path: root/filter_plugins/
diff options
authorKenny Woodson <>2015-05-26 16:09:13 -0400
committerKenny Woodson <>2015-05-26 16:09:13 -0400
commit5cf4c381c48e3286b1c7417d9873e39ba93cd1a0 (patch)
tree0ee934a82e94bac74f056580076ad50792fe643e /filter_plugins/
parent24433e82d6e6bb90ed842e5c58d235c6cda7643c (diff)
parent801f215bd2cd5341d63b5dd91298d23b11dc3553 (diff)
Merge pull request #249 from kwoodson/docker
Docker storage role.
Diffstat (limited to 'filter_plugins/')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/filter_plugins/ b/filter_plugins/
index 097038450..33d5e6cc3 100644
--- a/filter_plugins/
+++ b/filter_plugins/
@@ -9,188 +9,210 @@ from ansible import errors
from operator import itemgetter
import pdb
-def oo_pdb(arg):
- ''' This pops you into a pdb instance where arg is the data passed in
- from the filter.
- Ex: "{{ hostvars | oo_pdb }}"
- '''
- pdb.set_trace()
- return arg
-def oo_len(arg):
- ''' This returns the length of the argument
- Ex: "{{ hostvars | oo_len }}"
- '''
- return len(arg)
-def get_attr(data, attribute=None):
- ''' This looks up dictionary attributes of the form a.b.c and returns
- the value.
- Ex: data = {'a': {'b': {'c': 5}}}
- attribute = "a.b.c"
- returns 5
- '''
- if not attribute:
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set")
- ptr = data
- for attr in attribute.split('.'):
- ptr = ptr[attr]
- return ptr
-def oo_flatten(data):
- ''' This filter plugin will flatten a list of lists
- '''
- if not issubclass(type(data), list):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to flatten a List")
- return [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]
-def oo_collect(data, attribute=None, filters=None):
- ''' This takes a list of dict and collects all attributes specified into a
- list If filter is specified then we will include all items that match
- _ALL_ of filters.
- Ex: data = [ {'a':1, 'b':5, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
- {'a':2, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
- {'a':3, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
- {'a':4, 'z': 'b'}, # FAILED, obj['z'] != obj['z']
- ]
- attribute = 'a'
- filters = {'z': 'z'}
- returns [1, 2, 3]
- '''
- if not issubclass(type(data), list):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a List")
- if not attribute:
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set")
- if filters is not None:
- if not issubclass(type(filters), dict):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|fialed expects filter to be a"
- " dict")
- retval = [get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data if (
- all([d[key] == filters[key] for key in filters]))]
- else:
- retval = [get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data]
- return retval
-def oo_select_keys(data, keys):
- ''' This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys
- Ex: data = { 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }
- keys = ['a', 'c']
- returns [1, 3]
- '''
- if not issubclass(type(data), dict):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a dict")
- if not issubclass(type(keys), list):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
- # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in
- retval = [data[key] for key in keys]
- return retval
-def oo_prepend_strings_in_list(data, prepend):
- ''' This takes a list of strings and prepends a string to each item in the
- list
- Ex: data = ['cart', 'tree']
- prepend = 'apple-'
- returns ['apple-cart', 'apple-tree']
- '''
- if not issubclass(type(data), list):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
- if not all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in data):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list"
- " of strings")
- retval = [prepend + s for s in data]
- return retval
-def oo_ami_selector(data, image_name):
- ''' This takes a list of amis and an image name and attempts to return
- the latest ami.
- '''
- if not issubclass(type(data), list):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
- if not data:
- return None
- else:
- if image_name is None or not image_name.endswith('_*'):
- ami = sorted(data, key=itemgetter('name'), reverse=True)[0]
- return ami['ami_id']
+class FilterModule(object):
+ ''' Custom ansible filters '''
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_pdb(arg):
+ ''' This pops you into a pdb instance where arg is the data passed in
+ from the filter.
+ Ex: "{{ hostvars | oo_pdb }}"
+ '''
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ return arg
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_len(arg):
+ ''' This returns the length of the argument
+ Ex: "{{ hostvars | oo_len }}"
+ '''
+ return len(arg)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_attr(data, attribute=None):
+ ''' This looks up dictionary attributes of the form a.b.c and returns
+ the value.
+ Ex: data = {'a': {'b': {'c': 5}}}
+ attribute = "a.b.c"
+ returns 5
+ '''
+ if not attribute:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set")
+ ptr = data
+ for attr in attribute.split('.'):
+ ptr = ptr[attr]
+ return ptr
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_flatten(data):
+ ''' This filter plugin will flatten a list of lists
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to flatten a List")
+ return [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_collect(data, attribute=None, filters=None):
+ ''' This takes a list of dict and collects all attributes specified into a
+ list If filter is specified then we will include all items that match
+ _ALL_ of filters.
+ Ex: data = [ {'a':1, 'b':5, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':2, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':3, 'z': 'z'}, # True, return
+ {'a':4, 'z': 'b'}, # FAILED, obj['z'] != obj['z']
+ ]
+ attribute = 'a'
+ filters = {'z': 'z'}
+ returns [1, 2, 3]
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a List")
+ if not attribute:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects attribute to be set")
+ if filters is not None:
+ if not issubclass(type(filters), dict):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|fialed expects filter to be a"
+ " dict")
+ retval = [FilterModule.get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data if (
+ all([d[key] == filters[key] for key in filters]))]
- ami_info = [(ami, ami['name'].split('_')[-1]) for ami in data]
- ami = sorted(ami_info, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0][0]
- return ami['ami_id']
-def oo_ec2_volume_definition(data, host_type, docker_ephemeral=False):
- ''' This takes a dictionary of volume definitions and returns a valid ec2
- volume definition based on the host_type and the values in the
- dictionary.
- The dictionary should look similar to this:
- { 'master':
- { 'root':
- { 'volume_size': 10, 'device_type': 'gp2',
- 'iops': 500
- }
- },
- 'node':
- { 'root':
- { 'volume_size': 10, 'device_type': 'io1',
- 'iops': 1000
+ retval = [FilterModule.get_attr(d, attribute) for d in data]
+ return retval
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_select_keys(data, keys):
+ ''' This returns a list, which contains the value portions for the keys
+ Ex: data = { 'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3 }
+ keys = ['a', 'c']
+ returns [1, 3]
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), dict):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects to filter on a dict")
+ if not issubclass(type(keys), list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
+ # Gather up the values for the list of keys passed in
+ retval = [data[key] for key in keys]
+ return retval
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_prepend_strings_in_list(data, prepend):
+ ''' This takes a list of strings and prepends a string to each item in the
+ list
+ Ex: data = ['cart', 'tree']
+ prepend = 'apple-'
+ returns ['apple-cart', 'apple-tree']
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
+ if not all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in data):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list"
+ " of strings")
+ retval = [prepend + s for s in data]
+ return retval
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_combine_key_value(data, joiner='='):
+ '''Take a list of dict in the form of { 'key': 'value'} and
+ arrange them as a list of strings ['key=value']
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
+ rval = []
+ for item in data:
+ rval.append("%s%s%s" % (item['key'], joiner, item['value']))
+ return rval
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_ami_selector(data, image_name):
+ ''' This takes a list of amis and an image name and attempts to return
+ the latest ami.
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), list):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a list")
+ if not data:
+ return None
+ else:
+ if image_name is None or not image_name.endswith('_*'):
+ ami = sorted(data, key=itemgetter('name'), reverse=True)[0]
+ return ami['ami_id']
+ else:
+ ami_info = [(ami, ami['name'].split('_')[-1]) for ami in data]
+ ami = sorted(ami_info, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[0][0]
+ return ami['ami_id']
+ @staticmethod
+ def oo_ec2_volume_definition(data, host_type, docker_ephemeral=False):
+ ''' This takes a dictionary of volume definitions and returns a valid ec2
+ volume definition based on the host_type and the values in the
+ dictionary.
+ The dictionary should look similar to this:
+ { 'master':
+ { 'root':
+ { 'volume_size': 10, 'device_type': 'gp2',
+ 'iops': 500
+ }
- 'docker':
- { 'volume_size': 40, 'device_type': 'gp2',
- 'iops': 500, 'ephemeral': 'true'
+ 'node':
+ { 'root':
+ { 'volume_size': 10, 'device_type': 'io1',
+ 'iops': 1000
+ },
+ 'docker':
+ { 'volume_size': 40, 'device_type': 'gp2',
+ 'iops': 500, 'ephemeral': 'true'
+ }
- }
- '''
- if not issubclass(type(data), dict):
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a dict")
- if host_type not in ['master', 'node']:
- raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects either master or node"
- " host type")
- root_vol = data[host_type]['root']
- root_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/sda1'
- root_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True
- if root_vol['device_type'] != 'io1':
- root_vol.pop('iops', None)
- if host_type == 'node':
- docker_vol = data[host_type]['docker']
- docker_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/xvdb'
- docker_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True
- if docker_vol['device_type'] != 'io1':
- docker_vol.pop('iops', None)
- if docker_ephemeral:
- docker_vol.pop('device_type', None)
- docker_vol.pop('delete_on_termination', None)
- docker_vol['ephemeral'] = 'ephemeral0'
- return [root_vol, docker_vol]
- return [root_vol]
-# disabling pylint checks for too-few-public-methods and no-self-use since we
-# need to expose a FilterModule object that has a filters method that returns
-# a mapping of filter names to methods.
-# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-self-use
-class FilterModule(object):
- ''' FilterModule '''
+ '''
+ if not issubclass(type(data), dict):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects first param is a dict")
+ if host_type not in ['master', 'node']:
+ raise errors.AnsibleFilterError("|failed expects either master or node"
+ " host type")
+ root_vol = data[host_type]['root']
+ root_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/sda1'
+ root_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True
+ if root_vol['device_type'] != 'io1':
+ root_vol.pop('iops', None)
+ if host_type == 'node':
+ docker_vol = data[host_type]['docker']
+ docker_vol['device_name'] = '/dev/xvdb'
+ docker_vol['delete_on_termination'] = True
+ if docker_vol['device_type'] != 'io1':
+ docker_vol.pop('iops', None)
+ if docker_ephemeral:
+ docker_vol.pop('device_type', None)
+ docker_vol.pop('delete_on_termination', None)
+ docker_vol['ephemeral'] = 'ephemeral0'
+ return [root_vol, docker_vol]
+ return [root_vol]
def filters(self):
''' returns a mapping of filters to methods '''
return {
- "oo_select_keys": oo_select_keys,
- "oo_collect": oo_collect,
- "oo_flatten": oo_flatten,
- "oo_len": oo_len,
- "oo_pdb": oo_pdb,
- "oo_prepend_strings_in_list": oo_prepend_strings_in_list,
- "oo_ami_selector": oo_ami_selector,
- "oo_ec2_volume_definition": oo_ec2_volume_definition
+ "oo_select_keys": self.oo_select_keys,
+ "oo_collect": self.oo_collect,
+ "oo_flatten": self.oo_flatten,
+ "oo_len": self.oo_len,
+ "oo_pdb": self.oo_pdb,
+ "oo_prepend_strings_in_list": self.oo_prepend_strings_in_list,
+ "oo_ami_selector": self.oo_ami_selector,
+ "oo_ec2_volume_definition": self.oo_ec2_volume_definition,
+ "oo_combine_key_value": self.oo_combine_key_value,