path: root/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades')
14 files changed, 103 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/restart.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/restart.yml
index d800b289b..1b418920f 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/restart.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/restart.yml
@@ -19,11 +19,9 @@
when: openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
- name: Wait for master API to come back online
- become: no
- local_action:
- module: wait_for
- host="{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- state=started
- delay=10
- port="{{ openshift.master.api_port }}"
+ wait_for:
+ host: "{{ openshift.common.hostname }}"
+ state: started
+ delay: 10
+ port: "{{ openshift.master.api_port }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups.oo_masters_to_config
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade.yml
index 44ddf97ad..17f8fc6e9 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- debug: var=docker_image_count.stdout
- name: Remove all containers and images
- script: docker
+ script:
register: nuke_images_result
when: docker_upgrade_nuke_images is defined and docker_upgrade_nuke_images | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml
index e3379f29b..b2a2eac9a 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/docker/upgrade_check.yml
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
changed_when: false
- fail:
- msg: This playbook requires access to Docker 1.10 or later
- # Disable the 1.10 requirement if the user set a specific Docker version
- when: docker_version is not defined and (docker_upgrade is not defined or docker_upgrade | bool == True) and (pkg_check.rc == 0 and (avail_docker_version.stdout == "" or avail_docker_version.stdout | version_compare('1.10','<')))
+ msg: This playbook requires access to Docker 1.12 or later
+ # Disable the 1.12 requirement if the user set a specific Docker version
+ when: docker_version is not defined and (docker_upgrade is not defined or docker_upgrade | bool == True) and (pkg_check.rc == 0 and (avail_docker_version.stdout == "" or avail_docker_version.stdout | version_compare('1.12','<')))
# Default l_docker_upgrade to False, we'll set to True if an upgrade is required:
- set_fact:
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml
index 0a972adf6..d0eadf1fc 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/backup.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
embedded_etcd: "{{ groups.oo_etcd_to_config | default([]) | length == 0 }}"
timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S') }}"
+ etcdctl_command: "{{ 'etcdctl' if not openshift.common.is_containerized or embedded_etcd else 'docker exec etcd_container etcdctl' }}"
- openshift_facts
@@ -42,19 +43,32 @@
{{ avail_disk.stdout }} Kb available.
when: (embedded_etcd | bool) and (etcd_disk_usage.stdout|int > avail_disk.stdout|int)
- # TODO - Refactor containerized backup to use etcd_container to backup the data so we don't rely on
- # the host's etcdctl binary which may be of a different version.
- # for non containerized and non embedded we should have the correct version of etcd installed already
- # For embedded we need to use the latest because OCP 3.3 uses a version of etcd that can only be backed
- # up with etcd-3.x
+ # For non containerized and non embedded we should have the correct version of
+ # etcd installed already. So don't do anything.
+ #
+ # For embedded or containerized we need to use the latest because OCP 3.3 uses
+ # a version of etcd that can only be backed up with etcd-3.x and if it's
+ # containerized then etcd version may be newer than that on the host so
+ # upgrade it.
+ #
+ # On atomic we have neither yum nor dnf so ansible throws a hard to debug error
+ # if you use package there, like this: "Could not find a module for unknown."
+ # see
+ #
+ # TODO - We should refactor all containerized backups to use the containerized
+ # version of etcd to perform the backup rather than relying on the host's
+ # binaries. Until we do that we'll continue to have problems backing up etcd
+ # when atomic host has an older version than the version that's running in the
+ # container whether that's embedded or not
- name: Install latest etcd for containerized or embedded
- package: name=etcd state=latest
- when: ( openshift.common.is_containerized and not openshift.common.is_atomic ) or embedded_etcd | bool
+ package:
+ name: etcd
+ state: latest
+ when: ( embedded_etcd | bool or openshift.common.is_containerized ) and not openshift.common.is_atomic
- name: Generate etcd backup
command: >
- etcdctl backup --data-dir={{ openshift.etcd.etcd_data_dir }}
+ {{ etcdctl_command }} backup --data-dir={{ openshift.etcd.etcd_data_dir }}
--backup-dir={{ openshift.common.data_dir }}/etcd-backup-{{ backup_tag | default('') }}{{ timestamp }}
- set_fact:
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/containerized_tasks.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/containerized_tasks.yml
index f88981a0b..5f8b59e17 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/containerized_tasks.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/containerized_tasks.yml
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
- name: Set new_etcd_image
- new_etcd_image: "{{ current_image.stdout | regex_replace('/etcd.*$','/etcd3:' ~ upgrade_version ) if upgrade_version | version_compare('3.0','>=')
- else current_image.stdout.split(':')[0] ~ ':' ~ upgrade_version }}"
+ new_etcd_image: "{{ current_image.stdout | regex_replace('/etcd.*$','/etcd:' ~ upgrade_version ) }}"
- name: Pull new etcd image
command: "docker pull {{ new_etcd_image }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml
index 5ff9521ec..0f8d94737 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/etcd/upgrade.yml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
hosts: etcd_hosts_to_upgrade
serial: 1
- upgrade_version: 3.0.14
+ upgrade_version: 3.0.15
- include: containerized_tasks.yml
when: etcd_container_version.stdout | default('99') | version_compare('3.0','<') and openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/files/pre-upgrade-check b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/files/pre-upgrade-check
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c958ebb..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/files/pre-upgrade-check
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Pre-upgrade checks that must be run on a master before proceeding with upgrade.
-# This is a script not a python module:
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name
-# NOTE: This script should not require any python libs other than what is
-# in the standard library.
-__license__ = "ASL 2.0"
-import json
-import os
-import subprocess
-import re
-# The maximum length of
-# The valid structure of
-ALLOWED_CHARS = re.compile('^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\-]*[a-z0-9]$')
-AT_LEAST_ONE_LETTER = re.compile('[a-z]')
-# look at OS_PATH for the full path. Default ot 'oc'
-OC_PATH = os.getenv('OC_PATH', 'oc')
-def validate(value):
- """
- validate verifies that value matches required conventions
- Rules of validation:
- * must be less that 16 chars
- * at least one letter
- * only a-z0-9-
- * hyphens can not be leading or trailing or next to each other
- :Parameters:
- - `value`: Value to validate
- """
- if len(value) > ALLOWED_LENGTH:
- return False
- if '--' in value:
- return False
- # We search since it can be anywhere
- if not
- return False
- # We match because it must start at the beginning
- if not ALLOWED_CHARS.match(value):
- return False
- return True
-def list_items(kind):
- """
- list_items returns a list of items from the api
- :Parameters:
- - `kind`: Kind of item to access
- """
- response = subprocess.check_output([OC_PATH, 'get', '--all-namespaces', '-o', 'json', kind])
- items = json.loads(response)
- return items.get("items", [])
-def get(obj, *paths):
- """
- Gets an object
- :Parameters:
- - `obj`: A dictionary structure
- - `path`: All other non-keyword arguments
- """
- ret_obj = obj
- for path in paths:
- if ret_obj.get(path, None) is None:
- return []
- ret_obj = ret_obj[path]
- return ret_obj
-# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-def pretty_print_errors(namespace, kind, item_name, container_name, invalid_label, port_name, valid):
- """
- Prints out results in human friendly way.
- :Parameters:
- - `namespace`: Namespace of the resource
- - `kind`: Kind of the resource
- - `item_name`: Name of the resource
- - `container_name`: Name of the container. May be "" when kind=Service.
- - `port_name`: Name of the port
- - `invalid_label`: The label of the invalid port.
- - `valid`: True if the port is valid
- """
- if not valid:
- if len(container_name) > 0:
- print('%s/%s -n %s (Container="%s" %s="%s")' % (
- kind, item_name, namespace, container_name, invalid_label, port_name))
- else:
- print('%s/%s -n %s (%s="%s")' % (
- kind, item_name, namespace, invalid_label, port_name))
-def print_validation_header():
- """
- Prints the error header. Should run on the first error to avoid
- overwhelming the user.
- """
- print """\
-At least one port name is invalid and must be corrected before upgrading.
-Please update or remove any resources with invalid port names.
- Valid port names must:
- * be less that 16 characters
- * have at least one letter
- * contain only a-z0-9-
- * not start or end with -
- * not contain dashes next to each other ('--')
-def main():
- """
- main is the main entry point to this script
- """
- try:
- # the comma at the end suppresses the newline
- print "Checking for oc ...",
- subprocess.check_output([OC_PATH, 'whoami'])
- print "found"
- except:
- print(
- 'Unable to run "%s whoami"\n'
- 'Please ensure OpenShift is running, and "oc" is on your system '
- 'path.\n'
- 'You can override the path with the OC_PATH environment variable.'
- % OC_PATH)
- raise SystemExit(1)
- # Where the magic happens
- first_error = True
- for kind, path in [
- ('deploymentconfigs', ("spec", "template", "spec", "containers")),
- ('replicationcontrollers', ("spec", "template", "spec", "containers")),
- ('pods', ("spec", "containers"))]:
- for item in list_items(kind):
- namespace = item["metadata"]["namespace"]
- item_name = item["metadata"]["name"]
- for container in get(item, *path):
- container_name = container["name"]
- for port in get(container, "ports"):
- port_name = port.get("name", None)
- if not port_name:
- # Unnamed ports are OK
- continue
- valid = validate(port_name)
- if not valid and first_error:
- first_error = False
- print_validation_header()
- pretty_print_errors(
- namespace, kind, item_name,
- container_name, "", port_name, valid)
- # Services follow a different flow
- for item in list_items('services'):
- namespace = item["metadata"]["namespace"]
- item_name = item["metadata"]["name"]
- for port in get(item, "spec", "ports"):
- port_name = port.get("targetPort", None)
- if isinstance(port_name, int) or port_name is None:
- # Integer only or unnamed ports are OK
- continue
- valid = validate(port_name)
- if not valid and first_error:
- first_error = False
- print_validation_header()
- pretty_print_errors(
- namespace, "services", item_name, "",
- "targetPort", port_name, valid)
- # If we had at least 1 error then exit with 1
- if not first_error:
- raise SystemExit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/files/ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf249742..000000000
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if [ `which dnf 2> /dev/null` ]; then
- installed=$(dnf repoquery --installed --latest-limit 1 -d 0 --qf '%{version}-%{release}' "${@}" 2> /dev/null)
- available=$(dnf repoquery --available --latest-limit 1 -d 0 --qf '%{version}-%{release}' "${@}" 2> /dev/null)
- installed=$(repoquery --plugins --pkgnarrow=installed --qf '%{version}-%{release}' "${@}" 2> /dev/null)
- available=$(repoquery --plugins --pkgnarrow=available --qf '%{version}-%{release}' "${@}" 2> /dev/null)
-echo "---"
-echo "curr_version: ${installed}"
-echo "avail_version: ${available}"
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml
index 8cac2fb3b..76645ff3f 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/init.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-- hosts: localhost
+- name: Create l_oo_all_hosts group
+ hosts: localhost
connection: local
become: no
gather_facts: no
@@ -10,7 +11,8 @@
groups: l_oo_all_hosts
with_items: "{{ g_all_hosts | default([]) }}"
-- hosts: l_oo_all_hosts
+- name: Include g_*_hosts vars for hosts in group l_oo_all_hosts
+ hosts: l_oo_all_hosts
gather_facts: no
- include_vars: ../../../byo/openshift-cluster/cluster_hosts.yml
@@ -46,3 +48,14 @@
when: openshift_docker_log_options is not defined
- include: ../initialize_facts.yml
+- name: Ensure clean repo cache in the event repos have been changed manually
+ hosts: oo_all_hosts
+ tags:
+ - pre_upgrade
+ tasks:
+ - name: Clean package cache
+ command: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} clean all"
+ when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
+ args:
+ warn: no
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/library/ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/library/
index 1238acb05..673f11889 100755
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/library/
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/library/
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def main():
# ignore broad-except error to avoid stack trace to ansible user
# pylint: disable=broad-except
- except Exception, e:
+ except Exception as e:
return module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml
index ba4d77617..7646e0fa6 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_docker_upgrade_targets.yml
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@
when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- fail:
- msg: This playbook requires access to Docker 1.10 or later
- when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool and l_docker_version.avail_version | default(l_docker_version.curr_version, true) | version_compare('1.10','<')
+ msg: This playbook requires access to Docker 1.12 or later
+ when: openshift.common.is_atomic | bool and l_docker_version.avail_version | default(l_docker_version.curr_version, true) | version_compare('1.12','<')
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
index 9632626a4..c83923dae 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/pre/verify_upgrade_targets.yml
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
msg: Verify the correct version was found
when: verify_upgrade_version is defined and openshift_version != verify_upgrade_version
- - name: Clean package cache
- command: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} clean all"
- when: not openshift.common.is_atomic | bool
- set_fact:
g_new_service_name: "{{ 'origin' if deployment_type =='origin' else 'atomic-openshift' }}"
when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml
index 474e6311e..77b37cdc2 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_control_plane.yml
@@ -30,14 +30,6 @@
- name: Upgrade and backup etcd
include: ./etcd/main.yml
-- name: Upgrade master packages
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config
- roles:
- - openshift_facts
- tasks:
- - include: rpm_upgrade.yml component=master
- when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
# Create service signer cert when missing. Service signer certificate
# is added to master config in the master config hook for v3_3.
- name: Determine if service signer cert must be created
@@ -51,15 +43,40 @@
- include: create_service_signer_cert.yml
-- name: Upgrade master config and systemd units
+# Set openshift_master_facts separately. In order to reconcile
+# admission_config's, we currently must run openshift_master_facts and
+# then run openshift_facts.
+- name: Set OpenShift master facts
+ hosts: oo_masters_to_config
+ roles:
+ - openshift_master_facts
+# The main master upgrade play. Should handle all changes to the system in one pass, with
+# support for optional hooks to be defined.
+- name: Upgrade master
hosts: oo_masters_to_config
+ vars:
+ openshift_master_ha: "{{ groups.oo_masters_to_config | length > 1 }}"
+ serial: 1
- include: ../../../../roles/openshift_master/handlers/main.yml
static: yes
- openshift_facts
- - openshift_master_facts
- tasks:
+ post_tasks:
+ # Run the pre-upgrade hook if defined:
+ - debug: msg="Running master pre-upgrade hook {{ openshift_master_upgrade_pre_hook }}"
+ when: openshift_master_upgrade_pre_hook is defined
+ - include: "{{ openshift_master_upgrade_pre_hook }}"
+ when: openshift_master_upgrade_pre_hook is defined
+ - include: rpm_upgrade.yml component=master
+ when: not openshift.common.is_containerized | bool
+ - include_vars: ../../../../roles/openshift_master_facts/vars/main.yml
- include: upgrade_scheduler.yml
- include: "{{ master_config_hook }}"
@@ -95,9 +112,26 @@
state: link
when: ca_crt_stat.stat.isreg and not ca_bundle_stat.stat.exists
-- name: Set master update status to complete
- hosts: oo_masters_to_config
- tasks:
+ # Run the upgrade hook prior to restarting services/system if defined:
+ - debug: msg="Running master upgrade hook {{ openshift_master_upgrade_hook }}"
+ when: openshift_master_upgrade_hook is defined
+ - include: "{{ openshift_master_upgrade_hook }}"
+ when: openshift_master_upgrade_hook is defined
+ - include: ../../openshift-master/restart_hosts.yml
+ when: openshift.common.rolling_restart_mode == 'system'
+ - include: ../../openshift-master/restart_services.yml
+ when: openshift.common.rolling_restart_mode == 'services'
+ # Run the post-upgrade hook if defined:
+ - debug: msg="Running master post-upgrade hook {{ openshift_master_upgrade_post_hook }}"
+ when: openshift_master_upgrade_post_hook is defined
+ - include: "{{ openshift_master_upgrade_post_hook }}"
+ when: openshift_master_upgrade_post_hook is defined
- set_fact:
master_update_complete: True
@@ -119,10 +153,6 @@
msg: "Upgrade cannot continue. The following masters did not finish updating: {{ master_update_failed | join(',') }}"
when: master_update_failed | length > 0
-# We are now ready to restart master services (or entire system
-# depending on openshift_rolling_restart_mode):
-- include: ../../openshift-master/restart.yml
# Reconcile Cluster Roles, Cluster Role Bindings and Security Context Constraints
diff --git a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml
index b3ac34d90..2bb460815 100644
--- a/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml
+++ b/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/upgrades/upgrade_nodes.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- name: Evacuate and upgrade nodes
+- name: Drain and upgrade nodes
hosts: oo_nodes_to_upgrade
# This var must be set with -e on invocation, as it is not a per-host inventory var
# and is evaluated early. Values such as "20%" can also be used.
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
retries: 3
delay: 1
- - name: Evacuate Node for Kubelet upgrade
+ - name: Drain Node for Kubelet upgrade
command: >
- {{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.client_binary }} adm manage-node {{ openshift.node.nodename | lower }} --evacuate --force
+ {{ hostvars[groups.oo_first_master.0].openshift.common.client_binary }} adm manage-node {{ openshift.node.nodename | lower }} {{ openshift.common.evacuate_or_drain }} --force
delegate_to: "{{ groups.oo_first_master.0 }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups.oo_nodes_to_upgrade