path: root/roles/lib_utils/filter_plugins/
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authorScott Dodson <>2017-12-19 13:08:55 -0500
committerGitHub <>2017-12-19 13:08:55 -0500
commit151115eaf18d557aa8f770e61820e10bed4109bc (patch)
tree2d8a7305669b242ec1c03a06ecb5cf3238dec688 /roles/lib_utils/filter_plugins/
parent7ab8e67bfc62e16466e3fd211fded63f16583403 (diff)
parent801779eeb6f6308f81ae7c48409de7686c04a0aa (diff)
Merge pull request #6469 from mgugino-upstream-stage/plugin-consolidate
Plugin consolidate
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/lib_utils/filter_plugins/')
1 files changed, 621 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/lib_utils/filter_plugins/ b/roles/lib_utils/filter_plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2ea287cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/lib_utils/filter_plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
+Custom filters for use in openshift-ansible
+import os
+import pdb
+import random
+import re
+from base64 import b64encode
+from collections import Mapping
+# pylint no-name-in-module and import-error disabled here because pylint
+# fails to properly detect the packages when installed in a virtualenv
+from distutils.util import strtobool # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
+from operator import itemgetter
+import yaml
+from ansible import errors
+from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper
+# ansible.compat.six goes away with Ansible 2.4
+ from ansible.compat.six import string_types, u
+ from ansible.compat.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, u
+ from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
+ import OpenSSL.crypto
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# pylint: disable=C0103
+def lib_utils_oo_pdb(arg):
+ """ This pops you into a pdb instance where arg is the data passed in
+ from the filter.
+ Ex: "{{ hostvars | lib_utils_oo_pdb }}"
+ """
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ return arg
+def get_attr(data, attribute=None):
+ """ This looks up dictionary attributes of the form a.b.c and returns
+ the value.
+ If the key isn't present, None is returned.
+ Ex: data = {'a': {'b': {'c': 5}}}
+ attribute = "a.b.c"
+ returns 5
+ """
+ if not attribute:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set")
+ ptr = data
+ for attr in attribute.split('.'):
+ if attr in ptr:
+ ptr = ptr[attr]
+ else:
+ ptr = None
+ break
+ return ptr
+def oo_flatten(data):
+ """ This filter plugin will flatten a list of lists
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to flatten a List")
+ return [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]
+def lib_utils_oo_collect(data_list, attribute=None, filters=None):
+ """ This takes a list of dict and collects all attributes specified into a
+ list. If filter is specified then we will include all items that
+ match _ALL_ of filters. If a dict entry is missing the key in a
+ filter it will be excluded from the match.
+ Ex: data_list = [ {'a':1, 'b':5, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':2, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':3, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':4, 'z': 'b'}, # FAILED, obj['z'] != obj['z']
+ ]
+ attribute = 'a'
+ filters = {'z': 'z'}
+ returns [1, 2, 3]
+ This also deals with lists of lists with dict as elements.
+ Ex: data_list = [
+ [ {'a':1, 'b':5, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':2, 'b':6, 'z': 'z'} # True, return
+ ],
+ [ {'a':3, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':4, 'z': 'b'} # FAILED, obj['z'] != obj['z']
+ ],
+ {'a':5, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ ]
+ attribute = 'a'
+ filters = {'z': 'z'}
+ returns [1, 2, 3, 5]
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data_list, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("lib_utils_oo_collect expects to filter on a List")
+ if not attribute:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("lib_utils_oo_collect expects attribute to be set")
+ data = []
+ retval = []
+ for item in data_list:
+ if isinstance(item, list):
+ retval.extend(lib_utils_oo_collect(item, attribute, filters))
+ else:
+ data.append(item)
+ if filters is not None:
+ if not isinstance(filters, dict):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(
+ "lib_utils_oo_collect expects filter to be a dict")
+ retval.extend([get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data if (
+ all([d.get(key, None) == filters[key] for key in filters]))])
+ else:
+ retval.extend([get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data])
+ retval = [val for val in retval if val is not None]
+ return retval
+def lib_utils_oo_select_keys_from_list(data, keys):
+ """ This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys
+ Ex: data = { 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }
+ keys = ['a', 'c']
+ returns [1, 3]
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|lib_utils_oo_select_keys_from_list failed expects to filter on a list")
+ if not isinstance(keys, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|lib_utils_oo_select_keys_from_list failed expects first param is a list")
+ # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in
+ retval = [lib_utils_oo_select_keys(item, keys) for item in data]
+ return oo_flatten(retval)
+def lib_utils_oo_select_keys(data, keys):
+ """ This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys
+ Ex: data = { 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }
+ keys = ['a', 'c']
+ returns [1, 3]
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, Mapping):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|lib_utils_oo_select_keys failed expects to filter on a dict or object")
+ if not isinstance(keys, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|lib_utils_oo_select_keys failed expects first param is a list")
+ # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in
+ retval = [data[key] for key in keys if key in data]
+ return retval
+def lib_utils_oo_prepend_strings_in_list(data, prepend):
+ """ This takes a list of strings and prepends a string to each item in the
+ list
+ Ex: data = ['cart', 'tree']
+ prepend = 'apple-'
+ returns ['apple-cart', 'apple-tree']
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
+ if not all(isinstance(x, string_types) for x in data):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list"
+ " of strings")
+ retval = [prepend + s for s in data]
+ return retval
+def lib_utils_oo_dict_to_list_of_dict(data, key_title='key', value_title='value'):
+ """Take a dict and arrange them as a list of dicts
+ Input data:
+ {'region': 'infra', 'test_k': 'test_v'}
+ Return data:
+ [{'key': 'region', 'value': 'infra'}, {'key': 'test_k', 'value': 'test_v'}]
+ Written for use of the oc_label module
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, dict):
+ # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a dict. Got %s. Type: %s" % (str(data), str(type(data))))
+ rval = []
+ for label in data.items():
+ rval.append({key_title: label[0], value_title: label[1]})
+ return rval
+def oo_ami_selector(data, image_name):
+ """ This takes a list of amis and an image name and attempts to return
+ the latest ami.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
+ if not data:
+ return None
+ else:
+ if image_name is None or not image_name.endswith('_*'):
+ ami = sorted(data, key=itemgetter('name'), reverse=True)[0]
+ return ami['ami_id']
+ else:
+ ami_info = [(ami, ami['name'].split('_')[-1]) for ami in data]
+ ami = sorted(ami_info, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0][0]
+ return ami['ami_id']
+def lib_utils_oo_split(string, separator=','):
+ """ This splits the input string into a list. If the input string is
+ already a list we will return it as is.
+ """
+ if isinstance(string, list):
+ return string
+ return string.split(separator)
+def lib_utils_oo_dict_to_keqv_list(data):
+ """Take a dict and return a list of k=v pairs
+ Input data:
+ {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
+ Return data:
+ ['a=1', 'b=2']
+ """
+ return ['='.join(str(e) for e in x) for x in data.items()]
+def lib_utils_oo_list_to_dict(lst, separator='='):
+ """ This converts a list of ["k=v"] to a dictionary {k: v}.
+ """
+ kvs = [i.split(separator) for i in lst]
+ return {k: v for k, v in kvs}
+def haproxy_backend_masters(hosts, port):
+ """ This takes an array of dicts and returns an array of dicts
+ to be used as a backend for the haproxy role
+ """
+ servers = []
+ for idx, host_info in enumerate(hosts):
+ server = dict(name="master%s" % idx)
+ server_ip = host_info['openshift']['common']['ip']
+ server['address'] = "%s:%s" % (server_ip, port)
+ server['opts'] = 'check'
+ servers.append(server)
+ return servers
+# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+def lib_utils_oo_parse_named_certificates(certificates, named_certs_dir, internal_hostnames):
+ """ Parses names from list of certificate hashes.
+ Ex: certificates = [{ "certfile": "/root/custom1.crt",
+ "keyfile": "/root/custom1.key",
+ "cafile": "/root/custom-ca1.crt" },
+ { "certfile": "custom2.crt",
+ "keyfile": "custom2.key",
+ "cafile": "custom-ca2.crt" }]
+ returns [{ "certfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom1.crt",
+ "keyfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom1.key",
+ "cafile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom-ca1.crt",
+ "names": [ "",
+ "" ] },
+ { "certfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom2.crt",
+ "keyfile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom2.key",
+ "cafile": "/etc/origin/master/named_certificates/custom-ca-2.crt",
+ "names": [ "" ] }]
+ """
+ if not isinstance(named_certs_dir, string_types):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects named_certs_dir is str or unicode")
+ if not isinstance(internal_hostnames, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects internal_hostnames is list")
+ if not HAS_OPENSSL:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|missing OpenSSL python bindings")
+ for certificate in certificates:
+ if 'names' in certificate.keys():
+ continue
+ else:
+ certificate['names'] = []
+ if not os.path.isfile(certificate['certfile']) or not os.path.isfile(certificate['keyfile']):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|certificate and/or key does not exist '%s', '%s'" %
+ (certificate['certfile'], certificate['keyfile']))
+ try:
+ st_cert = open(certificate['certfile'], 'rt').read()
+ cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, st_cert)
+ certificate['names'].append(str(cert.get_subject().commonName.decode()))
+ for i in range(cert.get_extension_count()):
+ if cert.get_extension(i).get_short_name() == 'subjectAltName':
+ for name in str(cert.get_extension(i)).replace('DNS:', '').split(', '):
+ certificate['names'].append(name)
+ except Exception:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(("|failed to parse certificate '%s', " % certificate['certfile'] +
+ "please specify certificate names in host inventory"))
+ certificate['names'] = list(set(certificate['names']))
+ if 'cafile' not in certificate:
+ certificate['names'] = [name for name in certificate['names'] if name not in internal_hostnames]
+ if not certificate['names']:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError(("|failed to parse certificate '%s' or " % certificate['certfile'] +
+ "detected a collision with internal hostname, please specify " +
+ "certificate names in host inventory"))
+ for certificate in certificates:
+ # Update paths for configuration
+ certificate['certfile'] = os.path.join(named_certs_dir, os.path.basename(certificate['certfile']))
+ certificate['keyfile'] = os.path.join(named_certs_dir, os.path.basename(certificate['keyfile']))
+ if 'cafile' in certificate:
+ certificate['cafile'] = os.path.join(named_certs_dir, os.path.basename(certificate['cafile']))
+ return certificates
+def lib_utils_oo_generate_secret(num_bytes):
+ """ generate a session secret """
+ if not isinstance(num_bytes, int):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects num_bytes is int")
+ return b64encode(os.urandom(num_bytes)).decode('utf-8')
+def lib_utils_to_padded_yaml(data, level=0, indent=2, **kw):
+ """ returns a yaml snippet padded to match the indent level you specify """
+ if data in [None, ""]:
+ return ""
+ try:
+ transformed = u(yaml.dump(data, indent=indent, allow_unicode=True,
+ default_flow_style=False,
+ Dumper=AnsibleDumper, **kw))
+ padded = "\n".join([" " * level * indent + line for line in transformed.splitlines()])
+ return "\n{0}".format(padded)
+ except Exception as my_e:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError('Failed to convert: %s' % my_e)
+def lib_utils_oo_pods_match_component(pods, deployment_type, component):
+ """ Filters a list of Pods and returns the ones matching the deployment_type and component
+ """
+ if not isinstance(pods, list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects to filter on a list")
+ if not isinstance(deployment_type, string_types):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects deployment_type to be a string")
+ if not isinstance(component, string_types):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("failed expects component to be a string")
+ image_prefix = 'openshift/origin-'
+ if deployment_type == 'openshift-enterprise':
+ image_prefix = 'openshift3/ose-'
+ matching_pods = []
+ image_regex = image_prefix + component + r'.*'
+ for pod in pods:
+ for container in pod['spec']['containers']:
+ if, container['image']):
+ matching_pods.append(pod)
+ break # stop here, don't add a pod more than once
+ return matching_pods
+def lib_utils_oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version(version, include_dash=False):
+ """ Convert an image tag string to an RPM version if necessary
+ Empty strings and strings that are already in rpm version format
+ are ignored. Also remove non semantic version components.
+ Ex. v3.2.0.10 -> -
+ v1.2.0-rc1 -> -1.2.0
+ """
+ if not isinstance(version, string_types):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects a string or unicode")
+ if version.startswith("v"):
+ version = version[1:]
+ # Strip release from requested version, we no longer support this.
+ version = version.split('-')[0]
+ if include_dash and version and not version.startswith("-"):
+ version = "-" + version
+ return version
+def lib_utils_oo_hostname_from_url(url):
+ """ Returns the hostname contained in a URL
+ Ex: ->
+ """
+ if not isinstance(url, string_types):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects a string or unicode")
+ parse_result = urlparse(url)
+ if parse_result.netloc != '':
+ return parse_result.netloc
+ else:
+ # netloc wasn't parsed, assume url was missing scheme and path
+ return parse_result.path
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument
+def lib_utils_oo_loadbalancer_frontends(
+ api_port, servers_hostvars, use_nuage=False, nuage_rest_port=None):
+ """TODO: Document me."""
+ loadbalancer_frontends = [{'name': 'atomic-openshift-api',
+ 'mode': 'tcp',
+ 'options': ['tcplog'],
+ 'binds': ["*:{0}".format(api_port)],
+ 'default_backend': 'atomic-openshift-api'}]
+ if bool(strtobool(str(use_nuage))) and nuage_rest_port is not None:
+ loadbalancer_frontends.append({'name': 'nuage-monitor',
+ 'mode': 'tcp',
+ 'options': ['tcplog'],
+ 'binds': ["*:{0}".format(nuage_rest_port)],
+ 'default_backend': 'nuage-monitor'})
+ return loadbalancer_frontends
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+def lib_utils_oo_loadbalancer_backends(
+ api_port, servers_hostvars, use_nuage=False, nuage_rest_port=None):
+ """TODO: Document me."""
+ loadbalancer_backends = [{'name': 'atomic-openshift-api',
+ 'mode': 'tcp',
+ 'option': 'tcplog',
+ 'balance': 'source',
+ 'servers': haproxy_backend_masters(servers_hostvars, api_port)}]
+ if bool(strtobool(str(use_nuage))) and nuage_rest_port is not None:
+ # pylint: disable=line-too-long
+ loadbalancer_backends.append({'name': 'nuage-monitor',
+ 'mode': 'tcp',
+ 'option': 'tcplog',
+ 'balance': 'source',
+ 'servers': haproxy_backend_masters(servers_hostvars, nuage_rest_port)})
+ return loadbalancer_backends
+def lib_utils_oo_chomp_commit_offset(version):
+ """Chomp any "" commit offset string from the given `version`
+ and return the modified version string.
+- chomp_commit_offset(None) => None
+- chomp_commit_offset(1337) => "1337"
+- chomp_commit_offset("v3.4.0.15+git.derp") => "v3.4.0.15"
+- chomp_commit_offset("v3.4.0.15") => "v3.4.0.15"
+- chomp_commit_offset("v1.3.0+52492b4") => "v1.3.0"
+ """
+ if version is None:
+ return version
+ else:
+ # Stringify, just in case it's a Number type. Split by '+' and
+ # return the first split. No concerns about strings without a
+ # '+', .split() returns an array of the original string.
+ return str(version).split('+')[0]
+def lib_utils_oo_random_word(length, source='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'):
+ """Generates a random string of given length from a set of alphanumeric characters.
+ The default source uses [a-z][A-Z][0-9]
+ Ex:
+ - lib_utils_oo_random_word(3) => aB9
+ - lib_utils_oo_random_word(4, source='012') => 0123
+ """
+ return ''.join(random.choice(source) for i in range(length))
+def lib_utils_oo_contains_rule(source, apiGroups, resources, verbs):
+ '''Return true if the specified rule is contained within the provided source'''
+ rules = source['rules']
+ if rules:
+ for rule in rules:
+ if set(rule['apiGroups']) == set(apiGroups):
+ if set(rule['resources']) == set(resources):
+ if set(rule['verbs']) == set(verbs):
+ return True
+ return False
+def lib_utils_oo_selector_to_string_list(user_dict):
+ """Convert a dict of selectors to a key=value list of strings
+Given input of {'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'primary'} returns a list
+of items as ['region=infra', 'zone=primary']
+ """
+ selectors = []
+ for key in user_dict:
+ selectors.append("{}={}".format(key, user_dict[key]))
+ return selectors
+def lib_utils_oo_filter_sa_secrets(sa_secrets, secret_hint='-token-'):
+ """Parse the Service Account Secrets list, `sa_secrets`, (as from
+oc_serviceaccount_secret:state=list) and return the name of the secret
+containing the `secret_hint` string. For example, by default this will
+return the name of the secret holding the SA bearer token.
+Only provide the 'results' object to this filter. This filter expects
+to receive a list like this:
+ [
+ {
+ "name": "management-admin-dockercfg-p31s2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "management-admin-token-bnqsh"
+ }
+ ]
+* `secret_name` [string] - The name of the secret matching the
+ `secret_hint` parameter. By default this is the secret holding the
+ SA's bearer token.
+Example playbook usage:
+Register a return value from oc_serviceaccount_secret with and pass
+that result to this filter plugin.
+ - name: Get all SA Secrets
+ oc_serviceaccount_secret:
+ state: list
+ service_account: management-admin
+ namespace: management-infra
+ register: sa
+ - name: Save the SA bearer token secret name
+ set_fact:
+ management_token: "{{ sa.results | lib_utils_oo_filter_sa_secrets }}"
+ - name: Get the SA bearer token value
+ oc_secret:
+ state: list
+ name: "{{ management_token }}"
+ namespace: management-infra
+ decode: true
+ register: sa_secret
+ - name: Print the bearer token value
+ debug:
+ var: sa_secret.results.decoded.token
+ """
+ secret_name = None
+ for secret in sa_secrets:
+ # each secret is a hash
+ if secret['name'].find(secret_hint) == -1:
+ continue
+ else:
+ secret_name = secret['name']
+ break
+ return secret_name
+class FilterModule(object):
+ """ Custom ansible filter mapping """
+ # pylint: disable=no-self-use, too-few-public-methods
+ def filters(self):
+ """ returns a mapping of filters to methods """
+ return {
+ "lib_utils_oo_select_keys": lib_utils_oo_select_keys,
+ "lib_utils_oo_select_keys_from_list": lib_utils_oo_select_keys_from_list,
+ "lib_utils_oo_chomp_commit_offset": lib_utils_oo_chomp_commit_offset,
+ "lib_utils_oo_collect": lib_utils_oo_collect,
+ "lib_utils_oo_pdb": lib_utils_oo_pdb,
+ "lib_utils_oo_prepend_strings_in_list": lib_utils_oo_prepend_strings_in_list,
+ "lib_utils_oo_dict_to_list_of_dict": lib_utils_oo_dict_to_list_of_dict,
+ "lib_utils_oo_split": lib_utils_oo_split,
+ "lib_utils_oo_dict_to_keqv_list": lib_utils_oo_dict_to_keqv_list,
+ "lib_utils_oo_list_to_dict": lib_utils_oo_list_to_dict,
+ "lib_utils_oo_parse_named_certificates": lib_utils_oo_parse_named_certificates,
+ "lib_utils_oo_generate_secret": lib_utils_oo_generate_secret,
+ "lib_utils_oo_pods_match_component": lib_utils_oo_pods_match_component,
+ "lib_utils_oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version": lib_utils_oo_image_tag_to_rpm_version,
+ "lib_utils_oo_hostname_from_url": lib_utils_oo_hostname_from_url,
+ "lib_utils_oo_loadbalancer_frontends": lib_utils_oo_loadbalancer_frontends,
+ "lib_utils_oo_loadbalancer_backends": lib_utils_oo_loadbalancer_backends,
+ "lib_utils_to_padded_yaml": lib_utils_to_padded_yaml,
+ "lib_utils_oo_random_word": lib_utils_oo_random_word,
+ "lib_utils_oo_contains_rule": lib_utils_oo_contains_rule,
+ "lib_utils_oo_selector_to_string_list": lib_utils_oo_selector_to_string_list,
+ "lib_utils_oo_filter_sa_secrets": lib_utils_oo_filter_sa_secrets,
+ }