path: root/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/ b/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..761c849fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/lib_openshift/src/test/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+ Unit tests for oadm_manage_node
+# To run
+# python -m unittest version
+# .
+# Ran 2 tests in 0.001s
+# OK
+import os
+import six
+import sys
+import unittest
+import mock
+# Removing invalid variable names for tests so that I can
+# keep them brief
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-name-in-module
+# Disable import-error b/c our libraries aren't loaded in jenkins
+# pylint: disable=import-error
+# place class in our python path
+module_path = os.path.join('/'.join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split('/')[:-4]), 'library') # noqa: E501
+sys.path.insert(0, module_path)
+from oadm_manage_node import ManageNode, locate_oc_binary # noqa: E402
+class ManageNodeTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ '''
+ Test class for oadm_manage_node
+ '''
+ def setUp(self):
+ ''' setup method will create a file and set to known configuration '''
+ pass
+ @mock.patch('oadm_manage_node.Utils.create_tmpfile_copy')
+ @mock.patch('oadm_manage_node.ManageNode.openshift_cmd')
+ def test_list_pods(self, mock_openshift_cmd, mock_tmpfile_copy):
+ ''' Testing a get '''
+ params = {'node': ['ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal'],
+ 'schedulable': None,
+ 'selector': None,
+ 'pod_selector': None,
+ 'list_pods': True,
+ 'kubeconfig': '/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig',
+ 'evacuate': False,
+ 'grace_period': False,
+ 'dry_run': False,
+ 'force': False}
+ pod_list = '''{
+ "metadata": {},
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "docker-registry-1-xuhik",
+ "generateName": "docker-registry-1-",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/docker-registry-1-xuhik",
+ "uid": "ae2a25a2-e316-11e6-80eb-0ecdc51fcfc4",
+ "resourceVersion": "1501",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2017-01-25T15:55:23Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "deployment": "docker-registry-1",
+ "deploymentconfig": "docker-registry",
+ "docker-registry": "default"
+ },
+ "annotations": {
+ "": "1",
+ "": "docker-registry",
+ "": "docker-registry-1",
+ "": "restricted"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {}
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "name": "router-1-kp3m3",
+ "generateName": "router-1-",
+ "namespace": "default",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/router-1-kp3m3",
+ "uid": "9e71f4a5-e316-11e6-80eb-0ecdc51fcfc4",
+ "resourceVersion": "1456",
+ "creationTimestamp": "2017-01-25T15:54:56Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "deployment": "router-1",
+ "deploymentconfig": "router",
+ "router": "router"
+ },
+ "annotations": {
+ "": "1",
+ "": "router",
+ "": "router-1",
+ "": "hostnetwork"
+ }
+ },
+ "spec": {}
+ }]
+ mock_openshift_cmd.side_effect = [
+ {"cmd": "/usr/bin/oadm manage-node ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal --list-pods",
+ "results": pod_list,
+ "returncode": 0}
+ ]
+ mock_tmpfile_copy.side_effect = [
+ '/tmp/mocked_kubeconfig',
+ ]
+ results = ManageNode.run_ansible(params, False)
+ # returned a single node
+ self.assertTrue(len(results['results']['nodes']) == 1)
+ # returned 2 pods
+ self.assertTrue(len(results['results']['nodes']['ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal']) == 2)
+ @mock.patch('oadm_manage_node.Utils.create_tmpfile_copy')
+ @mock.patch('oadm_manage_node.ManageNode.openshift_cmd')
+ def test_schedulable_false(self, mock_openshift_cmd, mock_tmpfile_copy):
+ ''' Testing a get '''
+ params = {'node': ['ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal'],
+ 'schedulable': False,
+ 'selector': None,
+ 'pod_selector': None,
+ 'list_pods': False,
+ 'kubeconfig': '/etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig',
+ 'evacuate': False,
+ 'grace_period': False,
+ 'dry_run': False,
+ 'force': False}
+ node = [{
+ "apiVersion": "v1",
+ "kind": "Node",
+ "metadata": {
+ "creationTimestamp": "2017-01-26T14:34:43Z",
+ "labels": {
+ "": "amd64",
+ "": "m4.large",
+ "": "linux",
+ "": "us-east-1",
+ "": "us-east-1c",
+ "hostname": "opstest-node-compute-0daaf",
+ "": "ip-172-31-51-111.ec2.internal",
+ "ops_node": "old",
+ "region": "us-east-1",
+ "type": "compute"
+ },
+ "name": "ip-172-31-51-111.ec2.internal",
+ "resourceVersion": "6936",
+ "selfLink": "/api/v1/nodes/ip-172-31-51-111.ec2.internal",
+ "uid": "93d7fdfb-e3d4-11e6-a982-0e84250fc302"
+ },
+ "spec": {
+ "externalID": "i-06bb330e55c699b0f",
+ "providerID": "aws:///us-east-1c/i-06bb330e55c699b0f",
+ }}]
+ mock_openshift_cmd.side_effect = [
+ {"cmd": "/usr/bin/oc get node -o json ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal",
+ "results": node,
+ "returncode": 0},
+ {"cmd": "/usr/bin/oadm manage-node ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal --schedulable=False",
+ "results": "NAME STATUS AGE\n" +
+ "ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal Ready,SchedulingDisabled 5h\n",
+ "returncode": 0}]
+ mock_tmpfile_copy.side_effect = [
+ '/tmp/mocked_kubeconfig',
+ ]
+ results = ManageNode.run_ansible(params, False)
+ self.assertTrue(results['changed'])
+ self.assertEqual(results['results']['nodes'][0]['name'], 'ip-172-31-49-140.ec2.internal')
+ self.assertEqual(results['results']['nodes'][0]['schedulable'], False)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY3, 'py2 test only')
+ @mock.patch('os.path.exists')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_fallback(self, mock_env_get, mock_path_exists):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup fallback '''
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: ''
+ mock_path_exists.side_effect = lambda _: False
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), 'oc')
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY2, 'py3 test only')
+ @mock.patch('shutil.which')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_in_path_py3(self, mock_env_get, mock_shutil_which):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup in path '''
+ oc_bin = '/usr/bin/oc'
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: '/bin:/usr/bin'
+ mock_shutil_which.side_effect = lambda _f, path=None: oc_bin
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), oc_bin)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY3, 'py2 test only')
+ @mock.patch('os.path.exists')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_in_path(self, mock_env_get, mock_path_exists):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup in path '''
+ oc_bin = '/usr/bin/oc'
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: '/bin:/usr/bin'
+ mock_path_exists.side_effect = lambda f: f == oc_bin
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), oc_bin)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY3, 'py2 test only')
+ @mock.patch('os.path.exists')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_in_usr_local(self, mock_env_get, mock_path_exists):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup in /usr/local/bin '''
+ oc_bin = '/usr/local/bin/oc'
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: '/bin:/usr/bin'
+ mock_path_exists.side_effect = lambda f: f == oc_bin
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), oc_bin)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY3, 'py2 test only')
+ @mock.patch('os.path.exists')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_in_home(self, mock_env_get, mock_path_exists):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup in ~/bin '''
+ oc_bin = os.path.expanduser('~/bin/oc')
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: '/bin:/usr/bin'
+ mock_path_exists.side_effect = lambda f: f == oc_bin
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), oc_bin)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY2, 'py3 test only')
+ @mock.patch('shutil.which')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_fallback_py3(self, mock_env_get, mock_shutil_which):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup fallback '''
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: ''
+ mock_shutil_which.side_effect = lambda _f, path=None: None
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), 'oc')
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY2, 'py3 test only')
+ @mock.patch('shutil.which')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_in_usr_local_py3(self, mock_env_get, mock_shutil_which):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup in /usr/local/bin '''
+ oc_bin = '/usr/local/bin/oc'
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: '/bin:/usr/bin'
+ mock_shutil_which.side_effect = lambda _f, path=None: oc_bin
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), oc_bin)
+ @unittest.skipIf(six.PY2, 'py3 test only')
+ @mock.patch('shutil.which')
+ @mock.patch('os.environ.get')
+ def test_binary_lookup_in_home_py3(self, mock_env_get, mock_shutil_which):
+ ''' Testing binary lookup in ~/bin '''
+ oc_bin = os.path.expanduser('~/bin/oc')
+ mock_env_get.side_effect = lambda _v, _d: '/bin:/usr/bin'
+ mock_shutil_which.side_effect = lambda _f, path=None: oc_bin
+ self.assertEqual(locate_oc_binary(), oc_bin)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ '''TearDown method'''
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()