path: root/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
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Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_health_checker/library/')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/library/
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+Ansible module for yum-based systems determining if multiple releases
+of an OpenShift package are available, and if the release requested
+(if any) is available down to the given precision.
+For Enterprise, multiple releases available suggest that multiple repos
+are enabled for the different releases, which may cause installation
+problems. With Origin, however, this is a normal state of affairs as
+all the releases are provided in a single repo with the expectation that
+only the latest can be installed.
+Code in the openshift_version role contains a lot of logic to pin down
+the exact package and image version to use and so does some validation
+of release availability already. Without duplicating all that, we would
+like the user to have a helpful error message if we detect things will
+not work out right. Note that if openshift_release is not specified in
+the inventory, the version comparison checks just pass.
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+# NOTE: because of the dependency on yum (Python 2-only), this module does not
+# work under Python 3. But since we run unit tests against both Python 2 and
+# Python 3, we use six for cross compatibility in this module alone:
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+ import yum # pylint: disable=import-error
+except ImportError as err:
+ import dnf # pylint: disable=import-error
+except ImportError as err:
+class AosVersionException(Exception):
+ """Base exception class for package version problems"""
+ def __init__(self, message, problem_pkgs=None):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+ self.problem_pkgs = problem_pkgs
+def main():
+ """Entrypoint for this Ansible module"""
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ package_list=dict(type="list", required=True),
+ package_mgr=dict(type="str", required=True),
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ # determine the package manager to use
+ package_mgr = module.params['package_mgr']
+ if package_mgr not in ('yum', 'dnf'):
+ module.fail_json(msg="package_mgr must be one of: yum, dnf")
+ pkg_mgr_exception = dict(yum=YUM_IMPORT_EXCEPTION, dnf=DNF_IMPORT_EXCEPTION)[package_mgr]
+ if pkg_mgr_exception:
+ module.fail_json(
+ msg="aos_version module could not import {}: {}".format(package_mgr, pkg_mgr_exception)
+ )
+ # determine the packages we will look for
+ package_list = module.params['package_list']
+ if not package_list:
+ module.fail_json(msg="package_list must not be empty")
+ # generate set with only the names of expected packages
+ expected_pkg_names = [p["name"] for p in package_list]
+ # gather packages that require a multi_minor_release check
+ multi_minor_pkgs = [p for p in package_list if p["check_multi"]]
+ # generate list of packages with a specified (non-empty) version
+ # should look like a version string with possibly many segments e.g. "3.4.1"
+ versioned_pkgs = [p for p in package_list if p["version"]]
+ # get the list of packages available and complain if anything is wrong
+ try:
+ pkgs = _retrieve_available_packages(package_mgr, expected_pkg_names)
+ if versioned_pkgs:
+ _check_precise_version_found(pkgs, _to_dict(versioned_pkgs))
+ _check_higher_version_found(pkgs, _to_dict(versioned_pkgs))
+ if multi_minor_pkgs:
+ _check_multi_minor_release(pkgs, _to_dict(multi_minor_pkgs))
+ except AosVersionException as excinfo:
+ module.fail_json(msg=str(excinfo))
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+def _to_dict(pkg_list):
+ return {pkg["name"]: pkg for pkg in pkg_list}
+def _retrieve_available_packages(pkg_mgr, expected_pkgs):
+ # The openshift excluder prevents unintended updates to openshift
+ # packages by setting yum excludes on those packages. See:
+ #
+ # Excludes are then disabled during an install or upgrade, but
+ # this check will most likely be running outside either. When we
+ # attempt to determine what packages are available via yum they may
+ # be excluded. So, for our purposes here, disable excludes to see
+ # what will really be available during an install or upgrade.
+ if pkg_mgr == "yum":
+ # search for package versions available for openshift pkgs
+ yb = yum.YumBase() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ yb.conf.disable_excludes = ['all']
+ try:
+ pkgs = yb.rpmdb.returnPackages(patterns=expected_pkgs)
+ pkgs += yb.pkgSack.returnPackages(patterns=expected_pkgs)
+ except yum.Errors.PackageSackError as excinfo:
+ # you only hit this if *none* of the packages are available
+ raise AosVersionException('\n'.join([
+ 'Unable to find any OpenShift packages.',
+ 'Check your subscription and repo settings.',
+ str(excinfo),
+ ]))
+ elif pkg_mgr == "dnf":
+ dbase = dnf.Base() # pyling: disable=invalid-name
+ dbase.conf.disable_excludes = ['all']
+ dbase.read_all_repos()
+ dbase.fill_sack(load_system_repo=False, load_available_repos=True)
+ dquery = dbase.sack.query()
+ aquery = dquery.available()
+ iquery = dquery.installed()
+ available_pkgs = list(aquery.filter(name=expected_pkgs))
+ installed_pkgs = list(iquery.filter(name=expected_pkgs))
+ pkgs = available_pkgs + installed_pkgs
+ if not pkgs:
+ # pkgs list is empty, raise because no expected packages found
+ raise AosVersionException('\n'.join([
+ 'Unable to find any OpenShift packages.',
+ 'Check your subscription and repo settings.',
+ ]))
+ return pkgs
+class PreciseVersionNotFound(AosVersionException):
+ """Exception for reporting packages not available at given version"""
+ def __init__(self, not_found):
+ msg = ['Not all of the required packages are available at their requested version']
+ msg += ['{}:{} '.format(pkg["name"], pkg["version"]) for pkg in not_found]
+ msg += ['Please check your subscriptions and enabled repositories.']
+ AosVersionException.__init__(self, '\n'.join(msg), not_found)
+def _check_precise_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ # see if any packages couldn't be found at requested release version
+ # we would like to verify that the latest available pkgs have however specific a version is given.
+ # so e.g. if there is a package version the check passes; if only 3.4.0, it fails.
+ pkgs_precise_version_found = set()
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if not in expected_pkgs_dict:
+ continue
+ expected_pkg_versions = expected_pkgs_dict[]["version"]
+ if isinstance(expected_pkg_versions, string_types):
+ expected_pkg_versions = [expected_pkg_versions]
+ for expected_pkg_version in expected_pkg_versions:
+ # does the version match, to the precision requested?
+ # and, is it strictly greater, at the precision requested?
+ match_version = '.'.join(pkg.version.split('.')[:expected_pkg_version.count('.') + 1])
+ if match_version == expected_pkg_version:
+ pkgs_precise_version_found.add(
+ not_found = []
+ for name, pkg in expected_pkgs_dict.items():
+ if name not in pkgs_precise_version_found:
+ not_found.append(pkg)
+ if not_found:
+ raise PreciseVersionNotFound(not_found)
+class FoundHigherVersion(AosVersionException):
+ """Exception for reporting that a higher version than requested is available"""
+ def __init__(self, higher_found):
+ msg = ['Some required package(s) are available at a version',
+ 'that is higher than requested']
+ msg += [' ' + name for name in higher_found]
+ msg += ['This will prevent installing the version you requested.']
+ msg += ['Please check your enabled repositories or adjust openshift_release.']
+ AosVersionException.__init__(self, '\n'.join(msg), higher_found)
+def _check_higher_version_found(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ expected_pkg_names = list(expected_pkgs_dict)
+ # see if any packages are available in a version higher than requested
+ higher_version_for_pkg = {}
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ if not in expected_pkg_names:
+ continue
+ expected_pkg_versions = expected_pkgs_dict[]["version"]
+ if isinstance(expected_pkg_versions, string_types):
+ expected_pkg_versions = [expected_pkg_versions]
+ # NOTE: the list of versions is assumed to be sorted so that the highest
+ # desirable version is the last.
+ highest_desirable_version = expected_pkg_versions[-1]
+ req_release_arr = [int(segment) for segment in highest_desirable_version.split(".")]
+ version = [int(segment) for segment in pkg.version.split(".")]
+ too_high = version[:len(req_release_arr)] > req_release_arr
+ higher_than_seen = version > higher_version_for_pkg.get(, [])
+ if too_high and higher_than_seen:
+ higher_version_for_pkg[] = version
+ if higher_version_for_pkg:
+ higher_found = []
+ for name, version in higher_version_for_pkg.items():
+ higher_found.append(name + '-' + '.'.join(str(segment) for segment in version))
+ raise FoundHigherVersion(higher_found)
+class FoundMultiRelease(AosVersionException):
+ """Exception for reporting multiple minor releases found for same package"""
+ def __init__(self, multi_found):
+ msg = ['Multiple minor versions of these packages are available']
+ msg += [' ' + name for name in multi_found]
+ msg += ["There should only be one OpenShift release repository enabled at a time."]
+ AosVersionException.__init__(self, '\n'.join(msg), multi_found)
+def _check_multi_minor_release(pkgs, expected_pkgs_dict):
+ # see if any packages are available in more than one minor version
+ pkgs_by_name_version = {}
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ # keep track of x.y (minor release) versions seen
+ minor_release = '.'.join(pkg.version.split('.')[:2])
+ if not in pkgs_by_name_version:
+ pkgs_by_name_version[] = set()
+ pkgs_by_name_version[].add(minor_release)
+ multi_found = []
+ for name in expected_pkgs_dict:
+ if name in pkgs_by_name_version and len(pkgs_by_name_version[name]) > 1:
+ multi_found.append(name)
+ if multi_found:
+ raise FoundMultiRelease(multi_found)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()