path: root/roles/openshift_ansible_inventory/tasks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/openshift_ansible_inventory/tasks')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/roles/openshift_ansible_inventory/tasks/main.yml b/roles/openshift_ansible_inventory/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c7a5f93..000000000
--- a/roles/openshift_ansible_inventory/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item}} state=present"
- with_items:
- - openshift-ansible-inventory
- - openshift-ansible-inventory-aws
- - openshift-ansible-inventory-gce
- when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
-- name:
- copy:
- content: "{{ oo_inventory_accounts | to_nice_yaml }}"
- dest: /etc/ansible/multi_inventory.yaml
- group: "{{ oo_inventory_group }}"
- owner: "{{ oo_inventory_owner }}"
- mode: "0640"
-- file:
- state: directory
- dest: /etc/ansible/inventory
- owner: root
- group: libra_ops
- mode: 0750
-- file:
- state: link
- src: /usr/share/ansible/inventory/
- dest: /etc/ansible/inventory/
- owner: root
- group: libra_ops
-# This cron uses the above location to call its job
-- name: Cron to keep cache fresh
- cron:
- name: 'multi_inventory'
- minute: '*/10'
- job: '/usr/share/ansible/inventory/ --refresh-cache &> /dev/null'
- when: oo_cron_refresh_cache is defined and oo_cron_refresh_cache
-- name: Set cache location
- file:
- state: directory
- dest: "{{ oo_inventory_cache_location | dirname }}"
- owner: root
- group: libra_ops
- recurse: yes
- mode: '2770'
- when: oo_inventory_cache_location is defined