path: root/playbooks/common/openshift-etcd/scaleup.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'playbooks/common/openshift-etcd/scaleup.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-etcd/scaleup.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-etcd/scaleup.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 20061366c..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-etcd/scaleup.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-- name: Gather facts
- hosts: oo_etcd_to_config:oo_new_etcd_to_config
- roles:
- - openshift_etcd_facts
- post_tasks:
- - set_fact:
- etcd_hostname: "{{ etcd_hostname }}"
- etcd_ip: "{{ etcd_ip }}"
-- name: Configure etcd
- hosts: oo_new_etcd_to_config
- serial: 1
- any_errors_fatal: true
- vars:
- etcd_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config.0 }}"
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Add new etcd members to cluster
- command: >
- /usr/bin/etcdctl --cert-file {{ etcd_peer_cert_file }}
- --key-file {{ etcd_peer_key_file }}
- --ca-file {{ etcd_peer_ca_file }}
- -C {{ etcd_peer_url_scheme }}://{{ hostvars[etcd_ca_host].etcd_ip }}:{{ etcd_client_port }}
- member add {{ etcd_hostname }} {{ etcd_peer_url_scheme }}://{{ etcd_ip }}:{{ etcd_peer_port }}
- delegate_to: "{{ etcd_ca_host }}"
- failed_when:
- - etcd_add_check.rc == 1
- - ("peerURL exists" not in etcd_add_check.stderr)
- register: etcd_add_check
- retries: 3
- delay: 10
- until: etcd_add_check.rc == 0
- - include_role:
- name: etcd
- tasks_from: server_certificates
- vars:
- etcd_peers: "{{ groups.oo_new_etcd_to_config | default([], true) }}"
- etcd_certificates_etcd_hosts: "{{ groups.oo_new_etcd_to_config | default([], true) }}"
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "{{ openshift.common.etcd_runtime }}"
- roles:
- - role: os_firewall
- when: etcd_add_check.rc == 0
- - role: openshift_etcd
- when: etcd_add_check.rc == 0
- etcd_peers: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config | union(groups.oo_new_etcd_to_config)| default([], true) }}"
- etcd_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config.0 }}"
- etcd_certificates_etcd_hosts: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config | default([], true) }}"
- etcd_initial_cluster_state: "existing"
- etcd_initial_cluster: "{{ etcd_add_check.stdout_lines[3] | regex_replace('ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER=','') | regex_replace('\"','') }}"
- etcd_ca_setup: False
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "{{ openshift.common.etcd_runtime }}"
- - role: nickhammond.logrotate
- when: etcd_add_check.rc == 0
- post_tasks:
- - name: Verify cluster is stable
- command: >
- /usr/bin/etcdctl --cert-file {{ etcd_peer_cert_file }}
- --key-file {{ etcd_peer_key_file }}
- --ca-file {{ etcd_peer_ca_file }}
- -C {{ etcd_peer_url_scheme }}://{{ hostvars[etcd_ca_host].etcd_hostname }}:{{ etcd_client_port }}
- cluster-health
- register: scaleup_health
- retries: 3
- delay: 30
- until: scaleup_health.rc == 0
-- name: Update master etcd client urls
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config
- serial: 1
- vars:
- etcd_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config.0 }}"
- openshift_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}"
- openshift_master_etcd_hosts: "{{ hostvars
- | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_etcd_to_config'] | union(groups['oo_new_etcd_to_config'] | default([]) ))
- | oo_collect('openshift.common.hostname')
- | default(none, true) }}"
- openshift_master_etcd_port: "{{ (etcd_client_port | default('2379')) if (groups.oo_etcd_to_config is defined and groups.oo_etcd_to_config) else none }}"
- roles:
- - role: openshift_master_facts
- post_tasks:
- - include_role:
- name: openshift_master
- tasks_from: update_etcd_client_urls