not, recommend setting the `--log-driver`
+ # option as an inventory file variable, or adding the log driver value as part of the
+ # Docker configuration in /etc/docker/daemon.json. There is no global --log-driver flag that
+ # can be passed to the Docker binary; the only other recommendation that can be made, would be
+ # to pass the `--log-driver` flag to the "run" sub-command of the `docker` binary when running
+ # individual containers.
+ if use_journald and logging_driver != "journald":
+ error = ('Your Fluentd configuration is set to aggregate Docker container logs from "journald".\n'
+ 'This differs from your Docker configuration, which has been set to use "{driver}" '
+ 'as the default method of storing logs.\n'
+ 'This discrepancy in configuration will prevent Fluentd from receiving any logs'
+ 'from your Docker containers.').format(driver=logging_driver)
+ elif not use_journald and logging_driver != "json-file":
+ recommended_logging_driver = "json-file"
+ error = ('Your Fluentd configuration is set to aggregate Docker container logs from '
+ 'individual json log files per container.\n '
+ 'This differs from your Docker configuration, which has been set to use '
+ '"{driver}" as the default method of storing logs.\n'
+ 'This discrepancy in configuration will prevent Fluentd from receiving any logs'
+ 'from your Docker containers.').format(driver=logging_driver)
+ if error:
+ error += ('\nTo resolve this issue, add the following variable to your Ansible inventory file:\n\n'
+ ' openshift_docker_options="--log-driver={driver}"\n\n'
+ 'Alternatively, you can add the following option to your Docker configuration, located in'
+ '"/etc/docker/daemon.json":\n\n'
+ '{{ "log-driver": "{driver}" }}\n\n'
+ 'See '
+ 'for more information.').format(driver=recommended_logging_driver)
+ return error
+ def check_fluentd_env_var(self):
+ """Read and return the value of the 'USE_JOURNAL' environment variable on a fluentd pod."""
+ running_pods = self.running_fluentd_pods()
+ try:
+ pod_containers = running_pods[0]["spec"]["containers"]
+ except KeyError:
+ return "Unable to detect running containers on selected Fluentd pod."
+ if not pod_containers:
+ msg = ('There are no running containers on selected Fluentd pod "{}".\n'
+ 'Unable to calculate expected logging driver.').format(running_pods[0]["metadata"].get("name", ""))
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg)
+ pod_env = pod_containers[0].get("env")
+ if not pod_env:
+ msg = ('There are no environment variables set on the Fluentd container "{}".\n'
+ 'Unable to calculate expected logging driver.').format(pod_containers[0].get("name"))
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg)
+ for env in pod_env:
+ if env["name"] == "USE_JOURNAL":
+ return env.get("value", "false") != "false"
+ return False
+ def running_fluentd_pods(self):
+ """Return a list of running fluentd pods."""
+ fluentd_pods = self.get_pods_for_component("fluentd")
+ running_fluentd_pods = [pod for pod in fluentd_pods if pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running']
+ if not running_fluentd_pods:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'No Fluentd pods were found to be in the "Running" state. '
+ 'At least one Fluentd pod is required in order to perform this check.'
+ )
+ return running_fluentd_pods
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b1cf8baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Module for performing checks on a Kibana logging deployment
+import json
+import ssl
+ from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
+ import urllib2
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
+ import urllib.request as urllib2
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+class Kibana(LoggingCheck):
+ """Module that checks an integrated logging Kibana deployment"""
+ name = "kibana"
+ tags = ["health", "logging"]
+ def run(self):
+ """Check various things and gather errors. Returns: result as hash"""
+ kibana_pods = self.get_pods_for_component("kibana")
+ self.check_kibana(kibana_pods)
+ self.check_kibana_route()
+ # TODO(lmeyer): run it all again for the ops cluster
+ return {}
+ def _verify_url_internal(self, url):
+ """
+ Try to reach a URL from the host.
+ Returns: success (bool), reason (for failure)
+ """
+ args = dict(
+ url=url,
+ follow_redirects='none',
+ validate_certs='no', # likely to be signed with internal CA
+ # TODO(lmeyer): give users option to validate certs
+ status_code=302,
+ )
+ result = self.execute_module('uri', args)
+ if result.get('failed'):
+ return result['msg']
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def _verify_url_external(url):
+ """
+ Try to reach a URL from ansible control host.
+ Raise an OpenShiftCheckException if anything goes wrong.
+ """
+ # This actually checks from the ansible control host, which may or may not
+ # really be "external" to the cluster.
+ # Disable SSL cert validation to work around internally signed certs
+ ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
+ ctx.check_hostname = False # or setting CERT_NONE is refused
+ ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+ # Verify that the url is returning a valid response
+ try:
+ # We only care if the url connects and responds
+ return_code = urllib2.urlopen(url, context=ctx).getcode()
+ except HTTPError as httperr:
+ return httperr.reason
+ except URLError as urlerr:
+ return str(urlerr)
+ # there appears to be no way to prevent urlopen from following redirects
+ if return_code != 200:
+ return 'Expected success (200) but got return code {}'.format(int(return_code))
+ return None
+ def check_kibana(self, pods):
+ """Check to see if Kibana is up and working. Raises OpenShiftCheckException if not."""
+ if not pods:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "MissingComponentPods",
+ "There are no Kibana pods deployed, so no access to the logging UI."
+ )
+ not_running = self.not_running_pods(pods)
+ if len(not_running) == len(pods):
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "NoRunningPods",
+ "No Kibana pod is in a running state, so there is no access to the logging UI."
+ )
+ elif not_running:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "PodNotRunning",
+ "The following Kibana pods are not currently in a running state:\n"
+ " {pods}\n"
+ "However at least one is, so service may not be impacted.".format(
+ pods="\n ".join(pod['metadata']['name'] for pod in not_running)
+ )
+ )
+ def _get_kibana_url(self):
+ """
+ Get kibana route or report error.
+ Returns: url
+ """
+ # Get logging url
+ get_route = self.exec_oc("get route logging-kibana -o json", [])
+ if not get_route:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'no_route_exists',
+ 'No route is defined for Kibana in the logging namespace,\n'
+ 'so the logging stack is not accessible. Is logging deployed?\n'
+ 'Did something remove the logging-kibana route?'
+ )
+ try:
+ route = json.loads(get_route)
+ # check that the route has been accepted by a router
+ ingress = route["status"]["ingress"]
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'get_route_failed',
+ '"oc get route" returned an unexpected response:\n' + get_route
+ )
+ # ingress can be null if there is no router, or empty if not routed
+ if not ingress or not ingress[0]:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'route_not_accepted',
+ 'The logging-kibana route is not being routed by any router.\n'
+ 'Is the router deployed and working?'
+ )
+ host = route.get("spec", {}).get("host")
+ if not host:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'route_missing_host',
+ 'The logging-kibana route has no hostname defined,\n'
+ 'which should never happen. Did something alter its definition?'
+ )
+ return 'https://{}/'.format(host)
+ def check_kibana_route(self):
+ """
+ Check to see if kibana route is up and working.
+ Raises exception if not.
+ """
+ kibana_url = self._get_kibana_url()
+ # first, check that kibana is reachable from the master.
+ error = self._verify_url_internal(kibana_url)
+ if error:
+ if 'urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused' in error:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'FailedToConnectInternal',
+ 'Failed to connect from this master to Kibana URL {url}\n'
+ 'Is kibana running, and is at least one router routing to it?'.format(url=kibana_url)
+ )
+ elif 'urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known' in error:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'FailedToResolveInternal',
+ 'Failed to connect from this master to Kibana URL {url}\n'
+ 'because the hostname does not resolve.\n'
+ 'Is DNS configured for the Kibana hostname?'.format(url=kibana_url)
+ )
+ elif 'Status code was not' in error:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'WrongReturnCodeInternal',
+ 'A request from this master to the Kibana URL {url}\n'
+ 'did not return the correct status code (302).\n'
+ 'This could mean that Kibana is malfunctioning, the hostname is\n'
+ 'resolving incorrectly, or other network issues. The output was:\n'
+ ' {error}'.format(url=kibana_url, error=error)
+ )
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'MiscRouteErrorInternal',
+ 'Error validating the logging Kibana route internally:\n' + error
+ )
+ # in production we would like the kibana route to work from outside the
+ # cluster too; but that may not be the case, so allow disabling just this part.
+ if self.get_var("openshift_check_efk_kibana_external", default="True").lower() != "true":
+ return
+ error = self._verify_url_external(kibana_url)
+ if not error:
+ return
+ error_fmt = (
+ 'Error validating the logging Kibana route:\n{error}\n'
+ 'To disable external Kibana route validation, set the variable:\n'
+ ' openshift_check_efk_kibana_external=False'
+ )
+ if 'urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused' in error:
+ msg = (
+ 'Failed to connect from the Ansible control host to Kibana URL {url}\n'
+ 'Is the router for the Kibana hostname exposed externally?'
+ ).format(url=kibana_url)
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException('FailedToConnect', error_fmt.format(error=msg))
+ elif 'urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known' in error:
+ msg = (
+ 'Failed to resolve the Kibana hostname in {url}\n'
+ 'from the Ansible control host.\n'
+ 'Is DNS configured to resolve this Kibana hostname externally?'
+ ).format(url=kibana_url)
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException('FailedToResolve', error_fmt.format(error=msg))
+ elif 'Expected success (200)' in error:
+ msg = (
+ 'A request to Kibana at {url}\n'
+ 'returned the wrong error code:\n'
+ ' {error}\n'
+ 'This could mean that Kibana is malfunctioning, the hostname is\n'
+ 'resolving incorrectly, or other network issues.'
+ ).format(url=kibana_url, error=error)
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException('WrongReturnCode', error_fmt.format(error=msg))
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'MiscRouteError',
+ 'Error validating the logging Kibana route externally:\n' + error
+ )
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05ba73ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Util functions for performing checks on an Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana stack
+import json
+import os
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+class MissingComponentPods(OpenShiftCheckException):
+ """Raised when a component has no pods in the namespace."""
+ pass
+class CouldNotUseOc(OpenShiftCheckException):
+ """Raised when ocutil has a failure running oc."""
+ pass
+class LoggingCheck(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Base class for OpenShift aggregated logging component checks"""
+ # FIXME: this should not be listed as a check, since it is not meant to be
+ # run by itself.
+ name = "logging"
+ def is_active(self):
+ logging_deployed = self.get_var("openshift_hosted_logging_deploy", convert=bool, default=False)
+ return logging_deployed and super(LoggingCheck, self).is_active() and self.is_first_master()
+ def run(self):
+ return {}
+ def get_pods_for_component(self, logging_component):
+ """Get all pods for a given component. Returns: list of pods."""
+ pod_output = self.exec_oc(
+ "get pods -l component={} -o json".format(logging_component),
+ [],
+ )
+ try:
+ pods = json.loads(pod_output) # raises ValueError if deserialize fails
+ if not pods or not pods.get('items'): # also a broken response, treat the same
+ raise ValueError()
+ except ValueError:
+ # successful run but non-parsing data generally means there were no pods to be found
+ raise MissingComponentPods(
+ 'There are no "{}" component pods in the "{}" namespace.\n'
+ 'Is logging deployed?'.format(logging_component, self.logging_namespace())
+ )
+ return pods['items']
+ @staticmethod
+ def not_running_pods(pods):
+ """Returns: list of pods not in a ready and running state"""
+ return [
+ pod for pod in pods
+ if not pod.get("status", {}).get("containerStatuses") or any(
+ container['ready'] is False
+ for container in pod['status']['containerStatuses']
+ ) or not any(
+ condition['type'] == 'Ready' and condition['status'] == 'True'
+ for condition in pod['status'].get('conditions', [])
+ )
+ ]
+ def logging_namespace(self):
+ """Returns the namespace in which logging is configured to deploy."""
+ return self.get_var("openshift_logging_namespace", default="logging")
+ def exec_oc(self, cmd_str="", extra_args=None, save_as_name=None):
+ """
+ Execute an 'oc' command in the remote host.
+ Returns: output of command and namespace,
+ or raises CouldNotUseOc on error
+ """
+ config_base = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "config_base")
+ args = {
+ "namespace": self.logging_namespace(),
+ "config_file": os.path.join(config_base, "master", "admin.kubeconfig"),
+ "cmd": cmd_str,
+ "extra_args": list(extra_args) if extra_args else [],
+ }
+ result = self.execute_module("ocutil", args, save_as_name=save_as_name)
+ if result.get("failed"):
+ if result['result'] == '[Errno 2] No such file or directory':
+ raise CouldNotUseOc(
+ "This host is supposed to be a master but does not have the `oc` command where expected.\n"
+ "Has an installation been run on this host yet?"
+ )
+ raise CouldNotUseOc(
+ 'Unexpected error using `oc` to validate the logging stack components.\n'
+ 'Error executing `oc {cmd}`:\n'
+ '{error}'.format(cmd=args['cmd'], error=result['result'])
+ )
+ return result.get("result", "")
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cacdf4213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+Check for ensuring logs from pods can be queried in a reasonable amount of time.
+import json
+import time
+from uuid import uuid4
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck
+class LoggingIndexTime(LoggingCheck):
+ """Check that pod logs are aggregated and indexed in ElasticSearch within a reasonable amount of time."""
+ name = "logging_index_time"
+ tags = ["health", "logging"]
+ def run(self):
+ """Add log entry by making unique request to Kibana. Check for unique entry in the ElasticSearch pod logs."""
+ try:
+ log_index_timeout = int(
+ self.get_var("openshift_check_logging_index_timeout_seconds", default=ES_CMD_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
+ )
+ except ValueError:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'InvalidTimeout',
+ 'Invalid value provided for "openshift_check_logging_index_timeout_seconds". '
+ 'Value must be an integer representing an amount in seconds.'
+ )
+ running_component_pods = dict()
+ # get all component pods
+ for component, name in (['kibana', 'Kibana'], ['es', 'Elasticsearch']):
+ pods = self.get_pods_for_component(component)
+ running_pods = self.running_pods(pods)
+ if not running_pods:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ component + 'NoRunningPods',
+ 'No {} pods in the "Running" state were found.'
+ 'At least one pod is required in order to perform this check.'.format(name)
+ )
+ running_component_pods[component] = running_pods
+ uuid = self.curl_kibana_with_uuid(running_component_pods["kibana"][0])
+ self.wait_until_cmd_or_err(running_component_pods["es"][0], uuid, log_index_timeout)
+ return {}
+ def wait_until_cmd_or_err(self, es_pod, uuid, timeout_secs):
+ """Retry an Elasticsearch query every second until query success, or a defined
+ length of time has passed."""
+ deadline = time.time() + timeout_secs
+ interval = 1
+ while not self.query_es_from_es(es_pod, uuid):
+ if time.time() + interval > deadline:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "NoMatchFound",
+ "expecting match in Elasticsearch for message with uuid {}, "
+ "but no matches were found after {}s.".format(uuid, timeout_secs)
+ )
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ def curl_kibana_with_uuid(self, kibana_pod):
+ """curl Kibana with a unique uuid."""
+ uuid = self.generate_uuid()
+ pod_name = kibana_pod["metadata"]["name"]
+ exec_cmd = "exec {pod_name} -c kibana -- curl --max-time 30 -s http://localhost:5601/{uuid}"
+ exec_cmd = exec_cmd.format(pod_name=pod_name, uuid=uuid)
+ error_str = self.exec_oc(exec_cmd, [])
+ try:
+ error_code = json.loads(error_str)["statusCode"]
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'kibanaInvalidResponse',
+ 'invalid response returned from Kibana request:\n'
+ 'Command: {}\nResponse: {}'.format(exec_cmd, error_str)
+ )
+ if error_code != 404:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'kibanaInvalidReturnCode',
+ 'invalid error code returned from Kibana request.\n'
+ 'Expecting error code "404", but got "{}" instead.'.format(error_code)
+ )
+ return uuid
+ def query_es_from_es(self, es_pod, uuid):
+ """curl the Elasticsearch pod and look for a unique uuid in its logs."""
+ pod_name = es_pod["metadata"]["name"]
+ exec_cmd = (
+ "exec {pod_name} -- curl --max-time 30 -s -f "
+ "--cacert /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-ca "
+ "--cert /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-cert "
+ "--key /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-key "
+ "https://logging-es:9200/project.{namespace}*/_count?q=message:{uuid}"
+ )
+ exec_cmd = exec_cmd.format(pod_name=pod_name, namespace=self.logging_namespace(), uuid=uuid)
+ result = self.exec_oc(exec_cmd, [], save_as_name="query_for_uuid.json")
+ try:
+ count = json.loads(result)["count"]
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'esInvalidResponse',
+ 'Invalid response from Elasticsearch query:\n'
+ ' {}\n'
+ 'Response was:\n{}'.format(exec_cmd, result)
+ )
+ return count
+ @staticmethod
+ def running_pods(pods):
+ """Filter pods that are running."""
+ return [pod for pod in pods if pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running']
+ @staticmethod
+ def generate_uuid():
+ """Wrap uuid generator. Allows for testing with expected values."""
+ return str(uuid4())
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7a8ec976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+"""Check that recommended memory is available."""
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+MIB = 2**20
+GIB = 2**30
+class MemoryAvailability(OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that recommended memory is available."""
+ name = "memory_availability"
+ tags = ["preflight"]
+ # Values taken from the official installation documentation:
+ #
+ recommended_memory_bytes = {
+ "oo_masters_to_config": 16 * GIB,
+ "oo_nodes_to_config": 8 * GIB,
+ "oo_etcd_to_config": 8 * GIB,
+ }
+ # physical RAM is partly reserved from memtotal
+ memtotal_adjustment = 1 * GIB
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Skip hosts that do not have recommended memory requirements."""
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[])
+ has_memory_recommendation = bool(set(group_names).intersection(self.recommended_memory_bytes))
+ return super(MemoryAvailability, self).is_active() and has_memory_recommendation
+ def run(self):
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names")
+ total_memory_bytes = self.get_var("ansible_memtotal_mb") * MIB
+ recommended_min = max(self.recommended_memory_bytes.get(name, 0) for name in group_names)
+ configured_min = float(self.get_var("openshift_check_min_host_memory_gb", default=0)) * GIB
+ min_memory_bytes = configured_min or recommended_min
+ if total_memory_bytes + self.memtotal_adjustment < min_memory_bytes:
+ return {
+ 'failed': True,
+ 'msg': (
+ 'Available memory ({available:.1f} GiB) is too far '
+ 'below recommended value ({recommended:.1f} GiB)'
+ ).format(
+ available=float(total_memory_bytes) / GIB,
+ recommended=float(min_memory_bytes) / GIB,
+ ),
+ }
+ return {}
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfbdea303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Mixin classes meant to be used with subclasses of OpenShiftCheck.
+class NotContainerizedMixin(object):
+ """Mixin for checks that are only active when not in containerized mode."""
+ # permanent # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ # Reason: The mixin is not intended to stand on its own as a class.
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Only run on non-containerized hosts."""
+ is_containerized = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "is_containerized")
+ return super(NotContainerizedMixin, self).is_active() and not is_containerized
+class DockerHostMixin(object):
+ """Mixin for checks that are only active on hosts that require Docker."""
+ dependencies = []
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Only run on hosts that depend on Docker."""
+ group_names = set(self.get_var("group_names", default=[]))
+ needs_docker = set(["oo_nodes_to_config"])
+ if self.get_var("openshift.common.is_containerized"):
+ needs_docker.update(["oo_masters_to_config", "oo_etcd_to_config"])
+ return super(DockerHostMixin, self).is_active() and bool(group_names.intersection(needs_docker))
+ def ensure_dependencies(self):
+ """
+ Ensure that docker-related packages exist, but not on atomic hosts
+ (which would not be able to install but should already have them).
+ Returns: msg, failed
+ """
+ if self.get_var("openshift", "common", "is_atomic"):
+ return "", False
+ # NOTE: we would use the "package" module but it's actually an action plugin
+ # and it's not clear how to invoke one of those. This is about the same anyway:
+ result = self.execute_module_with_retries(
+ self.get_var("ansible_pkg_mgr", default="yum"),
+ {"name": self.dependencies, "state": "present"},
+ )
+ msg = result.get("msg", "")
+ if result.get("failed"):
+ if "No package matching" in msg:
+ msg = "Ensure that all required dependencies can be installed via `yum`.\n"
+ msg = (
+ "Unable to install required packages on this host:\n"
+ " {deps}\n{msg}"
+ ).format(deps=',\n '.join(self.dependencies), msg=msg)
+ failed = result.get("failed", False) or result.get("rc", 0) != 0
+ return msg, failed
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..416805c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Ansible module for determining if an installed version of Open vSwitch is incompatible with the
+currently installed version of OpenShift.
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.mixins import NotContainerizedMixin
+class OvsVersion(NotContainerizedMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that packages in a package_list are installed on the host
+ and are the correct version as determined by an OpenShift installation.
+ """
+ name = "ovs_version"
+ tags = ["health"]
+ openshift_to_ovs_version = {
+ "3.6": ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ "3.5": ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ "3.4": "2.4",
+ }
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Skip hosts that do not have package requirements."""
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[])
+ master_or_node = 'oo_masters_to_config' in group_names or 'oo_nodes_to_config' in group_names
+ return super(OvsVersion, self).is_active() and master_or_node
+ def run(self):
+ args = {
+ "package_list": [
+ {
+ "name": "openvswitch",
+ "version": self.get_required_ovs_version(),
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ return self.execute_module("rpm_version", args)
+ def get_required_ovs_version(self):
+ """Return the correct Open vSwitch version for the current OpenShift version"""
+ openshift_version_tuple = self.get_major_minor_version(self.get_var("openshift_image_tag"))
+ if openshift_version_tuple < (3, 5):
+ return self.openshift_to_ovs_version["3.4"]
+ openshift_version = ".".join(str(x) for x in openshift_version_tuple)
+ ovs_version = self.openshift_to_ovs_version.get(openshift_version)
+ if ovs_version:
+ return self.openshift_to_ovs_version[openshift_version]
+ msg = "There is no recommended version of Open vSwitch for the current version of OpenShift: {}"
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg.format(openshift_version))
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..090e438ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+"""Check that required RPM packages are available."""
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+from openshift_checks.mixins import NotContainerizedMixin
+class PackageAvailability(NotContainerizedMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that required RPM packages are available."""
+ name = "package_availability"
+ tags = ["preflight"]
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Run only when yum is the package manager as the code is specific to it."""
+ return super(PackageAvailability, self).is_active() and self.get_var("ansible_pkg_mgr") == "yum"
+ def run(self):
+ rpm_prefix = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "service_type")
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[])
+ packages = set()
+ if "oo_masters_to_config" in group_names:
+ packages.update(self.master_packages(rpm_prefix))
+ if "oo_nodes_to_config" in group_names:
+ packages.update(self.node_packages(rpm_prefix))
+ args = {"packages": sorted(set(packages))}
+ return self.execute_module_with_retries("check_yum_update", args)
+ @staticmethod
+ def master_packages(rpm_prefix):
+ """Return a list of RPMs that we expect a master install to have available."""
+ return [
+ "{rpm_prefix}".format(rpm_prefix=rpm_prefix),
+ "{rpm_prefix}-clients".format(rpm_prefix=rpm_prefix),
+ "{rpm_prefix}-master".format(rpm_prefix=rpm_prefix),
+ "bash-completion",
+ "cockpit-bridge",
+ "cockpit-docker",
+ "cockpit-system",
+ "cockpit-ws",
+ "etcd",
+ "httpd-tools",
+ ]
+ @staticmethod
+ def node_packages(rpm_prefix):
+ """Return a list of RPMs that we expect a node install to have available."""
+ return [
+ "{rpm_prefix}".format(rpm_prefix=rpm_prefix),
+ "{rpm_prefix}-node".format(rpm_prefix=rpm_prefix),
+ "{rpm_prefix}-sdn-ovs".format(rpm_prefix=rpm_prefix),
+ "bind",
+ "ceph-common",
+ "dnsmasq",
+ "docker",
+ "firewalld",
+ "flannel",
+ "glusterfs-fuse",
+ "iptables-services",
+ "iptables",
+ "iscsi-initiator-utils",
+ "libselinux-python",
+ "nfs-utils",
+ "ntp",
+ "openssl",
+ "pyparted",
+ "python-httplib2",
+ "PyYAML",
+ "yum-utils",
+ ]
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8464e8a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+"""Check that a yum update would not run into conflicts with available packages."""
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck
+from openshift_checks.mixins import NotContainerizedMixin
+class PackageUpdate(NotContainerizedMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that a yum update would not run into conflicts with available packages."""
+ name = "package_update"
+ tags = ["preflight"]
+ def run(self):
+ args = {"packages": []}
+ return self.execute_module_with_retries("check_yum_update", args)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f09b22fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+"""Check that available RPM packages match the required versions."""
+import re
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.mixins import NotContainerizedMixin
+class PackageVersion(NotContainerizedMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ """Check that available RPM packages match the required versions."""
+ name = "package_version"
+ tags = ["preflight"]
+ # NOTE: versions outside those specified are mapped to least/greatest
+ openshift_to_ovs_version = {
+ (3, 4): "2.4",
+ (3, 5): ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ (3, 6): ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ }
+ openshift_to_docker_version = {
+ (3, 1): "1.8",
+ (3, 2): "1.10",
+ (3, 3): "1.10",
+ (3, 4): "1.12",
+ (3, 5): "1.12",
+ (3, 6): "1.12",
+ }
+ # map major OpenShift release versions across releases to a common major version
+ map_major_release_version = {
+ 1: 3,
+ }
+ def is_active(self):
+ """Skip hosts that do not have package requirements."""
+ group_names = self.get_var("group_names", default=[])
+ master_or_node = 'oo_masters_to_config' in group_names or 'oo_nodes_to_config' in group_names
+ return super(PackageVersion, self).is_active() and master_or_node
+ def run(self):
+ rpm_prefix = self.get_var("openshift", "common", "service_type")
+ openshift_release = self.get_var("openshift_release", default='')
+ deployment_type = self.get_var("openshift_deployment_type")
+ check_multi_minor_release = deployment_type in ['openshift-enterprise']
+ args = {
+ "package_mgr": self.get_var("ansible_pkg_mgr"),
+ "package_list": [
+ {
+ "name": "openvswitch",
+ "version": self.get_required_ovs_version(),
+ "check_multi": False,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "docker",
+ "version": self.get_required_docker_version(),
+ "check_multi": False,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "{}".format(rpm_prefix),
+ "version": openshift_release,
+ "check_multi": check_multi_minor_release,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "{}-master".format(rpm_prefix),
+ "version": openshift_release,
+ "check_multi": check_multi_minor_release,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "{}-node".format(rpm_prefix),
+ "version": openshift_release,
+ "check_multi": check_multi_minor_release,
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ return self.execute_module_with_retries("aos_version", args)
+ def get_required_ovs_version(self):
+ """Return the correct Open vSwitch version(s) for the current OpenShift version."""
+ openshift_version = self.get_openshift_version_tuple()
+ earliest = min(self.openshift_to_ovs_version)
+ latest = max(self.openshift_to_ovs_version)
+ if openshift_version < earliest:
+ return self.openshift_to_ovs_version[earliest]
+ if openshift_version > latest:
+ return self.openshift_to_ovs_version[latest]
+ ovs_version = self.openshift_to_ovs_version.get(openshift_version)
+ if not ovs_version:
+ msg = "There is no recommended version of Open vSwitch for the current version of OpenShift: {}"
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg.format(".".join(str(comp) for comp in openshift_version)))
+ return ovs_version
+ def get_required_docker_version(self):
+ """Return the correct Docker version(s) for the current OpenShift version."""
+ openshift_version = self.get_openshift_version_tuple()
+ earliest = min(self.openshift_to_docker_version)
+ latest = max(self.openshift_to_docker_version)
+ if openshift_version < earliest:
+ return self.openshift_to_docker_version[earliest]
+ if openshift_version > latest:
+ return self.openshift_to_docker_version[latest]
+ docker_version = self.openshift_to_docker_version.get(openshift_version)
+ if not docker_version:
+ msg = "There is no recommended version of Docker for the current version of OpenShift: {}"
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg.format(".".join(str(comp) for comp in openshift_version)))
+ return docker_version
+ def get_openshift_version_tuple(self):
+ """Return received image tag as a normalized (X, Y) minor version tuple."""
+ version = self.get_var("openshift_image_tag")
+ comps = [int(component) for component in re.findall(r'\d+', version)]
+ if len(comps) < 2:
+ msg = "An invalid version of OpenShift was found for this host: {}"
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(msg.format(version))
+ comps[0] = self.map_major_release_version.get(comps[0], comps[0])
+ return tuple(comps[0:2])
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40ad27d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+import pytest
+from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext
+from openshift_health_check import ActionModule, resolve_checks
+from openshift_health_check import copy_remote_file_to_dir, write_result_to_output_dir, write_to_output_file
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException, FileToSave
+def fake_check(name='fake_check', tags=None, is_active=True, run_return=None, run_exception=None,
+ run_logs=None, run_files=None, changed=False, get_var_return=None):
+ """Returns a new class that is compatible with OpenShiftCheck for testing."""
+ _name, _tags = name, tags
+ class FakeCheck(object):
+ name = _name
+ tags = _tags or []
+ def __init__(self, **_):
+ self.changed = False
+ self.failures = []
+ self.logs = run_logs or []
+ self.files_to_save = run_files or []
+ def is_active(self):
+ if isinstance(is_active, Exception):
+ raise is_active
+ return is_active
+ def run(self):
+ self.changed = changed
+ if run_exception is not None:
+ raise run_exception
+ return run_return
+ def get_var(*args, **_):
+ return get_var_return
+ def register_failure(self, exc):
+ self.failures.append(OpenShiftCheckException(str(exc)))
+ return
+ return FakeCheck
+# Fixtures
+def plugin():
+ task = FakeTask('openshift_health_check', {'checks': ['fake_check']})
+ plugin = ActionModule(task, None, PlayContext(), None, None, None)
+ return plugin
+class FakeTask(object):
+ def __init__(self, action, args):
+ self.action = action
+ self.args = args
+ self.async = 0
+def task_vars():
+ return dict(openshift=dict(), ansible_host='unit-test-host')
+# Assertion helpers
+def failed(result, msg_has=None):
+ if msg_has is not None:
+ assert 'msg' in result
+ for term in msg_has:
+ assert term.lower() in result['msg'].lower()
+ return result.get('failed', False)
+def changed(result):
+ return result.get('changed', False)
+# tests whether task is skipped, not individual checks
+def skipped(result):
+ return result.get('skipped', False)
+# Tests
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('task_vars', [
+ None,
+ {},
+def test_action_plugin_missing_openshift_facts(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['openshift_facts'])
+def test_action_plugin_cannot_load_checks_with_the_same_name(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ FakeCheck1 = fake_check('duplicate_name')
+ FakeCheck2 = fake_check('duplicate_name')
+ checks = [FakeCheck1, FakeCheck2]
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_checks.OpenShiftCheck.subclasses', classmethod(lambda cls: checks))
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['duplicate', 'duplicate_name', 'FakeCheck'])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_active, skipped_reason', [
+ (False, "Not active for this host"),
+ (Exception("borked"), "exception"),
+def test_action_plugin_skip_non_active_checks(is_active, skipped_reason, plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ checks = [fake_check(is_active=is_active)]
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_checks.OpenShiftCheck.subclasses', classmethod(lambda cls: checks))
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'].get('skipped')
+ assert skipped_reason in result['checks']['fake_check'].get('skipped_reason')
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('to_disable', [
+ 'fake_check',
+ ['fake_check', 'spam'],
+ '*,spam,eggs',
+def test_action_plugin_skip_disabled_checks(to_disable, plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ checks = [fake_check('fake_check', is_active=True)]
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_checks.OpenShiftCheck.subclasses', classmethod(lambda cls: checks))
+ task_vars['openshift_disable_check'] = to_disable
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == dict(skipped=True, skipped_reason="Disabled by user request")
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_list_checks(monkeypatch):
+ task = FakeTask('openshift_health_check', {'checks': []})
+ plugin = ActionModule(task, None, PlayContext(), None, None, None)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {})
+ result =
+ assert failed(result, msg_has="Available checks")
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_ok(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ check_return_value = {'ok': 'test'}
+ check_class = fake_check(run_return=check_return_value, run_files=[None])
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == check_return_value
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_changed(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ check_return_value = {'ok': 'test'}
+ check_class = fake_check(run_return=check_return_value, changed=True)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == check_return_value
+ assert changed(result['checks']['fake_check'])
+ assert not failed(result)
+ assert changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_fail(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ check_return_value = {'failed': True, 'msg': 'this is a failure'}
+ check_class = fake_check(run_return=check_return_value)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert result['checks']['fake_check'] == check_return_value
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['failed'])
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('exc_class, expect_traceback', [
+ (OpenShiftCheckException, False),
+ (Exception, True),
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_exception(plugin, task_vars, exc_class, expect_traceback, monkeypatch):
+ exception_msg = 'fake check has an exception'
+ run_exception = exc_class(exception_msg)
+ check_class = fake_check(run_exception=run_exception, changed=True)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result['checks']['fake_check'], msg_has=exception_msg)
+ assert expect_traceback == ("Traceback" in result['checks']['fake_check']['msg'])
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['failed'])
+ assert changed(result['checks']['fake_check'])
+ assert changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+def test_action_plugin_run_check_output_dir(plugin, task_vars, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+ check_class = fake_check(
+ run_return={},
+ run_logs=[('thing', 'note')],
+ run_files=[
+ FileToSave('save.file', 'contents', None),
+ FileToSave('save.file', 'duplicate', None),
+ FileToSave('copy.file', None, 'foo'), # note: copy runs execute_module => exception
+ ],
+ )
+ task_vars['openshift_checks_output_dir'] = str(tmpdir)
+ check_class.get_var = lambda self, name, **_: task_vars.get(name)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {'fake_check': check_class()})
+ monkeypatch.setattr('openshift_health_check.resolve_checks', lambda *args: ['fake_check'])
+, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert any(path.basename == task_vars['ansible_host'] for path in tmpdir.listdir())
+ assert any(path.basename == 'fake_check.log.json' for path in tmpdir.visit())
+ assert any(path.basename == 'save.file' for path in tmpdir.visit())
+ assert any(path.basename == 'save.file.2' for path in tmpdir.visit())
+def test_action_plugin_resolve_checks_exception(plugin, task_vars, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(plugin, 'load_known_checks', lambda *_: {})
+ result =, task_vars=task_vars)
+ assert failed(result, msg_has=['unknown', 'name'])
+ assert not changed(result)
+ assert not skipped(result)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('names,all_checks,expected', [
+ ([], [], set()),
+ (
+ ['a', 'b'],
+ [
+ fake_check('a'),
+ fake_check('b'),
+ ],
+ set(['a', 'b']),
+ ),
+ (
+ ['a', 'b', '@group'],
+ [
+ fake_check('from_group_1', ['group', 'another_group']),
+ fake_check('not_in_group', ['another_group']),
+ fake_check('from_group_2', ['preflight', 'group']),
+ fake_check('a'),
+ fake_check('b'),
+ ],
+ set(['a', 'b', 'from_group_1', 'from_group_2']),
+ ),
+def test_resolve_checks_ok(names, all_checks, expected):
+ assert resolve_checks(names, all_checks) == expected
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('names,all_checks,words_in_exception', [
+ (
+ ['testA', 'testB'],
+ [],
+ ['check', 'name', 'testA', 'testB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['@group'],
+ [],
+ ['tag', 'name', 'group'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['testA', 'testB', '@group'],
+ [],
+ ['check', 'name', 'testA', 'testB', 'tag', 'group'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['testA', 'testB', '@group'],
+ [
+ fake_check('from_group_1', ['group', 'another_group']),
+ fake_check('not_in_group', ['another_group']),
+ fake_check('from_group_2', ['preflight', 'group']),
+ ],
+ ['check', 'name', 'testA', 'testB'],
+ ),
+def test_resolve_checks_failure(names, all_checks, words_in_exception):
+ with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
+ resolve_checks(names, all_checks)
+ for word in words_in_exception:
+ assert word in str(excinfo.value)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('give_output_dir, result, expect_file', [
+ (False, None, False),
+ (True, dict(content="c3BhbQo=", encoding="base64"), True),
+ (True, dict(content="encoding error", encoding="base64"), False),
+ (True, dict(content="spam", no_encoding=None), True),
+ (True, dict(failed=True, msg="could not slurp"), False),
+def test_copy_remote_file_to_dir(give_output_dir, result, expect_file, tmpdir):
+ check = fake_check()()
+ check.execute_module = lambda *args, **_: result
+ copy_remote_file_to_dir(check, "remote_file", str(tmpdir) if give_output_dir else "", "local_file")
+ assert expect_file == any(path.basename == "local_file" for path in tmpdir.listdir())
+def test_write_to_output_exceptions(tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys):
+ class Spam(object):
+ def __str__(self):
+ raise Exception("break str")
+ test = {1: object(), 2: Spam()}
+ test[3] = test
+ write_result_to_output_dir(str(tmpdir), test)
+ assert "Error writing" in test["output_files"]
+ output_dir = tmpdir.join("eggs")
+ output_dir.write("spam") # so now it's not a dir
+ write_to_output_file(str(output_dir), "somefile", "somedata")
+ assert "Could not write" in capsys.readouterr()[1]
+ monkeypatch.setattr("openshift_health_check.prepare_output_dir", lambda *_: False)
+ write_result_to_output_dir(str(tmpdir), test)
+ assert "Error creating" in test["output_files"]
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4100f6c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+import pytest
+import aos_version
+from collections import namedtuple
+Package = namedtuple('Package', ['name', 'version'])
+expected_pkgs = {
+ "spam": {
+ "name": "spam",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ },
+ "eggs": {
+ "name": "eggs",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ },
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs,expected_pkgs_dict', [
+ (
+ # all found
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1'), Package('eggs', '3.2.1')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ),
+ (
+ # found with more specific version
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1'), Package('eggs', '')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('ovs', '2.6'), Package('ovs', '2.4')],
+ {
+ "ovs": {
+ "name": "ovs",
+ "version": ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('ovs', '2.7')],
+ {
+ "ovs": {
+ "name": "ovs",
+ "version": ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ },
+ ),
+def test_check_precise_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ aos_version._check_precise_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs,expect_not_found', [
+ (
+ [],
+ {
+ "spam": {
+ "name": "spam",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ },
+ "eggs": {
+ "name": "eggs",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ }, # none found
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1')],
+ {
+ "eggs": {
+ "name": "eggs",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ }, # completely missing
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1'), Package('eggs', '3.3.2')],
+ {
+ "eggs": {
+ "name": "eggs",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ }, # not the right version
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('eggs', '1.2.3'), Package('eggs', '')],
+ {
+ "spam": {
+ "name": "spam",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ }, # eggs found with multiple versions
+ ),
+def test_check_precise_version_found_fail(pkgs, expect_not_found):
+ with pytest.raises(aos_version.PreciseVersionNotFound) as e:
+ aos_version._check_precise_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
+ assert list(expect_not_found.values()) == e.value.problem_pkgs
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs,expected_pkgs_dict', [
+ (
+ [],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ),
+ (
+ # more precise but not strictly higher
+ [Package('spam', '')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('ovs', '2.7')],
+ {
+ "ovs": {
+ "name": "ovs",
+ "version": ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ },
+ ),
+def test_check_higher_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ aos_version._check_higher_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs,expected_pkgs_dict,expect_higher', [
+ (
+ [Package('spam', '3.3')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ['spam-3.3'], # lower precision, but higher
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1'), Package('eggs', '3.3.2')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ['eggs-3.3.2'], # one too high
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('eggs', '1.2.3'), Package('eggs', ''), Package('eggs', '3.4')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ['eggs-3.4'], # multiple versions, one is higher
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('eggs', '3.2.1'), Package('eggs', '3.4'), Package('eggs', '3.3')],
+ expected_pkgs,
+ ['eggs-3.4'], # multiple versions, two are higher
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('ovs', '2.8')],
+ {
+ "ovs": {
+ "name": "ovs",
+ "version": ["2.6", "2.7"],
+ "check_multi": False,
+ }
+ },
+ ['ovs-2.8'],
+ ),
+def test_check_higher_version_found_fail(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict, expect_higher):
+ with pytest.raises(aos_version.FoundHigherVersion) as e:
+ aos_version._check_higher_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict)
+ assert set(expect_higher) == set(e.value.problem_pkgs)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs', [
+ [],
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1')],
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1'), Package('eggs', '3.2.2')],
+def test_check_multi_minor_release(pkgs):
+ aos_version._check_multi_minor_release(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs,expect_to_flag_pkgs', [
+ (
+ [Package('spam', '3.2.1'), Package('spam', '3.3.2')],
+ ['spam'],
+ ),
+ (
+ [Package('eggs', '1.2.3'), Package('eggs', ''), Package('eggs', '3.4')],
+ ['eggs'],
+ ),
+def test_check_multi_minor_release_fail(pkgs, expect_to_flag_pkgs):
+ with pytest.raises(aos_version.FoundMultiRelease) as e:
+ aos_version._check_multi_minor_release(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
+ assert set(expect_to_flag_pkgs) == set(e.value.problem_pkgs)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..244a1f0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import os
+import sys
+# extend sys.path so that tests can import openshift_checks and action plugins
+# from this role.
+openshift_health_checker_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+sys.path[1:1] = [
+ openshift_health_checker_path,
+ os.path.join(openshift_health_checker_path, 'action_plugins'),
+ os.path.join(openshift_health_checker_path, 'callback_plugins'),
+ os.path.join(openshift_health_checker_path, 'library'),
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62c680b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.logging.curator import Curator, OpenShiftCheckException
+plain_curator_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "curator", "deploymentconfig": "logging-curator"},
+ "name": "logging-curator-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ }
+not_running_curator_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "curator", "deploymentconfig": "logging-curator"},
+ "name": "logging-curator-2",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": False}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "False", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ }
+def test_get_curator_pods():
+ check = Curator()
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [plain_curator_pod]
+ result =
+ assert "failed" not in result or not result["failed"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ 'MissingComponentPods',
+ ),
+ (
+ [not_running_curator_pod],
+ 'CuratorNotRunning',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_curator_pod, plain_curator_pod],
+ 'TooManyCurators',
+ ),
+def test_get_curator_pods_fail(pods, expect_error):
+ check = Curator()
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: pods
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ assert == expect_error
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..800889fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.diagnostics import DiagnosticCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+def task_vars():
+ return dict(
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(config_base="/etc/origin/")
+ )
+ )
+def test_module_succeeds(task_vars):
+ check = DiagnosticCheck(lambda *_: {"result": "success"}, task_vars)
+ check.is_first_master = lambda: True
+ assert check.is_active()
+ check.exec_diagnostic("spam")
+ assert not check.failures
+def test_oc_not_there(task_vars):
+ def exec_module(*_):
+ return {"failed": True, "result": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory"}
+ check = DiagnosticCheck(exec_module, task_vars)
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.exec_diagnostic("spam")
+ assert == "OcNotFound"
+def test_module_fails(task_vars):
+ def exec_module(*_):
+ return {"failed": True, "result": "something broke"}
+ check = DiagnosticCheck(exec_module, task_vars)
+ check.exec_diagnostic("spam")
+ assert check.failures and check.failures[0].name == "OcDiagFailed"
+def test_names_executed(task_vars):
+ task_vars["openshift_check_diagnostics"] = diagnostics = "ConfigContexts,spam,,eggs"
+ def exec_module(module, args, *_):
+ assert "extra_args" in args
+ assert args["extra_args"][0] in diagnostics
+ return {"result": "success"}
+ DiagnosticCheck(exec_module, task_vars).run()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29a325a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.disk_availability import DiskAvailability, OpenShiftCheckException
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,is_active', [
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_nodes_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_etcd_to_config'], True),
+ ([], False),
+ (['lb'], False),
+ (['nfs'], False),
+def test_is_active(group_names, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ )
+ assert DiskAvailability(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('desc, ansible_mounts, expect_chunks', [
+ (
+ 'empty ansible_mounts',
+ [],
+ ['determine mount point', 'none'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'missing relevant mount paths',
+ [{'mount': '/mnt'}],
+ ['determine mount point', '/mnt'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'missing size_available',
+ [{'mount': '/var'}, {'mount': '/usr'}, {'mount': '/tmp'}],
+ ['missing', 'size_available'],
+ ),
+def test_cannot_determine_available_disk(desc, ansible_mounts, expect_chunks):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ DiskAvailability(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ for chunk in expect_chunks:
+ assert chunk in str(excinfo.value)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,configured_min,ansible_mounts', [
+ (
+ ['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 15 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 20 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 1, # configure lower threshold
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1 * 10**9 + 1, # way smaller than recommended
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ # not enough space on / ...
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 2 * 10**9,
+ }, {
+ # ... but enough on /var
+ 'mount': '/var',
+ 'size_available': 20 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ ),
+def test_succeeds_with_recommended_disk_space(group_names, configured_min, ansible_mounts):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift_check_min_host_disk_gb=configured_min,
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ result = DiskAvailability(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert not result.get('failed', False)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name,group_names,configured_min,ansible_mounts,expect_chunks', [
+ (
+ 'test with no space available',
+ ['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1,
+ }],
+ ['0.0 GB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with a higher configured required value',
+ ['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 100, # set a higher threshold
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 50 * 10**9, # would normally be enough...
+ }],
+ ['100.0 GB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with 1GB available, but "0" GB space requirement',
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ['1.0 GB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with no space available, but "0" GB space requirement',
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1,
+ }],
+ ['0.0 GB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with enough space for a node, but not for a master',
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 15 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ ['15.0 GB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test failure with enough space on "/", but not enough on "/var"',
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ [{
+ # enough space on / ...
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 20 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }, {
+ # .. but not enough on /var
+ 'mount': '/var',
+ 'size_available': 0,
+ }],
+ ['0.0 GB'],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_fails_with_insufficient_disk_space(name, group_names, configured_min, ansible_mounts, expect_chunks):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift_check_min_host_disk_gb=configured_min,
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ check = DiskAvailability(fake_execute_module, task_vars)
+ assert check.failures
+ for chunk in 'below recommended'.split() + expect_chunks:
+ assert chunk in str(check.failures[0])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name,group_names,context,ansible_mounts,failed,extra_words', [
+ (
+ 'test without enough space for master under "upgrade" context',
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ "upgrade",
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1 * 10**9 + 1,
+ 'size_total': 21 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ True,
+ ["1.0 GB"],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with enough space for master under "upgrade" context',
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ "upgrade",
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 10 * 10**9 + 1,
+ 'size_total': 21 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with not enough space for master, and non-upgrade context',
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ "health",
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ # not enough space for a master,
+ # "health" context should not lower requirement
+ 'size_available': 20 * 10**9 + 1,
+ }],
+ True,
+ ["20.0 GB", "below minimum"],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_min_required_space_changes_with_upgrade_context(name, group_names, context, ansible_mounts, failed, extra_words):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ r_openshift_health_checker_playbook_context=context,
+ group_names=group_names,
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ check = DiskAvailability(fake_execute_module, task_vars)
+ assert bool(check.failures) == failed
+ for word in extra_words:
+ assert word in str(check.failures[0])
+def fake_execute_module(*args):
+ raise AssertionError('this function should not be called')
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dec99e5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.docker_image_availability import DockerImageAvailability
+def task_vars():
+ return dict(
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(
+ service_type='origin',
+ is_containerized=False,
+ is_atomic=False,
+ ),
+ docker=dict(),
+ ),
+ openshift_deployment_type='origin',
+ openshift_image_tag='',
+ group_names=['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('deployment_type, is_containerized, group_names, expect_active', [
+ ("invalid", True, [], False),
+ ("", True, [], False),
+ ("origin", False, [], False),
+ ("openshift-enterprise", False, [], False),
+ ("origin", False, ["oo_nodes_to_config", "oo_masters_to_config"], True),
+ ("openshift-enterprise", False, ["oo_etcd_to_config"], False),
+ ("origin", True, ["nfs"], False),
+ ("openshift-enterprise", True, ["lb"], False),
+def test_is_active(task_vars, deployment_type, is_containerized, group_names, expect_active):
+ task_vars['openshift_deployment_type'] = deployment_type
+ task_vars['openshift']['common']['is_containerized'] = is_containerized
+ task_vars['group_names'] = group_names
+ assert DockerImageAvailability(None, task_vars).is_active() == expect_active
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_containerized,is_atomic", [
+ (True, True),
+ (False, False),
+ (True, False),
+ (False, True),
+def test_all_images_available_locally(task_vars, is_containerized, is_atomic):
+ def execute_module(module_name, module_args, *_):
+ if module_name == "yum":
+ return {}
+ assert module_name == "docker_image_facts"
+ assert 'name' in module_args
+ assert module_args['name']
+ return {
+ 'images': [module_args['name']],
+ }
+ task_vars['openshift']['common']['is_containerized'] = is_containerized
+ task_vars['openshift']['common']['is_atomic'] = is_atomic
+ result = DockerImageAvailability(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert not result.get('failed', False)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("available_locally", [
+ False,
+ True,
+def test_all_images_available_remotely(task_vars, available_locally):
+ def execute_module(module_name, *_):
+ if module_name == 'docker_image_facts':
+ return {'images': [], 'failed': available_locally}
+ return {}
+ task_vars['openshift_docker_additional_registries'] = ["", ""]
+ task_vars['openshift_image_tag'] = 'v3.4'
+ check = DockerImageAvailability(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check._module_retry_interval = 0
+ result =
+ assert not result.get('failed', False)
+def test_all_images_unavailable(task_vars):
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, *args):
+ if module_name == "wait_for":
+ return {}
+ elif module_name == "command":
+ return {'failed': True}
+ return {} # docker_image_facts failure
+ task_vars['openshift_docker_additional_registries'] = [""]
+ task_vars['openshift_deployment_type'] = "openshift-enterprise"
+ task_vars['openshift_image_tag'] = 'latest'
+ check = DockerImageAvailability(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check._module_retry_interval = 0
+ actual =
+ assert actual['failed']
+ assert "required container images are not available" in actual['msg']
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("message,extra_words", [
+ (
+ "docker image update failure",
+ ["docker image update failure"],
+ ),
+ (
+ "No package matching 'skopeo' found available, installed or updated",
+ ["dependencies can be installed via `yum`"]
+ ),
+def test_skopeo_update_failure(task_vars, message, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, *_):
+ if module_name == "yum":
+ return {
+ "failed": True,
+ "msg": message,
+ }
+ return {}
+ task_vars['openshift_docker_additional_registries'] = [""]
+ task_vars['openshift_deployment_type'] = "openshift-enterprise"
+ check = DockerImageAvailability(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check._module_retry_interval = 0
+ actual =
+ assert actual["failed"]
+ for word in extra_words:
+ assert word in actual["msg"]
+ "image, registries, connection_test_failed, skopeo_failed, "
+ "expect_success, expect_registries_reached", [
+ (
+ "spam/eggs:v1", ["test.reg"],
+ True, True,
+ False,
+ {"test.reg": False, "": False},
+ ),
+ (
+ "spam/eggs:v1", ["test.reg"],
+ False, True,
+ False,
+ {"test.reg": True, "": True},
+ ),
+ (
+ "eggs.reg/spam/eggs:v1", ["test.reg"],
+ False, False,
+ True,
+ {"eggs.reg": True},
+ ),
+ ])
+def test_registry_availability(image, registries, connection_test_failed, skopeo_failed,
+ expect_success, expect_registries_reached):
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, *_):
+ if module_name == "wait_for":
+ return dict(msg="msg", failed=connection_test_failed)
+ elif module_name == "command":
+ return dict(msg="msg", failed=skopeo_failed)
+ tv = task_vars()
+ tv.update({"openshift_docker_additional_registries": registries})
+ check = DockerImageAvailability(execute_module, tv)
+ check._module_retry_interval = 0
+ available = check.is_available_skopeo_image(image)
+ assert available == expect_success
+ assert expect_registries_reached == check.reachable_registries
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("deployment_type, is_containerized, groups, oreg_url, expected", [
+ ( # standard set of stuff required on nodes
+ "origin", False, ['oo_nodes_to_config'], "",
+ set([
+ 'openshift/origin-pod:vtest',
+ 'openshift/origin-deployer:vtest',
+ 'openshift/origin-docker-registry:vtest',
+ 'openshift/origin-haproxy-router:vtest',
+ 'cockpit/kubernetes', # origin version of registry-console
+ ])
+ ),
+ ( # set a different URL for images
+ "origin", False, ['oo_nodes_to_config'], '${component}:${version}',
+ set([
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'cockpit/kubernetes', # AFAICS this is not built from the URL
+ ])
+ ),
+ (
+ "origin", True, ['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_etcd_to_config'], "",
+ set([
+ # images running on top of openshift
+ 'openshift/origin-pod:vtest',
+ 'openshift/origin-deployer:vtest',
+ 'openshift/origin-docker-registry:vtest',
+ 'openshift/origin-haproxy-router:vtest',
+ 'cockpit/kubernetes',
+ # containerized component images
+ 'openshift/origin:vtest',
+ 'openshift/node:vtest',
+ 'openshift/openvswitch:vtest',
+ '',
+ ])
+ ),
+ ( # enterprise images
+ "openshift-enterprise", True, ['oo_nodes_to_config'], '${component}:f13ac45',
+ set([
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ # registry-console is not constructed/versioned the same as the others.
+ '',
+ # containerized images aren't built from oreg_url
+ 'openshift3/node:vtest',
+ 'openshift3/openvswitch:vtest',
+ ])
+ ),
+ (
+ "openshift-enterprise", True, ['oo_etcd_to_config', 'lb'], '${component}:f13ac45',
+ set([
+ '',
+ # lb does not yet come in a containerized version
+ ])
+ ),
+def test_required_images(deployment_type, is_containerized, groups, oreg_url, expected):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(
+ is_containerized=is_containerized,
+ is_atomic=False,
+ ),
+ ),
+ openshift_deployment_type=deployment_type,
+ group_names=groups,
+ oreg_url=oreg_url,
+ openshift_image_tag='vtest',
+ )
+ assert expected == DockerImageAvailability(task_vars=task_vars).required_images()
+def test_containerized_etcd():
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(
+ is_containerized=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ openshift_deployment_type="origin",
+ group_names=['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ )
+ expected = set([''])
+ assert expected == DockerImageAvailability(task_vars=task_vars).required_images()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fa68c378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.docker_storage import DockerStorage
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_containerized, group_names, is_active', [
+ (False, ["oo_masters_to_config", "oo_etcd_to_config"], False),
+ (False, ["oo_masters_to_config", "oo_nodes_to_config"], True),
+ (True, ["oo_etcd_to_config"], True),
+def test_is_active(is_containerized, group_names, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(is_containerized=is_containerized)),
+ group_names=group_names,
+ )
+ assert DockerStorage(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
+def non_atomic_task_vars():
+ return {"openshift": {"common": {"is_atomic": False}}}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_info, failed, expect_msg', [
+ (
+ dict(failed=True, msg="Error connecting: Error while fetching server API version"),
+ True,
+ ["Is docker running on this host?"],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(msg="I have no info"),
+ True,
+ ["missing info"],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "devicemapper",
+ "DriverStatus": [("Pool Name", "docker-docker--pool")],
+ }),
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "devicemapper",
+ "DriverStatus": [("Data loop file", "true")],
+ }),
+ True,
+ ["loopback devices with the Docker devicemapper storage driver"],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "overlay2",
+ "DriverStatus": [("Backing Filesystem", "xfs")],
+ }),
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "overlay",
+ "DriverStatus": [("Backing Filesystem", "btrfs")],
+ }),
+ True,
+ ["storage is type 'btrfs'", "only supported with\n'xfs'"],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "overlay2",
+ "DriverStatus": [("Backing Filesystem", "xfs")],
+ "OperatingSystem": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)",
+ "KernelVersion": "3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64",
+ }),
+ True,
+ ["Docker reports kernel version 3.10.0-327"],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "overlay",
+ "DriverStatus": [("Backing Filesystem", "xfs")],
+ "OperatingSystem": "CentOS",
+ "KernelVersion": "3.10.0-514",
+ }),
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(info={
+ "Driver": "unsupported",
+ }),
+ True,
+ ["unsupported Docker storage driver"],
+ ),
+def test_check_storage_driver(docker_info, failed, expect_msg):
+ def execute_module(module_name, *_):
+ if module_name == "yum":
+ return {}
+ if module_name != "docker_info":
+ raise ValueError("not expecting module " + module_name)
+ return docker_info
+ check = DockerStorage(execute_module, non_atomic_task_vars())
+ check.check_dm_usage = lambda status: dict() # stub out for this test
+ check.check_overlay_usage = lambda info: dict() # stub out for this test
+ result =
+ if failed:
+ assert result["failed"]
+ else:
+ assert not result.get("failed", False)
+ for word in expect_msg:
+ assert word in result["msg"]
+enough_space = {
+ "Pool Name": "docker--vg-docker--pool",
+ "Data Space Used": "19.92 MB",
+ "Data Space Total": "8.535 GB",
+ "Metadata Space Used": "40.96 kB",
+ "Metadata Space Total": "25.17 MB",
+not_enough_space = {
+ "Pool Name": "docker--vg-docker--pool",
+ "Data Space Used": "10 GB",
+ "Data Space Total": "10 GB",
+ "Metadata Space Used": "42 kB",
+ "Metadata Space Total": "43 kB",
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('task_vars, driver_status, vg_free, success, expect_msg', [
+ (
+ {"max_thinpool_data_usage_percent": "not a float"},
+ enough_space,
+ "12g",
+ False,
+ ["is not a percentage"],
+ ),
+ (
+ {},
+ {}, # empty values from driver status
+ "bogus", # also does not parse as bytes
+ False,
+ ["Could not interpret", "as bytes"],
+ ),
+ (
+ {},
+ enough_space,
+ "12.00g",
+ True,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ {},
+ not_enough_space,
+ "0.00",
+ False,
+ ["data usage", "metadata usage", "higher than threshold"],
+ ),
+def test_dm_usage(task_vars, driver_status, vg_free, success, expect_msg):
+ check = DockerStorage(None, task_vars)
+ check.get_vg_free = lambda pool: vg_free
+ result = check.check_dm_usage(driver_status)
+ result_success = not result.get("failed")
+ assert result_success is success
+ for msg in expect_msg:
+ assert msg in result["msg"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pool, command_returns, raises, returns', [
+ (
+ "foo-bar",
+ { # vgs missing
+ "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory",
+ "failed": True,
+ "cmd": "/sbin/vgs",
+ "rc": 2,
+ },
+ "Failed to run /sbin/vgs",
+ None,
+ ),
+ (
+ "foo", # no hyphen in name - should not happen
+ {},
+ "name does not have the expected format",
+ None,
+ ),
+ (
+ "foo-bar",
+ dict(stdout=" 4.00g\n"),
+ None,
+ "4.00g",
+ ),
+ (
+ "foo-bar",
+ dict(stdout="\n"), # no matching VG
+ "vgs did not find this VG",
+ None,
+ )
+def test_vg_free(pool, command_returns, raises, returns):
+ def execute_module(module_name, *_):
+ if module_name != "command":
+ raise ValueError("not expecting module " + module_name)
+ return command_returns
+ check = DockerStorage(execute_module)
+ if raises:
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as err:
+ check.get_vg_free(pool)
+ assert raises in str(err.value)
+ else:
+ ret = check.get_vg_free(pool)
+ assert ret == returns
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('string, expect_bytes', [
+ ("12", 12.0),
+ ("12 k", 12.0 * 1024),
+ ("42.42 MB", 42.42 * 1024**2),
+ ("12g", 12.0 * 1024**3),
+def test_convert_to_bytes(string, expect_bytes):
+ got = DockerStorage.convert_to_bytes(string)
+ assert got == expect_bytes
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('string', [
+ "bork",
+ "42 Qs",
+def test_convert_to_bytes_error(string):
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
+ DockerStorage.convert_to_bytes(string)
+ assert "Cannot convert" in str(err.value)
+ assert string in str(err.value)
+ansible_mounts_enough = [{
+ 'mount': '/var/lib/docker',
+ 'size_available': 50 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 50 * 10**9,
+ansible_mounts_not_enough = [{
+ 'mount': '/var/lib/docker',
+ 'size_available': 0,
+ 'size_total': 50 * 10**9,
+ansible_mounts_missing_fields = [dict(mount='/var/lib/docker')]
+ansible_mounts_zero_size = [{
+ 'mount': '/var/lib/docker',
+ 'size_available': 0,
+ 'size_total': 0,
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('ansible_mounts, threshold, expect_fail, expect_msg', [
+ (
+ ansible_mounts_enough,
+ None,
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ ansible_mounts_not_enough,
+ None,
+ True,
+ ["usage percentage", "higher than threshold"],
+ ),
+ (
+ ansible_mounts_not_enough,
+ "bogus percent",
+ True,
+ ["is not a percentage"],
+ ),
+ (
+ ansible_mounts_missing_fields,
+ None,
+ True,
+ ["Ansible bug"],
+ ),
+ (
+ ansible_mounts_zero_size,
+ None,
+ True,
+ ["Ansible bug"],
+ ),
+def test_overlay_usage(ansible_mounts, threshold, expect_fail, expect_msg):
+ task_vars = non_atomic_task_vars()
+ task_vars["ansible_mounts"] = ansible_mounts
+ if threshold is not None:
+ task_vars["max_overlay_usage_percent"] = threshold
+ check = DockerStorage(None, task_vars)
+ docker_info = dict(DockerRootDir="/var/lib/docker", Driver="overlay")
+ result = check.check_overlay_usage(docker_info)
+ assert expect_fail == bool(result.get("failed"))
+ for msg in expect_msg:
+ assert msg in result["msg"]
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fa5e8929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+import pytest
+import json
+from openshift_checks.logging.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList
+task_vars_config_base = dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(config_base='/etc/origin')))
+def canned_elasticsearch(task_vars=None, exec_oc=None):
+ """Create an Elasticsearch check object with stubbed exec_oc method"""
+ check = Elasticsearch(None, task_vars or {})
+ if exec_oc:
+ check.exec_oc = exec_oc
+ return check
+def assert_error_in_list(expect_err, errorlist):
+ assert any( == expect_err for err in errorlist), "{} in {}".format(str(expect_err), str(errorlist))
+def pods_by_name(pods):
+ return {pod['metadata']['name']: pod for pod in pods}
+plain_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es"},
+ "name": "logging-es",
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es",
+split_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-2"},
+ "name": "logging-es-2",
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es-2",
+unready_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-3"},
+ "name": "logging-es-3",
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "False", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": False}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "BAD_NAME_RESPONSE",
+def test_check_elasticsearch():
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckExceptionList) as excinfo:
+ canned_elasticsearch().check_elasticsearch([])
+ assert_error_in_list('NoRunningPods', excinfo.value)
+ # canned oc responses to match so all the checks pass
+ def exec_oc(cmd, args, **_):
+ if '_cat/master' in cmd:
+ return 'name logging-es'
+ elif '/_nodes' in cmd:
+ return json.dumps(es_node_list)
+ elif '_cluster/health' in cmd:
+ return '{"status": "green"}'
+ elif ' df ' in cmd:
+ return 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 4%\n'
+ else:
+ raise Exception(cmd)
+ check = canned_elasticsearch({}, exec_oc)
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [plain_es_pod]
+ assert {} ==
+def test_check_running_es_pods():
+ pods, errors = Elasticsearch().running_elasticsearch_pods([plain_es_pod, unready_es_pod])
+ assert plain_es_pod in pods
+ assert_error_in_list('PodNotRunning', errors)
+def test_check_elasticsearch_masters():
+ pods = [plain_es_pod]
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda *args, **_: plain_es_pod['_test_master_name_str'])
+ assert not check.check_elasticsearch_masters(pods_by_name(pods))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ 'NoMasterFound',
+ ),
+ (
+ [unready_es_pod],
+ 'NoMasterName',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod, split_es_pod],
+ 'SplitBrainMasters',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_masters_error(pods, expect_error):
+ test_pods = list(pods)
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda *args, **_: test_pods.pop(0)['_test_master_name_str'])
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_elasticsearch_masters(pods_by_name(pods)))
+es_node_list = {
+ 'nodes': {
+ 'random-es-name': {
+ 'host': 'logging-es',
+ }}}
+def test_check_elasticsearch_node_list():
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(es_node_list))
+ assert not check.check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, node_list, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ {},
+ 'MissingComponentPods',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod],
+ {}, # empty list of nodes triggers KeyError
+ 'MissingNodeList',
+ ),
+ (
+ [split_es_pod],
+ es_node_list,
+ 'EsPodNodeMismatch',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_node_list_errors(pods, node_list, expect_error):
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda cmd, args, **_: json.dumps(node_list))
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods_by_name(pods)))
+def test_check_elasticsearch_cluster_health():
+ test_health_data = [{"status": "green"}]
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(test_health_data.pop(0)))
+ assert not check.check_es_cluster_health(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, health_data, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod],
+ [{"no-status": "should bomb"}],
+ 'BadEsResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod, split_es_pod],
+ [{"status": "green"}, {"status": "red"}],
+ 'EsClusterHealthRed',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_cluster_health_errors(pods, health_data, expect_error):
+ test_health_data = list(health_data)
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(test_health_data.pop(0)))
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_es_cluster_health(pods_by_name(pods)))
+def test_check_elasticsearch_diskspace():
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 4%\n')
+ assert not check.check_elasticsearch_diskspace(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('disk_data, expect_error', [
+ (
+ 'df: /elasticsearch/persistent: No such file or directory\n',
+ 'BadDfResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'IUse% Use%\n 95% 40%\n',
+ 'InodeUsageTooHigh',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 94%\n',
+ 'DiskUsageTooHigh',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_diskspace_errors(disk_data, expect_error):
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: disk_data)
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_elasticsearch_diskspace(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod])))
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3aae98f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+import pytest
+from collections import namedtuple
+from openshift_checks.etcd_imagedata_size import EtcdImageDataSize
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException
+from etcdkeysize import check_etcd_key_size
+def fake_etcd_client(root):
+ fake_nodes = dict()
+ fake_etcd_node(root, fake_nodes)
+ clientclass = namedtuple("client", ["read"])
+ return clientclass(lambda key, recursive: fake_etcd_result(fake_nodes[key]))
+def fake_etcd_result(fake_node):
+ resultclass = namedtuple("result", ["leaves"])
+ if not fake_node.dir:
+ return resultclass([fake_node])
+ return resultclass(fake_node.leaves)
+def fake_etcd_node(node, visited):
+ min_req_fields = ["dir", "key"]
+ fields = list(node)
+ leaves = []
+ if node["dir"] and node.get("leaves"):
+ for leaf in node["leaves"]:
+ leaves.append(fake_etcd_node(leaf, visited))
+ if len(set(min_req_fields) - set(fields)) > 0:
+ raise ValueError("fake etcd nodes require at least {} fields.".format(min_req_fields))
+ if node.get("leaves"):
+ node["leaves"] = leaves
+ nodeclass = namedtuple("node", fields)
+ nodeinst = nodeclass(**node)
+ visited[nodeinst.key] = nodeinst
+ return nodeinst
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('ansible_mounts,extra_words', [
+ ([], ['none']), # empty ansible_mounts
+ ([{'mount': '/mnt'}], ['/mnt']), # missing relevant mount paths
+def test_cannot_determine_available_mountpath(ansible_mounts, extra_words):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ check = EtcdImageDataSize(fake_execute_module, task_vars)
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ for word in ['Unable to determine mount point'] + extra_words:
+ assert word in str(excinfo.value)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('ansible_mounts,tree,size_limit,should_fail,extra_words', [
+ (
+ # test that default image size limit evals to 1/2 * (total size in use)
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/", "value": "1234"},
+ None,
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 48 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/", "value": "1234"},
+ None,
+ False,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ # set max size limit for image data to be below total node value
+ # total node value is defined as the sum of the value field
+ # from every node
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 48 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/", "value": "12345678"},
+ 7,
+ True,
+ ["exceeds the maximum recommended limit", "0.00 GB"],
+ ),
+ (
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 48 * 10**9 - 1,
+ 'size_total': 48 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/", "value": "1234"},
+ None,
+ True,
+ ["exceeds the maximum recommended limit", "0.00 GB"],
+ )
+def test_check_etcd_key_size_calculates_correct_limit(ansible_mounts, tree, size_limit, should_fail, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, module_args, *_):
+ if module_name != "etcdkeysize":
+ return {
+ "changed": False,
+ }
+ client = fake_etcd_client(tree)
+ s, limit_exceeded = check_etcd_key_size(client, tree["key"], module_args["size_limit_bytes"])
+ return {"size_limit_exceeded": limit_exceeded}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ etcd_max_image_data_size_bytes=size_limit,
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ openshift=dict(
+ master=dict(etcd_hosts=["localhost"]),
+ common=dict(config_base="/var/lib/origin")
+ )
+ )
+ if size_limit is None:
+ task_vars.pop("etcd_max_image_data_size_bytes")
+ check = EtcdImageDataSize(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ if should_fail:
+ assert check["failed"]
+ for word in extra_words:
+ assert word in check["msg"]
+ else:
+ assert not check.get("failed", False)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('ansible_mounts,tree,root_path,expected_size,extra_words', [
+ (
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ # test recursive size check on tree with height > 1
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo1", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo2", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo3", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo4", "value": "1234"},
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/foo5",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar1", "value": "56789"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar2", "value": "56789"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar3", "value": "56789"},
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/foo/bar4",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar/baz1", "value": "123"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar/baz2", "value": "123"},
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "/",
+ 37,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ # test correct sub-tree size calculation
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo1", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo2", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo3", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo4", "value": "1234"},
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/foo5",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar1", "value": "56789"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar2", "value": "56789"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar3", "value": "56789"},
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/foo/bar4",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar/baz1", "value": "123"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo/bar/baz2", "value": "123"},
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "/foo5",
+ 21,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ # test that a non-existing key is handled correctly
+ {
+ "dir": False,
+ "key": "/",
+ "value": "1234",
+ },
+ "/missing",
+ 0,
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ # test etcd cycle handling
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo1", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo2", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo3", "value": "1234"},
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo4", "value": "1234"},
+ {
+ "dir": True,
+ "key": "/",
+ "leaves": [
+ {"dir": False, "key": "/foo1", "value": "1"},
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ "/",
+ 16,
+ [],
+ ),
+def test_etcd_key_size_check_calculates_correct_size(ansible_mounts, tree, root_path, expected_size, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, module_args, *_):
+ if module_name != "etcdkeysize":
+ return {
+ "changed": False,
+ }
+ client = fake_etcd_client(tree)
+ size, limit_exceeded = check_etcd_key_size(client, root_path, module_args["size_limit_bytes"])
+ assert size == expected_size
+ return {
+ "size_limit_exceeded": limit_exceeded,
+ }
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ openshift=dict(
+ master=dict(etcd_hosts=["localhost"]),
+ common=dict(config_base="/var/lib/origin")
+ )
+ )
+ check = EtcdImageDataSize(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert not check.get("failed", False)
+def test_etcdkeysize_module_failure():
+ def execute_module(module_name, *_):
+ if module_name != "etcdkeysize":
+ return {
+ "changed": False,
+ }
+ return {
+ "rc": 1,
+ "module_stderr": "failure",
+ }
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_mounts=[{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ openshift=dict(
+ master=dict(etcd_hosts=["localhost"]),
+ common=dict(config_base="/var/lib/origin")
+ )
+ )
+ check = EtcdImageDataSize(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert check["failed"]
+ for word in "Failed to retrieve stats":
+ assert word in check["msg"]
+def fake_execute_module(*args):
+ raise AssertionError('this function should not be called')
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd6f4ad81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.etcd_traffic import EtcdTraffic
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,version,is_active', [
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], "3.5", False),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], "3.6", False),
+ (['oo_nodes_to_config'], "3.4", False),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], "3.4", True),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], "1.5", True),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], "3.1", False),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'], "3.5", False),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_etcd_to_config'], "3.5", True),
+ ([], "3.4", False),
+def test_is_active(group_names, version, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift_image_tag=version,
+ )
+ assert EtcdTraffic(task_vars=task_vars).is_active() == is_active
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,matched,failed,extra_words', [
+ (["oo_masters_to_config"], True, True, ["Higher than normal", "traffic"]),
+ (["oo_masters_to_config", "oo_etcd_to_config"], False, False, []),
+ (["oo_etcd_to_config"], False, False, []),
+def test_log_matches_high_traffic_msg(group_names, matched, failed, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, *_):
+ return {
+ "matched": matched,
+ "failed": failed,
+ }
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(service_type="origin", is_containerized=False),
+ )
+ )
+ result = EtcdTraffic(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ for word in extra_words:
+ assert word in result.get("msg", "")
+ assert result.get("failed", False) == failed
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_containerized,expected_unit_value', [
+ (False, "etcd"),
+ (True, "etcd_container"),
+def test_systemd_unit_matches_deployment_type(is_containerized, expected_unit_value):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(is_containerized=is_containerized),
+ )
+ )
+ def execute_module(module_name, args, *_):
+ assert module_name == "search_journalctl"
+ matchers = args["log_matchers"]
+ for matcher in matchers:
+ assert matcher["unit"] == expected_unit_value
+ return {"failed": False}
+ EtcdTraffic(execute_module, task_vars).run()
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..077cea3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.etcd_volume import EtcdVolume
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('ansible_mounts,extra_words', [
+ ([], ['none']), # empty ansible_mounts
+ ([{'mount': '/mnt'}], ['/mnt']), # missing relevant mount paths
+def test_cannot_determine_available_disk(ansible_mounts, extra_words):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ EtcdVolume(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ for word in ['Unable to determine mount point'] + extra_words:
+ assert word in str(excinfo.value)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('size_limit,ansible_mounts', [
+ (
+ # if no size limit is specified, expect max usage
+ # limit to default to 90% of size_total
+ None,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 40 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 80 * 10**9
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ 1,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 30 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 30 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ 20000000000,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 20 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 40 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ),
+ (
+ 5000000000,
+ [{
+ # not enough space on / ...
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 0,
+ 'size_total': 0,
+ }, {
+ # not enough space on /var/lib ...
+ 'mount': '/var/lib',
+ 'size_available': 2 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 21 * 10**9,
+ }, {
+ # ... but enough on /var/lib/etcd
+ 'mount': '/var/lib/etcd',
+ 'size_available': 36 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 40 * 10**9
+ }],
+ )
+def test_succeeds_with_recommended_disk_space(size_limit, ansible_mounts):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent=size_limit,
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ if task_vars["etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent"] is None:
+ task_vars.pop("etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent")
+ result = EtcdVolume(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert not result.get('failed', False)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('size_limit_percent,ansible_mounts,extra_words', [
+ (
+ # if no size limit is specified, expect max usage
+ # limit to default to 90% of size_total
+ None,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 100 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ['99.0%'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 70.0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 1 * 10**6,
+ 'size_total': 5 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ['100.0%'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 40.0,
+ [{
+ 'mount': '/',
+ 'size_available': 2 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 6 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ['66.7%'],
+ ),
+ (
+ None,
+ [{
+ # enough space on /var ...
+ 'mount': '/var',
+ 'size_available': 20 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 20 * 10**9,
+ }, {
+ # .. but not enough on /var/lib
+ 'mount': '/var/lib',
+ 'size_available': 1 * 10**9,
+ 'size_total': 20 * 10**9,
+ }],
+ ['95.0%'],
+ ),
+def test_fails_with_insufficient_disk_space(size_limit_percent, ansible_mounts, extra_words):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent=size_limit_percent,
+ ansible_mounts=ansible_mounts,
+ )
+ if task_vars["etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent"] is None:
+ task_vars.pop("etcd_device_usage_threshold_percent")
+ result = EtcdVolume(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert result['failed']
+ for word in extra_words:
+ assert word in result['msg']
+def fake_execute_module(*args):
+ raise AssertionError('this function should not be called')
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5b4858d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.logging.fluentd_config import FluentdConfig, OpenShiftCheckException
+def canned_fluentd_pod(containers):
+ return {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"},
+ "name": "logging-fluentd-1",
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "host": "node1",
+ "nodeName": "node1",
+ "containers": containers,
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "phase": "Running",
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+ }
+fluentd_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"},
+ "name": "logging-fluentd-1",
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "host": "node1",
+ "nodeName": "node1",
+ "containers": [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [
+ {
+ "name": "USE_JOURNAL",
+ "value": "true",
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ ],
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "phase": "Running",
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+not_running_fluentd_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"},
+ "name": "logging-fluentd-2",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "phase": "Unknown",
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": False}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, use_journald, logging_driver, extra_words', [
+ (
+ 'test success with use_journald=false, and docker config set to use "json-file"',
+ False,
+ "json-file",
+ [],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0])
+def test_check_logging_config_non_master(name, use_journald, logging_driver, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, args):
+ if module_name == "docker_info":
+ return {
+ "info": {
+ "LoggingDriver": logging_driver,
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=["oo_nodes_to_config", "oo_etcd_to_config"],
+ openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal=use_journald,
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(config_base=""),
+ ),
+ )
+ check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check.execute_module = execute_module
+ error = check.check_logging_config()
+ assert error is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, use_journald, logging_driver, words', [
+ (
+ 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker config set to use "journald"',
+ False,
+ "journald",
+ ['json log files', 'has been set to use "journald"'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker config set to use an "unsupported" driver',
+ False,
+ "unsupported",
+ ["json log files", 'has been set to use "unsupported"'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test failure with use_journald=true, but docker config set to use "json-file"',
+ True,
+ "json-file",
+ ['logs from "journald"', 'has been set to use "json-file"'],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0])
+def test_check_logging_config_non_master_failed(name, use_journald, logging_driver, words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, args):
+ if module_name == "docker_info":
+ return {
+ "info": {
+ "LoggingDriver": logging_driver,
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=["oo_nodes_to_config", "oo_etcd_to_config"],
+ openshift_logging_fluentd_use_journal=use_journald,
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(config_base=""),
+ ),
+ )
+ check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check.execute_module = execute_module
+ error = check.check_logging_config()
+ assert error is not None
+ for word in words:
+ assert word in error
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, logging_driver, extra_words', [
+ # use_journald returns false (not using journald), but check succeeds
+ # since docker is set to use json-file
+ (
+ 'test success with use_journald=false, and docker config set to use default driver "json-file"',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod(
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [{
+ "name": "USE_JOURNAL",
+ "value": "false",
+ }],
+ },
+ ]
+ )],
+ "json-file",
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test success with USE_JOURNAL env var missing and docker config set to use default driver "json-file"',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod(
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [{
+ "name": "RANDOM",
+ "value": "value",
+ }],
+ },
+ ]
+ )],
+ "json-file",
+ [],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0])
+def test_check_logging_config_master(name, pods, logging_driver, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, args):
+ if module_name == "docker_info":
+ return {
+ "info": {
+ "LoggingDriver": logging_driver,
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=["oo_masters_to_config"],
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(config_base=""),
+ ),
+ )
+ check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check.execute_module = execute_module
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda _: pods
+ error = check.check_logging_config()
+ assert error is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, logging_driver, words', [
+ (
+ 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker config set to use "journald"',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod(
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [{
+ "name": "USE_JOURNAL",
+ "value": "false",
+ }],
+ },
+ ]
+ )],
+ "journald",
+ ['json log files', 'has been set to use "journald"'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test failure with use_journald=true, but docker config set to use "json-file"',
+ [fluentd_pod],
+ "json-file",
+ ['logs from "journald"', 'has been set to use "json-file"'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test failure with use_journald=false, but docker set to use an "unsupported" driver',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod(
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [{
+ "name": "USE_JOURNAL",
+ "value": "false",
+ }],
+ },
+ ]
+ )],
+ "unsupported",
+ ["json log files", 'has been set to use "unsupported"'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test failure with USE_JOURNAL env var missing and docker config set to use "journald"',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod(
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [{
+ "name": "RANDOM",
+ "value": "value",
+ }],
+ },
+ ]
+ )],
+ "journald",
+ ["configuration is set to", "json log files"],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0])
+def test_check_logging_config_master_failed(name, pods, logging_driver, words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, args):
+ if module_name == "docker_info":
+ return {
+ "info": {
+ "LoggingDriver": logging_driver,
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=["oo_masters_to_config"],
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(config_base=""),
+ ),
+ )
+ check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check.execute_module = execute_module
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda _: pods
+ error = check.check_logging_config()
+ assert error is not None
+ for word in words:
+ assert word in error
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, response, logging_driver, extra_words', [
+ (
+ 'test OpenShiftCheckException with no running containers',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod([])],
+ {
+ "failed": True,
+ "result": "unexpected",
+ },
+ "json-file",
+ ['no running containers'],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test OpenShiftCheckException one container and no env vars set',
+ [canned_fluentd_pod(
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "container1",
+ "env": [],
+ },
+ ]
+ )],
+ {
+ "failed": True,
+ "result": "unexpected",
+ },
+ "json-file",
+ ['no environment variables'],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0])
+def test_check_logging_config_master_fails_on_unscheduled_deployment(name, pods, response, logging_driver, extra_words):
+ def execute_module(module_name, args):
+ if module_name == "docker_info":
+ return {
+ "info": {
+ "LoggingDriver": logging_driver,
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=["oo_masters_to_config"],
+ openshift=dict(
+ common=dict(config_base=""),
+ ),
+ )
+ check = FluentdConfig(execute_module, task_vars)
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda _: pods
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error:
+ check.check_logging_config()
+ assert error is not None
+ for word in extra_words:
+ assert word in str(error)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7bf9818b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import pytest
+import json
+from openshift_checks.logging.fluentd import Fluentd, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList, OpenShiftCheckException
+def assert_error_in_list(expect_err, errorlist):
+ assert any( == expect_err for err in errorlist), "{} in {}".format(str(expect_err), str(errorlist))
+fluentd_pod_node1 = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"},
+ "name": "logging-fluentd-1",
+ },
+ "spec": {"host": "node1", "nodeName": "node1"},
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+fluentd_pod_node2_down = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"},
+ "name": "logging-fluentd-2",
+ },
+ "spec": {"host": "node2", "nodeName": "node2"},
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": False}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "False", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+fluentd_node1 = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"logging-infra-fluentd": "true", "": "node1"},
+ "name": "node1",
+ },
+ "status": {"addresses": [{"type": "InternalIP", "address": ""}]},
+fluentd_node2 = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"logging-infra-fluentd": "true", "": "hostname"},
+ "name": "node2",
+ },
+ "status": {"addresses": [{"type": "InternalIP", "address": ""}]},
+fluentd_node3_unlabeled = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"": "hostname"},
+ "name": "node3",
+ },
+ "status": {"addresses": [{"type": "InternalIP", "address": ""}]},
+def test_get_fluentd_pods():
+ check = Fluentd()
+ check.exec_oc = lambda *_: json.dumps(dict(items=[fluentd_node1]))
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [fluentd_pod_node1]
+ assert not
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, nodes, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ [],
+ 'NoNodesDefined',
+ ),
+ (
+ [],
+ [fluentd_node3_unlabeled],
+ 'NoNodesLabeled',
+ ),
+ (
+ [],
+ [fluentd_node1, fluentd_node3_unlabeled],
+ 'NodesUnlabeled',
+ ),
+ (
+ [],
+ [fluentd_node2],
+ 'MissingFluentdPod',
+ ),
+ (
+ [fluentd_pod_node1, fluentd_pod_node1],
+ [fluentd_node1],
+ 'TooManyFluentdPods',
+ ),
+ (
+ [fluentd_pod_node2_down],
+ [fluentd_node2],
+ 'FluentdNotRunning',
+ ),
+def test_get_fluentd_pods_errors(pods, nodes, expect_error):
+ check = Fluentd()
+ check.exec_oc = lambda *_: json.dumps(dict(items=nodes))
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.check_fluentd(pods)
+ if isinstance(excinfo.value, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList):
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, excinfo.value)
+ else:
+ assert expect_error ==
+def test_bad_oc_node_list():
+ check = Fluentd()
+ check.exec_oc = lambda *_: "this isn't even json"
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.get_nodes_by_name()
+ assert 'BadOcNodeList' ==
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04a5e89c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import pytest
+import json
+ import urllib2
+ from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
+ import urllib.request as urllib2
+from openshift_checks.logging.kibana import Kibana, OpenShiftCheckException
+plain_kibana_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+not_running_kibana_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana-2",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": False}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+def test_check_kibana():
+ # should run without exception:
+ Kibana().check_kibana([plain_kibana_pod])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ "MissingComponentPods",
+ ),
+ (
+ [not_running_kibana_pod],
+ "NoRunningPods",
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_kibana_pod, not_running_kibana_pod],
+ "PodNotRunning",
+ ),
+def test_check_kibana_error(pods, expect_error):
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ Kibana().check_kibana(pods)
+ assert expect_error ==
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('comment, route, expect_error', [
+ (
+ "No route returned",
+ None,
+ "no_route_exists",
+ ),
+ (
+ "broken route response",
+ {"status": {}},
+ "get_route_failed",
+ ),
+ (
+ "route with no ingress",
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "ingress": [],
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "host": "hostname",
+ }
+ },
+ "route_not_accepted",
+ ),
+ (
+ "route with no host",
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "ingress": [{
+ "status": True,
+ }],
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ },
+ "route_missing_host",
+ ),
+def test_get_kibana_url_error(comment, route, expect_error):
+ check = Kibana()
+ check.exec_oc = lambda *_: json.dumps(route) if route else ""
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check._get_kibana_url()
+ assert == expect_error
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('comment, route, expect_url', [
+ (
+ "test route that looks fine",
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "ingress": [{
+ "status": True,
+ }],
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "host": "hostname",
+ },
+ },
+ "https://hostname/",
+ ),
+def test_get_kibana_url(comment, route, expect_url):
+ check = Kibana()
+ check.exec_oc = lambda *_: json.dumps(route)
+ assert expect_url == check._get_kibana_url()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('exec_result, expect', [
+ (
+ 'urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused',
+ 'FailedToConnectInternal',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known',
+ 'FailedToResolveInternal',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'Status code was not [302]: HTTP Error 500: Server error',
+ 'WrongReturnCodeInternal',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'bork bork bork',
+ 'MiscRouteErrorInternal',
+ ),
+def test_verify_url_internal_failure(exec_result, expect):
+ check = Kibana(execute_module=lambda *_: dict(failed=True, msg=exec_result))
+ check._get_kibana_url = lambda: 'url'
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.check_kibana_route()
+ assert expect ==
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('lib_result, expect', [
+ (
+ HTTPError('url', 500, 'it broke', hdrs=None, fp=None),
+ 'MiscRouteError',
+ ),
+ (
+ URLError('urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused'),
+ 'FailedToConnect',
+ ),
+ (
+ URLError('urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known'),
+ 'FailedToResolve',
+ ),
+ (
+ 302,
+ 'WrongReturnCode',
+ ),
+ (
+ 200,
+ None,
+ ),
+def test_verify_url_external_failure(lib_result, expect, monkeypatch):
+ class _http_return:
+ def __init__(self, code):
+ self.code = code
+ def getcode(self):
+ return self.code
+ def urlopen(url, context):
+ if type(lib_result) is int:
+ return _http_return(lib_result)
+ raise lib_result
+ monkeypatch.setattr(urllib2, 'urlopen', urlopen)
+ check = Kibana()
+ check._get_kibana_url = lambda: 'url'
+ check._verify_url_internal = lambda url: None
+ if not expect:
+ check.check_kibana_route()
+ return
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.check_kibana_route()
+ assert expect ==
+def test_verify_url_external_skip():
+ check = Kibana(lambda *_: {}, dict(openshift_check_efk_kibana_external="false"))
+ check._get_kibana_url = lambda: 'url'
+ check.check_kibana_route()
+# this is kind of silly but it adds coverage for the run() method...
+def test_run():
+ pods = ["foo"]
+ ran = dict(check_kibana=False, check_route=False)
+ def check_kibana(pod_list):
+ ran["check_kibana"] = True
+ assert pod_list == pods
+ def check_kibana_route():
+ ran["check_route"] = True
+ check = Kibana()
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: pods
+ check.check_kibana = check_kibana
+ check.check_kibana_route = check_kibana_route
+ assert ran["check_kibana"] and ran["check_route"]
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59c703214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+import pytest
+import json
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck, MissingComponentPods, CouldNotUseOc
+task_vars_config_base = dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(config_base='/etc/origin')))
+def canned_loggingcheck(exec_oc=None, execute_module=None):
+ """Create a LoggingCheck object with canned exec_oc method"""
+ check = LoggingCheck(execute_module)
+ if exec_oc:
+ check.exec_oc = exec_oc
+ return check
+def assert_error(error, expect_error):
+ if expect_error:
+ assert error
+ assert expect_error in error
+ else:
+ assert not error
+plain_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es"},
+ "name": "logging-es",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es",
+plain_kibana_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+plain_kibana_pod_no_containerstatus = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+fluentd_pod_node1 = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "fluentd", "deploymentconfig": "logging-fluentd"},
+ "name": "logging-fluentd-1",
+ },
+ "spec": {"host": "node1", "nodeName": "node1"},
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ }
+plain_curator_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "curator", "deploymentconfig": "logging-curator"},
+ "name": "logging-curator-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ }
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('problem, expect', [
+ ("[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "supposed to be a master"),
+ ("Permission denied", "Unexpected error using `oc`"),
+def test_oc_failure(problem, expect):
+ def execute_module(module_name, *_):
+ if module_name == "ocutil":
+ return dict(failed=True, result=problem)
+ return dict(changed=False)
+ check = LoggingCheck(execute_module, task_vars_config_base)
+ with pytest.raises(CouldNotUseOc) as excinfo:
+ check.exec_oc('get foo', [])
+ assert expect in str(excinfo)
+groups_with_first_master = dict(oo_first_master=['this-host'])
+groups_not_a_master = dict(oo_first_master=['other-host'], oo_masters=['other-host'])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('groups, logging_deployed, is_active', [
+ (groups_with_first_master, True, True),
+ (groups_with_first_master, False, False),
+ (groups_not_a_master, True, False),
+ (groups_not_a_master, True, False),
+def test_is_active(groups, logging_deployed, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_host='this-host',
+ groups=groups,
+ openshift_hosted_logging_deploy=logging_deployed,
+ )
+ assert LoggingCheck(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pod_output, expect_pods', [
+ (
+ json.dumps({'items': [plain_es_pod]}),
+ [plain_es_pod],
+ ),
+def test_get_pods_for_component(pod_output, expect_pods):
+ check = canned_loggingcheck(lambda *_: pod_output)
+ pods = check.get_pods_for_component("es")
+ assert pods == expect_pods
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('exec_oc_output, expect_error', [
+ (
+ 'No resources found.',
+ MissingComponentPods,
+ ),
+ (
+ '{"items": null}',
+ MissingComponentPods,
+ ),
+def test_get_pods_for_component_fail(exec_oc_output, expect_error):
+ check = canned_loggingcheck(lambda *_: exec_oc_output)
+ with pytest.raises(expect_error):
+ check.get_pods_for_component("es")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, pods, expected_pods', [
+ (
+ 'test single pod found, scheduled, but no containerStatuses field',
+ [plain_kibana_pod_no_containerstatus],
+ [plain_kibana_pod_no_containerstatus],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'set of pods has at least one pod with containerStatuses (scheduled); should still fail',
+ [plain_kibana_pod_no_containerstatus, plain_kibana_pod],
+ [plain_kibana_pod_no_containerstatus],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argvals: argvals[0])
+def test_get_not_running_pods_no_container_status(name, pods, expected_pods):
+ check = canned_loggingcheck(lambda *_: '')
+ result = check.not_running_pods(pods)
+ assert result == expected_pods
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c48ade9b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import json
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging_index_time import LoggingIndexTime, OpenShiftCheckException
+SAMPLE_UUID = "unique-test-uuid"
+def canned_loggingindextime(exec_oc=None):
+ """Create a check object with a canned exec_oc method"""
+ check = LoggingIndexTime() # fails if a module is actually invoked
+ if exec_oc:
+ check.exec_oc = exec_oc
+ return check
+plain_running_elasticsearch_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-data-master"},
+ "name": "logging-es-data-master-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}],
+ "phase": "Running",
+ }
+plain_running_kibana_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana-1",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": True}],
+ "phase": "Running",
+ }
+not_running_kibana_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "kibana", "deploymentconfig": "logging-kibana"},
+ "name": "logging-kibana-2",
+ },
+ "status": {
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}, {"ready": False}],
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "phase": "pending",
+ }
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_pods', [
+ (
+ [not_running_kibana_pod],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_running_kibana_pod],
+ [plain_running_kibana_pod],
+ ),
+ (
+ [],
+ [],
+ )
+def test_check_running_pods(pods, expect_pods):
+ check = canned_loggingindextime()
+ pods = check.running_pods(pods)
+ assert pods == expect_pods
+def test_bad_config_param():
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error:
+ LoggingIndexTime(task_vars=dict(openshift_check_logging_index_timeout_seconds="foo")).run()
+ assert 'InvalidTimeout' ==
+def test_no_running_pods():
+ check = LoggingIndexTime()
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [not_running_kibana_pod]
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error:
+ assert 'kibanaNoRunningPods' ==
+def test_with_running_pods():
+ check = LoggingIndexTime()
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [plain_running_kibana_pod, plain_running_elasticsearch_pod]
+ check.curl_kibana_with_uuid = lambda *_: SAMPLE_UUID
+ check.wait_until_cmd_or_err = lambda *_: None
+ assert not"failed")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, uuid, timeout', [
+ (
+ 'valid count in response',
+ {
+ "count": 1,
+ },
+ 0.001,
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_wait_until_cmd_or_err_succeeds(name, json_response, uuid, timeout):
+ check = canned_loggingindextime(lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(json_response))
+ check.wait_until_cmd_or_err(plain_running_elasticsearch_pod, uuid, timeout)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, timeout, expect_error', [
+ (
+ 'invalid json response',
+ {
+ "invalid_field": 1,
+ },
+ 0.001,
+ 'esInvalidResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'empty response',
+ {},
+ 0.001,
+ 'esInvalidResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'valid response but invalid match count',
+ {
+ "count": 0,
+ },
+ 0.005,
+ 'NoMatchFound',
+ )
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_wait_until_cmd_or_err(name, json_response, timeout, expect_error):
+ check = canned_loggingindextime(lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(json_response))
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error:
+ check.wait_until_cmd_or_err(plain_running_elasticsearch_pod, SAMPLE_UUID, timeout)
+ assert expect_error ==
+def test_curl_kibana_with_uuid():
+ check = canned_loggingindextime(lambda *args, **_: json.dumps({"statusCode": 404}))
+ check.generate_uuid = lambda: SAMPLE_UUID
+ assert SAMPLE_UUID == check.curl_kibana_with_uuid(plain_running_kibana_pod)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name, json_response, expect_error', [
+ (
+ 'invalid json response',
+ {
+ "invalid_field": "invalid",
+ },
+ 'kibanaInvalidResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'wrong error code in response',
+ {
+ "statusCode": 500,
+ },
+ 'kibanaInvalidReturnCode',
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_failed_curl_kibana_with_uuid(name, json_response, expect_error):
+ check = canned_loggingindextime(lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(json_response))
+ check.generate_uuid = lambda: SAMPLE_UUID
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as error:
+ check.curl_kibana_with_uuid(plain_running_kibana_pod)
+ assert expect_error ==
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ec83dd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.memory_availability import MemoryAvailability
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,is_active', [
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_nodes_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'], True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_etcd_to_config'], True),
+ ([], False),
+ (['lb'], False),
+ (['nfs'], False),
+def test_is_active(group_names, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ )
+ assert MemoryAvailability(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,configured_min,ansible_memtotal_mb', [
+ (
+ ['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 17200,
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 8200,
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 1, # configure lower threshold
+ 2000, # too low for recommended but not for configured
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 2, # configure threshold where adjustment pushes it over
+ 1900,
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 8200,
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 17000,
+ ),
+def test_succeeds_with_recommended_memory(group_names, configured_min, ansible_memtotal_mb):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift_check_min_host_memory_gb=configured_min,
+ ansible_memtotal_mb=ansible_memtotal_mb,
+ )
+ result = MemoryAvailability(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert not result.get('failed', False)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,configured_min,ansible_memtotal_mb,extra_words', [
+ (
+ ['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ['0.0 GiB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ ['0.1 GiB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 24, # configure higher threshold
+ 20 * 1024, # enough to meet recommended but not configured
+ ['20.0 GiB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ 24, # configure higher threshold
+ 22 * 1024, # not enough for adjustment to push over threshold
+ ['22.0 GiB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 6 * 1024,
+ ['6.0 GiB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_etcd_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ 9 * 1024, # enough memory for etcd, not enough for a master
+ ['9.0 GiB'],
+ ),
+ (
+ ['oo_nodes_to_config', 'oo_masters_to_config'],
+ 0,
+ # enough memory for a node, not enough for a master
+ 11 * 1024,
+ ['11.0 GiB'],
+ ),
+def test_fails_with_insufficient_memory(group_names, configured_min, ansible_memtotal_mb, extra_words):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift_check_min_host_memory_gb=configured_min,
+ ansible_memtotal_mb=ansible_memtotal_mb,
+ )
+ result = MemoryAvailability(fake_execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert result.get('failed', False)
+ for word in 'below recommended'.split() + extra_words:
+ assert word in result['msg']
+def fake_execute_module(*args):
+ raise AssertionError('this function should not be called')
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1a41ca3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks.mixins import NotContainerizedMixin
+class NotContainerizedCheck(NotContainerizedMixin, OpenShiftCheck):
+ name = "not_containerized"
+ run = NotImplemented
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('task_vars,expected', [
+ (dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(is_containerized=False))), True),
+ (dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(is_containerized=True))), False),
+def test_is_active(task_vars, expected):
+ assert NotContainerizedCheck(None, task_vars).is_active() == expected
+def test_is_active_missing_task_vars():
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ NotContainerizedCheck().is_active()
+ assert 'is_containerized' in str(excinfo.value)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc0c3b26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheck, OpenShiftCheckException
+from openshift_checks import load_checks
+# Fixtures
+def task_vars():
+ return dict(foo=42, bar=dict(baz="openshift"))
+ ("notfound",),
+ ("multiple", "keys", "not", "in", "task_vars"),
+def missing_keys(request):
+ return request.param
+# Tests
+def test_OpenShiftCheck_init():
+ class TestCheck(OpenShiftCheck):
+ name = "test_check"
+ run = NotImplemented
+ # execute_module required at init if it will be used
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
+ TestCheck().execute_module("foo")
+ assert 'execute_module' in str(excinfo.value)
+ execute_module = object()
+ # initialize with positional argument
+ check = TestCheck(execute_module)
+ assert check._execute_module == execute_module
+ # initialize with keyword argument
+ check = TestCheck(execute_module=execute_module)
+ assert check._execute_module == execute_module
+ assert check.task_vars == {}
+ assert check.tmp is None
+def test_subclasses():
+ """OpenShiftCheck.subclasses should find all subclasses recursively."""
+ class TestCheck1(OpenShiftCheck):
+ pass
+ class TestCheck2(OpenShiftCheck):
+ pass
+ class TestCheck1A(TestCheck1):
+ pass
+ local_subclasses = set([TestCheck1, TestCheck1A, TestCheck2])
+ known_subclasses = set(OpenShiftCheck.subclasses())
+ assert local_subclasses - known_subclasses == set(), "local_subclasses should be a subset of known_subclasses"
+def test_load_checks():
+ """Loading checks should load and return Python modules."""
+ modules = load_checks()
+ assert modules
+def dummy_check(task_vars):
+ class TestCheck(OpenShiftCheck):
+ name = "dummy"
+ run = NotImplemented
+ return TestCheck(task_vars=task_vars)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("keys,expected", [
+ (("foo",), 42),
+ (("bar", "baz"), "openshift"),
+ (("bar.baz",), "openshift"),
+def test_get_var_ok(task_vars, keys, expected):
+ assert dummy_check(task_vars).get_var(*keys) == expected
+def test_get_var_error(task_vars, missing_keys):
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException):
+ dummy_check(task_vars).get_var(*missing_keys)
+def test_get_var_default(task_vars, missing_keys):
+ default = object()
+ assert dummy_check(task_vars).get_var(*missing_keys, default=default) == default
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("keys, convert, expected", [
+ (("foo",), str, "42"),
+ (("foo",), float, 42.0),
+ (("bar", "baz"), bool, False),
+def test_get_var_convert(task_vars, keys, convert, expected):
+ assert dummy_check(task_vars).get_var(*keys, convert=convert) == expected
+def convert_oscexc(_):
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException("known failure")
+def convert_exc(_):
+ raise Exception("failure unknown")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("keys, convert, expect_text", [
+ (("bar", "baz"), int, "Cannot convert"),
+ (("bar.baz",), float, "Cannot convert"),
+ (("foo",), "bogus", "TypeError"),
+ (("foo",), lambda a, b: 1, "TypeError"),
+ (("foo",), lambda a: 1 / 0, "ZeroDivisionError"),
+ (("foo",), convert_oscexc, "known failure"),
+ (("foo",), convert_exc, "failure unknown"),
+def test_get_var_convert_error(task_vars, keys, convert, expect_text):
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ dummy_check(task_vars).get_var(*keys, convert=convert)
+ assert expect_text in str(excinfo.value)
+def test_register(task_vars):
+ check = dummy_check(task_vars)
+ check.register_failure(OpenShiftCheckException("spam"))
+ assert "spam" in str(check.failures[0])
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.register_file("spam") # no file contents specified
+ assert "not specified" in str(excinfo.value)
+ # normally execute_module registers the result file; test disabling that
+ check._execute_module = lambda *args, **_: dict()
+ check.execute_module("eggs", module_args={}, register=False)
+ assert not check.files_to_save
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a82a43bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.ovs_version import OvsVersion, OpenShiftCheckException
+def test_openshift_version_not_supported():
+ def execute_module(*_):
+ return {}
+ openshift_release = '111.7.0'
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='origin')),
+ openshift_release=openshift_release,
+ openshift_image_tag='v' + openshift_release,
+ openshift_deployment_type='origin',
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ OvsVersion(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert "no recommended version of Open vSwitch" in str(excinfo.value)
+def test_invalid_openshift_release_format():
+ def execute_module(*_):
+ return {}
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='origin')),
+ openshift_image_tag='v0',
+ openshift_deployment_type='origin',
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ OvsVersion(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert "invalid version" in str(excinfo.value)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('openshift_release,expected_ovs_version', [
+ ("3.5", ["2.6", "2.7"]),
+ ("3.6", ["2.6", "2.7"]),
+ ("3.4", "2.4"),
+ ("3.3", "2.4"),
+ ("1.0", "2.4"),
+def test_ovs_package_version(openshift_release, expected_ovs_version):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='origin')),
+ openshift_release=openshift_release,
+ openshift_image_tag='v' + openshift_release,
+ )
+ return_value = {} # note: check.execute_module modifies return hash contents
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, *_):
+ assert module_name == 'rpm_version'
+ assert "package_list" in module_args
+ for pkg in module_args["package_list"]:
+ if pkg["name"] == "openvswitch":
+ assert pkg["version"] == expected_ovs_version
+ return return_value
+ result = OvsVersion(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert result is return_value
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,is_containerized,is_active', [
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], False, True),
+ # ensure check is skipped on containerized installs
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], True, False),
+ (['oo_nodes_to_config'], False, True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'], False, True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_etcd_to_config'], False, True),
+ ([], False, False),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], False, False),
+ (['lb'], False, False),
+ (['nfs'], False, False),
+def test_ovs_version_skip_when_not_master_nor_node(group_names, is_containerized, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(is_containerized=is_containerized)),
+ )
+ assert OvsVersion(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9815acb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.package_availability import PackageAvailability
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkg_mgr,is_containerized,is_active', [
+ ('yum', False, True),
+ ('yum', True, False),
+ ('dnf', True, False),
+ ('dnf', False, False),
+def test_is_active(pkg_mgr, is_containerized, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_pkg_mgr=pkg_mgr,
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(is_containerized=is_containerized)),
+ )
+ assert PackageAvailability(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('task_vars,must_have_packages,must_not_have_packages', [
+ (
+ dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='openshift'))),
+ set(),
+ set(['openshift-master', 'openshift-node']),
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='origin')),
+ group_names=['oo_masters_to_config'],
+ ),
+ set(['origin-master']),
+ set(['origin-node']),
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='atomic-openshift')),
+ group_names=['oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ ),
+ set(['atomic-openshift-node']),
+ set(['atomic-openshift-master']),
+ ),
+ (
+ dict(
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='atomic-openshift')),
+ group_names=['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'],
+ ),
+ set(['atomic-openshift-master', 'atomic-openshift-node']),
+ set(),
+ ),
+def test_package_availability(task_vars, must_have_packages, must_not_have_packages):
+ return_value = {}
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, *_):
+ assert module_name == 'check_yum_update'
+ assert 'packages' in module_args
+ assert set(module_args['packages']).issuperset(must_have_packages)
+ assert not set(module_args['packages']).intersection(must_not_have_packages)
+ return {'foo': return_value}
+ result = PackageAvailability(execute_module, task_vars).run()
+ assert result['foo'] is return_value
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85d3c9cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from openshift_checks.package_update import PackageUpdate
+def test_package_update():
+ return_value = {}
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, *_):
+ assert module_name == 'check_yum_update'
+ assert 'packages' in module_args
+ # empty list of packages means "generic check if 'yum update' will work"
+ assert module_args['packages'] == []
+ return {'foo': return_value}
+ result = PackageUpdate(execute_module).run()
+ assert result['foo'] is return_value
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cf4ce033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import pytest
+from openshift_checks.package_version import PackageVersion, OpenShiftCheckException
+def task_vars_for(openshift_release, deployment_type):
+ return dict(
+ ansible_pkg_mgr='yum',
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type=deployment_type)),
+ openshift_release=openshift_release,
+ openshift_image_tag='v' + openshift_release,
+ openshift_deployment_type=deployment_type,
+ )
+def test_openshift_version_not_supported():
+ check = PackageVersion(None, task_vars_for("1.2.3", 'origin'))
+ check.get_openshift_version_tuple = lambda: (3, 4, 1) # won't be in the dict
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.get_required_ovs_version()
+ assert "no recommended version of Open vSwitch" in str(excinfo.value)
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ check.get_required_docker_version()
+ assert "no recommended version of Docker" in str(excinfo.value)
+def test_invalid_openshift_release_format():
+ task_vars = dict(
+ ansible_pkg_mgr='yum',
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(service_type='origin')),
+ openshift_image_tag='v0',
+ openshift_deployment_type='origin',
+ )
+ check = PackageVersion(lambda *_: {}, task_vars)
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckException) as excinfo:
+ assert "invalid version" in str(excinfo.value)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('openshift_release', [
+ "111.7.0",
+ "3.7",
+ "3.6",
+ "",
+ "3.5",
+ "3.4",
+ "3.3",
+ "2.1.0",
+def test_package_version(openshift_release):
+ return_value = {"foo": object()}
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, tmp=None, task_vars=None, *_):
+ assert module_name == 'aos_version'
+ assert "package_list" in module_args
+ for pkg in module_args["package_list"]:
+ if "-master" in pkg["name"] or "-node" in pkg["name"]:
+ assert pkg["version"] == task_vars["openshift_release"]
+ return return_value
+ check = PackageVersion(execute_module, task_vars_for(openshift_release, 'origin'))
+ result =
+ assert result == return_value
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('deployment_type,openshift_release,expected_docker_version', [
+ ("origin", "3.5", "1.12"),
+ ("origin", "1.3", "1.10"),
+ ("origin", "1.1", "1.8"),
+ ("openshift-enterprise", "3.4", "1.12"),
+ ("openshift-enterprise", "3.2", "1.10"),
+ ("openshift-enterprise", "3.1", "1.8"),
+def test_docker_package_version(deployment_type, openshift_release, expected_docker_version):
+ return_value = {"foo": object()}
+ def execute_module(module_name=None, module_args=None, *_):
+ assert module_name == 'aos_version'
+ assert "package_list" in module_args
+ for pkg in module_args["package_list"]:
+ if pkg["name"] == "docker":
+ assert pkg["version"] == expected_docker_version
+ return return_value
+ check = PackageVersion(execute_module, task_vars_for(openshift_release, deployment_type))
+ result =
+ assert result == return_value
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('group_names,is_containerized,is_active', [
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], False, True),
+ # ensure check is skipped on containerized installs
+ (['oo_masters_to_config'], True, False),
+ (['oo_nodes_to_config'], False, True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_nodes_to_config'], False, True),
+ (['oo_masters_to_config', 'oo_etcd_to_config'], False, True),
+ ([], False, False),
+ (['oo_etcd_to_config'], False, False),
+ (['lb'], False, False),
+ (['nfs'], False, False),
+def test_package_version_skip_when_not_master_nor_node(group_names, is_containerized, is_active):
+ task_vars = dict(
+ group_names=group_names,
+ openshift=dict(common=dict(is_containerized=is_containerized)),
+ )
+ assert PackageVersion(None, task_vars).is_active() == is_active
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c1bcf876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import pytest
+import rpm_version
+expected_pkgs = {
+ "spam": {
+ "name": "spam",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ },
+ "eggs": {
+ "name": "eggs",
+ "version": "3.2.1",
+ },
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs, expect_not_found', [
+ (
+ {},
+ ["spam", "eggs"], # none found
+ ),
+ (
+ {"spam": ["3.2.1", "4.5.1"]},
+ ["eggs"], # completely missing
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ "spam": ["3.2.1", "4.5.1"],
+ "eggs": ["3.2.1"],
+ },
+ [], # all found
+ ),
+def test_check_pkg_found(pkgs, expect_not_found):
+ if expect_not_found:
+ with pytest.raises(rpm_version.RpmVersionException) as e:
+ rpm_version._check_pkg_versions(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
+ assert "not found to be installed" in str(e.value)
+ assert set(expect_not_found) == set(e.value.problem_pkgs)
+ else:
+ rpm_version._check_pkg_versions(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pkgs, expect_not_found', [
+ (
+ {
+ 'spam': ['3.2.1'],
+ 'eggs': ['3.3.2'],
+ },
+ {
+ "eggs": {
+ "required_versions": ["3.2"],
+ "found_versions": ["3.3"],
+ }
+ }, # not the right version
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ 'spam': ['3.1.2', "3.3.2"],
+ 'eggs': ['3.3.2', "1.2.3"],
+ },
+ {
+ "eggs": {
+ "required_versions": ["3.2"],
+ "found_versions": ["3.3", "1.2"],
+ },
+ "spam": {
+ "required_versions": ["3.2"],
+ "found_versions": ["3.1", "3.3"],
+ }
+ }, # not the right version
+ ),
+def test_check_pkg_version_found(pkgs, expect_not_found):
+ if expect_not_found:
+ with pytest.raises(rpm_version.RpmVersionException) as e:
+ rpm_version._check_pkg_versions(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
+ assert "found to be installed with an incorrect version" in str(e.value)
+ assert expect_not_found == e.value.problem_pkgs
+ else:
+ rpm_version._check_pkg_versions(pkgs, expected_pkgs)
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..724928aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import pytest
+import search_journalctl
+def canned_search_journalctl(get_log_output=None):
+ """Create a search_journalctl object with canned get_log_output method"""
+ module = search_journalctl
+ if get_log_output:
+ module.get_log_output = get_log_output
+ return module
+def get_timestamp(modifier=0):
+ return DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP + modifier
+def get_timestamp_microseconds(modifier=0):
+ return get_timestamp(modifier) * 1000000
+def create_test_log_object(stamp, msg):
+ return '{{"__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP": "{}", "MESSAGE": "{}"}}'.format(stamp, msg)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name,matchers,log_input,expected_matches,expected_errors', [
+ (
+ 'test with valid params',
+ [
+ {
+ "start_regexp": r"Sample Logs Beginning",
+ "regexp": r"test log message",
+ "unit": "test",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "test log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "Sample Logs Beginning"),
+ ],
+ ["test log message"],
+ [],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with invalid json in log input',
+ [
+ {
+ "start_regexp": r"Sample Logs Beginning",
+ "regexp": r"test log message",
+ "unit": "test-unit",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ '{__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP: ' + str(get_timestamp_microseconds()) + ', "MESSAGE": "test log message"}',
+ ],
+ [],
+ [
+ ["invalid json", "test-unit", "test log message"],
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with invalid regexp',
+ [
+ {
+ "start_regexp": r"Sample Logs Beginning",
+ "regexp": r"test [ log message",
+ "unit": "test",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "test log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "sample log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "fake log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "dummy log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "Sample Logs Beginning"),
+ ],
+ [],
+ [
+ ["invalid regular expression"],
+ ],
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_get_log_matches(name, matchers, log_input, expected_matches, expected_errors):
+ def get_log_output(matcher):
+ return log_input
+ module = canned_search_journalctl(get_log_output)
+ matched_regexp, errors = module.get_log_matches(matchers, 500, 60 * 60)
+ assert set(matched_regexp) == set(expected_matches)
+ assert len(expected_errors) == len(errors)
+ for idx, partial_err_set in enumerate(expected_errors):
+ for partial_err_msg in partial_err_set:
+ assert partial_err_msg in errors[idx]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('name,matcher,log_count_lim,stamp_lim_seconds,log_input,expected_match', [
+ (
+ 'test with matching log message, but out of bounds of log_count_lim',
+ {
+ "start_regexp": r"Sample Logs Beginning",
+ "regexp": r"dummy log message",
+ "unit": "test",
+ },
+ 3,
+ get_timestamp(-100 * 60 * 60),
+ [
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "test log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "sample log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "fake log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "dummy log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "Sample Logs Beginning"),
+ ],
+ None,
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with matching log message, but with timestamp too old',
+ {
+ "start_regexp": r"Sample Logs Beginning",
+ "regexp": r"dummy log message",
+ "unit": "test",
+ },
+ 100,
+ get_timestamp(-10),
+ [
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "test log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "sample log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "fake log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(-1000), "dummy log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(-1000), "Sample Logs Beginning"),
+ ],
+ None,
+ ),
+ (
+ 'test with matching log message, and timestamp within time limit',
+ {
+ "start_regexp": r"Sample Logs Beginning",
+ "regexp": r"dummy log message",
+ "unit": "test",
+ },
+ 100,
+ get_timestamp(-1010),
+ [
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "test log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "sample log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(), "fake log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(-1000), "dummy log message"),
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(-1000), "Sample Logs Beginning"),
+ ],
+ create_test_log_object(get_timestamp_microseconds(-1000), "dummy log message"),
+ ),
+], ids=lambda argval: argval[0])
+def test_find_matches_skips_logs(name, matcher, log_count_lim, stamp_lim_seconds, log_input, expected_match):
+ match = search_journalctl.find_matches(log_input, matcher, log_count_lim, stamp_lim_seconds)
+ assert match == expected_match
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69f27653c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+from zz_failure_summary import deduplicate_failures
+import pytest
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('failures,deduplicated', [
+ (
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': 'master1',
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': ('master1',),
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ },
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': 'master1',
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ },
+ {
+ 'host': 'node1',
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': ('master1', 'node1'),
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ },
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': 'node1',
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ 'checks': (('test_check', 'error message'),),
+ },
+ {
+ 'host': 'master2',
+ 'msg': 'Some error happened',
+ },
+ {
+ 'host': 'master1',
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ 'checks': (('test_check', 'error message'),),
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': ('master1', 'node1'),
+ 'msg': 'One or more checks failed',
+ 'checks': (('test_check', 'error message'),),
+ },
+ {
+ 'host': ('master2',),
+ 'msg': 'Some error happened',
+ },
+ ],
+ ),
+ # if a failure contain an unhashable value, it will not be deduplicated
+ (
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': 'master1',
+ 'msg': {'unhashable': 'value'},
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ 'host': 'master1',
+ 'msg': {'unhashable': 'value'},
+ },
+ ],
+ ),
+def test_deduplicate_failures(failures, deduplicated):
+ assert deduplicate_failures(failures) == deduplicated