- name: Ensure keepalived is running on master nodes
  service: name=keepalived state=started enabled=yes
  when: ('masters' in group_names)

- name: Provision /etc/hosts to ensure that all hosts accessing masters servers appropriately
  lineinfile: dest="/etc/hosts" line="{{ ands_inner_lb_ip | default('') }} {{ openshift_master_cluster_hostname }}" regexp=".*{{ openshift_master_cluster_hostname }}$" state="{{ state }}"
  when: ('masters' not in group_names and 'new_masters' not in group_names)
    state: "{{ ands_use_inner_lb | default(false) | ternary('present', 'absent') }}"

- name: Provision inner load-balancer hostname in /etc/hosts
  lineinfile: dest="/etc/hosts" line="{{ ands_inner_lb_ip }} {{ ands_inner_lb_hostname }} {{ ands_inner_lb_fqdn }}" regexp=".*{{ ands_inner_lb_fqdn }}$" state="present"
  when: openshift_master_cluster_hostname != ands_inner_lb_fqdn