path: root/roles/installer_checkpoint/
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1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/installer_checkpoint/ b/roles/installer_checkpoint/
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index 000000000..83e00e504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/installer_checkpoint/
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+OpenShift-Ansible Installer Checkpoint
+A complete OpenShift cluster installation is comprised of many different
+components which can take 30 minutes to several hours to complete. If the
+installation should fail, it could be confusing to understand at which component
+the failure occurred. Additionally, it may be desired to re-run only the
+component which failed instead of starting over from the beginning. Components
+which came after the failed component would also need to be run individually.
+The Installer Checkpoint implements an Ansible callback plugin to allow
+displaying and logging of the installer status at the end of a playbook run.
+To ensure the callback plugin is loaded, regardless of ansible.cfg file
+configuration, the plugin has been placed inside the installer_checkpoint role
+which must be called early in playbook execution. The `std_include.yml` playbook
+is run first for all entry point playbooks, therefore, the initialization of the
+checkpoint plugin has been placed at the beginning of that file.
+Playbooks use the [set_stats][set_stats] Ansible module to set a custom stats
+variable indicating the status of the phase being executed.
+The callback plugin extends the Ansible
+`v2_playbook_on_stats` method, which is called at the end of a playbook run, to
+display the status of each phase which was run. The INSTALLER STATUS report is
+displayed immediately following the PLAY RECAP.
+Phases of cluster installation are mapped to the steps in the
+[common/openshift-cluster/config.yml][openshift_cluster_config] playbook.
+To correctly display the order of the installer phases, the `installer_phases`
+variable defines the phase or component order.
+ # Set the order of the installer phases
+ installer_phases = [
+ 'installer_phase_initialize',
+ 'installer_phase_etcd',
+ 'installer_phase_nfs',
+ 'installer_phase_loadbalancer',
+ 'installer_phase_master',
+ 'installer_phase_master_additional',
+ 'installer_phase_node',
+ 'installer_phase_glusterfs',
+ 'installer_phase_hosted',
+ 'installer_phase_metrics',
+ 'installer_phase_logging',
+ 'installer_phase_servicecatalog',
+ ]
+Additional attributes, such as display title and component playbook, of each
+phase are stored in the `phase_attributes` variable.
+ # Define the attributes of the installer phases
+ phase_attributes = {
+ 'installer_phase_initialize': {
+ 'title': 'Initialization',
+ 'playbook': ''
+ },
+ 'installer_phase_etcd': {
+ 'title': 'etcd Install',
+ 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-etcd/config.yml'
+ },
+ 'installer_phase_nfs': {
+ 'title': 'NFS Install',
+ 'playbook': 'playbooks/byo/openshift-nfs/config.yml'
+ },
+ #...
+ }
+In order to indicate the beginning of a component installation, a play must be
+added to the beginning of the main playbook for the component to set the phase
+status to "In Progress". Additionally, a play must be added after the last play
+for that component to set the phase status to "Complete".
+The following example shows the first play of the 'installer phase' loading the
+`installer_checkpoint` role, as well as the `set_stats` task for setting
+`installer_phase_initialize` to "In Progress". Various plays are run for the
+phase/component and then a final play for setting `installer_hase_initialize` to
+# common/openshift-cluster/std_include.yml
+- name: Initialization Checkpoint Start
+ hosts: oo_all_hosts
+ gather_facts: false
+ roles:
+ - installer_checkpoint
+ tasks:
+ - name: Set install initialization 'In Progress'
+ set_stats:
+ data:
+ installer_phase_initialize: "In Progress"
+ aggregate: false
+# Various plays here
+- name: Initialization Checkpoint End
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ gather_facts: false
+ tasks:
+ - name: Set install initialization 'Complete'
+ set_stats:
+ data:
+ installer_phase_initialize: "Complete"
+ aggregate: false
+Each phase or component of the installer will follow a similar pattern, with the
+exception that the `installer_checkpoint` role does not need to be called since
+it was already loaded by the play in `std_include.yml`. It is important to
+place the 'In Progress' and 'Complete' plays as the first and last plays of the
+phase or component.
+Example display of a successful playbook run:
+PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=158 changed=16 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=469 changed=74 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=157 changed=17 unreachable=0 failed=0
+localhost : ok=24 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
+INSTALLER STATUS ***************************************************************
+Initialization : Complete
+etcd Install : Complete
+NFS Install : Not Started
+Load balancer Install : Not Started
+Master Install : Complete
+Master Additional Install : Complete
+Node Install : Complete
+GlusterFS Install : Not Started
+Hosted Install : Complete
+Metrics Install : Not Started
+Logging Install : Not Started
+Service Catalog Install : Not Started
+Example display if a failure occurs during execution:
+INSTALLER STATUS ***************************************************************
+Initialization : Complete
+etcd Install : Complete
+NFS Install : Not Started
+Load balancer Install : Not Started
+Master Install : In Progress
+ This phase can be restarted by running: playbooks/byo/openshift-master/config.yml
+Master Additional Install : Not Started
+Node Install : Not Started
+GlusterFS Install : Not Started
+Hosted Install : Not Started
+Metrics Install : Not Started
+Logging Install : Not Started
+Service Catalog Install : Not Started