path: root/roles/kube_nfs_volumes/library
diff options
authorThomas Wiest <>2015-05-22 11:04:14 -0400
committerThomas Wiest <>2015-05-22 11:04:14 -0400
commit5f784b42fb779d8feca2f4c4906966d159278811 (patch)
treebd22b603c9000656f9e885004c666e065e80cb49 /roles/kube_nfs_volumes/library
parent09717b94a0b76d03db38baee793b141e1a651cdd (diff)
parent98acbb6d24921ded065fca3b57943ef1ae7fb15f (diff)
Merge pull request #233 from jsafrane/devel/nfs-volumes
Add nfs-volumes role.
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/kube_nfs_volumes/library')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/kube_nfs_volumes/library/ b/roles/kube_nfs_volumes/library/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ac8eed4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/kube_nfs_volumes/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+Ansible module for partitioning.
+# There is no pyparted on our Jenkins worker
+# pylint: disable=import-error
+import parted
+module: partitionpool
+short_description; Partition a disk into parititions.
+ - Creates partitions on given disk based on partition sizes and their weights.
+ Unless 'force' option is set to True, it ignores already partitioned disks.
+ When the disk is empty or 'force' is set to True, it always creates a new
+ GPT partition table on the disk. Then it creates number of partitions, based
+ on their weights.
+ This module should be used when a system admin wants to split existing disk(s)
+ into pools of partitions of specific sizes. It is not intended as generic disk
+ partitioning module!
+ Independent on 'force' parameter value and actual disk state, the task
+ always fills 'partition_pool' fact with all partitions on given disks,
+ together with their sizes (in bytes). E.g.:
+ partition_sizes = [
+ { name: sda1, Size: 1048576000 },
+ { name: sda2, Size: 1048576000 },
+ { name: sdb1, Size: 1048576000 },
+ ...
+ ]
+ disk:
+ description:
+ - Disk to partition.
+ size:
+ description:
+ - Sizes of partitions to create and their weights. Has form of:
+ <size1>[:<weigth1>][,<size2>[:<weight2>][,...]]
+ - Any <size> can end with 'm' or 'M' for megabyte, 'g/G' for gigabyte
+ and 't/T' for terabyte. Megabyte is used when no unit is specified.
+ - If <weight> is missing, 1.0 is used.
+ - From each specified partition <sizeX>, number of these partitions are
+ created so they occupy spaces represented by <weightX>, proportionally to
+ other weights.
+ - Example 1: size=100G says, that the whole disk is split in number of 100 GiB
+ partitions. On 1 TiB disk, 10 partitions will be created.
+ - Example 2: size=100G:1,10G:1 says that ratio of space occupied by 100 GiB
+ partitions and 10 GiB partitions is 1:1. Therefore, on 1 TiB disk, 500 GiB
+ will be split into five 100 GiB partition and 500 GiB will be split into fifty
+ 10GiB partitions.
+ - size=100G:1,10G:1 = 5x 100 GiB and 50x 10 GiB partitions (on 1 TiB disk).
+ - Example 3: size=200G:1,100G:2 says that the ratio of space occupied by 200 GiB
+ partitions and 100GiB partition is 1:2. Therefore, on 1 TiB disk, 1/3
+ (300 GiB) should be occupied by 200 GiB partitions. Only one fits there,
+ so only one is created (we always round nr. of partitions *down*). Teh rest
+ (800 GiB) is split into eight 100 GiB partitions, even though it's more
+ than 2/3 of total space - free space is always allocated as much as possible.
+ - size=200G:1,100G:2 = 1x 200 GiB and 8x 100 GiB partitions (on 1 TiB disk).
+ - Example: size=200G:1,100G:1,50G:1 says that the ratio of space occupied by
+ 200 GiB, 100 GiB and 50 GiB partitions is 1:1:1. Therefore 1/3 of 1 TiB disk
+ is dedicated to 200 GiB partitions. Only one fits there and only one is
+ created. The rest (800 GiB) is distributed according to remaining weights:
+ 100 GiB vs 50 GiB is 1:1, we create four 100 GiB partitions (400 GiB in total)
+ and eight 50 GiB partitions (again, 400 GiB).
+ - size=200G:1,100G:1,50G:1 = 1x 200 GiB, 4x 100 GiB and 8x 50 GiB partitions
+ (on 1 TiB disk).
+ force:
+ description:
+ - If True, it will always overwite partition table on the disk and create new one.
+ - If False (default), it won't change existing partition tables.
+# It's not class, it's more a simple struct with almost no functionality.
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+class PartitionSpec(object):
+ """ Simple class to represent required partitions."""
+ def __init__(self, size, weight):
+ """ Initialize the partition specifications."""
+ # Size of the partitions
+ self.size = size
+ # Relative weight of this request
+ self.weight = weight
+ # Number of partitions to create, will be calculated later
+ self.count = -1
+ def set_count(self, count):
+ """ Set count of parititions of this specification. """
+ self.count = count
+def assign_space(total_size, specs):
+ """
+ Satisfy all the PartitionSpecs according to their weight.
+ In other words, calculate spec.count of all the specs.
+ """
+ total_weight = 0.0
+ for spec in specs:
+ total_weight += float(spec.weight)
+ for spec in specs:
+ num_blocks = int((float(spec.weight) / total_weight) * (total_size / float(spec.size)))
+ spec.set_count(num_blocks)
+ total_size -= num_blocks * spec.size
+ total_weight -= spec.weight
+def partition(diskname, specs, force=False, check_mode=False):
+ """
+ Create requested partitions.
+ Returns nr. of created partitions or 0 when the disk was already partitioned.
+ """
+ count = 0
+ dev = parted.getDevice(diskname)
+ try:
+ disk = parted.newDisk(dev)
+ except parted.DiskException:
+ # unrecognizable format, treat as empty disk
+ disk = None
+ if disk and len(disk.partitions) > 0 and not force:
+ print "skipping", diskname
+ return 0
+ # create new partition table, wiping all existing data
+ disk = parted.freshDisk(dev, 'gpt')
+ # calculate nr. of partitions of each size
+ assign_space(dev.getSize(), specs)
+ last_megabyte = 1
+ for spec in specs:
+ for _ in range(spec.count):
+ # create the partition
+ start = parted.sizeToSectors(last_megabyte, "MiB", dev.sectorSize)
+ length = parted.sizeToSectors(spec.size, "MiB", dev.sectorSize)
+ geo = parted.Geometry(device=dev, start=start, length=length)
+ filesystem = parted.FileSystem(type='ext4', geometry=geo)
+ part = parted.Partition(
+ disk=disk,
+ type=parted.PARTITION_NORMAL,
+ fs=filesystem,
+ geometry=geo)
+ disk.addPartition(partition=part, constraint=dev.optimalAlignedConstraint)
+ last_megabyte += spec.size
+ count += 1
+ try:
+ if not check_mode:
+ disk.commit()
+ except parted.IOException:
+ # partitions have been written, but we have been unable to inform the
+ # kernel of the change, probably because they are in use.
+ # Ignore it and hope for the best...
+ pass
+ return count
+def parse_spec(text):
+ """ Parse string with partition specification. """
+ tokens = text.split(",")
+ specs = []
+ for token in tokens:
+ if not ":" in token:
+ token += ":1"
+ (sizespec, weight) = token.split(':')
+ weight = float(weight) # throws exception with reasonable error string
+ units = {"m": 1, "g": 1 << 10, "t": 1 << 20, "p": 1 << 30}
+ unit = units.get(sizespec[-1].lower(), None)
+ if not unit:
+ # there is no unit specifier, it must be just the number
+ size = float(sizespec)
+ unit = 1
+ else:
+ size = float(sizespec[:-1])
+ spec = PartitionSpec(int(size * unit), weight)
+ specs.append(spec)
+ return specs
+def get_partitions(diskpath):
+ """ Return array of partition names for given disk """
+ dev = parted.getDevice(diskpath)
+ disk = parted.newDisk(dev)
+ partitions = []
+ for part in disk.partitions:
+ (_, _, pname) = part.path.rsplit("/")
+ partitions.append({"name": pname, "size": part.getLength() * dev.sectorSize})
+ return partitions
+def main():
+ """ Ansible module main method. """
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ disks=dict(required=True, type='str'),
+ force=dict(required=False, default="no", type='bool'),
+ sizes=dict(required=True, type='str')
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ )
+ disks = module.params['disks']
+ force = module.params['force']
+ if force is None:
+ force = False
+ sizes = module.params['sizes']
+ try:
+ specs = parse_spec(sizes)
+ except ValueError, ex:
+ err = "Error parsing sizes=" + sizes + ": " + str(ex)
+ module.fail_json(msg=err)
+ partitions = []
+ changed_count = 0
+ for disk in disks.split(","):
+ try:
+ changed_count += partition(disk, specs, force, module.check_mode)
+ except Exception, ex:
+ err = "Error creating partitions on " + disk + ": " + str(ex)
+ raise
+ #module.fail_json(msg=err)
+ partitions += get_partitions(disk)
+ module.exit_json(changed=(changed_count > 0), ansible_facts={"partition_pool": partitions})
+# ignore pylint errors related to the module_utils import
+# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, unused-wildcard-import, wildcard-import
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *