path: root/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'playbooks/common/openshift-cluster')
35 files changed, 50 insertions, 401 deletions
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/cockpit-ui.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/cockpit-ui.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 359132dd0..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/cockpit-ui.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - cockpit-ui
- hosts: oo_first_master
- roles:
- - role: cockpit-ui
- when:
- - openshift_hosted_manage_registry | default(true) | bool
- - not openshift.docker.hosted_registry_insecure | default(false) | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/config.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/config.yml
index 3b4d6f9a6..2eeb81b86 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/config.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/config.yml
@@ -1,35 +1,38 @@
-- include: ../openshift-checks/install.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-checks/private/install.yml
-- include: ../openshift-etcd/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-etcd/private/config.yml
-- include: ../openshift-nfs/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-nfs/private/config.yml
when: groups.oo_nfs_to_config | default([]) | count > 0
-- include: ../openshift-loadbalancer/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-loadbalancer/private/config.yml
when: groups.oo_lb_to_config | default([]) | count > 0
-- include: ../openshift-master/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-master/private/config.yml
-- include: ../openshift-master/additional_config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-master/private/additional_config.yml
-- include: ../openshift-node/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-node/private/config.yml
-- include: ../openshift-glusterfs/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-glusterfs/private/config.yml
when: groups.oo_glusterfs_to_config | default([]) | count > 0
-- include: openshift_hosted.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-hosted/private/config.yml
-- include: openshift_metrics.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-metrics/private/config.yml
when: openshift_metrics_install_metrics | default(false) | bool
- include: openshift_logging.yml
when: openshift_logging_install_logging | default(false) | bool
-- include: service_catalog.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-prometheus/private/config.yml
+ when: openshift_hosted_prometheus_deploy | default(false) | bool
+- include: ../../openshift-service-catalog/private/config.yml
when: openshift_enable_service_catalog | default(true) | bool
-- include: ../openshift-management/config.yml
+- include: ../../openshift-management/private/config.yml
when: openshift_management_install_management | default(false) | bool
- name: Print deprecated variable warning message if necessary
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/create_persistent_volumes.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/create_persistent_volumes.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a60a30b8..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/create_persistent_volumes.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - persistent volumes
- hosts: oo_first_master
- vars:
- persistent_volumes: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0] | oo_persistent_volumes(groups) }}"
- persistent_volume_claims: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0] | oo_persistent_volume_claims }}"
- roles:
- - role: openshift_persistent_volumes
- when: persistent_volumes | length > 0 or persistent_volume_claims | length > 0
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/enable_dnsmasq.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/enable_dnsmasq.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f91361b67..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/enable_dnsmasq.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-- name: Load openshift_facts
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config
- roles:
- - openshift_facts
-- name: Reconfigure masters to listen on our new dns_port
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config
- handlers:
- - include: ../../../roles/openshift_master/handlers/main.yml
- static: yes
- vars:
- os_firewall_allow:
- - service: skydns tcp
- port: "{{ openshift.master.dns_port }}/tcp"
- - service: skydns udp
- port: "{{ openshift.master.dns_port }}/udp"
- roles:
- - os_firewall
- tasks:
- - openshift_facts:
- role: "{{ item.role }}"
- local_facts: "{{ item.local_facts }}"
- with_items:
- - role: master
- local_facts:
- dns_port: '8053'
- - modify_yaml:
- dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/master/master-config.yaml"
- yaml_key: dnsConfig.bindAddress
- yaml_value: "{{ openshift.master.bind_addr }}:{{ openshift.master.dns_port }}"
- notify: restart master api
- - meta: flush_handlers
-- name: Configure nodes for dnsmasq
- hosts: oo_nodes_to_config
- handlers:
- - include: ../../../roles/openshift_node/handlers/main.yml
- static: yes
- pre_tasks:
- - openshift_facts:
- role: "{{ item.role }}"
- local_facts: "{{ item.local_facts }}"
- with_items:
- - role: node
- local_facts:
- dns_ip: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
- roles:
- - openshift_node_dnsmasq
- post_tasks:
- - modify_yaml:
- dest: "{{ openshift.common.config_base }}/node/node-config.yaml"
- yaml_key: dnsIP
- yaml_value: "{{ openshift.node.dns_ip }}"
- notify: restart node
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/install_docker_gc.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/install_docker_gc.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e3dfee07..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/install_docker_gc.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Install docker gc
- hosts: oo_first_master
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - include_role:
- name: openshift_docker_gc
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_default_storage_class.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_default_storage_class.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 62fe0dd60..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_default_storage_class.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - openshift_default_storage_class
- hosts: oo_first_master
- roles:
- - role: openshift_default_storage_class
- when: openshift_cloudprovider_kind is defined and (openshift_cloudprovider_kind == 'aws' or openshift_cloudprovider_kind == 'gce' or openshift_cloudprovider_kind == 'openstack')
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ee60dc0..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-- name: Hosted Install Checkpoint Start
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Hosted install 'In Progress'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_hosted:
- status: "In Progress"
- start: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
-- include: create_persistent_volumes.yml
-- include: openshift_default_storage_class.yml
-- include: openshift_hosted_create_projects.yml
-- include: openshift_hosted_router.yml
-- include: openshift_hosted_registry.yml
-- include: cockpit-ui.yml
-- include: openshift_prometheus.yml
- when: openshift_hosted_prometheus_deploy | default(False) | bool
-- include: install_docker_gc.yml
- when:
- - openshift_use_crio | default(False) | bool
- - openshift_crio_enable_docker_gc | default(False) | bool
-- name: Hosted Install Checkpoint End
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Hosted install 'Complete'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_hosted:
- status: "Complete"
- end: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_create_projects.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_create_projects.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ca5185c..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_create_projects.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - openshift projects
- hosts: oo_first_master
- tasks:
- - include_role:
- name: openshift_hosted
- tasks_from: create_projects.yml
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_registry.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_registry.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a91a827c..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_registry.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - registry
- hosts: oo_first_master
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- openshift_hosted_registry_registryurl: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.master.registry_url }}"
- when: "'master' in hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift and 'registry_url' in hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.master"
- - include_role:
- name: openshift_hosted
- tasks_from: registry.yml
- when:
- - openshift_hosted_manage_registry | default(True) | bool
- - openshift_hosted_registry_registryurl is defined
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_router.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_router.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bcb5a34a4..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_hosted_router.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - router
- hosts: oo_first_master
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- openshift_hosted_router_registryurl: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.master.registry_url }}"
- when: "'master' in hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift and 'registry_url' in hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.master"
- - include_role:
- name: openshift_hosted
- tasks_from: router.yml
- when:
- - openshift_hosted_manage_router | default(True) | bool
- - openshift_hosted_router_registryurl is defined
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_metrics.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_metrics.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 80cd93e5f..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_metrics.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-- name: Metrics Install Checkpoint Start
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Metrics install 'In Progress'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_metrics:
- status: "In Progress"
- start: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
-- name: OpenShift Metrics
- hosts: oo_first_master
- roles:
- - role: openshift_metrics
-- name: OpenShift Metrics
- hosts: oo_masters:!oo_first_master
- serial: 1
- tasks:
- - name: Setup the non-first masters configs
- include_role:
- name: openshift_metrics
- tasks_from: update_master_config.yaml
-- name: Metrics Install Checkpoint End
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Metrics install 'Complete'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_metrics:
- status: "Complete"
- end: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_prometheus.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_prometheus.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa9a16e6..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_prometheus.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-- name: Prometheus Install Checkpoint Start
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Prometheus install 'In Progress'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_prometheus:
- status: "In Progress"
- start: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
-- name: Create Hosted Resources - openshift_prometheus
- hosts: oo_first_master
- roles:
- - role: openshift_prometheus
-- name: Prometheus Install Checkpoint End
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Prometheus install 'Complete'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_prometheus:
- status: "Complete"
- end: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_provisioners.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_provisioners.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ca6f606..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/openshift_provisioners.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-- name: OpenShift Provisioners
- hosts: oo_first_master
- roles:
- - openshift_provisioners
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/etcd-ca.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/etcd-ca.yml
index 044875d1c..438f704bc 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/etcd-ca.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/etcd-ca.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
name: etcd
tasks_from: remove_ca_certificates
-- include: ../../openshift-etcd/ca.yml
+- include: ../../../openshift-etcd/private/ca.yml
- name: Create temp directory for syncing certs
hosts: localhost
@@ -39,13 +39,12 @@
- include_role:
name: etcd
- tasks_from: distribute_ca
+ tasks_from: distribute_ca.yml
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "{{ openshift.common.etcd_runtime }}"
etcd_sync_cert_dir: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].g_etcd_mktemp.stdout }}"
etcd_ca_host: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config.0 }}"
-- include: ../../openshift-etcd/restart.yml
+- include: ../../../openshift-etcd/private/restart.yml
# Do not restart etcd when etcd certificates were previously expired.
when: ('expired' not in (hostvars
| oo_select_keys(groups['etcd'])
@@ -60,7 +59,6 @@
tasks_from: retrieve_ca_certificates
etcd_sync_cert_dir: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].g_etcd_mktemp.stdout }}"
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "{{ openshift.common.etcd_runtime }}"
- name: Distribute etcd CA to masters
hosts: oo_masters_to_config
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@
state: absent
changed_when: false
-- include: ../../openshift-master/restart.yml
+- include: ../../../openshift-master/private/restart.yml
# Do not restart masters when master or etcd certificates were previously expired.
# masters
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/openshift-ca.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/openshift-ca.yml
index eb225dfb5..5a837d80d 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/openshift-ca.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/redeploy-certificates/openshift-ca.yml
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
group: "{{ 'root' if item == 'root' else _ansible_ssh_user_gid.stdout }}"
with_items: "{{ client_users }}"
-- include: ../../openshift-master/restart.yml
+- include: ../../../openshift-master/private/restart.yml
# Do not restart masters when master or etcd certificates were previously expired.
# masters
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
state: absent
changed_when: false
-- include: ../../openshift-node/restart.yml
+- include: ../../../openshift-node/private/restart.yml
# Do not restart nodes when node, master or etcd certificates were previously expired.
# nodes
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/service_catalog.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/service_catalog.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb8511f6..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/service_catalog.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-- name: Service Catalog Install Checkpoint Start
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Service Catalog install 'In Progress'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_servicecatalog:
- status: "In Progress"
- start: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
-- name: Service Catalog
- hosts: oo_first_master
- roles:
- - openshift_service_catalog
- - ansible_service_broker
- - template_service_broker
- vars:
- first_master: "{{ groups.oo_first_master[0] }}"
-- name: Service Catalog Install Checkpoint End
- hosts: all
- gather_facts: false
- tasks:
- - name: Set Service Catalog install 'Complete'
- run_once: true
- set_stats:
- data:
- installer_phase_servicecatalog:
- status: "Complete"
- end: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_etcd_launch_facts.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_etcd_launch_facts.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index eb118365a..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_etcd_launch_facts.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-- set_fact: k8s_type="etcd"
-- name: Generate etcd instance names(s)
- set_fact:
- scratch_name: "{{ openshift_cluster_id | default('default') }}-{{ k8s_type }}-{{ '%05x' | format(1048576 | random) }}"
- register: etcd_names_output
- with_sequence: count={{ num_etcd }}
-- set_fact:
- etcd_names: "{{ etcd_names_output.results | default([])
- | oo_collect('ansible_facts')
- | oo_collect('scratch_name') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_master_launch_facts.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_master_launch_facts.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 783f70f50..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_master_launch_facts.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-- set_fact: k8s_type="master"
-- name: Generate master instance names(s)
- set_fact:
- scratch_name: "{{ openshift_cluster_id | default('default') }}-{{ k8s_type }}-{{ '%05x' | format(1048576 | random) }}"
- register: master_names_output
- with_sequence: count={{ num_masters }}
-- set_fact:
- master_names: "{{ master_names_output.results | default([])
- | oo_collect('ansible_facts')
- | oo_collect('scratch_name') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_node_launch_facts.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_node_launch_facts.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c103e40a9..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/tasks/set_node_launch_facts.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-- set_fact: k8s_type=node
-- set_fact: sub_host_type="{{ type }}"
-- set_fact: number_nodes="{{ count }}"
-- name: Generate node instance names(s)
- set_fact:
- scratch_name: "{{ openshift_cluster_id | default('default') }}-{{ k8s_type }}-{{ sub_host_type }}-{{ '%05x' | format(1048576 | random) }}"
- register: node_names_output
- with_sequence: count={{ number_nodes }}
-- set_fact:
- node_names: "{{ node_names_output.results | default([])
- | oo_collect('ansible_facts')
- | oo_collect('scratch_name') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/tasks/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/tasks/upgrade.yml
index 808cc562c..83be290e6 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/tasks/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/tasks/upgrade.yml
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
- name: Upgrade Docker
package: name=docker{{ '-' + docker_version }} state=present
+ register: result
+ until: result | success
- include: restart.yml
when: not skip_docker_restart | default(False) | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml
index 52345a9ba..2e3a7ae8b 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
changed_when: no
- name: Get current version of Docker
- command: "{{ repoquery_cmd }} --installed --qf '%{version}' docker"
+ command: "{{ repoquery_installed }} --qf '%{version}' docker"
register: curr_docker_version
retries: 4
until: curr_docker_version | succeeded
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml
index d086cad00..531175c85 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
tasks_from: backup
r_etcd_common_backup_tag: "{{ etcd_backup_tag }}"
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "{{ openshift.common.etcd_runtime }}"
r_etcd_common_embedded_etcd: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config | default([]) | length == 0 }}"
r_etcd_common_backup_sufix_name: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S') }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml
index d71c96cd7..c5ff4133c 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml
@@ -2,60 +2,9 @@
- name: Determine etcd version
hosts: oo_etcd_hosts_to_upgrade
- - block:
- - name: Record RPM based etcd version
- command: rpm -qa --qf '%{version}' etcd\*
- args:
- warn: no
- register: etcd_rpm_version
- failed_when: false
- # AUDIT:changed_when: `false` because we are only inspecting
- # state, not manipulating anything
- changed_when: false
- - debug:
- msg: "Etcd rpm version {{ etcd_rpm_version.stdout }} detected"
- when:
- - not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - block:
- - name: Record containerized etcd version (docker)
- command: docker exec etcd_container rpm -qa --qf '%{version}' etcd\*
- register: etcd_container_version_docker
- failed_when: false
- # AUDIT:changed_when: `false` because we are only inspecting
- # state, not manipulating anything
- changed_when: false
- when:
- - not openshift.common.is_etcd_system_container | bool
- # Given a register variables is set even if the whwen condition
- # is false, we need to set etcd_container_version separately
- - set_fact:
- etcd_container_version: "{{ etcd_container_version_docker.stdout }}"
- when:
- - not openshift.common.is_etcd_system_container | bool
- - name: Record containerized etcd version (runc)
- command: runc exec etcd rpm -qa --qf '%{version}' etcd\*
- register: etcd_container_version_runc
- failed_when: false
- # AUDIT:changed_when: `false` because we are only inspecting
- # state, not manipulating anything
- changed_when: false
- when:
- - openshift.common.is_etcd_system_container | bool
- # Given a register variables is set even if the whwen condition
- # is false, we need to set etcd_container_version separately
- - set_fact:
- etcd_container_version: "{{ etcd_container_version_runc.stdout }}"
- when:
- - openshift.common.is_etcd_system_container | bool
- - debug:
- msg: "Etcd containerized version {{ etcd_container_version }} detected"
- when:
- - openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - include_role:
+ name: etcd
+ tasks_from: version_detect.yml
- include: upgrade_rpm_members.yml
@@ -93,6 +42,14 @@
etcd_upgrade_version: '3.1.3'
+- include: upgrade_rpm_members.yml
+ vars:
+ etcd_upgrade_version: '3.2'
+- include: upgrade_image_members.yml
+ vars:
+ etcd_upgrade_version: '3.2.7'
- name: Upgrade fedora to latest
hosts: oo_etcd_hosts_to_upgrade
serial: 1
@@ -101,7 +58,6 @@
name: etcd
tasks_from: upgrade_image
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "host"
etcd_peer: "{{ openshift.common.hostname }}"
- ansible_distribution == 'Fedora'
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_image_members.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_image_members.yml
index e5e895775..6fca42bd0 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_image_members.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_image_members.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
tasks_from: upgrade_image
r_etcd_upgrade_version: "{{ etcd_upgrade_version }}"
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "{{ openshift.common.etcd_runtime }}"
etcd_peer: "{{ openshift.common.hostname }}"
- etcd_container_version | default('99') | version_compare(etcd_upgrade_version,'<')
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_rpm_members.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_rpm_members.yml
index a2a26bad4..51e8786b3 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_rpm_members.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade_rpm_members.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
tasks_from: upgrade_rpm
r_etcd_upgrade_version: "{{ etcd_upgrade_version }}"
- r_etcd_common_etcd_runtime: "host"
etcd_peer: "{{ openshift.common.hostname }}"
- etcd_rpm_version.stdout | default('99') | version_compare(etcd_upgrade_version, '<')
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/post_control_plane.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/post_control_plane.yml
index c634e0ab8..c458184c9 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/post_control_plane.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/post_control_plane.yml
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
- name: Load lib_openshift modules
- include_role:
+ import_role:
name: lib_openshift
- name: Collect all routers
state: list
@@ -93,11 +94,11 @@
# not already exist. We could have potentially done a replace --force to
# create and update in one step.
- role: openshift_examples
- when: openshift_install_examples | default(true,true) | bool
+ when: openshift_install_examples | default(true) | bool
- openshift_hosted_templates
# Update the existing templates
- role: openshift_examples
- when: openshift_install_examples | default(true,true) | bool
+ when: openshift_install_examples | default(true) | bool
registry_url: "{{ openshift.master.registry_url }}"
openshift_examples_import_command: replace
- role: openshift_hosted_templates
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
index 13fa37b09..446f315d6 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- name: Verify containers are available for upgrade
command: >
- docker pull {{ openshift.common.cli_image }}:{{ openshift_image_tag }}
+ docker pull {{ openshift_cli_image }}:{{ openshift_image_tag }}
register: pull_result
changed_when: "'Downloaded newer image' in pull_result.stdout"
when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml
index fa65567c2..d7a52707c 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
- include: "{{ openshift_master_upgrade_hook }}"
when: openshift_master_upgrade_hook is defined
- - include: ../../openshift-master/restart_hosts.yml
+ - include: ../../../openshift-master/private/tasks/restart_hosts.yml
when: openshift.common.rolling_restart_mode == 'system'
- - include: ../../openshift-master/restart_services.yml
+ - include: ../../../openshift-master/private/tasks/restart_services.yml
when: openshift.common.rolling_restart_mode == 'services'
# Run the post-upgrade hook if defined:
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
- name: Load lib_openshift modules
- include_role:
+ import_role:
name: lib_openshift
# TODO: To better handle re-trying failed upgrades, it would be nice to check if the node
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml
index 5dc8193a7..75ffd3fe9 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- name: Load lib_openshift modules
- include_role:
+ import_role:
name: lib_openshift
# TODO: To better handle re-trying failed upgrades, it would be nice to check if the node
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade.yml
index ef52f214b..6cb6a665f 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade.yml
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
# docker is configured and running.
skip_docker_role: True
-- include: ../../../openshift-master/validate_restart.yml
+- include: ../../../../openshift-master/private/validate_restart.yml
- pre_upgrade
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade_control_plane.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade_control_plane.yml
index 4c6646a38..8f48bedcc 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade_control_plane.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_6/upgrade_control_plane.yml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
# docker is configured and running.
skip_docker_role: True
-- include: ../../../openshift-master/validate_restart.yml
+- include: ../../../../openshift-master/private/validate_restart.yml
- pre_upgrade
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade.yml
index e3c012380..2b99568c7 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade.yml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
# docker is configured and running.
skip_docker_role: True
-- include: ../../../openshift-master/validate_restart.yml
+- include: ../../../../openshift-master/private/validate_restart.yml
- pre_upgrade
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade_control_plane.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade_control_plane.yml
index a88fa7b2e..d3d2046e6 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade_control_plane.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_7/upgrade_control_plane.yml
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
# docker is configured and running.
skip_docker_role: True
-- include: ../../../openshift-master/validate_restart.yml
+- include: ../../../../openshift-master/private/validate_restart.yml
- pre_upgrade
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade.yml
index 73df15d53..b602cdd0e 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade.yml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
# docker is configured and running.
skip_docker_role: True
-- include: ../../../openshift-master/validate_restart.yml
+- include: ../../../../openshift-master/private/validate_restart.yml
- pre_upgrade
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade_control_plane.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade_control_plane.yml
index 48d55c16f..da81e6dea 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade_control_plane.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/v3_8/upgrade_control_plane.yml
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
# docker is configured and running.
skip_docker_role: True
-- include: ../../../openshift-master/validate_restart.yml
+- include: ../../../../openshift-master/private/validate_restart.yml
- pre_upgrade