diff options
4 files changed, 185 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/cloud.rb b/cloud.rb
index 8f53b9460..840742b8c 100755
--- a/cloud.rb
+++ b/cloud.rb
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ require 'yaml'
require 'securerandom'
require 'fileutils'
require 'parseconfig'
+require 'open3'
SCRIPT_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
module OpenShift
module Ops
# WARNING: we do not currently support environments with hyphens in the name
- SUPPORTED_ENVS = ['prod','stg','int','tint','kint','test']
+ SUPPORTED_ENVS = %w(prod stg int tint kint test jint)
class GceHelper
def self.list_hosts()
@@ -105,10 +106,7 @@ module OpenShift
@inventory = 'inventory/hosts' if @inventory.nil?
# This is used instead of passing in the json on the cli to avoid quoting problems
- tmpfile ='extra_vars')
- tmpfile.write(@extra_vars.to_json)
- tmpfile.sync()
- tmpfile.close()
+ tmpfile ='extra_vars') { |f| f.write(@extra_vars.to_json); f}
cmds = []
@@ -121,18 +119,21 @@ module OpenShift
# We need pipelining off so that we can do sudo to enable the root account
cmds << %Q[export ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING='#{@pipelining.to_s}']
- ssh_key_arg = %q[--private-key=~/.ssh/mmcgrath_libra] if File.file?(ENV['HOME']+'/.ssh/mmcgrath_libra.pem')
- cmds << %Q[time -p ansible-playbook -i #{@inventory} #{@verbosity} #{playbook} #{ssh_key_arg} --extra-vars '@#{tmpfile.path}']
+ cmds << %Q[time -p ansible-playbook -i #{@inventory} #{@verbosity} #{playbook} --extra-vars '@#{tmpfile.path}']
cmd = cmds.join(' ; ')
- unless system(cmd)
- puts %Q[Following command failed with exit code: #{$?.exitstatus}\n#{cmd}]
- puts %Q[extra_vars: #{@extra_vars.to_json}]
+ stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmd)
+ if 0 != status.exitstatus
+ raise %Q[Following command failed with exit code: #{status.exitstatus}
+extra_vars: #{@extra_vars.to_json}
+stdout: #{stdout}
+stderr: #{stderr}
- tmpfile.unlink
+ ensure
+ tmpfile.unlink if tmpfile
def merge_extra_vars_file(file)
@@ -165,9 +166,17 @@ module OpenShift
ah.inventory = 'inventory/gce/'
return ah
+ def ignore_bug_6407
+ puts
+ puts %q[ .---- Spurious warning "It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops" (ansible bug 6407) ----.]
+ puts %q[ V V]
+ end
class GceCommand < Thor
option :type, :required => true, :enum => LaunchHelper.get_gce_host_types,
:desc => 'The host type of the new instances.'
option :env, :required => true, :aliases => '-e', :enum => OpenShift::Ops::SUPPORTED_ENVS,
@@ -199,14 +208,12 @@ module OpenShift
puts 'Creating instance(s) in GCE...'
- puts
- puts %q[ .---- Spurious warning "It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops" (ansible bug 6407) ----.]
- puts %q[ V V]
+ ah.ignore_bug_6407
option :name, :required => false, :type => :string,
:desc => 'The name of the instance to configure.'
option :env, :required => false, :aliases => '-e', :enum => OpenShift::Ops::SUPPORTED_ENVS,
@@ -238,13 +245,49 @@ module OpenShift
puts "Configuring #{options[:type]} instance(s) in GCE..."
- puts
- puts " .---- Disregard this (ansible bug 6407) ----."
- puts " V V"
+ ah.ignore_bug_6407
+ option :name, :required => false, :type => :string,
+ :desc => 'The name of the instance to terminate.'
+ option :env, :required => false, :aliases => '-e', :enum => OpenShift::Ops::SUPPORTED_ENVS,
+ :desc => 'The environment of the new instances.'
+ option :type, :required => false, :enum => LaunchHelper.get_gce_host_types,
+ :desc => 'The type of the instances to configure.'
+ option :confirm, :required => false, :type => :boolean,
+ :desc => 'Terminate without interactive confirmation'
+ desc "terminate", 'Terminate instances'
+ def terminate()
+ ah = AnsibleHelper.for_gce()
+ abort 'Error: you can\'t specify both --name and --type' unless options[:type].nil? || options[:name].nil?
+ abort 'Error: you can\'t specify both --name and --env' unless options[:env].nil? || options[:name].nil?
+ host_type = nil
+ if options[:name]
+ details = GceHelper.get_host_details(options[:name])
+ ah.extra_vars['oo_host_group_exp'] = options[:name]
+ ah.extra_vars['oo_env'] = details['env']
+ host_type = details['host-type']
+ elsif options[:type] && options[:env]
+ oo_env_host_type_tag = GceHelper.generate_env_host_type_tag_name(options[:env], options[:type])
+ ah.extra_vars['oo_host_group_exp'] = "groups['#{oo_env_host_type_tag}']"
+ ah.extra_vars['oo_env'] = options[:env]
+ host_type = options[:type]
+ else
+ abort 'Error: you need to specify either --name or (--type and --env)'
+ end
+ puts
+ puts "Terminating #{options[:type]} instance(s) in GCE..."
+ ah.ignore_bug_6407
+ ah.run_playbook("playbooks/gce/#{host_type}/terminate.yml")
+ end
desc "list", "Lists instances."
def list()
hosts = GceHelper.list_hosts()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cd8ba2d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# @formatter:off
+function usage {
+ cat 1>&2 <<-EOT
+ ${0} : [create|destroy|update|list] {GCE environment tag}
+ Supported environment tags:
+ $(grep 'SUPPORTED_ENVS.*=' ./cloud.rb)
+# @formatter:on
+function create_cluser {
+ for (( i = 0; i < $MINIONS; i ++ )); do
+ ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" launch -e "${ENV}" --type=os3-minion
+ done
+ for (( i = 0; i < $MASTERS; i ++ )); do
+ ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" launch -e "${ENV}" --type=os3-master
+ done
+ update_cluster
+ echo -n "\nCreated ${MASTERS} masters and ${MINIONS} minions using ${PROVIDER} provider\n"
+function update_cluster {
+ for (( i = 0; i < $MINIONS; i ++ )); do
+ ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" config -e "${ENV}" --type=os3-minion
+ done
+ for (( i = 0; i < $MASTERS; i ++ )); do
+ ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" config -e "${ENV}" --type=os3-master
+ done
+function terminate_cluster {
+ for (( i = 0; i < $MINIONS; i ++ )); do
+ ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" terminate -e "${ENV}" --type=os3-minion
+ done
+ for (( i = 0; i < $MASTERS; i ++ )); do
+ ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" terminate -e "${ENV}" --type=os3-master
+ done
+[ -f ./cloud.rb ] || (echo 1 > 2 'Cannot find ./cloud.rb' && exit 1)
+while getopts ':p:m:n:' flag; do
+ case "${flag}" in
+ p) PROVIDER="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ m) MASTERS="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ n) MINIONS="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ *) echo -n 2>&1 "unsupported option $OPTARG\n"
+ usage
+ exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+[ -z "${1:-}" ] && (usage; exit 1)
+case "${1}" in
+ 'create')
+ [ -z "${2:-''}" ] && (usage; exit 1)
+ ENV="${2}"
+ create_cluser ;;
+ 'update')
+ [ -z "${2:-''}" ] && (usage; exit 1)
+ ENV="${2}"
+ update_cluster ;;
+ 'terminate')
+ [ -z "${2:-''}" ] && (usage; exit 1)
+ ENV="${2}"
+ terminate_cluster ;;
+ 'list') ./cloud.rb "${PROVIDER}" list ;;
+ 'help') usage; exit 0 ;;
+ *)
+ echo -n 1>&2 "${1} is not a supported operation";
+ usage;
+ exit 1 ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/playbooks/gce/os3-master/terminate.yml b/playbooks/gce/os3-master/terminate.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a618ecb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/gce/os3-master/terminate.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- name: "populate oo_hosts_to_terminate host group if needed"
+ hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: no
+ tasks:
+ - name: Evaluate oo_host_group_exp if it's set
+ add_host: "name={{ item }} groups=oo_hosts_to_terminate"
+ with_items: "{{ oo_host_group_exp | default('') }}"
+ when: oo_host_group_exp is defined
+- name: "Terminate instances"
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: Terminate master instances
+ local_action:
+ module: gce
+ state: 'absent'
+ instance_names: "{{ oo_hosts_to_terminate }}"
diff --git a/playbooks/gce/os3-minion/terminate.yml b/playbooks/gce/os3-minion/terminate.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a618ecb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/gce/os3-minion/terminate.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- name: "populate oo_hosts_to_terminate host group if needed"
+ hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: no
+ tasks:
+ - name: Evaluate oo_host_group_exp if it's set
+ add_host: "name={{ item }} groups=oo_hosts_to_terminate"
+ with_items: "{{ oo_host_group_exp | default('') }}"
+ when: oo_host_group_exp is defined
+- name: "Terminate instances"
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: Terminate master instances
+ local_action:
+ module: gce
+ state: 'absent'
+ instance_names: "{{ oo_hosts_to_terminate }}"