path: root/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/
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+## Dependencies for localhost (ansible control/admin node)
+* [Ansible 2.3](
+* [Ansible-galaxy](
+* [jinja2](
+* [shade](
+* python-jmespath / [jmespath](
+* python-dns / [dnspython](
+* Become (sudo) is not required.
+**NOTE**: You can use a Docker image with all dependencies set up.
+Find more in the [Deployment section](#deployment).
+### Optional Dependencies for localhost
+**Note**: When using rhel images, `rhel-7-server-openstack-10-rpms` repository is required in order to install these packages.
+* `python-openstackclient`
+* `python-heatclient`
+## Dependencies for OpenStack hosted cluster nodes (servers)
+There are no additional dependencies for the cluster nodes. Required
+configuration steps are done by Heat given a specific user data config
+that normally should not be changed.
+## Required galaxy modules
+In order to pull in external dependencies for DNS configuration steps,
+the following commads need to be executed:
+ ansible-galaxy install \
+ -r openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/galaxy-requirements.yaml \
+ -p openshift-ansible-contrib/roles
+Alternatively you can install directly from github:
+ ansible-galaxy install git+,master \
+ -p openshift-ansible-contrib/roles
+* This assumes we're in the directory that contains the clonned
+openshift-ansible-contrib repo in its root path.
+* When trying to install a different version, the previous one must be removed first
+(`infra-ansible` directory from [roles](
+Otherwise, even if there are differences between the two versions, installation of the newer version is skipped.
+## Accessing the OpenShift Cluster
+### Use the Cluster DNS
+In addition to the OpenShift nodes, we created a DNS server with all
+the necessary entries. We will configure your *Ansible host* to use
+this new DNS and talk to the deployed OpenShift.
+First, get the DNS IP address:
+$ openstack server show --format value --column addresses,
+Note the floating IP address (it's `` in this case) -- if
+you're not sure, try pinging them both -- it's the one that responds
+to pings.
+Next, edit your `/etc/resolv.conf` as root and put `nameserver DNS_IP` as your
+**first entry**.
+If your `/etc/resolv.conf` currently looks like this:
+; generated by /usr/sbin/dhclient-script
+search openstacklocal
+Change it to this:
+; generated by /usr/sbin/dhclient-script
+search openstacklocal
+### Get the `oc` Client
+**NOTE**: You can skip this section if you're using the Docker image
+-- it already has the `oc` binary.
+You need to download the OpenShift command line client (called `oc`).
+You can download and extract `openshift-origin-client-tools` from the
+OpenShift release page:
+Or you can now copy it from the master node:
+ $ ansible -i inventory masters[0] -m fetch -a "src=/bin/oc dest=oc"
+Either way, find the `oc` binary and put it in your `PATH`.
+### Logging in Using the Command Line
+oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true -u user -p password
+oc new-project test
+oc new-app --template=cakephp-mysql-example
+oc status -v
+This will trigger an image build. You can run `oc logs -f
+bc/cakephp-mysql-example` to follow its progress.
+Wait until the build has finished and both pods are deployed and running:
+$ oc status -v
+In project test on server
+ (svc/cakephp-mysql-example)
+ dc/cakephp-mysql-example deploys istag/cakephp-mysql-example:latest <-
+ bc/cakephp-mysql-example source builds on openshift/php:7.0
+ deployment #1 deployed about a minute ago - 1 pod
+svc/mysql -
+ dc/mysql deploys openshift/mysql:5.7
+ deployment #1 deployed 3 minutes ago - 1 pod
+ * pod/cakephp-mysql-example-1-build has no liveness probe to verify pods are still running.
+ try: oc set probe pod/cakephp-mysql-example-1-build --liveness ...
+View details with 'oc describe <resource>/<name>' or list everything with 'oc get all'.
+You can now look at the deployed app using its route:
+$ curl
+Its `title` should say: "Welcome to OpenShift".
+### Accessing the UI
+You can also access the OpenShift cluster with a web browser by going to:
+Note that for this to work, the OpenShift nodes must be accessible
+from your computer and it's DNS configuration must use the cruster's
+## Removing the OpenShift Cluster
+Everything in the cluster is contained within a Heat stack. To
+completely remove the cluster and all the related OpenStack resources,
+run this command:
+openstack stack delete --wait --yes
+## DNS configuration variables
+Pay special attention to the values in the first paragraph -- these
+will depend on your OpenStack environment.
+Note that the provsisioning playbooks update the original Neutron subnet
+created with the Heat stack to point to the configured DNS servers.
+So the provisioned cluster nodes will start using those natively as
+default nameservers. Technically, this allows to deploy OpenShift clusters
+without dnsmasq proxies.
+The `env_id` and `public_dns_domain` will form the cluster's DNS domain all
+your servers will be under. With the default values, this will be
+``. For workloads, the default subdomain is 'apps'.
+That sudomain can be set as well by the `openshift_app_domain` variable in
+the inventory.
+The `openstack_<role name>_hostname` is a set of variables used for customising
+hostnames of servers with a given role. When such a variable stays commented,
+default hostname (usually the role name) is used.
+The `public_dns_nameservers` is a list of DNS servers accessible from all
+the created Nova servers. These will be serving as your DNS forwarders for
+external FQDNs that do not belong to the cluster's DNS domain and its subdomains.
+If you're unsure what to put in here, you can try the google or opendns servers,
+but note that some organizations may be blocking them.
+The `openshift_use_dnsmasq` controls either dnsmasq is deployed or not.
+By default, dnsmasq is deployed and comes as the hosts' /etc/resolv.conf file
+first nameserver entry that points to the local host instance of the dnsmasq
+daemon that in turn proxies DNS requests to the authoritative DNS server.
+When Network Manager is enabled for provisioned cluster nodes, which is
+normally the case, you should not change the defaults and always deploy dnsmasq.
+`external_nsupdate_keys` describes an external authoritative DNS server(s)
+processing dynamic records updates in the public and private cluster views:
+ external_nsupdate_keys:
+ public:
+ key_secret: <some nsupdate key>
+ key_algorithm: 'hmac-md5'
+ key_name: 'update-key'
+ server: <public DNS server IP>
+ private:
+ key_secret: <some nsupdate key 2>
+ key_algorithm: 'hmac-sha256'
+ server: <public or private DNS server IP>
+Here, for the public view section, we specified another key algorithm and
+optional `key_name`, which normally defaults to the cluster's DNS domain.
+This just illustrates a compatibility mode with a DNS service deployed
+by OpenShift on OSP10 reference architecture, and used in a mixed mode with
+another external DNS server.
+Another example defines an external DNS server for the public view
+additionally to the in-stack DNS server used for the private view only:
+ external_nsupdate_keys:
+ public:
+ key_secret: <some nsupdate key>
+ key_algorithm: 'hmac-sha256'
+ server: <public DNS server IP>
+Here, updates matching the public view will be hitting the given public
+server IP. While updates matching the private view will be sent to the
+auto evaluated in-stack DNS server's **public** IP.
+Note, for the in-stack DNS server, private view updates may be sent only
+via the public IP of the server. You can not send updates via the private
+IP yet. This forces the in-stack private server to have a floating IP.
+See also the [security notes](#security-notes)
+## Other configuration variables
+`openstack_ssh_public_key` is a Nova keypair - you can see your
+keypairs with `openstack keypair list`. It must correspond to the
+private SSH key Ansible will use to log into the created VMs. This is
+`~/.ssh/id_rsa` by default, but you can use a different key by passing
+`--private-key` to `ansible-playbook`.
+`openstack_default_image_name` is the default name of the Glance image the
+servers will use. You can see your images with `openstack image list`.
+In order to set a different image for a role, uncomment the line with the
+corresponding variable (e.g. `openstack_lb_image_name` for load balancer) and
+set its value to another available image name. `openstack_default_image_name`
+must stay defined as it is used as a default value for the rest of the roles.
+`openstack_default_flavor` is the default Nova flavor the servers will use.
+You can see your flavors with `openstack flavor list`.
+In order to set a different flavor for a role, uncomment the line with the
+corresponding variable (e.g. `openstack_lb_flavor` for load balancer) and
+set its value to another available flavor. `openstack_default_flavor` must
+stay defined as it is used as a default value for the rest of the roles.
+`openstack_external_network_name` is the name of the Neutron network
+providing external connectivity. It is often called `public`,
+`external` or `ext-net`. You can see your networks with `openstack
+network list`.
+`openstack_private_network_name` is the name of the private Neutron network
+providing admin/control access for ansible. It can be merged with other
+cluster networks, there are no special requirements for networking.
+The `openstack_num_masters`, `openstack_num_infra` and
+`openstack_num_nodes` values specify the number of Master, Infra and
+App nodes to create.
+The `openshift_cluster_node_labels` defines custom labels for your openshift
+cluster node groups. It currently supports app and infra node groups.
+The default value of this variable sets `region: primary` to app nodes and
+`region: infra` to infra nodes.
+An example of setting a customised label:
+ app:
+ mylabel: myvalue
+The `openstack_nodes_to_remove` allows you to specify the numerical indexes
+of App nodes that should be removed; for example, ['0', '2'],
+The `docker_volume_size` is the default Docker volume size the servers will use.
+In order to set a different volume size for a role,
+uncomment the line with the corresponding variable (e. g. `docker_master_volume_size`
+for master) and change its value. `docker_volume_size` must stay defined as it is
+used as a default value for some of the servers (master, infra, app node).
+The rest of the roles (etcd, load balancer, dns) have their defaults hard-coded.
+**Note**: If the `ephemeral_volumes` is set to `true`, the `*_volume_size` variables
+will be ignored and the deployment will not create any cinder volumes.
+The `openstack_flat_secgrp`, controls Neutron security groups creation for Heat
+stacks. Set it to true, if you experience issues with sec group rules
+quotas. It trades security for number of rules, by sharing the same set
+of firewall rules for master, node, etcd and infra nodes.
+The `required_packages` variable also provides a list of the additional
+prerequisite packages to be installed before to deploy an OpenShift cluster.
+Those are ignored though, if the `manage_packages: False`.
+The `openstack_inventory` controls either a static inventory will be created after the
+cluster nodes provisioned on OpenStack cloud. Note, the fully dynamic inventory
+is yet to be supported, so the static inventory will be created anyway.
+The `openstack_inventory_path` points the directory to host the generated static inventory.
+It should point to the copied example inventory directory, otherwise ti creates
+a new one for you.
+## Multi-master configuration
+Please refer to the official documentation for the
+[multi-master setup](
+and define the corresponding [inventory
+in `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml`. For example, given a load balancer node
+under the ansible group named `ext_lb`:
+ openshift_master_cluster_method: native
+ openshift_master_cluster_hostname: "{{ groups.ext_lb.0 }}"
+ openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname: "{{ groups.ext_lb.0 }}"
+## Provider Network
+Normally, the playbooks create a new Neutron network and subnet and attach
+floating IP addresses to each node. If you have a provider network set up, this
+is all unnecessary as you can just access servers that are placed in the
+provider network directly.
+To use a provider network, set its name in `openstack_provider_network_name` in
+If you set the provider network name, the `openstack_external_network_name` and
+`openstack_private_network_name` fields will be ignored.
+**NOTE**: this will not update the nodes' DNS, so running openshift-ansible
+right after provisioning will fail (unless you're using an external DNS server
+your provider network knows about). You must make sure your nodes are able to
+resolve each other by name.
+## Security notes
+Configure required `*_ingress_cidr` variables to restrict public access
+to provisioned servers from your laptop (a /32 notation should be used)
+or your trusted network. The most important is the `node_ingress_cidr`
+that restricts public access to the deployed DNS server and cluster
+nodes' ephemeral ports range.
+Note, the command ``curl`` helps fiding an external
+IP address of your box (the ansible admin node).
+There is also the `manage_packages` variable (defaults to True) you
+may want to turn off in order to speed up the provisioning tasks. This may
+be the case for development environments. When turned off, the servers will
+be provisioned omitting the ``yum update`` command. This brings security
+implications though, and is not recommended for production deployments.
+### DNS servers security options
+Aside from `node_ingress_cidr` restricting public access to in-stack DNS
+servers, there are following (bind/named specific) DNS security
+options available:
+ named_public_recursion: 'no'
+ named_private_recursion: 'yes'
+External DNS servers, which is not included in the 'dns' hosts group,
+are not managed. It is up to you to configure such ones.
+## Configure the OpenShift parameters
+Finally, you need to update the DNS entry in
+`inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml` (look at
+In addition, this is the place where you can customise your OpenShift
+installation for example by specifying the authentication.
+The full list of options is available in this sample inventory:
+Note, that in order to deploy OpenShift origin, you should update the following
+variables for the `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml`, `all.yml`:
+ deployment_type: origin
+ openshift_deployment_type: "{{ deployment_type }}"
+## Setting a custom entrypoint
+In order to set a custom entrypoint, update `openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname`
+ openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname:
+Note than an empty hostname does not work, so if your domain is ``,
+you cannot set this value to simply ``.
+## Creating and using a Cinder volume for the OpenShift registry
+You can optionally have the playbooks create a Cinder volume and set
+it up as the OpenShift hosted registry.
+To do that you need specify the desired Cinder volume name and size in
+Gigabytes in `inventory/group_vars/all.yml`:
+ cinder_hosted_registry_name: cinder-registry
+ cinder_hosted_registry_size_gb: 10
+With this, the playbooks will create the volume and set up its
+filesystem. If there is an existing volume of the same name, we will
+use it but keep the existing data on it.
+To use the volume for the registry, you must first configure it with
+the OpenStack credentials by putting the following to `OSEv3.yml`:
+ openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_username: "{{ lookup('env','OS_USERNAME') }}"
+ openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_password: "{{ lookup('env','OS_PASSWORD') }}"
+ openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_auth_url: "{{ lookup('env','OS_AUTH_URL') }}"
+ openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_tenant_name: "{{ lookup('env','OS_TENANT_NAME') }}"
+This will use the credentials from your shell environment. If you want
+to enter them explicitly, you can. You can also use credentials
+different from the provisioning ones (say for quota or access control
+**NOTE**: If you're testing this on (DevStack)[devstack], you must
+explicitly set your Keystone API version to v2 (e.g.
+`OS_AUTH_URL=`) instead of the default
+value provided by `openrc`. You may also encounter the following issue
+with Cinder:
+You can read the (OpenShift documentation on configuring
+OpenStack)[openstack] for more information.
+Next, we need to instruct OpenShift to use the Cinder volume for it's
+registry. Again in `OSEv3.yml`:
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_kind: openstack
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_access_modes: ['ReadWriteOnce']
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_filesystem: xfs
+The filesystem value here will be used in the initial formatting of
+the volume.
+If you're using the dynamic inventory, you must uncomment these two values as
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_volumeID: "{{ lookup('os_cinder', cinder_hosted_registry_name).id }}"
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_volume_size: "{{ cinder_hosted_registry_size_gb }}Gi"
+But note that they use the `os_cinder` lookup plugin we provide, so you must
+tell Ansible where to find it either in `ansible.cfg` (the one we provide is
+configured properly) or by exporting the
+`ANSIBLE_LOOKUP_PLUGINS=openshift-ansible-contrib/lookup_plugins` environment
+## Use an existing Cinder volume for the OpenShift registry
+You can also use a pre-existing Cinder volume for the storage of your
+OpenShift registry.
+To do that, you need to have a Cinder volume. You can create one by
+ openstack volume create --size <volume size in gb> <volume name>
+The volume needs to have a file system created before you put it to
+As with the automatically-created volume, you have to set up the
+OpenStack credentials in `inventory/group_vars/OSEv3.yml` as well as
+registry values:
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_kind: openstack
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_access_modes: ['ReadWriteOnce']
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_filesystem: xfs
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_volumeID: e0ba2d73-d2f9-4514-a3b2-a0ced507fa05
+ #openshift_hosted_registry_storage_volume_size: 10Gi
+Note the `openshift_hosted_registry_storage_openstack_volumeID` and
+`openshift_hosted_registry_storage_volume_size` values: these need to
+be added in addition to the previous variables.
+The **Cinder volume ID**, **filesystem** and **volume size** variables
+must correspond to the values in your volume. The volume ID must be
+the **UUID** of the Cinder volume, *not its name*.
+We can do formate the volume for you if you ask for it in
+ prepare_and_format_registry_volume: true
+**NOTE:** doing so **will destroy any data that's currently on the volume**!
+You can also run the registry setup playbook directly:
+ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/provisioning/openstack/prepare-and-format-cinder-volume.yaml
+(the provisioning phase must be completed, first)
+## Configure static inventory and access via a bastion node
+Example inventory variables:
+ openstack_use_bastion: true
+ bastion_ingress_cidr: "{{openstack_subnet_prefix}}.0/24"
+ openstack_private_ssh_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+ openstack_inventory: static
+ openstack_inventory_path: ../../../../inventory
+ openstack_ssh_config_path: /tmp/
+The `openstack_subnet_prefix` is the openstack private network for your cluster.
+And the `bastion_ingress_cidr` defines accepted range for SSH connections to nodes
+additionally to the `ssh_ingress_cidr`` (see the security notes above).
+The SSH config will be stored on the ansible control node by the
+gitven path. Ansible uses it automatically. To access the cluster nodes with
+that ssh config, use the `-F` prefix, f.e.:
+ ssh -F /tmp/ echo OK
+Note, relative paths will not work for the `openstack_ssh_config_path`, but it
+works for the `openstack_private_ssh_key` and `openstack_inventory_path`. In this
+guide, the latter points to the current directory, where you run ansible commands
+To verify nodes connectivity, use the command:
+ ansible -v -i inventory/hosts -m ping all
+If something is broken, double-check the inventory variables, paths and the
+generated `<openstack_inventory_path>/hosts` and `openstack_ssh_config_path` files.
+The `inventory: dynamic` can be used instead to access cluster nodes directly via
+floating IPs. In this mode you can not use a bastion node and should specify
+the dynamic inventory file in your ansible commands , like `-i`.
+## Using Docker on the Ansible host
+If you don't want to worry about the dependencies, you can use the
+[OpenStack Control Host image][control-host-image].
+It has all the dependencies installed, but you'll need to map your
+code and credentials to it. Assuming your SSH keys live in `~/.ssh`
+and everything else is in your current directory (i.e. `ansible.cfg`,
+`keystonerc`, `inventory`, `openshift-ansible`,
+`openshift-ansible-contrib`), this is how you run the deployment:
+ sudo docker run -it -v ~/.ssh:/mnt/.ssh:Z \
+ -v $PWD:/root/openshift:Z \
+ -v $PWD/keystonerc:/root/.config/openstack/ \
+ redhatcop/control-host-openstack bash
+(feel free to replace `$PWD` with an actual path to your inventory and
+checkouts, but note that relative paths don't work)
+The first run may take a few minutes while the image is being
+downloaded. After that, you'll be inside the container and you can run
+the playbooks:
+ cd openshift
+ ansible-playbook openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/provision.yaml
+### Run the playbook
+Assuming your OpenStack (Keystone) credentials are in the `keystonerc`
+this is how you stat the provisioning process from your ansible control node:
+ . keystonerc
+ ansible-playbook openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/provision.yaml
+Note, here you start with an empty inventory. The static inventory will be populated
+with data so you can omit providing additional arguments for future ansible commands.
+If bastion enabled, the generates SSH config must be applied for ansible.
+Otherwise, it is auto included by the previous step. In order to execute it
+as a separate playbook, use the following command:
+ ansible-playbook openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/post-provision-openstack.yml
+The first infra node then becomes a bastion node as well and proxies access
+for future ansible commands. The post-provision step also configures Satellite,
+if requested, and DNS server, and ensures other OpenShift requirements to be met.
+## Running Custom Post-Provision Actions
+A custom playbook can be run like this:
+ansible-playbook -i inventory/ openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/custom-actions/custom-playbook.yml
+If you'd like to limit the run to one particular host, you can do so as follows:
+ansible-playbook -i inventory/ openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/custom-actions/custom-playbook.yml -l
+You can also create your own custom playbook. Here are a few examples:
+#### Adding additional YUM repositories
+- hosts: app
+ tasks:
+ # enable EPL
+ - name: Add repository
+ yum_repository:
+ name: epel
+ description: EPEL YUM repo
+ baseurl:$releasever/$basearch/
+This example runs against app nodes. The list of options include:
+ - cluster_hosts (all hosts: app, infra, masters, dns, lb)
+ - OSEv3 (app, infra, masters)
+ - app
+ - dns
+ - masters
+ - infra_hosts
+#### Attaching additional RHN pools
+- hosts: cluster_hosts
+ tasks:
+ - name: Attach additional RHN pool
+ become: true
+ command: "/usr/bin/subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool ID>"
+ register: attach_rhn_pool_result
+ until: attach_rhn_pool_result.rc == 0
+ retries: 10
+ delay: 1
+This playbook runs against all cluster nodes. In order to help prevent slow connectivity
+problems, the task is retried 10 times in case of initial failure.
+Note that in order for this example to work in your deployment, your servers must use the RHEL image.
+Please consider contributing your custom playbook back to openshift-ansible-contrib!
+A library of custom post-provision actions exists in `openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/custom-actions`. Playbooks include:
+* [add-yum-repos.yml]( adds a list of custom yum repositories to every node in the cluster
+* [add-rhn-pools.yml]( attaches a list of additional RHN pools to every node in the cluster
+## Install OpenShift
+Once it succeeds, you can install openshift by running:
+ ansible-playbook openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml
+## Access UI
+OpenShift UI may be accessed via the 1st master node FQDN, port 8443.
+When using a bastion, you may want to make an SSH tunnel from your control node
+to access UI on the `https://localhost:8443`, with this inventory variable:
+ openshift_ui_ssh_tunnel: True
+Note, this requires sudo rights on the ansible control node and an absolute path
+for the `openstack_private_ssh_key`. You should also update the control node's
+In order to access UI, the ssh-tunnel service will be created and started on the
+control node. Make sure to remove these changes and the service manually, when not
+needed anymore.
+## Scale Deployment up/down
+### Scaling up
+One can scale up the number of application nodes by executing the ansible playbook
+This process can be done even if there is currently no deployment available.
+The `increment_by` variable is used to specify by how much the deployment should
+be scaled up (if none exists, it serves as a target number of application nodes).
+The path to `openshift-ansible` directory can be customised by the `openshift_ansible_dir`
+variable. Its value must be an absolute path to `openshift-ansible` and it cannot
+contain the '/' symbol at the end.
+ansible-playbook -i <path to inventory> openshift-ansible-contrib/playbooks/provisioning/openstack/scale-up.yaml` [-e increment_by=<number>] [-e openshift_ansible_dir=<path to openshift-ansible>]
+Note: This playbook works only without a bastion node (`openstack_use_bastion: False`).