path: root/roles/openshift_certificate_expiry/
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+# OpenShift Certificate Expiration Checker
+OpenShift certificate expiration checking. Be warned of certificates
+expiring within a configurable window of days, and notified of
+certificates which have already expired. Certificates examined
+* Master/Node Service Certificates
+* Router/Registry Service Certificates from etcd secrets
+* Master/Node/Router/Registry/Admin `kubeconfig`s
+* Etcd certificates (including embedded)
+This role pairs well with the redeploy certificates playbook:
+* [Redeploying Certificates Documentation](
+Just like the redeploying certificates playbook, this role is intended
+to be used with an inventory that is representative of the
+cluster. For best results run `ansible-playbook` with the `-v` option.
+# Role Variables
+Core variables in this role:
+| Name | Default value | Description |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_config_base` | `/etc/origin` | Base openshift config directory |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days` | `30` | Flag certificates which will expire in this many days from now |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all` | `no` | Include healthy (non-expired and non-warning) certificates in results |
+Optional report/result saving variables in this role:
+| Name | Default value | Description |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report` | `no` | Generate an HTML report of the expiry check results |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_html_report_path` | `/tmp/cert-expiry-report.html` | The full path to save the HTML report as |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results` | `no` | Save expiry check results as a json file |
+| `openshift_certificate_expiry_json_results_path` | `/tmp/cert-expiry-report.json` | The full path to save the json report as |
+# Using this Role
+How to use the Certificate Expiration Checking Role.
+> **NOTE:** In the examples shown below, ensure you change **HOSTS**
+> to the path of your inventory file.
+## Run with ansible-playbook
+Run one of the example playbooks using an inventory file
+representative of your existing cluster. Some example playbooks are
+included in this role, or you can [read on below for more examples](#more-example-playbooks)
+to help you craft you own.
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml
+Using the `easy-mode.yaml` playbook will produce:
+* Reports including healthy and unhealthy hosts
+* A JSON report in `/tmp/`
+* A stylized HTML report in `/tmp/`
+> **Note:** If you are running from an RPM install use
+> `/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml`
+> instead
+## Run from a container
+The example playbooks that use this role are packaged in the
+[container image for openshift-ansible](../../, so you
+can run any of them by setting the `PLAYBOOK_FILE` environment variable when
+running an openshift-ansible container.
+There are several [examples](../../examples/ in the `examples` directory that run certificate check playbooks from a container running on OpenShift.
+## More Example Playbooks
+> **Note:** These Playbooks are available to run directly out of the
+> [/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/) directory.
+### Default behavior
+This playbook just invokes the certificate expiration check role with default options:
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/default.yaml)
+### Easy mode
+This example playbook is great if you're just wanting to **try the
+role out**. This playbook enables HTML and JSON reports. All
+certificates (healthy or not) are included in the results:
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode.yaml)
+### Easy mode and upload reports to masters
+This example builds on top of [easy-mode.yaml](#easy-mode) and additionally
+uploads a copy of the generated reports to the masters, with a timestamp in the
+file names.
+This is specially useful when the playbook runs from within a container, because
+the reports are generated inside the container and we need a way to access them.
+Uploading a copy of the reports to the masters is one way to make it easy to
+access them. Alternatively you can use the
+[role variables](#role-variables) that control the path of the generated reports
+to point to a container volume (see the [playbook with custom paths](#generate-html-and-json-reports-in-a-custom-path) for an example).
+With the container use case in mind, this playbook allows control over some
+options via environment variables:
+ - `CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS`: sets `openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days`, overriding the role's default.
+ - `COPY_TO_PATH`: path in the masters where generated reports are uploaded.
+- name: Generate certificate expiration reports
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_show_all: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days: "{{ lookup('env', 'CERT_EXPIRY_WARN_DAYS') | default('45', true) }}"
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+- name: Upload reports to master
+ hosts: masters
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ destination_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'COPY_TO_PATH') | default('/etc/origin/certificate_expiration_report', true) }}"
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
+ tasks:
+ - name: Create directory in masters
+ file:
+ path: "{{ destination_path }}"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Copy the reports to the masters
+ copy:
+ dest: "{{ destination_path }}/{{ timestamp }}-{{ item }}"
+ src: "/tmp/{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - "cert-expiry-report.html"
+ - "cert-expiry-report.json"
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/easy-mode-upload.yaml)
+### Generate HTML and JSON artifacts in their default paths
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_default_paths.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_default_paths.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_default_paths.yaml)
+### Generate HTML and JSON reports in a custom path
+This example customizes the report generation path to point to a specific path (`/var/lib/certcheck`) and uses a date timestamp for the generated files. This allows you to reuse a certain location to keep multiple copies of the reports.
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_generate_html_report: yes
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_html_report_path: "/var/lib/certcheck/{{ timestamp }}-cert-expiry-report.html"
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_json_results_path: "/var/lib/certcheck/{{ timestamp }}-cert-expiry-report.json"
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/html_and_json_timestamp.yaml)
+### Long warning window
+Change the expiration warning window to 1500 days (good for testing
+the module out):
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days: 1500
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/longer_warning_period.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/longer_warning_period.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/longer_warning_period.yaml)
+### Long warning window and JSON report
+Change the expiration warning window to 1500 days (good for testing
+the module out) and save the results as a JSON file:
+- name: Check cert expirys
+ hosts: nodes:masters:etcd
+ become: yes
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_warning_days: 1500
+ openshift_certificate_expiry_save_json_results: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: openshift_certificate_expiry
+**From git:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/longer-warning-period-json-results.yaml
+**From openshift-ansible-playbooks rpm:**
+$ ansible-playbook -v -i HOSTS /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/longer-warning-period-json-results.yaml
+> [View This Playbook](../../playbooks/byo/openshift-checks/certificate_expiry/longer-warning-period-json-results.yaml)
+# Output Formats
+As noted above there are two ways to format your check report. In
+`json` format for machine parsing, or as a stylized `html` page for
+easy skimming. These options are shown below.
+## HTML Report
+![HTML Expiration Report](examples/cert-expiry-report-html.png)
+For an example of the HTML report you can browse, save
+and then open the file in your browser.
+## JSON Report
+There are two top-level keys in the saved JSON results, `data` and
+The `data` key is a hash where the keys are the names of each host
+examined and the values are the check results for the certificates
+identified on each respective host.
+The `summary` key is a hash that summarizes the total number of
+* examined on the entire cluster
+* OK
+* expiring within the configured warning window
+* already expired
+For an example of the full JSON report, see [examples/cert-expiry-report.json](examples/cert-expiry-report.json).
+The example below is abbreviated to save space.
+ "data": {
+ "": {
+ "etcd": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "CN:, DNS:kubernetes, DNS:kubernetes.default, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc,...",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:00:03",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/etc/origin/master/etcd.server.crt",
+ "serial": 7,
+ "serial_hex": "0x7"
+ }
+ ],
+ "kubeconfigs": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "O:system:nodes,",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:03:28",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/etc/origin/node/",
+ "serial": 11,
+ "serial_hex": "0xb"
+ }
+ ],
+ "meta": {
+ "checked_at_time": "2017-01-17 10:36:25.230920",
+ "show_all": "True",
+ "warn_before_date": "2021-02-25 10:36:25.230920",
+ "warning_days": 1500
+ },
+ "ocp_certs": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "CN:, DNS:kubernetes, DNS:kubernetes.default, DNS:kubernetes.default.svc,...",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:00:02",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/etc/origin/master/master.server.crt",
+ "serial": 4,
+ "serial_hex": "0x4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "registry": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "CN:, DNS:docker-registry-default.router.default.svc.cluster.local,...",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:05:54",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/registry-certificates",
+ "serial": 13,
+ "serial_hex": "0xd"
+ }
+ ],
+ "router": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "CN:router.default.svc, DNS:router.default.svc, DNS:router.default.svc.cluster.local",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:05:46",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/router-certs",
+ "serial": 5050662940948454653,
+ "serial_hex": "0x46178f2f6b765cfd"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "": {
+ "etcd": [],
+ "kubeconfigs": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "O:system:nodes,",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:03:28",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/etc/origin/node/",
+ "serial": 11,
+ "serial_hex": "0xb"
+ }
+ ],
+ "meta": {
+ "checked_at_time": "2017-01-17 10:36:25.217103",
+ "show_all": "True",
+ "warn_before_date": "2021-02-25 10:36:25.217103",
+ "warning_days": 1500
+ },
+ "ocp_certs": [
+ {
+ "cert_cn": "CN:,, DNS:, IP Address:",
+ "days_remaining": 722,
+ "expiry": "2019-01-09 17:03:29",
+ "health": "warning",
+ "path": "/etc/origin/node/server.crt",
+ "serial": 12,
+ "serial_hex": "0xc"
+ }
+ ],
+ "registry": [],
+ "router": []
+ }
+ },
+ "summary": {
+ "expired": 0,
+ "ok": 3,
+ "total": 15,
+ "warning": 12
+ }
+The `summary` from the json data can be easily checked for
+warnings/expirations using a variety of command-line tools.
+For exampe, using `grep` we can look for the word `summary` and print
+out the 2 lines **after** the match (`-A2`):
+$ grep -A2 summary /tmp/cert-expiry-report.json
+ "summary": {
+ "warning": 16,
+ "expired": 0
+If available, the [jq]( tool can also
+be used to pick out specific values. Example 1 and 2 below show how to
+select just one value, either `warning` or `expired`. Example 3 shows
+how to select both values at once:
+$ jq '.summary.warning' /tmp/cert-expiry-report.json
+$ jq '.summary.expired' /tmp/cert-expiry-report.json
+$ jq '.summary.warning,.summary.expired' /tmp/cert-expiry-report.json
+# Requirements
+* None
+# Dependencies
+* None
+# License
+Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Author Information
+Tim Bielawa (