path: root/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_health_checker/test/')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fa5e8929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+import pytest
+import json
+from openshift_checks.logging.elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList
+task_vars_config_base = dict(openshift=dict(common=dict(config_base='/etc/origin')))
+def canned_elasticsearch(task_vars=None, exec_oc=None):
+ """Create an Elasticsearch check object with stubbed exec_oc method"""
+ check = Elasticsearch(None, task_vars or {})
+ if exec_oc:
+ check.exec_oc = exec_oc
+ return check
+def assert_error_in_list(expect_err, errorlist):
+ assert any( == expect_err for err in errorlist), "{} in {}".format(str(expect_err), str(errorlist))
+def pods_by_name(pods):
+ return {pod['metadata']['name']: pod for pod in pods}
+plain_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es"},
+ "name": "logging-es",
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es",
+split_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-2"},
+ "name": "logging-es-2",
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "True", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": True}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "name logging-es-2",
+unready_es_pod = {
+ "metadata": {
+ "labels": {"component": "es", "deploymentconfig": "logging-es-3"},
+ "name": "logging-es-3",
+ },
+ "spec": {},
+ "status": {
+ "conditions": [{"status": "False", "type": "Ready"}],
+ "containerStatuses": [{"ready": False}],
+ "podIP": "",
+ },
+ "_test_master_name_str": "BAD_NAME_RESPONSE",
+def test_check_elasticsearch():
+ with pytest.raises(OpenShiftCheckExceptionList) as excinfo:
+ canned_elasticsearch().check_elasticsearch([])
+ assert_error_in_list('NoRunningPods', excinfo.value)
+ # canned oc responses to match so all the checks pass
+ def exec_oc(cmd, args, **_):
+ if '_cat/master' in cmd:
+ return 'name logging-es'
+ elif '/_nodes' in cmd:
+ return json.dumps(es_node_list)
+ elif '_cluster/health' in cmd:
+ return '{"status": "green"}'
+ elif ' df ' in cmd:
+ return 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 4%\n'
+ else:
+ raise Exception(cmd)
+ check = canned_elasticsearch({}, exec_oc)
+ check.get_pods_for_component = lambda *_: [plain_es_pod]
+ assert {} ==
+def test_check_running_es_pods():
+ pods, errors = Elasticsearch().running_elasticsearch_pods([plain_es_pod, unready_es_pod])
+ assert plain_es_pod in pods
+ assert_error_in_list('PodNotRunning', errors)
+def test_check_elasticsearch_masters():
+ pods = [plain_es_pod]
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda *args, **_: plain_es_pod['_test_master_name_str'])
+ assert not check.check_elasticsearch_masters(pods_by_name(pods))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ 'NoMasterFound',
+ ),
+ (
+ [unready_es_pod],
+ 'NoMasterName',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod, split_es_pod],
+ 'SplitBrainMasters',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_masters_error(pods, expect_error):
+ test_pods = list(pods)
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda *args, **_: test_pods.pop(0)['_test_master_name_str'])
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_elasticsearch_masters(pods_by_name(pods)))
+es_node_list = {
+ 'nodes': {
+ 'random-es-name': {
+ 'host': 'logging-es',
+ }}}
+def test_check_elasticsearch_node_list():
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(es_node_list))
+ assert not check.check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, node_list, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [],
+ {},
+ 'MissingComponentPods',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod],
+ {}, # empty list of nodes triggers KeyError
+ 'MissingNodeList',
+ ),
+ (
+ [split_es_pod],
+ es_node_list,
+ 'EsPodNodeMismatch',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_node_list_errors(pods, node_list, expect_error):
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(task_vars_config_base, lambda cmd, args, **_: json.dumps(node_list))
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_elasticsearch_node_list(pods_by_name(pods)))
+def test_check_elasticsearch_cluster_health():
+ test_health_data = [{"status": "green"}]
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(test_health_data.pop(0)))
+ assert not check.check_es_cluster_health(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('pods, health_data, expect_error', [
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod],
+ [{"no-status": "should bomb"}],
+ 'BadEsResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ [plain_es_pod, split_es_pod],
+ [{"status": "green"}, {"status": "red"}],
+ 'EsClusterHealthRed',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_cluster_health_errors(pods, health_data, expect_error):
+ test_health_data = list(health_data)
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: json.dumps(test_health_data.pop(0)))
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_es_cluster_health(pods_by_name(pods)))
+def test_check_elasticsearch_diskspace():
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 4%\n')
+ assert not check.check_elasticsearch_diskspace(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod]))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('disk_data, expect_error', [
+ (
+ 'df: /elasticsearch/persistent: No such file or directory\n',
+ 'BadDfResponse',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'IUse% Use%\n 95% 40%\n',
+ 'InodeUsageTooHigh',
+ ),
+ (
+ 'IUse% Use%\n 3% 94%\n',
+ 'DiskUsageTooHigh',
+ ),
+def test_check_elasticsearch_diskspace_errors(disk_data, expect_error):
+ check = canned_elasticsearch(exec_oc=lambda *args, **_: disk_data)
+ assert_error_in_list(expect_error, check.check_elasticsearch_diskspace(pods_by_name([plain_es_pod])))