path: root/roles/lib_openshift_api/library/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/lib_openshift_api/library/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/roles/lib_openshift_api/library/ b/roles/lib_openshift_api/library/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbdaa8e9c..000000000
--- a/roles/lib_openshift_api/library/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
- OpenShiftCLI class that wraps the oc commands in a subprocess
-import atexit
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import yaml
-class OpenShiftCLI(object):
- ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools '''
- def __init__(self,
- namespace,
- kubeconfig='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig',
- verbose=False):
- ''' Constructor for OpenshiftOC '''
- self.namespace = namespace
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig
- def replace(self, fname, force=False):
- '''return all pods '''
- cmd = ['replace', '-f', fname]
- if force:
- cmd = ['replace', '--force', '-f', fname]
- return self.oc_cmd(cmd)
- def create(self, fname):
- '''return all pods '''
- return self.oc_cmd(['create', '-f', fname, '-n', self.namespace])
- def delete(self, resource, rname):
- '''return all pods '''
- return self.oc_cmd(['delete', resource, rname, '-n', self.namespace])
- def get(self, resource, rname=None):
- '''return a secret by name '''
- cmd = ['get', resource, '-o', 'json', '-n', self.namespace]
- if rname:
- cmd.append(rname)
- rval = self.oc_cmd(cmd, output=True)
- # Ensure results are retuned in an array
- if rval.has_key('items'):
- rval['results'] = rval['items']
- elif not isinstance(rval['results'], list):
- rval['results'] = [rval['results']]
- return rval
- def oc_cmd(self, cmd, output=False):
- '''Base command for oc '''
- #cmds = ['/usr/bin/oc', '--config', self.kubeconfig]
- cmds = ['/usr/bin/oc']
- cmds.extend(cmd)
- results = ''
- if self.verbose:
- print ' '.join(cmds)
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmds,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- env={'KUBECONFIG': self.kubeconfig})
- proc.wait()
- if proc.returncode == 0:
- if output:
- try:
- results = json.loads(
- except ValueError as err:
- if "No JSON object could be decoded" in err.message:
- results = err.message
- if self.verbose:
- print
- print results
- print
- return {"returncode": proc.returncode, "results": results}
- return {"returncode": proc.returncode,
- "stderr":,
- "stdout":,
- "results": {}
- }
-class Utils(object):
- ''' utilities for openshiftcli modules '''
- @staticmethod
- def create_file(rname, data, ftype=None):
- ''' create a file in tmp with name and contents'''
- path = os.path.join('/tmp', rname)
- with open(path, 'w') as fds:
- if ftype == 'yaml':
- fds.write(yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False))
- elif ftype == 'json':
- fds.write(json.dumps(data))
- else:
- fds.write(data)
- # Register cleanup when module is done
- atexit.register(Utils.cleanup, [path])
- return path
- @staticmethod
- def create_files_from_contents(data):
- '''Turn an array of dict: filename, content into a files array'''
- files = []
- for sfile in data:
- path = Utils.create_file(sfile['path'], sfile['content'])
- files.append(path)
- return files
- @staticmethod
- def cleanup(files):
- '''Clean up on exit '''
- for sfile in files:
- if os.path.exists(sfile):
- if os.path.isdir(sfile):
- shutil.rmtree(sfile)
- elif os.path.isfile(sfile):
- os.remove(sfile)
- @staticmethod
- def exists(results, _name):
- ''' Check to see if the results include the name '''
- if not results:
- return False
- if Utils.find_result(results, _name):
- return True
- return False
- @staticmethod
- def find_result(results, _name):
- ''' Find the specified result by name'''
- rval = None
- for result in results:
- if result.has_key('metadata') and result['metadata']['name'] == _name:
- rval = result
- break
- return rval
- @staticmethod
- def get_resource_file(sfile, sfile_type='yaml'):
- ''' return the service file '''
- contents = None
- with open(sfile) as sfd:
- contents =
- if sfile_type == 'yaml':
- contents = yaml.load(contents)
- elif sfile_type == 'json':
- contents = json.loads(contents)
- return contents
- # Disabling too-many-branches. This is a yaml dictionary comparison function
- # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements
- @staticmethod
- def check_def_equal(user_def, result_def, debug=False):
- ''' Given a user defined definition, compare it with the results given back by our query. '''
- # Currently these values are autogenerated and we do not need to check them
- skip = ['creationTimestamp', 'selfLink', 'resourceVersion', 'uid', 'namespace']
- for key, value in result_def.items():
- if key in skip:
- continue
- # Both are lists
- if isinstance(value, list):
- if not isinstance(user_def[key], list):
- return False
- # lists should be identical
- if value != user_def[key]:
- return False
- # recurse on a dictionary
- elif isinstance(value, dict):
- if not isinstance(user_def[key], dict):
- if debug:
- print "dict returned false not instance of dict"
- return False
- # before passing ensure keys match
- api_values = set(value.keys()) - set(skip)
- user_values = set(user_def[key].keys()) - set(skip)
- if api_values != user_values:
- if debug:
- print api_values
- print user_values
- print "keys are not equal in dict"
- return False
- result = Utils.check_def_equal(user_def[key], value, debug=debug)
- if not result:
- if debug:
- print "dict returned false"
- return False
- # Verify each key, value pair is the same
- else:
- if not user_def.has_key(key) or value != user_def[key]:
- if debug:
- print "value not equal; user_def does not have key"
- print value
- print user_def[key]
- return False
- return True
-class DeploymentConfig(OpenShiftCLI):
- ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools
- '''
- def __init__(self,
- namespace,
- dname=None,
- kubeconfig='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig',
- verbose=False):
- ''' Constructor for OpenshiftOC '''
- super(DeploymentConfig, self).__init__(namespace, kubeconfig)
- self.namespace = namespace
- = dname
- self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig
- self.verbose = verbose
- def get_dc(self):
- '''return a deploymentconfig by name '''
- return self.get('dc',
- def delete_dc(self):
- '''return all pods '''
- return self.delete('dc',
- def new_dc(self, dfile):
- '''Create a deploymentconfig '''
- return self.create(dfile)
- def update_dc(self, dfile, force=False):
- '''run update dc
- This receives a list of file names and takes the first filename and calls replace.
- '''
- return self.replace(dfile, force)
-# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
-def main():
- '''
- ansible oc module for deploymentconfig
- '''
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- kubeconfig=dict(default='/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig', type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', type='str',
- choices=['present', 'absent', 'list']),
- debug=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- namespace=dict(default='default', type='str'),
- name=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- deploymentconfig_file=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- input_type=dict(default='yaml', choices=['yaml', 'json'], type='str'),
- delete_after=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- content=dict(default=None, type='dict'),
- force=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=[["contents", "deploymentconfig_file"]],
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- occmd = DeploymentConfig(module.params['namespace'],
- dname=module.params['name'],
- kubeconfig=module.params['kubeconfig'],
- verbose=module.params['debug'])
- state = module.params['state']
- api_rval = occmd.get_dc()
- #####
- # Get
- #####
- if state == 'list':
- module.exit_json(changed=False, results=api_rval['results'], state="list")
- if not module.params['name']:
- module.fail_json(msg='Please specify a name when state is absent|present.')
- ########
- # Delete
- ########
- if state == 'absent':
- if not Utils.exists(api_rval['results'], module.params['name']):
- module.exit_json(changed=False, state="absent")
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(change=False, msg='Would have performed a delete.')
- api_rval = occmd.delete_dc()
- module.exit_json(changed=True, results=api_rval, state="absent")
- if state == 'present':
- if module.params['deploymentconfig_file']:
- dfile = module.params['deploymentconfig_file']
- elif module.params['content']:
- dfile = Utils.create_file('dc', module.params['content'])
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="Please specify content or deploymentconfig file.")
- ########
- # Create
- ########
- if not Utils.exists(api_rval['results'], module.params['name']):
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(change=False, msg='Would have performed a create.')
- api_rval = occmd.new_dc(dfile)
- # Remove files
- if module.params['deploymentconfig_file'] and module.params['delete_after']:
- Utils.cleanup([dfile])
- if api_rval['returncode'] != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg=api_rval)
- module.exit_json(changed=True, results=api_rval, state="present")
- ########
- # Update
- ########
- if Utils.check_def_equal(Utils.get_resource_file(dfile), api_rval['results'][0]):
- # Remove files
- if module.params['deploymentconfig_file'] and module.params['delete_after']:
- Utils.cleanup([dfile])
- module.exit_json(changed=False, results=api_rval['results'], state="present")
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(change=False, msg='Would have performed an update.')
- api_rval = occmd.update_dc(dfile, force=module.params['force'])
- # Remove files
- if module.params['deploymentconfig_file'] and module.params['delete_after']:
- Utils.cleanup([dfile])
- if api_rval['returncode'] != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg=api_rval)
- module.exit_json(changed=True, results=api_rval, state="present")
- module.exit_json(failed=True,
- changed=False,
- results='Unknown state passed. %s' % state,
- state="unknown")
-# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import, locally-disabled
-# import module snippets. This are required
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import *