path: root/roles/docker/tasks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/docker/tasks')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 729 deletions
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/crio_firewall.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/crio_firewall.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fbd1ff515..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/crio_firewall.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-- when: r_crio_firewall_enabled | bool and not r_crio_use_firewalld | bool
- block:
- - name: Add iptables allow rules
- os_firewall_manage_iptables:
- name: "{{ item.service }}"
- action: add
- protocol: "{{ item.port.split('/')[1] }}"
- port: "{{ item.port.split('/')[0] }}"
- when: item.cond | default(True)
- with_items: "{{ r_crio_os_firewall_allow }}"
- - name: Remove iptables rules
- os_firewall_manage_iptables:
- name: "{{ item.service }}"
- action: remove
- protocol: "{{ item.port.split('/')[1] }}"
- port: "{{ item.port.split('/')[0] }}"
- when: item.cond | default(True)
- with_items: "{{ r_crio_os_firewall_deny }}"
-- when: r_crio_firewall_enabled | bool and r_crio_use_firewalld | bool
- block:
- - name: Add firewalld allow rules
- firewalld:
- port: "{{ item.port }}"
- permanent: true
- immediate: true
- state: enabled
- when: item.cond | default(True)
- with_items: "{{ r_crio_os_firewall_allow }}"
- - name: Remove firewalld allow rules
- firewalld:
- port: "{{ item.port }}"
- permanent: true
- immediate: true
- state: disabled
- when: item.cond | default(True)
- with_items: "{{ r_crio_os_firewall_deny }}"
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/main.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b02a74711..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# These tasks dispatch to the proper set of docker tasks based on the
-# inventory:openshift_docker_use_system_container variable
-- include_tasks: udev_workaround.yml
- when: docker_udev_workaround | default(False) | bool
-- set_fact:
- l_use_system_container: "{{ openshift.docker.use_system_container | default(False) }}"
- l_use_crio: "{{ openshift_use_crio | default(False) }}"
- l_use_crio_only: "{{ openshift_use_crio_only | default(False) }}"
-- name: Add enterprise registry, if necessary
- set_fact:
- l2_docker_additional_registries: "{{ l2_docker_additional_registries + [openshift_docker_ent_reg] }}"
- when:
- - openshift.common.deployment_type == 'openshift-enterprise'
- - openshift_docker_ent_reg != ''
- - openshift_docker_ent_reg not in l2_docker_additional_registries
- - not l_use_crio_only
-- name: Use Package Docker if Requested
- include_tasks: package_docker.yml
- when:
- - not l_use_system_container
- - not l_use_crio_only
-- name: Ensure /var/lib/containers exists
- file:
- path: /var/lib/containers
- state: directory
-- name: Fix SELinux Permissions on /var/lib/containers
- command: "restorecon -R /var/lib/containers/"
- changed_when: false
-- name: Use System Container Docker if Requested
- include_tasks: systemcontainer_docker.yml
- when:
- - l_use_system_container
- - not l_use_crio_only
-- name: Add CRI-O usage Requested
- include_tasks: systemcontainer_crio.yml
- when:
- - l_use_crio
- - openshift_docker_is_node_or_master | bool
-- name: stat the docker data dir
- stat:
- path: "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}"
- register: dockerstat
-- when:
- - l_use_crio
- - dockerstat.stat.islnk is defined and not (dockerstat.stat.islnk | bool)
- block:
- - name: stop the current running docker
- systemd:
- state: stopped
- name: "{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}"
- - name: copy "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}" to "{{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- command: "cp -r {{ docker_default_storage_path }} {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- register: results
- failed_when:
- - results.rc != 0
- - name: "Set the selinux context on {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- command: "semanage fcontext -a -e {{ docker_default_storage_path }} {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- register: results
- failed_when:
- - results.rc == 1
- - "'already exists' not in results.stderr"
- - name: "restorecon the {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- command: "restorecon -r {{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- - name: Remove the old docker location
- file:
- state: absent
- path: "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}"
- - name: Setup the link
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ docker_alt_storage_path }}"
- path: "{{ docker_default_storage_path }}"
- - name: start docker
- systemd:
- state: started
- name: "{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}"
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/package_docker.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/package_docker.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 044b04478..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/package_docker.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-- name: Get current installed Docker version
- command: "{{ repoquery_installed }} --qf '%{version}' docker"
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: curr_docker_version
- retries: 4
- until: curr_docker_version | succeeded
- changed_when: false
-- name: Error out if Docker pre-installed but too old
- fail:
- msg: "Docker {{ curr_docker_version.stdout }} is installed, but >= 1.9.1 is required."
- when: not curr_docker_version | skipped and curr_docker_version.stdout != '' and curr_docker_version.stdout | version_compare('1.9.1', '<') and not docker_version is defined
-- name: Error out if requested Docker is too old
- fail:
- msg: "Docker {{ docker_version }} requested, but >= 1.9.1 is required."
- when: docker_version is defined and docker_version | version_compare('1.9.1', '<')
-# If a docker_version was requested, sanity check that we can install or upgrade to it, and
-# no downgrade is required.
-- name: Fail if Docker version requested but downgrade is required
- fail:
- msg: "Docker {{ curr_docker_version.stdout }} is installed, but version {{ docker_version }} was requested."
- when: not curr_docker_version | skipped and curr_docker_version.stdout != '' and docker_version is defined and curr_docker_version.stdout | version_compare(docker_version, '>')
-# This involves an extremely slow migration process, users should instead run the
-# Docker 1.10 upgrade playbook to accomplish this.
-- name: Error out if attempting to upgrade Docker across the 1.10 boundary
- fail:
- msg: "Cannot upgrade Docker to >= 1.10, please upgrade or remove Docker manually, or use the Docker upgrade playbook if OpenShift is already installed."
- when: not curr_docker_version | skipped and curr_docker_version.stdout != '' and curr_docker_version.stdout | version_compare('1.10', '<') and docker_version is defined and docker_version | version_compare('1.10', '>=')
-# Make sure Docker is installed, but does not update a running version.
-# Docker upgrades are handled by a separate playbook.
-# Note: The curr_docker_version.stdout check can be removed when gets fixed.
-- name: Install Docker
- package: name=docker{{ '-' + docker_version if docker_version is defined else '' }} state=present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool and not curr_docker_version | skipped and not curr_docker_version.stdout != ''
- register: result
- until: result | success
-- block:
- # Extend the default Docker service unit file when using iptables-services
- - name: Ensure docker.service.d directory exists
- file:
- path: "{{ docker_systemd_dir }}"
- state: directory
- - name: Configure Docker service unit file
- template:
- dest: "{{ docker_systemd_dir }}/custom.conf"
- src: custom.conf.j2
- notify:
- - restart docker
- when: not (os_firewall_use_firewalld | default(False)) | bool
-- stat: path=/etc/sysconfig/docker
- register: docker_check
-- name: Set registry params
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/sysconfig/docker
- regexp: '^{{ item.reg_conf_var }}=.*$'
- line: "{{ item.reg_conf_var }}='{{ item.reg_fact_val | oo_prepend_strings_in_list(item.reg_flag ~ ' ') | join(' ') }}'"
- when:
- - item.reg_fact_val != []
- - docker_check.stat.isreg is defined
- - docker_check.stat.isreg
- with_items:
- - reg_conf_var: ADD_REGISTRY
- reg_fact_val: "{{ l2_docker_additional_registries }}"
- reg_flag: --add-registry
- - reg_conf_var: BLOCK_REGISTRY
- reg_fact_val: "{{ l2_docker_blocked_registries }}"
- reg_flag: --block-registry
- - reg_conf_var: INSECURE_REGISTRY
- reg_fact_val: "{{ l2_docker_insecure_registries }}"
- reg_flag: --insecure-registry
- notify:
- - restart docker
-- name: Place additional/blocked/insecure registries in /etc/containers/registries.conf
- template:
- dest: "{{ containers_registries_conf_path }}"
- src: registries.conf
- when: openshift_docker_use_etc_containers | bool
- notify:
- - restart docker
-- name: Set Proxy Settings
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/sysconfig/docker
- regexp: '^{{ item.reg_conf_var }}=.*$'
- line: "{{ item.reg_conf_var }}='{{ item.reg_fact_val }}'"
- state: "{{ 'present' if item.reg_fact_val != '' else 'absent'}}"
- with_items:
- - reg_conf_var: HTTP_PROXY
- reg_fact_val: "{{ docker_http_proxy | default('') }}"
- - reg_conf_var: HTTPS_PROXY
- reg_fact_val: "{{ docker_https_proxy | default('') }}"
- - reg_conf_var: NO_PROXY
- reg_fact_val: "{{ docker_no_proxy | default('') }}"
- notify:
- - restart docker
- when:
- - docker_check.stat.isreg is defined and docker_check.stat.isreg and '"http_proxy" in openshift.common or "https_proxy" in openshift.common'
-- name: Set various Docker options
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/sysconfig/docker
- regexp: '^OPTIONS=.*$'
- line: "OPTIONS='\
- {% if ansible_selinux.status | default(None) == 'enabled' and docker_selinux_enabled | default(true) | bool %} --selinux-enabled {% endif %} \
- {% if docker_log_driver is defined %} --log-driver {{ docker_log_driver }}{% endif %} \
- {% if docker_log_options is defined %} {{ docker_log_options | oo_split() | oo_prepend_strings_in_list('--log-opt ') | join(' ')}}{% endif %} \
- {% if docker_options is defined %} {{ docker_options }}{% endif %} \
- {% if docker_disable_push_dockerhub is defined %} --confirm-def-push={{ docker_disable_push_dockerhub | bool }}{% endif %} \
- --signature-verification={{ openshift_docker_signature_verification | bool }}'"
- when: docker_check.stat.isreg is defined and docker_check.stat.isreg
- notify:
- - restart docker
-- stat: path=/etc/sysconfig/docker-network
- register: sysconfig_docker_network_check
-- name: Configure Docker Network OPTIONS
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/sysconfig/docker-network
- {% if openshift.node is defined and openshift.node.sdn_mtu is defined %} --mtu={{ openshift.node.sdn_mtu }}{% endif %}'"
- when:
- - sysconfig_docker_network_check.stat.isreg is defined
- - sysconfig_docker_network_check.stat.isreg
- notify:
- - restart docker
-# The following task is needed as the systemd module may report a change in
-# state even though docker is already running.
-- name: Detect if docker is already started
- command: "systemctl show docker -p ActiveState"
- changed_when: False
- register: r_docker_already_running_result
-- name: Start the Docker service
- systemd:
- name: docker
- enabled: yes
- state: started
- daemon_reload: yes
- register: r_docker_package_docker_start_result
- until: not r_docker_package_docker_start_result | failed
- retries: 3
- delay: 30
-- set_fact:
- docker_service_status_changed: "{{ (r_docker_package_docker_start_result | changed) and (r_docker_already_running_result.stdout != 'ActiveState=active' ) }}"
-- meta: flush_handlers
-# This needs to run after docker is restarted to account for proxy settings.
-- include_tasks: registry_auth.yml
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/registry_auth.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/registry_auth.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c7bc5711..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/registry_auth.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-- name: Check for credentials file for registry auth
- stat:
- path: "{{ docker_cli_auth_config_path }}/config.json"
- when: oreg_auth_user is defined
- register: docker_cli_auth_credentials_stat
-- name: Create credentials for docker cli registry auth
- command: "docker --config={{ docker_cli_auth_config_path }} login -u {{ oreg_auth_user }} -p {{ oreg_auth_password }} {{ oreg_host }}"
- register: openshift_docker_credentials_create_res
- retries: 3
- delay: 5
- until: openshift_docker_credentials_create_res.rc == 0
- when:
- - not openshift_docker_alternative_creds | bool
- - oreg_auth_user is defined
- - (not docker_cli_auth_credentials_stat.stat.exists or oreg_auth_credentials_replace) | bool
-# docker_creds is a custom module from lib_utils
-# 'docker login' requires a docker.service running on the local host, this is an
-# alternative implementation for non-docker hosts. This implementation does not
-# check the registry to determine whether or not the credentials will work.
-- name: Create credentials for docker cli registry auth (alternative)
- docker_creds:
- path: "{{ docker_cli_auth_config_path }}"
- registry: "{{ oreg_host }}"
- username: "{{ oreg_auth_user }}"
- password: "{{ oreg_auth_password }}"
- when:
- - openshift_docker_alternative_creds | bool
- - oreg_auth_user is defined
- - (not docker_cli_auth_credentials_stat.stat.exists or oreg_auth_credentials_replace) | bool
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/systemcontainer_crio.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/systemcontainer_crio.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3439aa353..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/systemcontainer_crio.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# TODO: Much of this file is shared with container engine tasks
-- set_fact:
- l_insecure_crio_registries: "{{ '\"{}\"'.format('\", \"'.join(l2_docker_insecure_registries)) }}"
-- set_fact:
- l_crio_registries: "{{ l2_docker_additional_registries + [''] }}"
-- set_fact:
- l_additional_crio_registries: "{{ '\"{}\"'.format('\", \"'.join(l_crio_registries)) }}"
-- set_fact:
- l_openshift_image_tag: "{{ openshift_image_tag | string }}"
- when: openshift_image_tag is defined
-- set_fact:
- l_openshift_image_tag: "latest"
- when:
- - openshift_image_tag is not defined
- - openshift_release == "latest"
-- set_fact:
- l_openshift_image_tag: "{{ openshift_release | string }}"
- when:
- - openshift_image_tag is not defined
- - openshift_release != "latest"
-- name: Ensure container-selinux is installed
- package:
- name: container-selinux
- state: present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-- name: Check we are not using node as a Docker container with CRI-O
- fail: msg='Cannot use CRI-O with node configured as a Docker container'
- when:
- - openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - not openshift.common.is_node_system_container | bool
-# Used to pull and install the system container
-- name: Ensure atomic is installed
- package:
- name: atomic
- state: present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-# At the time of writing the atomic command requires runc for it's own use. This
-# task is here in the even that the atomic package ever removes the dependency.
-- name: Ensure runc is installed
- package:
- name: runc
- state: present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-- name: Check that overlay is in the kernel
- shell: lsmod | grep overlay
- register: l_has_overlay_in_kernel
- ignore_errors: yes
- failed_when: false
-- when: l_has_overlay_in_kernel.rc != 0
- block:
- - name: Add overlay to modprobe.d
- template:
- dest: /etc/modules-load.d/overlay.conf
- src: overlay.conf.j2
- backup: yes
- - name: Manually modprobe overlay into the kernel
- command: modprobe overlay
- - name: Enable and start systemd-modules-load
- service:
- name: systemd-modules-load
- enabled: yes
- state: restarted
-- name: Ensure proxies are in the atomic.conf
- include_role:
- name: openshift_atomic
- tasks_from: proxy
-- block:
- - name: Set CRI-O image defaults
- set_fact:
- l_crio_image_prepend: ""
- l_crio_image_name: "cri-o-fedora"
- l_crio_image_tag: "latest"
- - name: Use Centos based image when distribution is CentOS
- set_fact:
- l_crio_image_name: "cri-o-centos"
- when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- - name: Set CRI-O image tag
- set_fact:
- l_crio_image_tag: "{{ l_openshift_image_tag }}"
- when:
- - openshift_deployment_type == 'openshift-enterprise'
- - name: Use RHEL based image when distribution is Red Hat
- set_fact:
- l_crio_image_prepend: ""
- l_crio_image_name: "cri-o"
- when: ansible_distribution == "RedHat"
- - name: Set the full image name
- set_fact:
- l_crio_image: "{{ l_crio_image_prepend }}/{{ l_crio_image_name }}:{{ l_crio_image_tag }}"
- # For
- - name: Use a specific image if requested
- set_fact:
- l_crio_image: "{{ openshift_crio_systemcontainer_image_override }}"
- when:
- - openshift_crio_systemcontainer_image_override is defined
- - openshift_crio_systemcontainer_image_override != ""
- # Be nice and let the user see the variable result
- - debug:
- var: l_crio_image
-# NOTE: no_proxy added as a workaround until is released
-- name: Pre-pull CRI-O System Container image
- command: "atomic pull --storage ostree {{ l_crio_image }}"
- changed_when: false
- environment:
- NO_PROXY: "{{ openshift.common.no_proxy | default('') }}"
-- name: Install CRI-O System Container
- oc_atomic_container:
- name: "cri-o"
- image: "{{ l_crio_image }}"
- state: latest
-- name: Remove CRI-O default configuration files
- file:
- path: "{{ item }}"
- state: absent
- with_items:
- - /etc/cni/net.d/200-loopback.conf
- - /etc/cni/net.d/100-crio-bridge.conf
-- name: Create the CRI-O configuration
- template:
- dest: /etc/crio/crio.conf
- src: crio.conf.j2
- backup: yes
-- name: Ensure CNI configuration directory exists
- file:
- path: /etc/cni/net.d/
- state: directory
-- name: setup firewall for CRI-O
- include_tasks: crio_firewall.yml
- static: yes
-- name: Configure the CNI network
- template:
- dest: /etc/cni/net.d/openshift-sdn.conf
- src: 80-openshift-sdn.conf.j2
-- name: Start the CRI-O service
- systemd:
- name: "cri-o"
- enabled: yes
- state: started
- daemon_reload: yes
- register: start_result
-- meta: flush_handlers
-# If we are using crio only, docker.service might not be available for
-# 'docker login'
-- include_tasks: registry_auth.yml
- vars:
- openshift_docker_alternative_creds: "{{ l_use_crio_only }}"
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/systemcontainer_docker.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/systemcontainer_docker.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 881d83f50..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/systemcontainer_docker.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-- set_fact:
- l_openshift_image_tag: "{{ openshift_image_tag | string }}"
- when: openshift_image_tag is defined
-- set_fact:
- l_openshift_image_tag: "latest"
- when:
- - openshift_image_tag is not defined
- - openshift_release == "latest"
-- set_fact:
- l_openshift_image_tag: "{{ openshift_release | string }}"
- when:
- - openshift_image_tag is not defined
- - openshift_release != "latest"
-# If docker_options are provided we should fail. We should not install docker and ignore
-# the users configuration. NOTE: docker_options == inventory:openshift_docker_options
-- name: Fail quickly if openshift_docker_options are set
- assert:
- that:
- - docker_options is defined
- - docker_options != ""
- msg: |
- Docker via System Container does not allow for the use of the openshift_docker_options
- variable. If you want to use openshift_docker_options you will need to use the
- traditional docker package install. Otherwise, comment out openshift_docker_options
- in your inventory file.
-- name: Ensure container-selinux is installed
- package:
- name: container-selinux
- state: present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-# Used to pull and install the system container
-- name: Ensure atomic is installed
- package:
- name: atomic
- state: present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-# At the time of writing the atomic command requires runc for it's own use. This
-# task is here in the even that the atomic package ever removes the dependency.
-- name: Ensure runc is installed
- package:
- name: runc
- state: present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-# Make sure Docker is installed so we are able to use the client
-- name: Install Docker so we can use the client
- package: name=docker{{ '-' + docker_version if docker_version is defined else '' }} state=present
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- register: result
- until: result | success
-# Make sure docker is disabled. Errors are ignored.
-- name: Disable Docker
- systemd:
- name: docker
- enabled: no
- state: stopped
- daemon_reload: yes
- ignore_errors: True
- register: r_docker_systemcontainer_docker_stop_result
- until: not r_docker_systemcontainer_docker_stop_result | failed
- retries: 3
- delay: 30
-- name: Ensure proxies are in the atomic.conf
- include_role:
- name: openshift_atomic
- tasks_from: proxy
-- block:
- - name: Set to default prepend
- set_fact:
- l_docker_image_prepend: "gscrivano"
- l_docker_image_tag: "latest"
- - name: Set container engine image tag
- set_fact:
- l_docker_image_tag: "{{ l_openshift_image_tag }}"
- when:
- - openshift_deployment_type == 'openshift-enterprise'
- - name: Use Red Hat Registry for image when distribution is Red Hat
- set_fact:
- l_docker_image_prepend: ""
- when: ansible_distribution == 'RedHat'
- - name: Use Fedora Registry for image when distribution is Fedora
- set_fact:
- l_docker_image_prepend: ""
- when: ansible_distribution == 'Fedora'
- - name: Set the full image name
- set_fact:
- l_docker_image: "{{ l_docker_image_prepend }}/{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}:{{ l_docker_image_tag }}"
- # For
- - name: Use a specific image if requested
- set_fact:
- l_docker_image: "{{ openshift_docker_systemcontainer_image_override }}"
- when:
- - openshift_docker_systemcontainer_image_override is defined
- - openshift_docker_systemcontainer_image_override != ""
- # Be nice and let the user see the variable result
- - debug:
- var: l_docker_image
-# NOTE: no_proxy added as a workaround until is released
-- name: Pre-pull Container Engine System Container image
- command: "atomic pull --storage ostree {{ l_docker_image }}"
- changed_when: false
- environment:
- NO_PROXY: "{{ openshift.common.no_proxy | default('') }}"
-- name: Ensure container-engine.service.d directory exists
- file:
- path: "{{ container_engine_systemd_dir }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Ensure /etc/docker directory exists
- file:
- path: "{{ docker_conf_dir }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Install Container Engine System Container
- oc_atomic_container:
- name: "{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}"
- image: "{{ l_docker_image }}"
- state: latest
-- name: Configure Container Engine Service File
- template:
- dest: "{{ container_engine_systemd_dir }}/custom.conf"
- src: systemcontainercustom.conf.j2
-# Set local versions of facts that must be in json format for container-daemon.json
-# NOTE: When jinja2.9+ is used the container-daemon.json file can move to using tojson
-- set_fact:
- l_docker_insecure_registries: "{{ l2_docker_insecure_registries | default([]) | to_json }}"
- l_docker_log_options: "{{ docker_log_options | default({}) | to_json }}"
- l_docker_additional_registries: "{{ l2_docker_additional_registries | default([]) | to_json }}"
- l_docker_blocked_registries: "{{ l2_docker_blocked_registries | default([]) | to_json }}"
- l_docker_selinux_enabled: "{{ docker_selinux_enabled | default(true) | to_json }}"
-# Configure container-engine using the container-daemon.json file
-# NOTE: daemon.json and container-daemon.json have been seperated to avoid
-# collision.
-- name: Configure Container Engine
- template:
- dest: "{{ docker_conf_dir }}/container-daemon.json"
- src: daemon.json
-# Enable and start the container-engine service
-- name: Start the Container Engine service
- systemd:
- name: "{{ openshift.docker.service_name }}"
- enabled: yes
- state: started
- daemon_reload: yes
- register: r_docker_systemcontainer_docker_start_result
- until: not r_docker_systemcontainer_docker_start_result | failed
- retries: 3
- delay: 30
-- set_fact:
- docker_service_status_changed: "{{ r_docker_systemcontainer_docker_start_result | changed }}"
-- meta: flush_handlers
-# Since docker is running as a system container, docker login will fail to create
-# credentials. Use alternate method if requiring authenticated registries.
-- include_tasks: registry_auth.yml
- vars:
- openshift_docker_alternative_creds: True
diff --git a/roles/docker/tasks/udev_workaround.yml b/roles/docker/tasks/udev_workaround.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 257c3123d..000000000
--- a/roles/docker/tasks/udev_workaround.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-- name: Getting current systemd-udevd exec command
- command: grep -e "^ExecStart=" /lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service
- changed_when: false
- register: udevw_udev_start_cmd
-- name: Assure systemd-udevd.service.d directory exists
- file:
- path: "{{ udevw_udevd_dir }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Create systemd-udevd override file
- copy:
- content: |
- [Service]
- #Need blank ExecStart to "clear" pre-existing one
- ExecStart=
- {{ udevw_udev_start_cmd.stdout }} --event-timeout=300
- dest: "{{ udevw_udevd_dir }}/override.conf"
- owner: root
- mode: "0644"
- notify:
- - restart udev