- name: "Lookup {{resource}} in {{project}}"
  command: "oc get -n '{{project}}' '{{resource}}' -o json"
  register: orig_result
  changed_when: 0

- name: "Lookup API version of {{resource}} in {{project}}"
  command: "oc get -n '{{project}}' '{{resource}}' --template {{'{{' + '.apiVersion' + '}}'}}"
  register: api_version
  changed_when: 0

# Fucking ansible is making mess of escaping. Main problem it parses to objects strings starting with '{ ... }', but not with ' { ... }'
- name: Escaping patch
  set_fact: xpatch='{{patch | to_json | regex_replace(" ","") | regex_replace("^", " ")}}'

- name: "Generate dummy patch for {{resource}} in {{project}}"
  command: "oc patch -n '{{project}}' --patch ' {\"apiVersion\": \"{{api_version.stdout}}\"}' --local=true -f - -o json"
    stdin: " {{ orig_result.stdout_lines | join('')  }}"
  register: dummy_result
  changed_when: 0

- name: "Generate test patch {{resource}} in {{project}}"
  command: "oc patch -n '{{project}}' --patch '{{xpatch}}' --local=true -f - -o json"
    stdin: " {{ orig_result.stdout_lines | join('')  }}"
  register: patch_result
  changed_when: 0

#- debug: msg="{{ dummy_result.stdout }}"
#  when: dummy_result.stdout != patch_result.stdout
#- debug: msg="{{ patch_result.stdout }}"
#  when: dummy_result.stdout != patch_result.stdout

- name: "Patch {{resource}} in {{project}}"
  command: "oc patch -n '{{project}}' '{{resource}}' --patch '{{xpatch}}'"
  register: result
  changed_when: (result | succeeded)
  when: dummy_result.stdout != patch_result.stdout