path: root/playbooks/common
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'playbooks/common')
3 files changed, 16 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/update_repos_and_packages.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/update_repos_and_packages.yml
index 1474bb3ca..0a37d4597 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/update_repos_and_packages.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/update_repos_and_packages.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+- include: evaluate_groups.yml
- hosts: oo_hosts_to_update
openshift_deployment_type: "{{ deployment_type }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-master/config.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-master/config.yml
index 125aab0ae..fe0e2e666 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-master/config.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-master/config.yml
@@ -156,85 +156,6 @@
- master.etcd-ca.crt
when: etcd_client_certs_missing is defined and etcd_client_certs_missing
-- name: Determine if master certificates need to be generated
- hosts: oo_first_master:oo_masters_to_config
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- openshift_master_certs_no_etcd:
- - admin.crt
- - master.kubelet-client.crt
- - "{{ 'master.proxy-client.crt' if openshift.common.version_gte_3_1_or_1_1 else omit }}"
- - master.server.crt
- - openshift-master.crt
- - openshift-registry.crt
- - openshift-router.crt
- - etcd.server.crt
- openshift_master_certs_etcd:
- - master.etcd-client.crt
- - set_fact:
- openshift_master_certs: "{{ (openshift_master_certs_no_etcd | union(openshift_master_certs_etcd)) if (groups.oo_etcd_to_config is defined and groups.oo_etcd_to_config) else openshift_master_certs_no_etcd }}"
- - name: Check status of master certificates
- stat:
- path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/{{ item }}"
- with_items: "{{ openshift_master_certs }}"
- register: g_master_cert_stat_result
- - set_fact:
- master_certs_missing: "{{ False in (g_master_cert_stat_result.results
- | oo_collect(attribute='stat.exists')
- | list ) }}"
- master_cert_subdir: master-{{ openshift.common.hostname }}
- master_cert_config_dir: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master"
- - set_fact:
- openshift_infra_nodes: "{{ hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_nodes_to_config'])
- | oo_nodes_with_label('region', 'infra')
- | oo_collect('inventory_hostname') }}"
- when: openshift_infra_nodes is not defined and groups.oo_nodes_to_config | default([]) | length > 0
-- name: Configure master certificates
- hosts: oo_first_master
- vars:
- master_generated_certs_dir: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/generated-configs"
- masters_needing_certs: "{{ hostvars
- | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config'] | difference(groups['oo_first_master']))
- | oo_filter_list(filter_attr='master_certs_missing') }}"
- master_hostnames: "{{ hostvars
- | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config'])
- | oo_collect('openshift.common.all_hostnames')
- | oo_flatten | unique }}"
- sync_tmpdir: "{{ hostvars.localhost.g_master_mktemp.stdout }}"
- openshift_docker_hosted_registry_network: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.portal_net }}"
- roles:
- - openshift_master_certificates
- post_tasks:
- - name: Remove generated etcd client certs when using external etcd
- file:
- path: "{{ master_generated_certs_dir }}/{{ item.0.master_cert_subdir }}/{{ item.1 }}"
- state: absent
- when: groups.oo_etcd_to_config is defined and groups.oo_etcd_to_config
- with_nested:
- - "{{ masters_needing_certs | default([]) }}"
- - - master.etcd-client.crt
- - master.etcd-client.key
- - name: Create a tarball of the master certs
- command: >
- tar -czvf {{ master_generated_certs_dir }}/{{ item.master_cert_subdir }}.tgz
- -C {{ master_generated_certs_dir }}/{{ item.master_cert_subdir }} .
- args:
- creates: "{{ master_generated_certs_dir }}/{{ item.master_cert_subdir }}.tgz"
- with_items: "{{ masters_needing_certs | default([]) }}"
- - name: Retrieve the master cert tarball from the master
- fetch:
- src: "{{ master_generated_certs_dir }}/{{ item.master_cert_subdir }}.tgz"
- dest: "{{ sync_tmpdir }}/"
- flat: yes
- fail_on_missing: yes
- validate_checksum: yes
- with_items: "{{ masters_needing_certs | default([]) }}"
- name: Configure load balancers
hosts: oo_lb_to_config
@@ -355,19 +276,17 @@
when: "{{ (openshift_http_proxy is defined or openshift_https_proxy is defined) and
openshift_generate_no_proxy_hosts | default(True) | bool }}"
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Ensure certificate directory exists
- file:
- path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master"
- state: directory
- when: master_certs_missing | bool and 'oo_first_master' not in group_names
- - name: Unarchive the tarball on the master
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ sync_tmpdir }}/{{ master_cert_subdir }}.tgz"
- dest: "{{ master_cert_config_dir }}"
- when: master_certs_missing | bool and 'oo_first_master' not in group_names
- - openshift_master
+ - role: openshift_master
+ openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}"
+ openshift_master_etcd_hosts: "{{ hostvars
+ | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_etcd_to_config'] | default([]))
+ | oo_collect('openshift.common.hostname')
+ | default(none, true) }}"
+ openshift_master_hostnames: "{{ hostvars
+ | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_masters_to_config'] | default([]))
+ | oo_collect('openshift.common.all_hostnames')
+ | oo_flatten | unique }}"
- role: nickhammond.logrotate
- role: nuage_master
when: openshift.common.use_nuage | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-node/config.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-node/config.yml
index b3491ef8d..6fbf7d44a 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-node/config.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-node/config.yml
@@ -19,23 +19,6 @@
labels: "{{ openshift_node_labels | default(None) }}"
annotations: "{{ openshift_node_annotations | default(None) }}"
schedulable: "{{ openshift_schedulable | default(openshift_scheduleable) | default(None) }}"
- - name: Check status of node certificates
- stat:
- path: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node/{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - "system:node:{{ openshift.common.hostname }}.crt"
- - "system:node:{{ openshift.common.hostname }}.key"
- - "system:node:{{ openshift.common.hostname }}.kubeconfig"
- - ca.crt
- - server.key
- - server.crt
- register: stat_result
- - set_fact:
- certs_missing: "{{ stat_result.results | oo_collect(attribute='stat.exists')
- | list | intersect([false])}}"
- node_subdir: node-{{ openshift.common.hostname }}
- config_dir: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/generated-configs/node-{{ openshift.common.hostname }}"
- node_cert_dir: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node"
- name: Create temp directory for syncing certs
hosts: localhost
@@ -48,53 +31,6 @@
register: mktemp
changed_when: False
-- name: Create node certificates
- hosts: oo_first_master
- vars:
- nodes_needing_certs: "{{ hostvars
- | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_nodes_to_config']
- | default([]))
- | oo_filter_list(filter_attr='certs_missing') }}"
- sync_tmpdir: "{{ hostvars.localhost.mktemp.stdout }}"
- roles:
- - openshift_node_certificates
- post_tasks:
- - name: Create a tarball of the node config directories
- command: >
- tar -czvf {{ item.config_dir }}.tgz
- --transform 's|system:{{ item.node_subdir }}|node|'
- -C {{ item.config_dir }} .
- args:
- creates: "{{ item.config_dir }}.tgz"
- with_items: "{{ nodes_needing_certs | default([]) }}"
- - name: Retrieve the node config tarballs from the master
- fetch:
- src: "{{ item.config_dir }}.tgz"
- dest: "{{ sync_tmpdir }}/"
- flat: yes
- fail_on_missing: yes
- validate_checksum: yes
- with_items: "{{ nodes_needing_certs | default([]) }}"
-- name: Deploy node certificates
- hosts: oo_nodes_to_config
- vars:
- sync_tmpdir: "{{ hostvars.localhost.mktemp.stdout }}"
- tasks:
- - name: Ensure certificate directory exists
- file:
- path: "{{ node_cert_dir }}"
- state: directory
- # TODO: notify restart node
- # possibly test service started time against certificate/config file
- # timestamps in node to trigger notify
- - name: Unarchive the tarball on the node
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ sync_tmpdir }}/{{ node_subdir }}.tgz"
- dest: "{{ node_cert_dir }}"
- when: certs_missing
- name: Evaluate node groups
hosts: localhost
become: no
@@ -124,7 +60,8 @@
when: "{{ (openshift_http_proxy is defined or openshift_https_proxy is defined) and
openshift_generate_no_proxy_hosts | default(True) | bool }}"
- - openshift_node
+ - role: openshift_node
+ openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}"
- name: Configure node instances
hosts: oo_nodes_to_config:!oo_containerized_master_nodes
@@ -140,7 +77,8 @@
when: "{{ (openshift_http_proxy is defined or openshift_https_proxy is defined) and
openshift_generate_no_proxy_hosts | default(True) | bool }}"
- - openshift_node
+ - role: openshift_node
+ openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}"
- name: Gather and set facts for flannel certificatess
hosts: oo_nodes_to_config