path: root/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades')
8 files changed, 251 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre.yml
index 2aada4370..a2d231c59 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre.yml
@@ -1,310 +1,5 @@
-# Evaluate host groups and gather facts
-- include: ../initialize_facts.yml
-- name: Update repos and initialize facts on all hosts
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config:oo_etcd_to_config:oo_lb_to_config
- roles:
- - openshift_repos
-- name: Set openshift_no_proxy_internal_hostnames
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- openshift_no_proxy_internal_hostnames: "{{ hostvars | oo_select_keys(groups['oo_nodes_to_config']
- | union(groups['oo_masters_to_config'])
- | union(groups['oo_etcd_to_config'] | default([])))
- | oo_collect('openshift.common.hostname') | default([]) | join (',')
- }}"
- when: "{{ (openshift_http_proxy is defined or openshift_https_proxy is defined) and
- openshift_generate_no_proxy_hosts | default(True) | bool }}"
-- name: Evaluate additional groups for upgrade
- hosts: localhost
- connection: local
- become: no
- tasks:
- - name: Evaluate etcd_hosts_to_backup
- add_host:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- groups: etcd_hosts_to_backup
- with_items: groups.oo_etcd_to_config if groups.oo_etcd_to_config is defined and groups.oo_etcd_to_config | length > 0 else groups.oo_first_master
-# Pre-upgrade checks
-- name: Verify upgrade can proceed on first master
- hosts: oo_first_master
- gather_facts: no
- tasks:
- - fail:
- msg: >
- This upgrade is only supported for origin, openshift-enterprise, and online
- deployment types
- when: deployment_type not in ['origin','openshift-enterprise', 'online']
- # Error out in situations where the user has older versions specified in their
- # inventory in any of the openshift_release, openshift_image_tag, and
- # openshift_pkg_version variables. These must be removed or updated to proceed
- # with upgrade.
- # TODO: Should we block if you're *over* the next major release version as well?
- - fail:
- msg: >
- openshift_pkg_version is {{ openshift_pkg_version }} which is not a
- valid version for a {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} upgrade
- when: openshift_pkg_version is defined and openshift_pkg_version.split('-',1).1 | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_target ,'<')
- - fail:
- msg: >
- openshift_image_tag is {{ openshift_image_tag }} which is not a
- valid version for a {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} upgrade
- when: openshift_image_tag is defined and openshift_image_tag.split('v',1).1 | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_target ,'<')
- - set_fact:
- openshift_release: "{{ openshift_release[1:] }}"
- when: openshift_release is defined and openshift_release[0] == 'v'
- - fail:
- msg: >
- openshift_release is {{ openshift_release }} which is not a
- valid release for a {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} upgrade
- when: openshift_release is defined and not openshift_release | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_target ,'=')
-- include: ../initialize_openshift_version.yml
- vars:
- # Request specific openshift_release and let the openshift_version role handle converting this
- # to a more specific version, respecting openshift_image_tag and openshift_pkg_version if
- # defined, and overriding the normal behavior of protecting the installed version
- openshift_release: "{{ openshift_upgrade_target }}"
- openshift_protect_installed_version: False
- # Docker role (a dependency) should be told not to do anything to installed version
- # of docker, we handle this separately during upgrade. (the inventory may have a
- # docker_version defined, we don't want to actually do it until later)
- docker_protect_installed_version: True
-- name: Verify master processes
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config
- roles:
- - openshift_facts
- tasks:
- - openshift_facts:
- role: master
- local_facts:
- ha: "{{ groups.oo_masters_to_config | length > 1 }}"
- - name: Ensure Master is running
- service:
- name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master"
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- when: openshift.master.ha is defined and not openshift.master.ha | bool and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - name: Ensure HA Master is running
- service:
- name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api"
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- when: openshift.master.ha is defined and openshift.master.ha | bool and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - name: Ensure HA Master is running
- service:
- name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-controllers"
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- when: openshift.master.ha is defined and openshift.master.ha | bool and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
-- name: Verify node processes
- hosts: oo_nodes_to_config
- roles:
- - openshift_facts
- - openshift_docker_facts
- tasks:
- - name: Ensure Node is running
- service:
- name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-node"
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
-- name: Verify upgrade targets
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config
- vars:
- openshift_docker_hosted_registry_network: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.portal_net }}"
- pre_tasks:
- - fail:
- msg: Verify OpenShift is already installed
- when: openshift.common.version is not defined
- - fail:
- msg: Verify the correct version was found
- when: verify_upgrade_version is defined and openshift_version != verify_upgrade_version
- - name: Clean package cache
- command: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} clean all"
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- - set_fact:
- g_new_service_name: "{{ 'origin' if deployment_type =='origin' else 'atomic-openshift' }}"
- when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - name: Verify containers are available for upgrade
- command: >
- docker pull {{ openshift.common.cli_image }}:{{ openshift_image_tag }}
- register: pull_result
- changed_when: "'Downloaded newer image' in pull_result.stdout"
- when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - name: Check latest available OpenShift RPM version
- command: >
- {{ repoquery_cmd }} --qf '%{version}' "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}"
- failed_when: false
- changed_when: false
- register: avail_openshift_version
- when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- - name: Verify OpenShift RPMs are available for upgrade
- fail:
- msg: "OpenShift {{ avail_openshift_version.stdout }} is available, but {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} or greater is required"
- when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool and not avail_openshift_version | skipped and avail_openshift_version.stdout | default('0.0', True) | version_compare(openshift_release, '<')
- - fail:
- msg: "This upgrade playbook must be run against OpenShift {{ openshift_upgrade_min }} or later"
- when: deployment_type == 'origin' and openshift.common.version | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_min,'<')
-- name: Verify docker upgrade targets
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config:oo_etcd_to_config
- tasks:
- # Only check if docker upgrade is required if docker_upgrade is not
- # already set to False.
- - include: docker/upgrade_check.yml
- when: docker_upgrade is not defined or docker_upgrade | bool and not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- # Additional checks for Atomic hosts:
- - name: Determine available Docker
- shell: "rpm -q --queryformat '---\ncurr_version: %{VERSION}\navail_version: \n' docker"
- register: g_atomic_docker_version_result
- when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- - set_fact:
- l_docker_version: "{{ g_atomic_docker_version_result.stdout | from_yaml }}"
- when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- - fail:
- msg: This playbook requires access to Docker 1.10 or later
- when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool and l_docker_version.avail_version | default(l_docker_version.curr_version, true) | version_compare('1.10','<')
- - set_fact:
- pre_upgrade_complete: True
-# Gate on pre-upgrade checks
-- name: Gate on pre-upgrade checks
- hosts: localhost
- connection: local
- become: no
- vars:
- pre_upgrade_hosts: "{{ groups.oo_masters_to_config | union(groups.oo_nodes_to_config) }}"
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- pre_upgrade_completed: "{{ hostvars
- | oo_select_keys(pre_upgrade_hosts)
- | oo_collect('inventory_hostname', {'pre_upgrade_complete': true}) }}"
- - set_fact:
- pre_upgrade_failed: "{{ pre_upgrade_hosts | difference(pre_upgrade_completed) }}"
- - fail:
- msg: "Upgrade cannot continue. The following hosts did not complete pre-upgrade checks: {{ pre_upgrade_failed | join(',') }}"
- when: pre_upgrade_failed | length > 0
# Backup etcd
-- name: Backup etcd
- hosts: etcd_hosts_to_backup
- vars:
- embedded_etcd: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.master.embedded_etcd }}"
- timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S') }}"
- roles:
- - openshift_facts
- tasks:
- # Ensure we persist the etcd role for this host in openshift_facts
- - openshift_facts:
- role: etcd
- local_facts: {}
- when: "'etcd' not in openshift"
- - stat: path=/var/lib/openshift
- register: var_lib_openshift
- - stat: path=/var/lib/origin
- register: var_lib_origin
- - name: Create origin symlink if necessary
- file: src=/var/lib/openshift/ dest=/var/lib/origin state=link
- when: var_lib_openshift.stat.exists == True and var_lib_origin.stat.exists == False
- # TODO: replace shell module with command and update later checks
- # We assume to be using the data dir for all backups.
- - name: Check available disk space for etcd backup
- shell: df --output=avail -k {{ openshift.common.data_dir }} | tail -n 1
- register: avail_disk
- # TODO: replace shell module with command and update later checks
- - name: Check current embedded etcd disk usage
- shell: du -k {{ openshift.etcd.etcd_data_dir }} | tail -n 1 | cut -f1
- register: etcd_disk_usage
- when: embedded_etcd | bool
- - name: Abort if insufficient disk space for etcd backup
- fail:
- msg: >
- {{ etcd_disk_usage.stdout }} Kb disk space required for etcd backup,
- {{ avail_disk.stdout }} Kb available.
- when: (embedded_etcd | bool) and (etcd_disk_usage.stdout|int > avail_disk.stdout|int)
- - name: Install etcd (for etcdctl)
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=etcd state=latest"
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- - name: Generate etcd backup
- command: >
- etcdctl backup --data-dir={{ openshift.etcd.etcd_data_dir }}
- --backup-dir={{ openshift.common.data_dir }}/etcd-backup-{{ timestamp }}
- - set_fact:
- etcd_backup_complete: True
- - name: Display location of etcd backup
- debug:
- msg: "Etcd backup created in {{ openshift.common.data_dir }}/etcd-backup-{{ timestamp }}"
-# Gate on etcd backup
-- name: Gate on etcd backup
- hosts: localhost
- connection: local
- become: no
- tasks:
- - set_fact:
- etcd_backup_completed: "{{ hostvars
- | oo_select_keys(groups.etcd_hosts_to_backup)
- | oo_collect('inventory_hostname', {'etcd_backup_complete': true}) }}"
- - set_fact:
- etcd_backup_failed: "{{ groups.etcd_hosts_to_backup | difference(etcd_backup_completed) }}"
- - fail:
- msg: "Upgrade cannot continue. The following hosts did not complete etcd backup: {{ etcd_backup_failed | join(',') }}"
- when: etcd_backup_failed | length > 0
-- name: Exit upgrade if dry-run specified
- hosts: oo_first_master
- tasks:
- - fail:
- msg: "Pre-upgrade checks completed, exiting due to openshift_upgrade_dry_run variable."
- when: openshift_upgrade_dry_run is defined and openshift_upgrade_dry_run | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/backup_etcd.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/backup_etcd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2af73c467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/backup_etcd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+- name: Evaluate additional groups for upgrade
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ become: no
+ tasks:
+ - name: Evaluate etcd_hosts_to_backup
+ add_host:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ groups: etcd_hosts_to_backup
+ with_items: groups.oo_etcd_to_config if groups.oo_etcd_to_config is defined and groups.oo_etcd_to_config | length > 0 else groups.oo_first_master
+- name: Backup etcd
+ hosts: etcd_hosts_to_backup
+ vars:
+ embedded_etcd: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.master.embedded_etcd }}"
+ timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S') }}"
+ roles:
+ - openshift_facts
+ tasks:
+ # Ensure we persist the etcd role for this host in openshift_facts
+ - openshift_facts:
+ role: etcd
+ local_facts: {}
+ when: "'etcd' not in openshift"
+ - stat: path=/var/lib/openshift
+ register: var_lib_openshift
+ - stat: path=/var/lib/origin
+ register: var_lib_origin
+ - name: Create origin symlink if necessary
+ file: src=/var/lib/openshift/ dest=/var/lib/origin state=link
+ when: var_lib_openshift.stat.exists == True and var_lib_origin.stat.exists == False
+ # TODO: replace shell module with command and update later checks
+ # We assume to be using the data dir for all backups.
+ - name: Check available disk space for etcd backup
+ shell: df --output=avail -k {{ openshift.common.data_dir }} | tail -n 1
+ register: avail_disk
+ # TODO: replace shell module with command and update later checks
+ - name: Check current embedded etcd disk usage
+ shell: du -k {{ openshift.etcd.etcd_data_dir }} | tail -n 1 | cut -f1
+ register: etcd_disk_usage
+ when: embedded_etcd | bool
+ - name: Abort if insufficient disk space for etcd backup
+ fail:
+ msg: >
+ {{ etcd_disk_usage.stdout }} Kb disk space required for etcd backup,
+ {{ avail_disk.stdout }} Kb available.
+ when: (embedded_etcd | bool) and (etcd_disk_usage.stdout|int > avail_disk.stdout|int)
+ - name: Install etcd (for etcdctl)
+ action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=etcd state=latest"
+ when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
+ - name: Generate etcd backup
+ command: >
+ etcdctl backup --data-dir={{ openshift.etcd.etcd_data_dir }}
+ --backup-dir={{ openshift.common.data_dir }}/etcd-backup-{{ timestamp }}
+ - set_fact:
+ etcd_backup_complete: True
+ - name: Display location of etcd backup
+ debug:
+ msg: "Etcd backup created in {{ openshift.common.data_dir }}/etcd-backup-{{ timestamp }}"
+# Gate on etcd backup
+- name: Gate on etcd backup
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ become: no
+ tasks:
+ - set_fact:
+ etcd_backup_completed: "{{ hostvars
+ | oo_select_keys(groups.etcd_hosts_to_backup)
+ | oo_collect('inventory_hostname', {'etcd_backup_complete': true}) }}"
+ - set_fact:
+ etcd_backup_failed: "{{ groups.etcd_hosts_to_backup | difference(etcd_backup_completed) }}"
+ - fail:
+ msg: "Upgrade cannot continue. The following hosts did not complete etcd backup: {{ etcd_backup_failed | join(',') }}"
+ when: etcd_backup_failed | length > 0
+- name: Exit upgrade if dry-run specified
+ hosts: oo_first_master
+ tasks:
+ - fail:
+ msg: "Pre-upgrade checks completed, exiting due to openshift_upgrade_dry_run variable."
+ when: openshift_upgrade_dry_run is defined and openshift_upgrade_dry_run | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/gate_checks.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/gate_checks.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..907c1aa87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/gate_checks.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- name: Flag pre-upgrade checks complete for hosts without errors
+ hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config:oo_etcd_to_config
+ tasks:
+ - set_fact:
+ pre_upgrade_complete: True
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_control_plane_running.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_control_plane_running.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06eb5f936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_control_plane_running.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+- name: Verify master processes
+ hosts: oo_masters_to_config
+ roles:
+ - openshift_facts
+ tasks:
+ - openshift_facts:
+ role: master
+ local_facts:
+ ha: "{{ groups.oo_masters_to_config | length > 1 }}"
+ - name: Ensure Master is running
+ service:
+ name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: openshift.master.ha is defined and not openshift.master.ha | bool and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - name: Ensure HA Master is running
+ service:
+ name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-api"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: openshift.master.ha is defined and openshift.master.ha | bool and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - name: Ensure HA Master is running
+ service:
+ name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-master-controllers"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: openshift.master.ha is defined and openshift.master.ha | bool and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..635172de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+- name: Verify docker upgrade targets
+ hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config:oo_etcd_to_config
+ tasks:
+ # Only check if docker upgrade is required if docker_upgrade is not
+ # already set to False.
+ - include: docker/upgrade_check.yml
+ when: docker_upgrade is not defined or docker_upgrade | bool and not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
+ # Additional checks for Atomic hosts:
+ - name: Determine available Docker
+ shell: "rpm -q --queryformat '---\ncurr_version: %{VERSION}\navail_version: \n' docker"
+ register: g_atomic_docker_version_result
+ when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
+ - set_fact:
+ l_docker_version: "{{ g_atomic_docker_version_result.stdout | from_yaml }}"
+ when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
+ - fail:
+ msg: This playbook requires access to Docker 1.10 or later
+ when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool and l_docker_version.avail_version | default(l_docker_version.curr_version, true) | version_compare('1.10','<')
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_inventory_vars.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_inventory_vars.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a959a959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_inventory_vars.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Verify upgrade can proceed on first master
+ hosts: oo_first_master
+ gather_facts: no
+ tasks:
+ - fail:
+ msg: >
+ This upgrade is only supported for origin, openshift-enterprise, and online
+ deployment types
+ when: deployment_type not in ['origin','openshift-enterprise', 'online']
+ # Error out in situations where the user has older versions specified in their
+ # inventory in any of the openshift_release, openshift_image_tag, and
+ # openshift_pkg_version variables. These must be removed or updated to proceed
+ # with upgrade.
+ # TODO: Should we block if you're *over* the next major release version as well?
+ - fail:
+ msg: >
+ openshift_pkg_version is {{ openshift_pkg_version }} which is not a
+ valid version for a {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} upgrade
+ when: openshift_pkg_version is defined and openshift_pkg_version.split('-',1).1 | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_target ,'<')
+ - fail:
+ msg: >
+ openshift_image_tag is {{ openshift_image_tag }} which is not a
+ valid version for a {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} upgrade
+ when: openshift_image_tag is defined and openshift_image_tag.split('v',1).1 | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_target ,'<')
+ - set_fact:
+ openshift_release: "{{ openshift_release[1:] }}"
+ when: openshift_release is defined and openshift_release[0] == 'v'
+ - fail:
+ msg: >
+ openshift_release is {{ openshift_release }} which is not a
+ valid release for a {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} upgrade
+ when: openshift_release is defined and not openshift_release | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_target ,'=')
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_nodes_running.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_nodes_running.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..354af3cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_nodes_running.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- name: Verify node processes
+ hosts: oo_nodes_to_config
+ roles:
+ - openshift_facts
+ - openshift_docker_facts
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure Node is running
+ service:
+ name: "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}-node"
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb713349e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+- name: Verify upgrade targets
+ hosts: oo_masters_to_config:oo_nodes_to_config
+ vars:
+ openshift_docker_hosted_registry_network: "{{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.portal_net }}"
+ pre_tasks:
+ - fail:
+ msg: Verify OpenShift is already installed
+ when: openshift.common.version is not defined
+ - fail:
+ msg: Verify the correct version was found
+ when: verify_upgrade_version is defined and openshift_version != verify_upgrade_version
+ - name: Clean package cache
+ command: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} clean all"
+ when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
+ - set_fact:
+ g_new_service_name: "{{ 'origin' if deployment_type =='origin' else 'atomic-openshift' }}"
+ when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - name: Verify containers are available for upgrade
+ command: >
+ docker pull {{ openshift.common.cli_image }}:{{ openshift_image_tag }}
+ register: pull_result
+ changed_when: "'Downloaded newer image' in pull_result.stdout"
+ when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - name: Check latest available OpenShift RPM version
+ command: >
+ {{ repoquery_cmd }} --qf '%{version}' "{{ openshift.common.service_type }}"
+ failed_when: false
+ changed_when: false
+ register: avail_openshift_version
+ when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - name: Verify OpenShift RPMs are available for upgrade
+ fail:
+ msg: "OpenShift {{ avail_openshift_version.stdout }} is available, but {{ openshift_upgrade_target }} or greater is required"
+ when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool and not avail_openshift_version | skipped and avail_openshift_version.stdout | default('0.0', True) | version_compare(openshift_release, '<')
+ - fail:
+ msg: "This upgrade playbook must be run against OpenShift {{ openshift_upgrade_min }} or later"
+ when: deployment_type == 'origin' and openshift.common.version | version_compare(openshift_upgrade_min,'<')