path: root/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
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Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b192a281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/openshift_checks/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+"""Check for an aggregated logging Fluentd deployment"""
+import json
+from openshift_checks import OpenShiftCheckException, OpenShiftCheckExceptionList
+from openshift_checks.logging.logging import LoggingCheck
+class Fluentd(LoggingCheck):
+ """Check for an aggregated logging Fluentd deployment"""
+ name = "fluentd"
+ tags = ["health", "logging"]
+ def run(self):
+ """Check the Fluentd deployment and raise an error if any problems are found."""
+ fluentd_pods = self.get_pods_for_component("fluentd")
+ self.check_fluentd(fluentd_pods)
+ return {}
+ def check_fluentd(self, pods):
+ """Verify fluentd is running everywhere. Raises OpenShiftCheckExceptionList if error(s) found."""
+ node_selector = self.get_var(
+ 'openshift_logging_fluentd_nodeselector',
+ default='logging-infra-fluentd=true'
+ )
+ nodes_by_name = self.get_nodes_by_name()
+ fluentd_nodes = self.filter_fluentd_labeled_nodes(nodes_by_name, node_selector)
+ errors = []
+ errors += self.check_node_labeling(nodes_by_name, fluentd_nodes, node_selector)
+ errors += self.check_nodes_have_fluentd(pods, fluentd_nodes)
+ errors += self.check_fluentd_pods_running(pods)
+ # Make sure there are no extra fluentd pods
+ if len(pods) > len(fluentd_nodes):
+ errors.append(OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'TooManyFluentdPods',
+ 'There are more Fluentd pods running than nodes labeled.\n'
+ 'This may not cause problems with logging but it likely indicates something wrong.'
+ ))
+ if errors:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckExceptionList(errors)
+ def get_nodes_by_name(self):
+ """Retrieve all the node definitions. Returns: dict(name: node)"""
+ nodes_json = self.exec_oc("get nodes -o json", [])
+ try:
+ nodes = json.loads(nodes_json)
+ except ValueError: # no valid json - should not happen
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "BadOcNodeList",
+ "Could not obtain a list of nodes to validate fluentd.\n"
+ "Output from oc get:\n" + nodes_json
+ )
+ if not nodes or not nodes.get('items'): # also should not happen
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ "NoNodesDefined",
+ "No nodes appear to be defined according to the API."
+ )
+ return {
+ node['metadata']['name']: node
+ for node in nodes['items']
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def filter_fluentd_labeled_nodes(nodes_by_name, node_selector):
+ """Filter to all nodes with fluentd label. Returns dict(name: node)"""
+ label, value = node_selector.split('=', 1)
+ fluentd_nodes = {
+ name: node for name, node in nodes_by_name.items()
+ if node['metadata']['labels'].get(label) == value
+ }
+ if not fluentd_nodes:
+ raise OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NoNodesLabeled',
+ 'There are no nodes with the fluentd label {label}.\n'
+ 'This means no logs will be aggregated from the nodes.'.format(label=node_selector)
+ )
+ return fluentd_nodes
+ def check_node_labeling(self, nodes_by_name, fluentd_nodes, node_selector):
+ """Note if nodes are not labeled as expected. Returns: error list"""
+ intended_nodes = self.get_var('openshift_logging_fluentd_hosts', default=['--all'])
+ if not intended_nodes or '--all' in intended_nodes:
+ intended_nodes = nodes_by_name.keys()
+ nodes_missing_labels = set(intended_nodes) - set(fluentd_nodes.keys())
+ if nodes_missing_labels:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'NodesUnlabeled',
+ 'The following nodes are supposed to be labeled with {label} but are not:\n'
+ ' {nodes}\n'
+ 'Fluentd will not aggregate logs from these nodes.'.format(
+ label=node_selector, nodes=', '.join(nodes_missing_labels)
+ ))]
+ return []
+ @staticmethod
+ def check_nodes_have_fluentd(pods, fluentd_nodes):
+ """Make sure fluentd is on all the labeled nodes. Returns: error list"""
+ unmatched_nodes = fluentd_nodes.copy()
+ node_names_by_label = {
+ node['metadata']['labels']['']: name
+ for name, node in fluentd_nodes.items()
+ }
+ node_names_by_internal_ip = {
+ address['address']: name
+ for name, node in fluentd_nodes.items()
+ for address in node['status']['addresses']
+ if address['type'] == "InternalIP"
+ }
+ for pod in pods:
+ for name in [
+ pod['spec']['nodeName'],
+ node_names_by_internal_ip.get(pod['spec']['nodeName']),
+ node_names_by_label.get(pod.get('spec', {}).get('host')),
+ ]:
+ unmatched_nodes.pop(name, None)
+ if unmatched_nodes:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'MissingFluentdPod',
+ 'The following nodes are supposed to have a Fluentd pod but do not:\n'
+ ' {nodes}\n'
+ 'These nodes will not have their logs aggregated.'.format(
+ nodes='\n '.join(unmatched_nodes.keys())
+ ))]
+ return []
+ def check_fluentd_pods_running(self, pods):
+ """Make sure all fluentd pods are running. Returns: error string"""
+ not_running = super(Fluentd, self).not_running_pods(pods)
+ if not_running:
+ return [OpenShiftCheckException(
+ 'FluentdNotRunning',
+ 'The following Fluentd pods are supposed to be running but are not:\n'
+ ' {pods}\n'
+ 'These pods will not aggregate logs from their nodes.'.format(
+ pods='\n'.join(
+ " {name} ({host})".format(
+ name=pod['metadata']['name'],
+ host=pod['spec'].get('host', 'None')
+ )
+ for pod in not_running
+ )
+ ))]
+ return []