path: root/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/
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1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcaf87eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/openshift_health_checker/callback_plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+"""Ansible callback plugin to print a nicely formatted summary of failures.
+The file / module name is prefixed with `zz_` to make this plugin be loaded last
+by Ansible, thus making its output the last thing that users see.
+from collections import defaultdict
+import traceback
+from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
+from ansible import constants as C
+from ansible.utils.color import stringc
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+FAILED_NO_MSG = u'Failed without returning a message.'
+class CallbackModule(CallbackBase):
+ """This callback plugin stores task results and summarizes failures."""
+ CALLBACK_TYPE = 'aggregate'
+ CALLBACK_NAME = 'failure_summary'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).__init__()
+ self.__failures = []
+ self.__playbook_file = ''
+ def v2_playbook_on_start(self, playbook):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).v2_playbook_on_start(playbook)
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no public API to
+ # get the file name of the current playbook from a callback plugin.
+ self.__playbook_file = playbook._file_name
+ def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).v2_runner_on_failed(result, ignore_errors)
+ if not ignore_errors:
+ self.__failures.append(result)
+ def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats):
+ super(CallbackModule, self).v2_playbook_on_stats(stats)
+ # pylint: disable=broad-except; capturing exceptions broadly is
+ # intentional, to isolate arbitrary failures in this callback plugin.
+ try:
+ if self.__failures:
+ self._display.display(failure_summary(self.__failures, self.__playbook_file))
+ except Exception:
+ msg = stringc(
+ u'An error happened while generating a summary of failures:\n'
+ u'{}'.format(traceback.format_exc()), C.COLOR_WARN)
+ self._display.v(msg)
+def failure_summary(failures, playbook):
+ """Return a summary of failed tasks, including details on health checks."""
+ if not failures:
+ return u''
+ # NOTE: because we don't have access to task_vars from callback plugins, we
+ # store the playbook context in the task result when the
+ # openshift_health_check action plugin is used, and we use this context to
+ # customize the error message.
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no sufficient public
+ # API on TaskResult objects.
+ context = next((
+ context for context in
+ (failure._result.get('playbook_context') for failure in failures)
+ if context
+ ), None)
+ failures = [failure_to_dict(failure) for failure in failures]
+ failures = deduplicate_failures(failures)
+ summary = [u'', u'', u'Failure summary:', u'']
+ width = len(str(len(failures)))
+ initial_indent_format = u' {{:>{width}}}. '.format(width=width)
+ initial_indent_len = len(initial_indent_format.format(0))
+ subsequent_indent = u' ' * initial_indent_len
+ subsequent_extra_indent = u' ' * (initial_indent_len + 10)
+ for i, failure in enumerate(failures, 1):
+ entries = format_failure(failure)
+ summary.append(u'\n{}{}'.format(initial_indent_format.format(i), entries[0]))
+ for entry in entries[1:]:
+ entry = entry.replace(u'\n', u'\n' + subsequent_extra_indent)
+ indented = u'{}{}'.format(subsequent_indent, entry)
+ summary.append(indented)
+ failed_checks = set()
+ for failure in failures:
+ failed_checks.update(name for name, message in failure['checks'])
+ if failed_checks:
+ summary.append(check_failure_footer(failed_checks, context, playbook))
+ return u'\n'.join(summary)
+def failure_to_dict(failed_task_result):
+ """Extract information out of a failed TaskResult into a dict.
+ The intent is to transform a TaskResult object into something easier to
+ manipulate. TaskResult is ansible.executor.task_result.TaskResult.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no sufficient public
+ # API on TaskResult objects.
+ _result = failed_task_result._result
+ return {
+ 'host': failed_task_result._host.get_name(),
+ 'play': play_name(failed_task_result._task),
+ 'task': failed_task_result.task_name,
+ 'msg': _result.get('msg', FAILED_NO_MSG),
+ 'checks': tuple(
+ (name, result.get('msg', FAILED_NO_MSG))
+ for name, result in sorted(_result.get('checks', {}).items())
+ if result.get('failed')
+ ),
+ }
+def play_name(obj):
+ """Given a task or block, return the name of its parent play.
+ This is loosely inspired by ansible.playbook.base.Base.dump_me.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access; Ansible gives us no sufficient public
+ # API to implement this.
+ if not obj:
+ return ''
+ if hasattr(obj, '_play'):
+ return obj._play.get_name()
+ return play_name(getattr(obj, '_parent'))
+def deduplicate_failures(failures):
+ """Group together similar failures from different hosts.
+ Returns a new list of failures such that identical failures from different
+ hosts are grouped together in a single entry. The relative order of failures
+ is preserved.
+ If failures is unhashable, the original list of failures is returned.
+ """
+ groups = defaultdict(list)
+ for failure in failures:
+ group_key = tuple(sorted((key, value) for key, value in failure.items() if key != 'host'))
+ try:
+ groups[group_key].append(failure)
+ except TypeError:
+ # abort and return original list of failures when failures has an
+ # unhashable type.
+ return failures
+ result = []
+ for failure in failures:
+ group_key = tuple(sorted((key, value) for key, value in failure.items() if key != 'host'))
+ if group_key not in groups:
+ continue
+ failure['host'] = tuple(sorted(g_failure['host'] for g_failure in groups.pop(group_key)))
+ result.append(failure)
+ return result
+def format_failure(failure):
+ """Return a list of pretty-formatted text entries describing a failure, including
+ relevant information about it. Expect that the list of text entries will be joined
+ by a newline separator when output to the user."""
+ if isinstance(failure['host'], string_types):
+ host = failure['host']
+ else:
+ host = u', '.join(failure['host'])
+ play = failure['play']
+ task = failure['task']
+ msg = failure['msg']
+ checks = failure['checks']
+ fields = (
+ (u'Hosts', host),
+ (u'Play', play),
+ (u'Task', task),
+ (u'Message', stringc(msg, C.COLOR_ERROR)),
+ )
+ if checks:
+ fields += ((u'Details', format_failed_checks(checks)),)
+ row_format = '{:10}{}'
+ return [row_format.format(header + u':', body) for header, body in fields]
+def format_failed_checks(checks):
+ """Return pretty-formatted text describing checks that failed."""
+ messages = []
+ for name, message in checks:
+ messages.append(u'check "{}":\n{}'.format(name, message))
+ return stringc(u'\n\n'.join(messages), C.COLOR_ERROR)
+def check_failure_footer(failed_checks, context, playbook):
+ """Return a textual explanation about checks depending on context.
+ The purpose of specifying context is to vary the output depending on what
+ the user was expecting to happen (based on which playbook they ran). The
+ only use currently is to vary the message depending on whether the user was
+ deliberately running checks or was trying to install/upgrade and checks are
+ just included. Other use cases may arise.
+ """
+ checks = ','.join(sorted(failed_checks))
+ summary = [u'']
+ if context in ['pre-install', 'health', 'adhoc']:
+ # User was expecting to run checks, less explanation needed.
+ summary.extend([
+ u'You may configure or disable checks by setting Ansible '
+ u'variables. To disable those above, set:',
+ u' openshift_disable_check={checks}'.format(checks=checks),
+ u'Consult check documentation for configurable variables.',
+ ])
+ else:
+ # User may not be familiar with the checks, explain what checks are in
+ # the first place.
+ summary.extend([
+ u'The execution of "{playbook}" includes checks designed to fail '
+ u'early if the requirements of the playbook are not met. One or '
+ u'more of these checks failed. To disregard these results,'
+ u'explicitly disable checks by setting an Ansible variable:'.format(playbook=playbook),
+ u' openshift_disable_check={checks}'.format(checks=checks),
+ u'Failing check names are shown in the failure details above. '
+ u'Some checks may be configurable by variables if your requirements '
+ u'are different from the defaults; consult check documentation.',
+ ])
+ summary.append(
+ u'Variables can be set in the inventory or passed on the command line '
+ u'using the -e flag to ansible-playbook.'
+ )
+ return u'\n'.join(summary)